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2016.01.29 | 大馬四季

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2098]
The Four Seasons of Malaysia
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The Sudden Cold Weather in East Asia
The Four Seasons of Malaysia - Flood
The Four Seasons of Malaysia - Haze
The Four Seasons of Malaysia - Dengue
The Four Seasons of Malaysia - Roadblock

2016.01.26 | 越食越貴

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2097]
Getting More and More Expensive
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Food is getting more and more expensive
Food is getting more and more expensive
Food is getting more and more expensive
Food is getting more and more expensive

2016.01.22 | 猜嘢遊戲

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2096]
Friday Games: Guess The Object
我諗都有一段日子冇啲「遊戲貼」喺度出現喇呵?? 有冇人掛住佢?? 又或者有冇人唔想見到佢?? 哈哈.. 好啦, 今日係星期五, 無謂要大家難消化, 就俾大家玩個小小遊戲.. 簡簡單單猜下相中物品係乜嘢?? 放鬆自己, 祝各位有個愉快嘅(長)周末!! :)
i guess it has been quite some time we have not had "game post" huh?? anyone miss playing them?? or anyone hate to see them?? hehehe.. okay lah, since it's Friday so let's not have anything difficult to digest but just play a game.. simply guess what the objects are in the photos below, relax your mind and have a great (long) weekend ahead!! :)
Guess The Object
Guess The Object
Guess The Object
Guess The Object
Guess The Object
Guess The Object

2016.01.19 | 漏網遺珠

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2095]
Some Moments I Have Missed Out
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October 2006 in Hong Kong
October 2006 in Hong Kong
October 2006 in Hong Kong
October 2006 in Hong Kong
October 2006 in Hong Kong
October 2006 in Hong Kong

2016.01.14 | 電影隨談

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2094]
Some Thoughts Invoked By Movies
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Movie The 33
Movie May-Who
Movie Ip Man 3

2016.01.11 | 綠野仙園

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2093]
A Heavenly Green Farm
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A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm
A Green Green Farm

2016.01.07 | 年度大賞

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2092]
Minions King Bob
[SK/0617]年度博客大賞MMXV.. 又係每年嘅呢一刻喇!! 我知有好多人討厭, 但係無論如何, 場戲都要堅持下去, 呵呵!! 往年我哋有太多嘅浮誇嘢, 所以今年我決定要將全部嘢簡單化(我指嘅當然係公佈方式, 唔係遊戲規則, 哈哈!!).. 只要點擊上面張相, 就可以一眼睇晒全部嘅排行榜, 贏家以及得獎者!! 係呀, 得獎嘅係啲(劣質)手作個人音樂光碟, 我勵讀者嘅專有獎品嘛, 記唔記得?? 最後, 讓我再次多謝你哋每一位對我呢個blog嘅支持, 我係真心珍惜㗎.. 大賞亦標示著2015年嘅圓滿結束, 讓我哋由此貼開始將2016年變為更精彩嘅一年!! 明年[SK/0617]年度博客大賞MMXVI之時, 我哋再一次嚟睇下邊個係最終皇者.. :)
[SK/0617] BLOGGERS AWARDS MMXV.. it's the time of the year again!! i know some hate this, but no matter what, the show must go on, haha!! we have had too many flashy things for the past years, so this year i will make things simple and straight forward (i mean the announcement, not the rules, haha!!).. just click on the picture above and you will be able to see the charts, the top bloggers as well as the winners all at one glance!! yes, winners of (cheap quality) handmade personalised music CDs, that is my signature rewards to my readers, remember?? finally, let me THANK EVERYONE OF YOU for your support to my blog, i really appreciate that.. with this bloggers awards, it draws an end to 2015, let's start all over again from this post and make 2016 an even more exciting year of blogging!! we shall see who's the king again next year for [SK/0617] BLOGGERS AWARDS MMXVI.. :)

2016.01.05 | 大賞在即

[Volume 11 Issue 1, #2091]
Getting Ready for [SK/0617] BLOGGERS AWARDS MMXV
新年快樂, 希望大家元旦日過得開心, 新嘅一年活得精彩!! 作為新嘅一年第一篇貼, 當然係離不開留言榜一事啦, 係咪?? 我知大家都好心急噃, 哈哈!! 今日就等奴才喺度為各位主子公佈, 2015年度所有留言榜經已塵埃落定, 亦都係話大家可以暫時停止留言, 因為新留言將不被納入計算之中.. 留言榜網頁已重返正常更新, 大家可以造訪查看最新資訊.. 等待著2016年1月7日早上8時38分發生嘅[SK/0617]年度博客大賞MMXV之時, 為大家摘下2015年每個月嘅留言三強, 佢哋係神級人士呀, 可否同意?? 請為佢哋鼓掌!! :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR folks, hope everyone had a great new year's day and a wonderful year 2016 ahead!! being the first post of the year, of course it has to be comment-charts related right?? i know you have been excited, hehehe.. i'm here to announce that all charts for year 2015 are now finalized and that also means commenting for the posts are also closed, you do not need to spam more at the 59th second as new comments shall not be taken into account anymore.. the chart webpage is back to normal updates and you may access the latest information again.. while waiting for [SK/0617] BLOGGERS AWARDS MMXV to happen at 8:38am on 7th January 2016, here i present you with a summary of the top 3 commenters for every month in year 2015.. they sure are superhuman, don't you think?? give your applause to them!! :)