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28.07.2011 | 腸仔麵包

[#1229] 腸仔包咁普遍, 相信大家都有食過啦, 但係你知唔知腸仔包究竟要點食先最美味呢?? 以下我用咗一系列圖片說明食腸仔包嘅七大步驟, 請按每張相片中嘅腸仔(左邊往前, 右邊往後)慢慢觀賞啦.. :)

[#1229] i believe sausage roll is very common and everyone must have eaten one before, but do you know the best way to eat a sausage roll so that it will taste most delicious?? i'm using a series of photos to explain the seven steps of eating a sausage roll, click on the sausage (left for previous, right for next) on each picture to view the steps.. :)
[1] 可愛的腸仔包, 你這個美味嘅壞東西..
[1] you little wicked yummilicious sausage roll..

25.07.2011 | 戲院狂人

[#1228] 戲院睇戲嘅時候, 大家最怕或最憎附近坐咗個咩人?? 以下排名不分先後..
  • 異味狐仙 ■ ■ 其實人哋汗腺發達都唔可以怪人嘅, 之不過知道自己有陣味最好就做啲嘢遮蓋吓啦.. 成齣戲下下要人屏息遷就, 都幾冇公德心啫..
  • 大食怪獸 ■ ■ 其實戲院內食嘢, 最好就唔好太重口味, 爆谷薯片(洋蔥味除外)汽水還可以, 不過至憎有人食魚旦!! 個味道好腥囉, 食嘅人滋味, 不過週圍啲人就難頂其冤臭囉.. [附註: 超勁一次係隔離竟然有人食飯盒!! 囧]
  • 雞啄不斷 ■ ■ 我覺得雖然戲院係公眾場所, 但係每個人都應該有自己私人空間.. 最討厭有人猛咁討論劇情, 又係分析又係預測, 有啲仲要V嘩鬼叫咁.. 喂!! 好煩呀, 唔該肅靜啦!!
  • 迴腸蕩氣 ■ ■ 迴腸蕩氣呢度係指迴腸內排出嘅廢氣蕩漾整間戲院, 大家明啦呵?? 呢個情況大家唯有互相猜度, 但係又唔可以大聲指正, 真係唯有死忍兼且暗地裡詛咒囉..
  • un身un世 ■ ■ 嗱嗱嗱, 我至憎人un到我架喇, 我話之你un到自己「閪甩」, 但係你就千其唔好un到我!! 我會好唔俾面咁企起身鬧你架吓!!
[#1228] when you are in the cinema, what kind of person who sits around you that you most hate or are most afraid of?? in no particular order..
  • super BO ■ ■ come to think of it, we can't really blame people with bad body odor right?? but then it's really inconsiderate and impolite to not do anything about it, and force everyone in the audience to hold their breath frequently throughout the entire movie right??
  • incinerator ■ ■ i think it's rude to have food with pungent or strong smell in the cinema, i can accept popcorns and chips (other than onion flavor) and drinks, but please do not ever have fishballs in the cinema!! the one eating sure likes the taste, but the others who are smelling might feel uncomfortable.. [note: my most shocking moment was a guy having his mixed rice box!! gosh..]
  • chatterbox ■ ■ though cinema is a public place but i always think everyone should have their own private moment.. i hate those who keep discussing the plot of the movie, to analyze what happened and to predict what will happened, and some even likes to just scream for nothing.. hey!! i find that annoying, would you mind keep your mouths shut??
  • H2S gas ■ ■ you might not know what H2S is but i'm sure the word "gas" does sound meaningful to you?? anyway, this is something inevitable that we can't just find out the culprit, but to just quietly suffer that f*rt while cursing that culprit in heart..
  • body shaking ■ ■ ok, i have to say i hate people shaking themselves and affected me.. i don't care if you shake till your drop your ass and nowhere found, but don't ever affect and disturb me, or else i'll just stand up and give you a good lesson without giving any face..

22.07.2011 | 大急之下

[#1227] 其實講到上廁所呢家嘢, 小事可以遷就, 大事我就非常有要求.. 除非真係忍無可忍, 否則我一定堅持要舒舒服服, 乾乾淨淨.. 好似平時去商場, 如果大急起嚟, 我都寧願行遠啲, 去自己間健身會所個廁所, 唔係就去冇咩人去嘅廁所.. 一般公廁地下濕漉漉, 週圍垃圾, 滿室冤臭味, 我絕對冇可能入去做大事架囉..

最近發生嘅一個經典例子: 某日喺茨廠街食完嘢, 突然覺得肚痛, 眼觀四週應該都冇個似樣嘅廁所啦.. 突然醒起有個朋友喺附近返工, 於是我真係搭輕鐵去到佢公司, 上樓摸門釘借廁所囉!! [呢啲咪叫做出外靠朋友囉!!] 佩服我到五體投地呀哩, 哈哈~~ :D
[#1227] when we talk about going to toilet, i can be rather flexible for small business but when it comes to big business i will be very demanding.. unless it's so urgent i cannot hold anymore, else i would make sure i can sit comfortably in a clean environment.. for instance in shopping malls, when the big mother nature calls, i would rather walk further to use to toilet in my gym, or else at least a toilet that is less known and with less people.. i cannot see myself using those common public toilets that are wet, dirty and stinky..

an epic example that happened quite recently: i was having lunch at Petaling Street and suddenly my stomach didn't feel comfortable, looking around i guessed there will be no acceptable toilet i can go.. out of a sudden i recalled a friend working nearby, and immediately i took LRT to his office building, ran up to his office suite and asked to use the toilet!! [this is what you called "rely on friends when you're out of home"] salute me to the maximum right?? haha~~ :D

20.07.2011 | 一籮古董

[#1226] 無意中喺書櫃摷到我多年前第一部相機, 第一個反應唔係懷念往事, 而係笑到肚痛碌地!! 15年前呢一部相機, 成舊磚頭咁, 如果唔用嚟影相, 用嚟扑啲搶匪嘅頭都稱得上係上勝嘅保衛武器囉, 哈哈!!

心血來潮之下, 繼續將收埋唔再用嘅gadgets全部摷晒出嚟.. 嘩嘩嘩, 不得了, 原來將近廿年我都將佢哋保存得咁好喎.. 睇下呢幾舊古董, 真係份量十足囉, 難怪我以前出街一定要帶個大袋先可以將全部嘢拎齊啦, 好搞笑!! 比起依家, 一部手機已經有晒全部功能啦, 仲要係擺落褲袋唔多覺添, 哈哈!!
[#1226] accidentally found my very first camera deep in my book cabinet, my first reaction was not cherishing the good old days, but was a loud laugh!! this 15 year-old camera is as huge as a piece of brick, i guess if not for taking photo, it could actually be a rather good defending weapon to hit the head of those snatchers, haha!!

i got excited and continue to search for other antique gadgets i've kept aside and not using anymore.. gosh, i've managed to find all the above and surprise they are still in good conditions.. look at these white elephants, now i understand why i always need to bring along a big bag when i went out, else i can't bring them all along with me, no joke!! compare to technology now, one handphone is already equipped with all the functions, and so compact you don't even notice it inside your pocket, haha!!

18.07.2011 | 大吃一醬

[#1225] 好多次去快餐店食嘢, 見到啲人嗜食辣椒醬嘅程度, 可以令我汗顏一番.. 究竟係大家無醬不歡呢?? 定係因為啲醬唔駛錢, 所以大家不厭其煩博晒老命去攞呢?? 舉兩個親眼見到嘅例子啦..
  • [麥當當之驚魂不定] 瞥見某大姐食一個漢堡包同一盒薯條, 竟然用裝漢堡包個盒盛滿晒辣椒醬!! 唔講我仲以為佢要飲辣椒醬解渴添!!
  • [地下鐵之五體投地] 無意中聽到某小姐個三文治要咗芥辣醬, 燒烤醬, 千島醬, 蛋黃醬同埋最後一擊辣椒醬!! 總共五種醬溝埋一起, 唔係想搞到肚屙達到減肥效果係嘛??
我喺度諗哩, 如果啲咩醬乜醬好似外國咁全部都要收錢嘅話, 到時啲有人仲會唔會咁貪心博命吖嗱?? 我就肯定冇問題, 因為我真係可以點醬不沾架.. :)
[#1225] many times when i am at fast food restaurant, the level of chili sauce consumption can always give me a shock.. i wonder if it's because they can't live without sauces?? or just simple because the sauces are free and they don't mind having more?? two epic examples to share here..
  • [a McD shock] saw a missus who was having just her burger and fries, but she has her burger box FULLY filled up with chili sauce!! gosh, if i didn't see her eat, i would have thought she needs the sauce to quench her thirst!!
  • [a Subway salute] overheard a miss requesting for her sandwich some mustard sauce, barbeque sauce, thousand island, mayonnaise and finally additional chili sauce!! a jaw-dropping total of 5IVE sauces mixed together, i think she needed them to give her diarrhoea so that she could loose some weight..
i was wondering, if all the sauces are charged separately like in other countries, will those people ever request for any like they have been doing so greedily now?? definitely not a problem for me, as i can really eat things at their very original without the need of sauce.. :)

14.07.2011 | 十五十六

[#1224] 唔係, 我唔係話緊自己, 而係啲扭扭擰擰揸唔到主意做唔到決定嘅人, 尤其係當你排緊隊買嘢嘅時候, 而咁啱你前面就係呢一類人, 佢哋嘅行為除咗自私就係自私囉!!

■ 事件(一): 排隊買飛
排隊買飛睇戲嘅時候, 你前面係一對小鴛鴦, 女嘅扭扭擰擰, 男嘅千依百順.. 企喺櫃台(感覺上有)十分鐘都仲未決定要睇咩戲, 連個櫃台小姐都面黑頂唔順.. 喂, 唔該你哋行埋一邊, 決定要睇咩戲, 邊一場, 坐邊個位置先好排隊買飛啦.. 唔好喺度浪費時間, 阻頭阻勢啦~~

■ ■ 事件(二): 排隊俾錢
喺超市排緊隊俾錢嘅時候, 突然間個收銀員停下所有手頭工作.. 原來個顧客突然醒起買漏嘢, 於是未埋數自己就離隊去繼續買嘢!! 等咗五分鐘有多, 個顧客仲未現身, 怨聲四起之下個收銀員唯有自己去搵個客.. 點知個女人竟然仲喺度慢條斯理逛緊, 埋隊時我話咗佢兩句, 佢仲一副若無其事話個收銀點解唔叫其他顧客去第個counter咁喎!! 阿姐, 個超市你架?? 要冚村人等你一個!! 真係想星佢兩巴囉!!
[#1224] no, i am not talking about myself, but those who are very indecisive and cannot even know what they want, especially when you are queuing up to buy something and the one in front of you is such kind of person, their act are really just selfish but nothing else!!

■ incident (1): queuing for movie ticket
i was queuing for movie tickets and in front of me was this little sweet couple, the girl being indecisive of which movie to watch and the guy was so obedient to his girlfriend and do whatever she pleased.. and as a result, they were standing there for (felt like) 10 minutes and even the counter girl has become impatient.. hey, don't you mind get aside and decide which movie, which timing and which seats you want before you queue up to get the tickets?? don't just hog the queue and take your own sweet time while wasting everyone's time~~

■ ■ incident (2): queuing to pay for groceries
i was queuing up to pay my groceries in a supermarket when suddenly the cashier stopped her work.. it was found out that the customer recalled she missed out something in her grocery list, albeit scanning halfway she abruptly left the queue and went to search for what she wanted to get.. more than five minutes waiting and under complaints, the cashier went to look for that lady herself, and to found out she was taking her own sweet time shopping around!! when she came back, i argued with her a little yet she asked why the cashier didn't direct other customers to another queue, as if nothing happened!! hey, this place does not belong to you and what right have you to make everybody wait?? so pissed off with her and felt like giving her two slaps on her face!

11.07.2011 | 七九紀事

[#1223] 七月九日我留喺屋企冇出街, 但係不停跟進709遊行嘅最新消息, 關心市中心緊張嘅情況.. 事件已經告一段落, 所發生嘅已經發生, 我覺得已經唔需要再評論啲乜嘢, 事實勝于雄辯, 真的假不了, 假的真不了.. 反而最值得讚揚嘅係嗰一份堅持嘅精神, 所以我想喺度同大家分享一啲網上搵到當時情況嘅寫實照片, 我稍為合成一下, 紀念呢一個歷史性日子..

[#1223] i did not go anywhere but stayed at home on 9th July, and have been following with all lastest updates of the rally and taking concerns of situation out there.. the incident ended one of its chapter, whatever happened has happened and i think it's not appropriate to comment on the issue anymore.. the truth can't be denied and lies can't be the truth, instead what comes more valuable was that noble spirit we have clearly seen.. hence i'd like to share some of the photos taken from websites that truthfully show situations during the rally, i collaged them a little to commemorate this historic day..
點擊號碼或箭嘴查看照片 Click numbers or arrows to view photos
nothing happens without a reason

08.07.2011 | 博客大賞

[#1222] 從來都冇事先張揚, 一切低調行事, [SK/0617]第一個博客大賞今日誓要嚟個出其不意!! 其實大家睇返上個月個留言排行榜, 都有跡可尋啦, 不過應該估唔到事後竟然有獎派哩?? 哈哈.. 再次恭喜今年第二季兩位得獎者, 留言最多嘅 foongpc 同埋留言最頻密嘅 lina!! 以下相片內嘅獎座(唔好意思, 我負擔唔起貴重禮物)稍後會送到府上.. :)

[#1222] nothing has been mentioned beforehand and everything low profile, but the very first [SK/0617] Blogger Awards is going to stun everyone by surprise today!! if you have noticed the charts for last month, you could have seen a little clue but never will you thought there are prizes given away yeah?? haha.. congratulations again to the winners for the second quarter of the year, Top Commenter foongpc and Most Frequent Commenter lina!! your prizes in the photo below (sorry for this simple one i can afford) will reach your doorstep soon.. :)
應該好多讀者覺得唔憤氣喇, 唔緊要, 呢一季三個月內記得努力啲噃, 下次可能就係你得獎喇!! 有興趣或決心者, 請按 查閱詳情啦.. :)
i guess many readers will be unhappy for missing this, but don't be upset, in the next three months for this quarter, work harder and you shall be the next one!! interested or determined readers, please click to read the details.. :)

06.07.2011 | 清理門戶

[#1221] 最近入飛士卜有新搞作, 就係未細心欣賞各位朋友嘅留言同相片之前, 我已經習慣由頂至底徹底scan一次, 將所有無謂嘅tagging清理一下.. 通常都係一啲無聊商家故意將(明明都唔活躍嘅)朋友tag落產品相片, 借此引起注意, 但係對唔住囉, 我會認定係spam, 所以我一定會告發, 清理一下門戶..

可能大家覺得冇所謂, 平時啲人硬係鐘意有意無意亂tag朋友一通, 一張相tag幾百個朋友, 但係里邊一張臉都冇喎, 好無聊啫.. 都算喇, 不過呢啲商家, 冇啦啦將個男性朋友tag落女性性感內衣, 又或者將有個女性朋友tag落一件男性三角底褲, 我就覺得非常討厭囉.. 如果各位見我被無聊亂tag, 請毫無反顧幫手清理下噃, 多謝~~ :)
[#1221] recently i have a new activity in facebook, that is, before reading status updates and viewing photos from friends, i will do a round of scanning from top to bottom, to clear off all those nuisance tagging.. normally i will be happily removing those tagging of (inactive) friends into merchant products, they just want to use this method to attract attention, but sorry i really think this is spamming and i will do my best to report them..

well, perhaps you might think this is nothing, because many people just like to simply tag their friends into photos, can be up to hundred and yet there is not a single face in that photo, absolutely nonsense right?? i still can accept that since there's still friendship in it, but for those merchants tagging a guy to a sexy female lingerie, or tagging a lady to a striking male brief, i think that's too much and irritating.. so if you happen to see myself being tagged under such situation, please do whatever to report that spamming, thanks~~ :)

04.07.2011 | 半滿半空

[#1220] 一轉眼六月話咁快就過咗喇, 唔知大家覺得呢一年係過咗一半呢, 定係還有一半呢?? 點都好, 希望大家呢半年來都過得好充實, 至少都有實現少少嘅夢想啦.. 如果未有嘅話, 仲有剩下半年可以努力架, 大家加油!! 總括上個月嘅留言, 恭喜各位榜上有名, 大家一份"耕耘"實在係值得我珍惜同敬佩架, 多謝支持!! 大家未來半年繼續努力加油啦~~ :)

[#1220] the month of june just ended quietly, wonder if you will see this as half a year has gone, or you see this as still another half a year to go?? no matter what, i hope everyone has lived meaningfully and achieved at least a little mission, or else there is still another six months left to strive for it!! summarising the comments for last month, congratulations to all those who make it to the chart, the effort is really something i appreciate a lot, thank you very much!! let's all strive for better achievements in the coming second half~~ :)
最多產留言讀者五強 Top 5 Productive Commenters **
#.(#) 博客 Blogger留言 Count累積 Accm
1.(3)  Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone
※※ 六月雙榜冠軍!! Tops both charts for June!!
2.(1)  foongpc @ My Very First Blog
★★ 2011第二季冠軍!! Champion for 2011 Q2!!
3.(2)  bluedreamer27 @ Top Five3697
4.(-)  lina @ Life In My Own Backyard2567
5.(5)  Bananazஇ @ BananazஇPeople2464
最經常留言讀者十強 Top 10 Frequent Commenters **
#.(#) 博客 Blogger頻率 Freq積分 Point
1.(-)Twilight Man @ Twilight Zone
※※ 六月雙榜冠軍!! Tops both charts for June!!
2.(1)foongpc @ My Very First Blog10/1020
3.(2)bluedreamer27 @ Top Five10/1017
4.(4)lina @ Life, In My Own Backyard
★★ 2011第二季冠軍!! Champion for 2011 Q2!!
5.(6)suituapui @ Still Crazy After All These Years10/1017
5.(-)Alice Law @ My Little Sprouts10/1013
7.(-)Isaac Tan @ eXperiences10/104
8.(5)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓10/1015
9.(6)Yvonne @ From TAIPING with LOVE10/1013
9.(6)Hayley @ .:: Hayley & Herself ::.10/107
** 以上統計基於2011年六月份十篇貼, 七月三日晚上11:59截止
** statistics based on the 10 posts in June 2011 till 11:59pm 3rd July