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24.10.2013 | 折墮浪費

[Volume 8 Issue 10, #1809]
唔知閣下可否有同感, 我哋馬來西亞人, 真係俾快餐店啲免費又任拎唔嬲嘅茄汁辣椒醬所縱壞.. 儘管去任何快餐店行一轉, 肯定見到啲人(以無所不用其極嘅方法)猛咁喺度泵啲茄汁辣椒醬.. 我如果要拎嘅話, 最多都係一碟囉, 依家甚至都已經唔再點醬食啦.. 雖然人家任你點拎都唔嬲, 不過都唔駛同人死過, 一個人要幾碟咁多係嘛?? 都唔明究竟係點辣椒醬食嘢, 定係用啲嘢食送辣椒醬??!! 好喇, 就當你真係咁喜歡啲茄汁辣椒醬到可以當水飲喇, 不過可以食得幾多唔該都有個譜啦, 喪癲咁拎咗一大堆但係又淨係點嗰啲咁多, 幾碟辣椒醬郁都未郁過就要丟, 好折墮呀我覺得.. 其實要杜絕呢種浪費嘅慣性行為, 我個人認為最好就係傚法其他國家咁收錢, 等啲人唔好以為係必然, 自然就會鍚住自己個銀包啦~~ 可能(我係話可能)快餐店已經醬呢啲茄汁辣椒醬計埋入價錢內, 不過咁樣唔多公平, 一於就係要食就要俾錢買先對大家公平.. 閣下又有何睇法呢?? :)
i wonder if you have the same thought, we malaysians are really spoilt by fast food chains for the complimentary free flow of ketchup and chili sauce.. just get into any fast food chain and you will almost for sure see people use all kinds of ways to pump the maximum amount of sauce from the dispenser.. if i were to take any, i would take just one sauce plate, but recently i don't even bother to have any to go with my food.. though the sauces are free flow, i don't think it's sane to take a "vengeance" to recover what you have paid for the meal right?? i wonder if they dip the sauce or drink the sauce with food??!! okay, just assume they love the sauce till they could drink them alone, but still need to set a limit on how much they can consume right?? took one whole lot but just consume a little, end up throwing away plates of sauces untouched, i find this such a miserable and retarded wastage!! i personally think the best way to stop such wastage is to charge them like what other countries are doing, let them not take things for granted and hence they will sure save up a little~~ maybe (i say maybe) the fast food chain has already factorized the cost of sauce into the price, but this is so unfair to many other customers, let it be "cash for sauce" in order to be fair.. what do you think?? :)


  1. Replies
    1. LOL - SK seeing red (sauces) today! Good thing, mustard is not at the dispenser. People have to remember that the money is theirs but the resources are not. They are for everyone. I'm for levying a fine for too much left over.

  2. Replies
    1. It may be wiser to have those little sachets. At least, they can take back and use again...if not open or the customers can take home for their own use - after all, they paid for it. This is so wasteful.

    2. Yup!!! Charge them, by all means charge them...like countries overseas! If they want, they pay. Shopping bags also, no need to give free. It's about time we change our ways. Malaysians are way over-spoilt and over-pampered.

  3. Replies
    1. When come free, things are like this lo, try to say it has to pay......people won't do something like this!!!

    2. Not only sauces, even for food, especially buffer...people just grab whatever they want and won't care whether they can finish all of it all not, so end up just a lot of wasted food!!! =[

    3. Normally I just take one or two plate of it, retake it only when I finished!!! =]

  4. Replies
    1. Agree with STP, find little sachets better...

    2. If not, some people, they might pump to the max and not used up all the sauce which is so wasteful...

  5. Vanakum! Follow AA style, sauce plate: 5 sen, per press of any sauce: 5 sen, straw:5 sen, tissue:5 sen etc. thus tagline.."Everyone Can Eat"

  6. Good morning, SK and all! Yes, it's such a wastage! Some people just don't appreciate what they get. If they couldn't finish it, don't take too much for themselves.

    Have a nice day!
    Got to go work now..


  7. Good morning everyone.. Ketchup and cili sauce, I only take 1 or 2 plates of it when I have my fast food. But I tell you, if they have mustard, then I will take a biggggg plate! Haha.. They have mustard dispenser in Ikea, and I tell you, no joke, I can eat a big plate.

    1. Lastime, KFC did not have any sauce dispenser. If you eat in, then you can take the bottle of cili/tomato sauce. And u know wat, those cheapo and retard people took a few bottles of the new & unopened cili sauce to take home!

    2. Many times when I was eating there, I could here their bags got "kiling kalang kiling kalang" sound. I guess they curi-ed more than 5 bottles of sauces oohh !!

    3. Some fast food outlets offer free flow of soft drinks too. Am sure you know which one already. Some cheapo, fill up their tumblers with soft drinks, and then get up and refill again at the counter, and fill their tumblers again. Sick...

    4. Err, but I have to confess.. Not only fast food outlets la... Some restaurants have "bottomless" drinks.. So a group of 3 go eat there, and 1 order their "bottomless" iced lemon tea, for example. The other 2 will share this iced lemon tea. Then keep asking for refill. It cost RM8.90 for a glass. So, must "drink farn kau poon", hehe..

      Sp, my confession: I am one of those. Haha. When my hubby and I go dine at these restaurants, we will choose a "bottomless" drink, and hubby will order that, while I order plain water. Then I share his drink. Ok ahh like that? Cheapo mou?

    5. I have seen rich friends who used to shock me that they kept KFC tomato ketchups in their house's kitchen. Luckily KFC no more serve the bottles la.. Bangsat people a lot lah, that's why the saying goes that the rich gets richer! Why don't we learn from them as well?

      Now Nandos also lost many bottles and they have started using huge 1 little bottles with no caps for diners! That means if you curi their Peri-Peri sauces home, you need a bigger bag and find a new cap! Pandai lah the boss.

    6. I also order bottomless drinks to save money! Thanks to Najis-PM who drove me to plant vegetables, drink bottomless and what next??

    7. Ooohhh, TM is here liao... You never fail to amuse me ya know? kekekeke

    8. Those bottomless drinks also not exactly cheap la dei. Already factor in the times you would refill into the final price. LOL

      I also only order one glass and share three person. It's not as if I will ask the waiter to refill 5 times! Twice cukupla. Go to makan not to drink water. HAHAHA

    9. good idea, Lina. Order one drink and share. But some now clever liao. They put in as no sharing allow :(

      Same goes for banana leaf rice. Cannot share with anak . Anak they charge rm2.

    10. Tony Roma's still allow.

      Say no sharing also, what can they do?

      Some people simply wouldn;t listen what! LOL

  8. I guess Malaysians has a lot to learn about wasting and being kiasu-ness.. I heard from some that they purposely take back lots of those small packets of tomato and chilli sauce, so much so that they do not have buy from supermarkets anymore..

  9. 'fess up!

    We kutuk people ambik sauce a lot, take packets home and whatnot... You all never did it even once ah? :-P

    I admit I took back extra packets of sugar, creamer, chilli sauce sometimes. Drink coffee unlimited at McD also... My fren also sometimes drink coffee, finish up, rinse the cup & pour some & tapau for me!

    I wanna kutuk people taking more than they should...

    But I also have to cermin myself first.

    The one thing I'm proud to say is : me & my family clear our table after we eat at fast food outlet. Plus we're not messy eaters there.

    Otherwise, we are probably as kiasu as the next Malaysian. ;-)

    1. I never ambil sauce packets, but I ambil a lottttttt of mustard when I dine in Ikea, until cannot finish also.. hehehe...

    2. Guilty as charged...especially that time where there was a shortage of gula.

      One or two years back ah? Mau cari gula everywhere sold out. Go fast food restaurant take pkts of sugar balik make kopi o.

      Also if western restaurant if got those pal sweet will sapu back :p

    3. Sauce packs easier to ambil and put in handbag.

      How to take mustard until you cannot finish????

      Those Ikea condiments, I never put more than I should. Later taste tarak sedap already. Eat food better not eat condiments. LOL

      I tarak take one...

      But if I go spend a night at hotels, I sure wallop all their toiletries and also the complimentary mineral water/coffee/tea/sugar/creamer. LOL

      Anyway, I'm supposed to do a post about collecting those miniature toiletries hotel put in the guest room but have yet made the effort to line up my collection and take their photos. :P

    4. Hotel toiletries i sometimes take and sometimes tarak take. It depends one the things lor. if good ones i take la.

      tu coffee tea creamer will sapu home from hotel lor

  10. I hate it they gv those plastic tiny plates.

    Usually I will just take the burger box or fries box to take the sauce. No need sini satu sana satu. And can agak agak also la how much sauce needed.

  11. I remember paying for ketchup when I was in Australia. So jimat that time, pay for one pack only. Here... hmm... can take several small plates but hey, we finish them all leh. no wastage!

  12. Good Afternoon Bloggers!

    Last night, SK blogged about susu and today it's sauces! Can you guess what will be his next post?? Must be toilet paper!!! Wakakakakakaka

    1. I would say oyster sauce? dark soy sauce? Toufu? hehehe...

      Have a good day to you TM!

    2. Let me guess.. Susu, sauces, I think next will be poo shapes+textures... Hahahahahahaha....

  13. I do see lots of wastage very often esp at McD outlets. Sometimes I got so fed up and even took the next table's unused chilly saucers after they have left the table! Why waste yeah!?? Usually they are the younger generations who all loved to pumped the sauces out! They like to have competitions to see who brought the most sauces!

    1. Wow, u really took the next table's chilli sauce after they have left? It may look clean and untouched from the outside, but mana tau, they may "liew pei si" before that and the "pei si" shit dropped into that plate of sauce? Eeewwee....

    2. yea i saw the other day . two kids went and took so much cili sauce and tomato sauce, one palm carry 2-3 plates. Then you know kids la. jalan cannot balance properly mah...the sauce dripped to the floor and they didnt even noticed. habis la people walk all over it if they didnt see the floor

  14. When I ordered the take away burgers, they would sometimes give me too many sachets of ketchup and chilly sauces. I would keep them in my fridge until my next trip overseas as many foreign fast food chains do not even have chilly sauce! Not kidding! That pissed me off during my earlier encounters. Now when I travel, you can see in my luggage - Sachets of Chilly Sauce, Tomato Ketchup, Sambal Belacan and Cup noodles!!

    1. LOL at Anay.

      I don't take chilli sauce or ketchup for my burgers so I don't need those.

      I need them when I makan KFC because despite all those secret herbs & spices uncle colonel sanders put in their chicken, still tasteless for me must drown them in sauces. HAHAHA

      I feel that chilli sauce & ketchup just drown the taste of food.

      I always wonder why people put them on everything - nasi goreng, pizza, mee goreng, spaghetti....

      I'm like... Ewwwww

      If I'm the chef, it's like an insult to me to see people insisting on dollops of chilli sauce on food I cook. :-D

    2. hahaha me too only take with chicken . at times fries la. If burger i will put in a bit only. Too much will be very sloppy.

      Yea if takeaway they will give at least two cili packets and two tomato packet. If got fries will be more. I also dont use much. me keep in fridge lo. if house kehabisan sauce then i use la. sometimes lupa go buy sauce mah. use as emergency lo. or maybe like anay go travelling then bring

    3. same same here Meow.

      Those packets are good during emergency, stok sudah habis moment or when traveling. Why waste, right?

      It sudah masuk and factored in our food price already. :P

  15. here in the philippines, some resto have actually concepts of paying certain amounts if you have condiment leftovers after you eat. that way, people could actually slowed down from wasting so much of what's just enough.

  16. 如果要收费我就不赞成,但看见那些没读书的那样浪费又觉得很无奈~~

  17. Good afternoon SK and everyone! Hang in there, one more day to the weekend!

    1. Well, either giving free or charge, I guess there're pros and cons la. Different individual will have different opinions about it. Of course everybody loves free stuff, but end up we'll waste more sauces and I surely don't find this nice, cause I hate to waste especially when it comes to food. I always remind myself to not waste food cause we're fortunate enough to have food everyday, imagine those people in the poor countries like Africa, there're so many of them who dies because of hungry!
      So, I always just take one plate of sauce, and it's not full also, so that I can finish them completely. And just in case if not enough, I can always go top up again, right?

    2. Actually not only the sauce, but the straws as well, I once seen a couple of kids took like 10 straws and join them together to play 'sword' with each other! Such a waste! And the parents also just sit there without correcting them, I was there, shaking my head. I will sure won't allow my kids to play and waste like this!!

    3. I think McD also headache with this la, apart from cleaning the mess/food waste, they sure struggle with whether to continue giving those things free or chargeable. Either way, sure they'll receive complains also, cause it's hard (and impossible) to please everyone ma!

      But if for me, I won't mind if they charge the unfinish sauce. I think they won't lost customers also, cause McD is so popular among the kids and teenagers.

    4. Anyway, I think the key thing is to educate the citizen to not simply waste food la!

      And your idea of cash for sauce, sounds interesting to me, why not propose to McD?? Hehe.... Who knows you'll get a bit commission from giving this brilliant idea?

    5. Hayley,
      But it's not a novel idea.

      You want sauce in McD Japan, need to cough out 50yen worrtr...

    6. no need to propose la. sure within the next 5 yrs they will implement this already. you want sauce u pay. Now everything also naik harga.

      see some steamboat places...you want bowl and plates you pay rm1.50 coz dunno what disinfected bla bla bla...

    7. next time bring own bowl! HAHAHAH

      I think one way to curb all this nonsense price jack... simply stop visiting the outlet.

      And lessen the makan outing.

      What to do... Makan so expensive here in Malaysia.

      How much will increase now that sugar price go up? It's not only limited to sugar in your coffee and tea... :(

  18. I love to have lots of sauce on my fries and my burger as well.

    1. Whether it is pack in small sachets or give us a saucer to fill in the sauce, both are a waste if we take too much lor.. Will it bit far too much...take so much, canyou finsih bo? Tsk Tsk Tsk...

    2. Last time, after Saturday activity at school, we all definitely will lepak at McD, order and take lots of sauces, salt and even pepper. Then, we put all of our fries on the serving tray. Next, spread all the sauce, sprinkle pepper and salt over the fries too. Lastly, we all chit chat sambil makan...

    3. The most important is we finish everything lor...

    4. Nowadays people are so greedy and take things for granted. Selfish I should say it. Took so much, Grab everything all at once, but never think whether they can finish it or not. What it is in their mind? Never mind lar... can keep it for future use. But every time go out also take some more...and more... But didn't know some of them which he or she kept inside the house already expired? Sigh... attitude problem.

  19. Last time KFC also give sauce in sachets but if you order more or big combos. Actually they will give a bottle of chilli sauce instead. But right now no more....you have to press the chilli sauce out...according to your own needs.Is good too. Tidak membazirkan....

    1. But hor people like me press alot, ended we didn't use the saucers provided. Me straight away press the sauce out to our plate and also on the burger cover. Usually we tear the half of the burger cover to be a paper bowl for sauce. Which I think it is a good idea too.

    2. I also heard that other countries, they charge for the sauce. Not like us here... everything also included and everything also FOC. See how is their tactic in order from people to steal, waste and so on.

      If I'm not wrong people in US, they dun need chili sauce and ketchup on their burgers and hotdogs... So next time please don't ask or else people will think very wierd... *wink*

  20. This is really too much, taking so much sauce, but not able to finish it. Such a bad and uncivilized behaviour of people .

    I have seen parents allowing their kids to play with those straws in fast food restaurant. They allowed their kids to take as many straws as they like, then the kids have fun playing with those straws.

    I only allow my kids to take whatever they need,

  21. 我好少點醬食。

