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21.07.2010 | 開口夾脷

  • 真係開口夾著脷.. 上星期咪話每日都攞支探熱針嚟玩嘅, 結果好嘅唔靈醜嘅靈, 前日晚真係病咗添!! 頭疼+咳+燒到成39°C, 呢啲係唔係叫做"犯賤"呢??
  • 噚日朝早一起身就去睇醫生, 登記後等醫生等咗一個鐘!! 原來平時睇開個醫生放假, 換咗另外一個(遲晒大到嘅)醫生!! 姑娘又唔早響, 早知係另外一個醫生我都費事等啦..
  • 呢個醫生好懶囉, 同病人檢查竟然要吩咐病人郁動, 自己就坐定定自己個位度郁都唔郁.. 唔怪之得咁肥啦佢.. 不過見佢開啲藥都幾有效, 算啦..

  • you call this coincidence or what?? remember last week i was talking about my new thermometer "toy" that i use to measure myself everyday?? so it happened that i really fell sick the night before yesterday, headache + cough + fever at 39°C.. or you call this "black magic"??
  • went to the clinic yesterday morning, registered but waited for an hour for the doctor to get to work!! the nurse didn't tell me that the doctor i used to see is on vacation and there will be another (not punctual) doctor, or else i wouldn't even wanted to wait there thinking of seeing the same doctor..
  • and this doctor i saw is such a lazy one, he ordered me to move forward and backward and turning around for him to check my body, while he just sit on his chair without swifting an inch.. no wonder he's so fat!! anyway, i'm not going to hate him since the medicine he prescribed is quite effective..


  1. hahahaahha take care....resting at home? still blog ar...rest larrrr get well soon

  2. 1st time can post as 1st commenter....must buy toto...not me, u! ahhaahaaa

  3. Haha...don't play with the thermometer anymore! :) Probably the weather...since it's hot one day and raining the next. Get well soon.

  4. Adui! Really dream comes true. hahaha....

    Eh...I too experience seeing a 'fat' doctor when I brought my son to the clinic. She just sit on her chair with 1 leg curl up under her butt.

  5. Law of attraction, attract what is on your mind. kesian, have to eat so many ubat. Be good boy, remember to eat medicine on time.

  6. Take care oh....drink more water la jiran....

  7. 噢!打敗仗咁慘啊?!你遇見嗰位醫生肯幫病人檢查已經好彩囖; 我呢度最多嗰種應徵式醫生,入去好似應徵一樣,問幾條例牌問題,寫寫一下就可以出去,掂都冇掂吓。你話離唔離譜?!

  8. 我至憎屋企附近o既診所o既醫生。。。

  9. 個個都自命清高。。。

  10. whoa really sick dy ah? take care ah!

  11. 所以我病咗都要返公司附近o既診所睇。。。

  12. Get well soon SK :-)

  13. what to do..we need to respect the doc. Take care.

  14. that bug!!! is all over!
    half my class are coughing away...

  15. 病jor ~"~


  16. 阴公咯。。玩笑开到看医生,保重龙体喔.

  17. 要保重身体!睡一下,身体就会好了!

  18. LOL take care...talk about jinx, look at the bright side...at least it is useful, probably a blessing in disguise? LOL..

  19. haha, should take a pistol and shoot the doctor :P

  20. Many ppl sick now...u juz take care and take some rest lo....it's gud to sick occasionally...=P

  21. that is why i say, dont curse yourself. eventhought you can rest in the house without working, but sick is really suck coz all ur body and mind become weak, lost apetize, lost energy....

    take care of yourself leh...

  22. this might be the sick season.. get well soon la.. same to me ;(

  23. Take care Bro, have a good rest!

  24. huh what kinda doctor is that? ask you "model" for him ah? Sure he is not "interested" at you? kekeke

    get well soon :D

  25. 睇你多数都係财多身子弱!哈哈~~~你唔病下又点知呢度咁多blog友关心你吖?多啲休息啦,兄台!呵呵~~~

  26. glad to know you're getting better =)

    take care!

  27. 我現在也是發燒喉嚨痛咳嗽哮喘,嗚嗚嗚~~

  28. 烧到39度,有无烧坏脑阿?

  29. Older folks say day time dont talk people nite time dont talk unseen beings. Dont play with thermometer to attract...haha just a coincidence. I had cold & fever last week (nothing to do with the blog idol thingy haha..) all I ate was the antibiotic, cough mixture half finished and fever tablet only taken twice. Ya lah my doctor would stand up check my breathing and I just sat still where got ask a sick patient to turn here and there..Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  30. 很多時候都是壞的靈,好的不靈
    take care lo~

  31. Wei wei, hope you're feeling better. Got take medicine or not?

  32. not molested by doctor? haha. just kidding. take care and rest well.

  33. haha, since you wanted to fell sick so badly, wasn't that a "dream come true"?? hahaha, anyway, just kidding :)

  34. hmmm, that's not a professional doctor.. i think the doctor should have move around to help check up the patient.. or is he too fat to move?? hahaha :D

  35. yah, i normally tend to see the same doctor because he will have all my record history.. but you are so unlucky that your doctor was on vacation and you're not being informed earlier!!

  36. anyway, hope you have recovered by now and enjoying your weekend :)

  37. @ manglish:
    aiyah, no lah, i blogged about this the day after i fell sick lah.. back to work now already.. aiyah, i didn't buy toto woh, next time you first commenter again, give me 4 numbers ok??

    @ Mei Teng:
    haha, i don't believe it's black magic, so i think i'm still playing with it.. yeah, it's like the sick season, few colleagues also coughing and sniffing in the office..

  38. @ mNhL:
    hahaha, unfortunately yes!! oh then your doctor is even worse, leg curl up under her butt?? obviously she doesn't want to move at all.. for my case, i think my doctor is too fat to move actually..

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    yes madam!! i was a good boy and took the medicine on time.. but i guess it's the sick season, i remember i also kind of fell sick around this time in previous years.. @_@

  39. @ uLi.佑莉:
    orh ok jiran, thanks for the concern.. i need to drink more water..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    係啊, 打敗仗啊, 不過間中小病是福嘛.. 咁個醫生除咗坐定定唔郁之外, 都一儘醫生責任嘅.. 不過開啲藥又真係有效喎..

  40. @ khengsiong:
    嚇?? 唔肯畀MC?? 邊有咁嘅事架?? 唔係清高唔清高問題喎, 係專業問題喎.. 應該畀病人休息, 張MC好重要架嘛.. 不過你吓吓要走返公司附近睇醫生, 好麻煩囉..

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yeah, really fell sick already leh.. now still not fully recovered yet, sob sob :(

  41. @ Dora:
    thanks Dora, am slowly recovering now..

    @ wenn:
    well i guess also mutual respect right?? anyway, it's not really an issue to me, just feel the doctor i used to see is better..

  42. @ Medie007:
    oh yeah?? so do you see more patients seeing doctor in your hospital recently?? you better take care too..

    @ bluesky:
    嘩, 果然很賢良淑得, 那麼溫柔體貼, 那麼心地善良, 心地好像樣貌那麼漂亮!! 不過我還是要吃愛斯基林哦~~ 買給我吃, 買給我吃~~ :p

  43. @ HappySurfer:
    thanks, am slowly recovering now.. but not really convenient to take medicine during work hours, else will get drowsy.. can only take at home.. :(

    @ 单身汉:
    係囉, 真係開口夾著脷衰多口囉.. 下次唔咁喇, 哈哈!! 多謝, 我會保重身體啦~~

  44. @ 发白日梦^^:
    謝謝關心.. 對啊, 真的要趁這個週末好好的休息以下, 要充一下點調理身子哦~~ :p

    @ Eric Lee:
    hmmm, maybe you are right.. somethings a minor sick is good, it helps to boost your immunity system.. haha~~ :p

  45. @ 孤傲的王子:
    thank you, than you for the concern.. :)

    @ L²:
    no lah, why would i want to shoot the doctor leh?? he lazy but quite professional, the prescription is quite good woh..

  46. @ -KeO-:
    yeah, i think maybe it's the weather that make many people sick?? few colleagues also coughing and sniffing around.. yeah, right, it's good to fall sick occassionally, haha~~

    @ Wois:
    haha, i didn't curse myself but just wondering, and never thot i will really come true mah.. hmmm, i didn't really lost appetite at all, but guess body is getting weak.. thanks, will sure take good care now~~ :p

  47. @ Danny:
    so you recovered already?? you still got lots of events and activities going on woh, hope you're already strong as ever lah.. :)

    @ Lexi Map:
    感謝你的關心哦~~ :)

  48. @ Pete:
    yeah, thanks bro for the concern.. will take a good rest over the weekend.. :)

    @ smallkucing:
    haha, not model lah, just ask me to move around so that it's convenient for thim to check me up.. haha, if he insterested in me, also i not interested in him lor, hahahaha!!

  49. @ edward:
    哈哈, 財多身子弱?? 講就係咁講, 不過我係財疏兼身子弱嗰個囉.. 唔係喎, 我呢個post, 好似冇咩comments喎, 證明關心我嘅blog友咁少?? 哈哈.. 不過都要多謝關心我嘅各位朋友嘅~~ :)

    @ Ayie:
    yeah, am slowly recovering now.. hope will get well soon cos it's weekend already!! haha~~

  50. @ 夢想烏托邦:
    哎唷, 那你好像比我還要嚴重哦.. 看來這是個生病的季節吧?? 祝你早日康復~~ :)

    @ 山城大熊:
    喂, 係喎, 好耐冇見, 別來無恙嘛?? 我就唔好啦, 你一上嚟就見到我病~~ :p

  51. @ Bananazஇ:
    haha, so next time i will make sure i observe those taboo lor.. no wonder didn't see you active in the blogsphere, you also down with cold and fever huh?? aiyoh, hope it's not because of Blog Idol that make you sick?? kekeke.. yeah, the doctor i used to see will move himself around checking me up while i just sit there still.. i'm slowly recovering, hope you have fully recovered too dude~~ :)

    yeah, thanks for the concern.. same to you too~~ :)

  52. @ 十六:
    哈哈, 這就正好驗證"病從口入, 禍從口出"這一句話吧?? 我下次會小心囉.. :D

    @ Jesson And Rey Ann:
    thanks for dropping by.. :)

  53. @ Isley Chang~:
    molested by the doctor?? haha, of course not lah, he is a professional ok?? anyway, thanks, i'll take good care.. :)

    @ victor:
    haha, yeah i guess so, only "bad" dreams come true for me huh?? kekeke.. yeah, he really is a fat guy and i guess not too convenient for him to move around.. anyway, as i said the medicine he prescibed was quite effective, so i don't plan to hate him at all.. hahaha!! thanks for your concern, i'm slowly recovering now.. still left with little cough that i guess would take longer though.. :)

  54. 哈哈哈!真是‘好的不灵,丑的灵’了!

  55. Playing with termometer will make you sick! Muahaha!!

  56. So the doctor is late and lazy? LOL! Well, maybe he's a very busy man that's why he's late!

  57. I always prefer to see the same doctor everytime, but yeah sometimes if my doctor goes on vacation at the wrong time, really frustrates me.

  58. The doctor is fat? Tsk Tsk! How to advice his patients to lose weight then? I guess he doesn't and just give them medicines!! That's what doctors do best : )

  59. So the medicine is quite effective? Good to hear that. But sometimes if the medicine is effective it means the doctor had given you a very strong medicine. Not very good for your body, that : )

  60. Anyway, I try not to see a doctor unless absolutely necessary.

  61. @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 是囉, 原來我的嘴也蠻"靈"的.. 難道就是驗證了"禍從口出"這一句話?? 呵呵~~ 你下次要請病假的話, 記得告訴我~~ :D

    @ foongpc:
    no i don't think he's busy, because i just saw him wandering outside and not coming in to the clinic straight away, and obviously he doesn't have a sense of punctuality.. anyway, i think his prescription is ok, effective and after couple of rounds of the pills i was feeling a lot better already.. yeah, of course we prefer to see the doctor we used to see right?? and i'm different from you, i'd rather go see doctor immediately rather to wait till things get worse.. :)
