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10.07.2008 | 瑣碎報導

  • 今日晨早同事SG打畀我, 一開口就話「公司火燭啊!!」, 當時我仲喺屋企個輕鐵站等車, 確係煞時震驚囉.. 我第一個反應就係, 有冇燒到我哋公司啊?? 公司入邊有冇其他同事喺度啊?? 結果最後確實, 係同一座大廈一樓某間公司嘅電錶走電, 應該就冇我想象中咁tragic.. 大概早上九點半之後就回復正常啦..
  • 今日其實冇返公司, 成日都喺個客度上training.. 渾渾噩噩咁就過咗一日, 除咗學到啲嘢之外, 印象中間training room係凍得攞命囉, 杯熱茶擺喺度唔駛廿分鐘就變成凍茶喇, 誇.. 仲有, 唔知點解, 對住個slide projection竟然自自然然咁瞌埋眼想瞓覺添, lunch過後尤其頻密, 我諗都有超過五次, 哈哈~~
  • 今日成日喺個客度, 位置正好就喺個gym隔條馬路正對面.. 上完training, 行過馬路就係我每日放工後都要舟車勞頓先至去到嘅gym喇, 覺得方便到有點難以置信.. 真係慳好多時間囉, 比起平時今日早咗個幾鐘, 呢種感覺好幸福囉..
  • colleague SG called me early morning, without anything else she started the conversation with "our office is on fire!!".. i was still waiting for the train, and this breaking news was a real shock to me.. first things that came to my mind was, was out office burnt?? is there any other colleagues trapped in the office?? but was relief at last to find out that it was just a short-circuit in one of the suite on the 1st floor, not really as tragic as what i've imagined, and everything went back to normal after 9:30am..
  • was out of office in customer's place today, attending a training in their venue.. it was a day, besides learning some new things, i can only remember how freezingly cold the training room was, my cup of hot tea just turned into cold tea within minutes.. and also, (i wonder why?) i have been drowsing throughout the day staring at the slides projection, especially after lunch, i think it has happened more than 5 times, hehehe~~
  • the customer's place i have been today, is just nicely opposite my gym across the road.. after the training, instead of the need to drag my tired body against the traffic, i just need to walk across the road, and i was right there in the gym already.. that was really unbelievably quick, i was more than an hour earlier than usual.. i really love this kind of convenience..


  1. 这么久没读你的部落,竟然又看不明你的广东话了。
    要再学习。唉 !

  2. fire in your office? oooo just short circuit :) well, fire is scary... i mean i have witnessed a fire from my apartment in shanghai... it is quite near... scary

  3. shirls:
    不用著急, 慢慢來, 廣東話看不懂, 那就來段英文的吧..

    not my office laa, maybe just that my colleague was exaggerating.. haha!! my office is on the 5th floor, the shortcircuit happened in a suite on 1st floor..
