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18.07.2008 | 超級陽光

記唔記得三個星期前, 咪話過自己中獎嘅?? 獎品係曹格演唱會中價門票兩張, 同埋一張佢嘅最新專輯《Super Sunshine》.. 演唱會睇過喇, 亦都曲終人散, 人哋仲啱啱喺台灣得到個最佳男歌手獎添.. 噚晚返到屋企, 終於都收到信用卡公司郵寄過嚟嘅CD喇.. 冇驚喜, 因為已經預咗(仲略嫌嚟得太遲添, 呢張專輯好似係年頭推出架噃), 而且一早都聽勻晒專輯裡邊啲歌.. 不過算啦, 橫掂唔駛錢, 自己又冇呢張專輯, 其實係唔係應該覺得高興至係呢??

點都好, 循例推薦專輯中幾首個人比較中意嘅歌啦.. 《單數》《愛到最後一秒也不委屈》《愛的弧度》.. [點擊閱讀早前為呢張專輯嘅介紹]

remember three weeks ago, i was notified as a winner of the credit card promotion contest?? the prize was 2 tickets to gary chaw concert and 1 copy of his latest album.. watched the concert, and he has also won the best male artist in taiwan's golden melody award.. and when i got home yesterday, i finally got the CD that the credit card company couriered to me.. no surprise actually, as i have been expecting it (perhaps a little too long since this album is released in january), and also i have listen to all the songs in this album before.. anyway, since this is a freebie and i have not got a copy of it, maybe i should feel happy instead?? hehe..

well, perhaps let me introduce some songs i think are nice in this album.. track 3 "odd number", track 8 "love till the last minute" and track 9 "the arc of love".. [click here to read an older post on this album]


  1. 明白明白!你睇,我好识做!!!


  2. 嘩, 江兄真係挑通眼眉, 話頭醒尾!! 果然係世界仔一名啊!! 抵你發達嘅真係~~
