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30.09.2009 | 竊竊偷笑

你會唔會因為買咗一樣嘢畀自己, 然之後沾沾自喜, 睇完再睇望完再望, 甚至會不經意偷笑, 就咁可以開心咗一陣咁呢?? 呢兩日買咗四樣嘢, 有啲莫名嘅暗爽感覺, 又唔係話心頭好喎, 但係就有種好奇妙嘅感覺啦, 呵呵!! :p

have you ever found yourself being extraodinary excited and happy (at least temporarily) about something you have just bought for yourself, or even giggling out of no reason?? well, i've just got myself four things within these couple of days, not really things i am dying for, but it's just one kind of undetermined excitement i couldn't even explain, hahaha!! :p
[1] 公司附近唔覺意摷到嘅四蚊一個軟膠多啦A夢匙扣.. [2] 買熊仔餅附送嘅唐裝熊貓匙扣.. [3] 娜姨最新推出雙CD精選大碟.. [4] 麥當當隨購買大份套餐加新地贈送嘅藍色可口可樂玻璃杯..

[1] rubber Doraemon keychain i accidentally found near my office for RM4.. [2] plush panda keychain in chinese costume free with my Hello Panda biscuits.. [3] latest hits collection double CDs from auntie Marge.. [4] cool blue color McD Coca-Cola contour glass free with every purchase of a large meal plus a sundae..

27.09.2009 | 千篇一樂

呢一日我都等咗好一段日子喇, 每日默默耕耘於部落文字之中, 尤其一個月前就開始倒數呢一個目標嘅來臨.. 係喇, 大家恭喜我啦, 寫blog寫咗三年半, 今日呢篇係我第1000篇貼喇!! 而家有一種莫名嘅成就感, 呵呵~~

i have been waiting for this day to come for quite some time.. have been bugging myself into the blogging works almost everyday, and especially one month earlier i've already been counting down for this milestone.. yes, please everyone congratulate me, after blogging for three-and-a-half years, this is now my 1000th blog entry!! i feel this a little success for myself, hahaha~~
thank you everyone for dropping by and the constant support!!

25.09.2009 | 世事難料

細個嘅時候, 大家肯定寫過唔少關於「我的志願」嘅作文.. 嚟嚟去去都不外乎係醫生/律師/工程師/科學家呢啲(慣例)專業人士.. 但係有幾多人係真正實現兒時理想職業呢??

暫且唔講作文寫乜嘢志願, 因為都有得你話「作」啦嘛.. 就講中學畢業要決定自己行邊一條路, 當時有諗過平面設計或者建築.. 結果陰差陽錯, 跟大隊去咗讀電子工程, 係好大一個偏差, 不過最後又順利畢業仲得一等文憑, 唔係搞笑.. 然之後踏入社會工作, 又係無端端就入咗IT呢一行喎, 同我讀嘅嘢完全無關, 就係咁一路喺呢一行做到而家成10年咁耐..

果然唔係我當時所預料到架噃.. 所以話世事唔絕對, 隨時都會有變化, 唔知將來嘅我又會唔會有咩大轉變呢??
i am sure many of us have written quite a number of compositions on the topic "My Ambition" during school days.. and by no much deviation from the standard (preferred) profession doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists etc etc.. but come to think about it, how many of us have now really fulfilled that dream we used to have back then??

put aside those ambitions as they are just "fictitious homework" you need to do.. let's talk about what you were deciding to go for when you were about to graduate from school.. i have intention to pursue either graphic design or architecture then, but out of nowhere i suddenly followed the gang to go after electonics engineering.. totally different from what i have in mind, but thank god i was able to complete my degree smoothly, and with a first class no joke!! and after graduation, i got a job in the IT line surprisingly, nothing to do with what i've been studying all that while.. and now that i've been working in this line for like 10 years long..

so that's something i have never expected in schooldays.. life is just unpredictable, you won't know what you're going to get next.. i wonder will there be any major changes in my future??

23.09.2009 | 我聽見的

我屋企係三層排屋, 喺正馬路邊, 我間房一望出去就係住宅區主要道路.. 所以我間房唔係清靜嘅, 時時都會聽到外面傳來嘅聲音, 但係我已經習以為慣..

[最討厭嘅聲音] 先止聲明, 我唔係玩針對同宗教歧視.. 但係好多時候凌晨五六點, 附近間回教堂個主持風雨不改擘大喉嚨開大喇叭喺度唸經, 真係擾人清夢囉!! 而且唔係一間, 而係兩間回教堂一齊轟炸, 睇邊一個贏咁囉.. 真係唔明, 做咩唸經都要全世界知道咁??

[最心寒嘅聲音] 我呢一個住宅區係頗有名嘅搶劫黑區.. 有時會聽到電單車一飛而過, 然之後就有受害者大聲呼嗌, 亦會可能聽到有受害者嘅驚喊.. 我每次聽到, 都覺得好心寒, 但係又幫唔到啲咩.. 同情受害者遭遇之際, 我更加痛恨劫匪囉, 很不得捉佢哋去打靶!!

[最開心嘅聲音] 最開心嘅聲音, 係聽到兩個仲讀緊幼稚園嘅侄子架校車.. 兩隻小瓜次次一落車之後, 就邊走返屋企邊嗌「我返嚟喇!! 我返嚟喇!!」.. 小朋友果然係天真無邪, 連我哋大人都會容易畀佢哋感染到.. :)
i am staying in a 3-storey terrace and my house is just beside the road, i can see the main road of this residential area just beside me when i look out of the window.. as such, my room is always quite noisy, and i always can hear noices from outside, but am used to it already..

[the most irritating noise] i would like to disclaim i am not pin-pointing or religion discriminating first.. but many times during 5-6 in the wee morning, the mosque nearby is always broadcasting prayers, as loud as it could, and i totally think it's a disruption to my sweet dreams.. and not only one but two, two mosques in the same residential area are competing as if they want to win another.. i'm like WTH, why must they have to broadcast the prayers loud?? it's actually very inconsiderate i say..

[the most scary noise] i am staying in a residential area where snatch robbery always happen.. sometimes i will hear a motorcycle runs by in a "vrrroooom" and immediately i hear the victims shouting for help, and even worse some would cry out loud because of the fright.. i do feel scary everytime i happened to hear such noise, but there's really nothing i can do to help.. while feeling symphathy to the victims, i am more angry with the robber, how i wish they can be caught and sentenced with serious punishments!!

[the most merry noise] the happiest noise is for doubt to hear the schoolbus fetching my two little nephews home from their kindergarten.. the kids will always get down the bus, shouting "i'm home, i'm home!!" while running towards home.. how naive kids always are, sometimes even we adults are spread with their happiness.. :)

18.09.2009 | 一時技癢

噚日一時技癢, 膽粗粗下廚親手為自己整咗個簡單又美味嘅late lunch.. 第一次整呢兩味, 就係自己覺得呢個同呢個應該會match, 應該落咁多份量, 完全係憑自己感覺去整出嚟嘅兩味.. 結果有所驚喜, 我覺得幾好味喎, 有成就感囉其實.. 大家睇睇相, 覺得點樣?? :p

suddenly felt like cooking yesterday, and hence i got down to the kitchen and cooked myself a simple yet nice late lunch.. first time doing these two dishes, it's all by my own gut feelings and intuition -- "this should match with this, i think.. this should go in there this much, i think".. and the result, a pleasant surprise and yummy lunch i had.. a successful culinary experience and i certainly am proud of myself.. so tell me, by looking at the photos below, what do you think?? :p

凱撒沙律, 有煎得脆口嘅培根同埋熟蛋.. 好似少咁啲嘢喎, 係啊我冇麵包粒, 所以放咗超多嘅培根, 我係食肉獸吖嘛!! 呵呵~~
caesar's salad with crispy bacon bits and egg wedges.. something's missing, yes i don't have croutons that's why i put more bacon, i'm meat-lover!! haha~~

香蒜油天使麵, 有野菌/車厘茄/培根.. 味道偏清淡, 因為我冇香料(見到鬼咁啲多嘅芫茜都係超市順手"羊"返嚟架, 哈哈), 不過我反而覺得簡簡單單咁樣仲滋味喎.. :)
angel hair aglio olio with shitake mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and bacon bits.. slightly plain taste cos i don't have herbs (even that pathetic amount of parsely was "complimentary" from supermarket, haha!!), but i just like it simple anyway.. :)

15.09.2009 | 痞子英雄

唔係, 我唔係要講最近好紅嘅台劇《痞子英雄》, 因為我睇都沒睇過.. 我係對於幾日前MTV頒獎典禮上發生嘅一段小小插曲有感而發啫, 如果你有睇應該知道發生咩事..

當晚究竟發生咩事呢?? 下邊可以直接去片.. 如選擇睇文字敘述,

我想講嘅係KW呢種痞子作風, 非常之冇風度囉.. 係, 姑且勿論TS或BK誰優誰劣, 佢亦都有權欣賞BK或者杯葛TS, 但係咁做簡直就係侮辱佢自己, 我鄙視佢呢種行為同人格!! 相反, BK嘅大將之風, 顯得佢實實在嘅大方同得體, 呢啲就叫做英雄, 叫做天后架勢喇.. 真係令我更加欣賞佢囉..

if you have watched the MTV Music Award few days ago, this post is regarding the little incident that happened that night ..

so what happened then?? you can watch the two clips above, or if you prefer to read on,

what i wanted to say is, it was so not gentleman of KW for his act.. put aside who is better between TS and BK, and yes, he has the rights to love BK and loath TS, but doing such shameful act on stage is just something i cannot bear with.. on the other hand, look at how classy BK was and how she has handled the whole incident so flawlessly.. so, this is what we call a real diva on stage, and some quality that makes people admire her more..

13.09.2009 | 印度神遊

講到令我印象最深刻, 同埋一直引以為榮嘅國外公干, 應該非2006年5月嘅印度莫屬喇.. 我其實一直都想去印度呢個神秘國家睇一睇, 嗰一次嘅機會, 簡直就係踏破鐵鞋無覓處啦..

  • 印度人口眾多, 放眼一望全部係皮膚黝黑嘅人, 顯得自己有點鶴立雞群.. 我第一次覺得自己一個人喺街上行回唔安全, 所以全程僱佣私人司機護送..
  • 算係相當落後貧窮嘅一個國家, 交通混亂, 四週沙塵滾滾, 牛糞到處可見.. 閣下若果有緣, 仲有機會見到有人隨街大小二便..
  • 處處都有行乞人士或者兜你講嘢嘅人, 遊客就更係佢哋死纏爛打嘅目標, 每次都要勞煩司機差遣佢哋.. 奉勸大家千其唔好心軟, 唔係就一身蟻架喇..
  • 撇開以上一切, 其實印度係好多值得去嘅地方, 歷史古蹟更加係引人入勝.. 世界奇景之一泰姬陵, 係絕對不可錯過嘅景點!! 我仲記得深深被佢莫名嘅魅力吸引住, 流連忘返添..

其實當時係個受訓課程, 香港或印度二揀一, 結果我揀咗呢個神奇的印度~~
amongst all overseas job assignments, i would say the most unforgettable and i feel proudest of, must be the trip to India in May 2006.. i have actually wanted to visit this mysterious country very much, and this opportunity just came by so perfectly that i have no hesitation at all to go over..

  • India is a very populated country, while i was there i seemed like so outstanding among the darker skin crowd.. this is also the first time i felt unsecured to walk on the street on my own, that was why i have hired a personal driver with me for all the 10 days being there..
  • quite a under-developed and poor country, the traffic is a total mess, everywhere is dusty, and cow dungs everywhere (fresh or dried).. and if you are lucky, bet you, you might bump into somebody peeing/pooing like nobody's business on the street..
  • beggars and touters everywhere in India, and tourists are of course their target, and they seem so determined and never gave up to hook on to one.. all of times i just have to get help from my driver to get them to leave me alone.. little tips here, never be kind-hearted to any of them, or else you will get into trouble later..
  • despite the above, i think India has got lots of places to see, especially the historical monuments they have in the land.. not to miss is of course Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, a sight that makes your India trip incomplete if you have not been there.. i was somehow being fascinated by her mysterious charm, till i was a bit hesitate to leave the place..

it was actually a technical training course, i was given the choice between Hong Kong and India, and i have chosen this Incredible India~~

10.09.2009 | 杜拜重提

2005年5月係我第一次出國公干, 第一次就去咗杜拜呢一個咁陌生嘅地方.. 當時話潮州嫂(即係家母)知係阿拉伯地方, 嚇到佢鼻哥窿冇肉, 呵呵!! 杜拜由一個沙漠變成而家一個國際大都市, 完全人工化, 世界最高建築物/最貴酒店/最大室內滑雪場/最大人造島, 等等等等, 而家通通都落喺呢一片沙漠土地上..
  • 第一次感受52°C高溫, 微風吹嚟感覺如風筒直擊..
  • 第一次去沙漠, 第一次去綠洲, 感受沙漠遊牧民族嘅文化..
  • 第一次穿著阿拉伯服裝, 扮阿拉伯小王子影相, 沾沾自喜..
  • 第一次食阿拉伯餐, 全部都係烤肉, 逗留幾個星期開始對肉類恐懼..

連續幾個月斷斷續續飛過去逗留三兩星期, 當時覺得有啲唔願意.. 但係事隔幾年, 卻又開始懷念嗰一個地方, 更甚嘅係我當時個fit樣!!! 人啊, 好多時候都係失去咗, 先學懂珍惜~~ :)
it was May 2005 that i went for my first overseas business trip, a rather unfamiliar place for me for the very first time, Dubai.. and when i told my mum it's somewhere in Arab, she sort of got very anxious about it, haha!! Dubai was a real desert turned nowadays an international big city, totally man-made.. on this piece of desert, you can find the world's tallest building, the world's dearest hotel, the world's largest indoor skiing dome, the world's largest man-made island, etc etc etc..
  • my first time experiencing a 52°C high temperature, breeze just feel like a hairdryer blowing right on your face..
  • my first visit to a real desert and a real oasis, experiencing the culture and lifestyle of the desert nomads..
  • my first time ever dressed up in the Arabian costume, thinking that i was Prince Arab, i took a photo that i always so proud of..
  • my first time with Arabian food, almost all of them are grilled meat, staying longer there somehow made me a meat-phobia..

for a continuous few months that i was required to fly over on-and-off to stay for a couple of weeks, frankly speaking, i was getting sicked of it.. but after a few years, i started to miss that old place again, and more importantly my FIT look back then!!! oh well, isn't this human, only learn how to appreciate things after loosing it?? :)

08.09.2009 | 雞皮疙瘩

噚晚同朋友傾偈, 傾傾吓不知何解講到啲靈異怪談.. 嗱, 雖然而家係陰曆七月, 但係百無禁忌呀吓..
was chatting with a friend last night, when we suddenly out of nowhere started to talk about spirits and ghosts.. ok ok, i know it's the hungry ghost month now, no need to be scared but just listen to our stories..
記得十五年前阿嬤過身, 頭七嗰日我照常返學.. 返學我係要晨早六點鐘起身, 個天仲係黑嘅, 全家人都仲瞓緊覺.. 阿嬤嘅靈位同大頭相就擺喺客廳偏中間.. 老老實實, 頭七回魂夜, 我當時其實係超驚架, 好驚突然間見到啲嘢囉.. 其實阿嬤生前咁鍚我, 我咁驚係唔係不孝呢其實?? 之後友人話: 「驚咩喎, 佢哋三點鐘過後一定要返去架喇」.. 真係嘅??

i still remember 15 years ago after my grandma passed away, it's the 7th night after that chinese believe the spirit of the deceased will go back home to see their immediate family.. i need to go to school as usual that day, and i have to wake up at 6 in the morning, the sky is still dark and all family members were still sleeping.. grandma's photo and offerings were just placed in the living room then.. frankly speaking, i know it's the night her spirit was coming back, that makes me very scared, scared that i would see something out of a sudden.. now come to think of it, she likes very a lot while she's still alive, was i being too bad to be so scared about her coming back?? my friend then told me: "no sweat, they must leave and go back to where they are supposed to be after 3am".. is that real??
跟住友人分享佢嘅故事, 話佢細個時候有次搬新屋.. 硬係覺得間屋有啲怪怪地, 但係又唔敢同屋企人講.. 平時放學自己一個人都唔敢入屋, 夜晚自己一個人瞓, 又硬係覺得有其他「人」喺間屋度, 搞到晚晚要棉被蓋頭, 驚慌入睡.. 就咁日日如是過咗幾個月, 終於又再搬喇, 之後聽隔離鄰舍話, 其實佢哋都聽到三更半夜有「人」喺間屋後院洗碗囉.. 我佩服呢位朋友呀, 細路仔一個竟然可以忍受咁耐, 係我嘅話一早飛啦.. :p

my friend then shared his story, about his experience when his family moved to a new house many years ago.. he can immediately feel something odd, but he didn't dare to tell his parents.. and so if he was alone after school he just chosed not to go inside the house.. at night while sleeping alone, he can always feel somebody around the house, that really made him mad and he has to cover himselve totally with blanket before he could get into sleep tremblingly.. days went on like that for few months until they were moving again, and they heard that neighbours can always hear somebody washing dishes at the backyard in the middle of the night.. oh, i really salute my friend, how could he stand such psycho situation for so long and never make a noise?? if it was me, i would have already run far off.. :p

06.09.2009 | 漢堡論壇

講到漢堡包, 我第一個會諗到麥噹噹.. 唔係因為我鐘意, 而係一個根深蒂固嘅問題.. 就好似我哋習慣叫床褥做Dunlop, 即食麵做Maggie麵咁..

其實我好多時候會鐘意漸漸被人淡忘嘅路邊漢堡包Ramly Burger.. 同快餐店嗰啲大量機械生產預先整好嘅唔同.. 呢啲真係made-to-order即叫即做, 係個攤主落足心機, 一個個步驟去追求完美之作.. 而且攤主會好豪爽咁畀你啲洋蔥/青瓜/生菜, 唧完一圈又一圈嘅辣椒醬, 跟住會問你加唔加啲芝士同沙律醬(就係爛專業快餐style咁樣).. 完成品永遠係三四吋高嘅漢堡包一個, 一口係咬唔落架.. 最鐘意係一啖咬落去啲辣椒醬同肉汁必晒出嚟嗰一刻~~

賣相雖然係「草民」咗啲, 但係Ramly Burger多嘅係一份暖暖人情味.. 市面上咁多種漢堡包, 你最欣賞嘅又係邊一家呢??
when i think of burgers, no doubt McD will come into mind first.. not that i like McD, but it's just because it has been so successful that we kind of link burgers to McD.. just like we are so used to call mattress as Dunlop, instant noodles as Maggie Mee..

but actually, most of the time i would still crave for the Ramly Burgers you can get by roadsides.. unlike the mass machine production at fast food chain, pre-prepared and shelved awaiting customers, they are indeed made-to-order burgers cooked only on demand.. you can always see how the chef paying his utmost attention on preparing your burger, each and every step is done to his best effort for making his perfect burger of the day.. he will throw in stacks of onions cucumber and lettuce, and squeeze ontop chili sauce in circles after circles.. and then asking you if you would like to add some cheese and mayonaise (as what the fast food chain would offer).. the finished product, a 3-4 inch thick burger your mouth can never be wide enough to bite.. i always love the moment when the meat patty juice and chili sauce ooozing out from nowhere on your very first bite~~

though their appearance can be quite dodgy, but what Ramly Burgers have is that hearty feeling never found in the others.. which one, amongst the various burger chains, do you think is your favourite??

03.09.2009 | 後知後覺

瑣碎事情三則, 讓我覺得自己對於生活水準嘅提昇, 係幾咁後知後覺.. 原來呢個年代啲學生去「星巴克」豪嘆十幾蚊一杯ice-blended而唔係去mamak檔飲八角錢一杯teh-tarik, 唔係冇原因嘅~~
  • 上個星期搭的士去機場, 本來以為一百蚊有得找, 點知司機話「一個月前已經起價三成啦」.. 我係個冇乜大件事都唔會搭的士嘅人, 老實講, 如果佢要呃我, 我都係蒙在鼓裡..
  • 噚日晏晝去公司對面街買叉雞飯盒, 畀咗五蚊等找錢, 點知個老細話「啱呀, 係五蚊啊」.. 雖然我唔係經常出去食晏, 不過我覺得五蚊好似貴咗啲喎, 下次唔鬼幫襯..
  • 麥當當每隔幾個月就換上全新價目表, 價錢節節上昇, 次次令我望塵莫及.. 如果唔係最近有個RM5.95午餐優惠, 恐怕我從此都唔再捨得食麥當當..
three little incidents make me realised how hindsighted i have been towards the upgrade of our living standard and livestyle.. no wonder students nowadays enjoy their RM10+ a cup of ice-blended in starbucks rather than sipping a glass of 80sen teh-tarik in mamak stalls..
  • took a taxi to airport last week, thought RM100 should be more than enough to pay for the fare.. but only to realised from the driver that the taxi fare has increased 30% since a month ago.. well, i rarely take taxis in town, if the driver really wanted to cheat my money, i will still have nothing to say..
  • went to get a chicken rice takeaway for lunch yesterday, thought of getting my change after paying RM5 to the stall owner, but he just said: "correct, it's RM5".. though i seldom take lunch outside, but still i think RM5 is a bit expensive, i decided not to buy from him next time anyway..
  • McD increases their price almost after a few months, and each time i get so choked up with the new pricing.. if not because of their RM5.95 lunch promo recently, i think i will since then unwilling to spend so much for a fast food meal..

01.09.2009 | 迆前迆後

國慶前兩日專程飛去新加坡, 馬不停蹄一連串會議.. 星期四凌晨4am出發, 星期五半夜12am返到屋企, 兩日內舟車勞頓, 瞓不足7小時..

一連三日長週末, 過得非常之悠閑.. 雖然冇去邊又冇特別節目, 但係可以暫時將工作通通拋諸腦後, 是為人生一大樂事也.. 三日內, 我最開心係瞓咗好多(每日平均12小時), 睇咗好多隻牒(80年代殭屍片系列, 好正啊!!).. 完完全全好頹廢咁過時間, 平時何來呢個機會?? 的確係難得難得!!

迆(hea)咗三日, 今日又要(係, 我用又要兩個字)返工, 又要開會又要趕文件又要做埋啲臨審嘢.. 結果天昏地暗, 搞到九點鐘先離開公司返屋企.. 所以我成日都話:「點解放完期之後, 返工會係三倍忙碌架呢??」這--就是生活~~[before]
flown down to singapore two days before the national day, purposely for a series of meeting.. left home 4am on thursday morning, and only reached home at 12am friday night.. super non-stop 48 hours and i have not been sleeping for more than 7 hours..

a 3-day long weekend for the national day, i can say it was a nice and lazy one for me.. though nowhere to go and nothing special to do, but indeed i had 3 happy days, as i managed to totally forget about work.. within these 3 days, my biggest "achievement" was having enough sleep (12 hours in average a day) and also watched lots of DVD (the 80s vampire movies series, ooh they were awsome!!).. totally deteriorated i was, but hey this is just something i rarely have a chance to!!

after being a lazy bone for three days and am now back to work again.. meetings and documents and other office chores, i left office at around 9pm with a heavy head and tired body.. that is why i always complain: "why is it that you get 3 times busier soon after a holiday??" life, that is~~