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2014.11.26 | 若有所失
2014.11.24 | 創意無限
[Volume 9 Issue 11, #1968] |
Beautiful and Creative Product Packaging |
友人俾咗呢個網站嘅網址我, 我確實係非常之欣賞佢所介紹嘅創意產品包裝.. 其實呢, 我本身係好喜歡平面設計呀, 包裝設計呀等等嘅創意創作嘅, 只係當年跟大隊去讀工程學位而冇繼續我嘅創作夢想啫.. 講返今日個題材, 我由所介紹嘅41個創作中, 挑選出我最喜愛嘅6個, 而當中我最欣賞嘅要數係下面嘅創作(E)喇, 果然係超然非凡呀!! 如果要你揀最令你讚嘆嘅, 你會揀邊(幾)個創作呢?? 今日嘅互動貼文如何操作:
a friend sent me the link to this website and i really enjoyed looking at those very creative product packaging being introduced.. actually i am always very interested in graphic design, packaging design etc kind of creative artwork, just that i followed the majority to study in Engineering and did not pursue my designer path back then, hahahaha!! okay, back to the topic, i've chosen 6 from the 41 designs that i like most, and my favorite will have to be Design (E) below, it awesomely rocks!! which one is your pick then?? :) How does today's interactive post work:
2014.11.20 | 幾多個站
2014.11.18 | 利用同情
2014.11.14 | 放緩腳步
2014.11.12 | 拎收膠袋
2014.11.10 | 企理規劃
[Volume 9 Issue 11, #1963] |
A Perfectly Well Planned City Landscape |
唔係, 我最近都冇去旅行, 所以呢一篇唔係又再一篇旅遊貼文(松一口氣!!), 雖然我在2009年曾經到過巴塞隆納一遊.. 無意中見到呢一張相, 簡直就係驚為天人, 程度上更甚我當年身在該地嘅時候, 因為我真係唔知呢一個城市係規劃得如此完善的!! 大家睇下La Sagrada Familia(中間起咗好多座尖塔嘅教堂)四週呢個地區, 啲路係何等筆直, 建築整齊排列在路與路交替嘅「格子」之中, 每一座都呈八角形以提供每個街角更多光線與空間, 最後中間有一條大道(Avinguda Diagonal)對角切過整個城市.. 更加令人驚嘆嘅, 係因為我哋或者從未見過, 以及將來都唔會見到咁嘅情形出現在呢一片「能夠國土」上.. 唔會有先見嘅規劃, 有嘅只係拆舊建新, 九曲十三彎嘅道路只要銜接得到, 就可以天馬行空一條飛躍過一條, 同意嗎?? 呢一張相教識我一樣嘢, 我哋應該將首要事情先做得妥妥貼貼, 咁以後需要解決問題嘅機率就會大大降低啦.. |
nope, i have not been to any vacation lately, so this is not again a travelogue post (phew!!), though i have actually been to Barcelona in 2009.. i stumbled upon this photo and was totally awed, to a degree higher than when i was there because i didn't know this city was so well planned.. look at this area around La Sagrada Familia (the cathedral with lots of spires in the center), how straight the roads are, the buildings neatly arranged in "boxes" within intersecting roads, each block was built octagonal to allow more lights and space to the corners of roads, and in the center a straight road (the Avinguda Diagonal) cutting through the city diagonally.. awesome even more, since we probably have not seen and will not see this in our lovely Bolehland, no foresighted planning but instead always demolition of the old for the built of the new, and curvy roads built on top of one another anywhere they could find a way to connect, do you agree?? this photo inspires me that we should do the first thing right and chances we need to overcome problems in the future is greatly reduced.. |
2014.11.06 | 椰漿飯說
2014.11.04 | 十月金榜
[Volume 9 Issue 11, #1961] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monthly Commenter Chart: OCTOBER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
有人前來敲門提醒我已經係十一月喇.. 係呀, 又一個月過去, 我哋當然不得不迎接新嘅一個月來臨啦.. 就用我嘅「傳統禮儀」—揭曉留言金榜—來迎接啦, 呵呵!! 我哋仍然有隻「貓」喺度張牙舞爪穩守冠軍位置, 十強有三位男士, 五強有兩位男士, 最後仲有一隻非常之早的鳥兒!! 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 更加要多謝你哋每一位對我很給力嘅支持!! 你們都是最好的!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
someone knocked on my door and reminded me it's the month of november.. yes, another month has passed and let us all welcome a brand new month, with my "new month ritual" - the comment chart!! haha.. we still have the "Cat" flipping her whiskers flicking her claws sitting on the throne, we have got 3 gentlemen in Top 10 and 2 gentlemen in Top 5, and together with a very early bird!! congratulations to all who made in to the chart this month, but most importantly, thank you every single one of you for the great support!! you are all fantastically awesome!! :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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