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30.05.2010 | 將心比心

仍然好懷恨舊年某日病假, 大老細得罪個客, 無啦啦燒到我搭嚟, 毫無諒解之心仲聲大夾惡打畀我, 病咗都要我搵個客搞掂件事.. 我覺得好唔尊重, 好唔合理, 好過份!! 整件事令我非常之鄙視佢.. 好彩兩個月後佢另謀高就, 如果唔係怕且都要帶住面具同佢共事喇..

坦白講, 我幾抗拒放假或工作以外, 有人打電話畀我講工作上嘅嘢.. 同事還好, 都係一句起兩句止求證啲嘢, 可以接受.. 老細或客戶就唔好喇, 通常都係有事要你做或解決, 死人冧樓話要就要.. 將心比心吖, 有邊個鐘意被打擾架?? 所以如果知道同事/老細/客戶放假, 我絕對唔想破壞人哋個mood囉..

工作超過十年, 我越嚟越重視工作以外嘅私人空間.. 踏出公司, 我就唔希望同工作有任何瓜葛.. 呢啲基本上嘅尊重, 但係偏偏就有好多人忽視, 悲哉..i still remember on a sick day last year, my new boss stirred up a storm in a teacup with a client and get me involved for no reason.. without any sympathy he called me up and wanted me to settle things with the client even if i was sick.. i think he was very unreasonable, unrespectful and a piss-off!! since then i really despised him, but luckily he got another offer two months later, else i guess i'm now wearing a mask to work together with him..

frankly, i am quite reluctant to calls on work while i'm on leave or outside working hours.. peers are fine since they normally just need a quick one to clarify things, acceptable.. but not bosses or clients, who calls you normally because they need you to do or resolve something within short timeframe.. put yourself into shoes of others, i guess nobody likes to be disturbed right?? that is why if i knew colleagues/ bosses/ clients out of office, i would not like to spoil their holiday mood at all..

been working for more than 10 years now, and found myself seeing personal life outside work more importantly.. out of office, i do not hope to get into anything about work.. but regret to say, this simple and basic respect is normally being ignored by many, how sad..

27.05.2010 | 隨身物品

各位朋友, 你出門嗰陣, 有邊啲嘢係不可缺少, 唔帶喺身邊你會終日囉囉攣架呢?? 以下三樣物品, 絕對唔喺我個list度, 而係我觀察到他人攜帶, 從而有點微言嘅隨身物品..

what are those things you must bring along when you go out, not having them with you makes you feel uncomfortable?? the three accessories below are not in my list, but are from what i observed, those that people carry, that i have some comments on..

[黑超] 今日見到兩個怪人唔同時間場合黑超不離臉.. 一個係天朦光火車箱內, 一個係夜晚健身院內.. 好搞笑囉, 乜啲柔和燈光好撐眼咩?? 又唔係咩大明星怕狗仔隊, 黑嚒嚒戴咩黑超呢?? 如果佢哋唔小心扑親呢, 我會係第一個(手指指)哈哈大笑囉, 哇呵呵呵呵!! :D

[shades] saw two weird person wearing sunglasses today, different time different place.. one in the morning where the sun hardly shines inside the train, another one during dusk in the gym.. i think that is very funny, are the soft lightings too strong for their eyes?? furthermore they are not celebrities afraid of paparazzi, why the hell wearing sunglasses indoor?? if they were to trip and fall, i'd certainly be the first to LMAOROTF, wuahahahaha!! :D
[波鞋] 呢幾日喺某個(不便公開)場合上, 坐我隔離條友仔鐘意鐘意就除鞋抖涼.. 本來都唔介意嘅, 但係一除就一陣臭酸宿味撼埋嚟.. 對鞋同襪好似著九萬幾年冇洗過咁, 好惡頂囉!! 真係好想叫佢唔該著返對鞋, 今晚返去洗, 聽日換過對新鞋啦喂!! 真係吖, 冇公德心呀..

[sneakers] was in an event (not convenient to tell) these few days, where the guy sitting next to me likes taking off his shoes.. i don't mind that actually, but once his shoes are taken off, immediately there comes an unpleasant smell.. as if the shoes and socks were worn for 90,000 years but not washed, disgusting!! i really wanted to ask him put them back on, go home wash them tonight, and come with a new pair tomorrow!! oh gosh, so inconsiderate..
[挽袋] 最近啲男性挽袋越係普遍, 十個當中, 我就覺得有九個半係好難睇.. 唔係話個袋, 而係拎袋個男人.. 呢種袋唔係話潮你就要盲目跟風架嘛, 我覺得好難carry得有型有款架囉.. 呢九個半男人, 一啲都唔潮, 反而係成個師奶格, 拎住個"蔡瀾布袋"招搖過市, 弄巧反拙不過此而..

[tote bag] men's tote bags are getting more common now.. but out of 10 i saw 9.5 are ugly, not the bags themselves but those men who carried them.. one shouldn't blindly follow the trend, i think it's not easy to carry such tote bag and look macho smart, it's not meant for everyone.. so these 9.5 men i saw, none of them are trendy but just very auntie to me, as if carrying a recycling grocery bag walking on the street.. a backfire case, and that's it i see..

24.05.2010 | 自打嘴巴

星期六喺火車站見到呢張海報, 由電動火車舉辦嘅《與我們的快樂時光》攝影比賽.. 我即刻有靈感要影啲乜嘢囉, 而且仲諗埋每張相要放嘅「開心」描述添喎..
  1. [火車到站] 嘿, 好開心啊!! 總算望穿秋水, 等咗超過四十五分鐘, 企到腰酸背痛腳仔軟, 火車終於都肯浦頭喇!! 你睇月台上幾百乘客面容, 係幾咁喜極而泣?? ^_^
  2. [乘客上落] 嘿, 好開心啊!! 你睇乘客上落, 大家你推我攘, 幾咁同舟共「擠」?? 完全反映我哋國人嘅風度噃!! 仲有啊, 大家互相幫忙推乘客入車廂, 唔駛郁動架, 幾咁守望相助吖你話~~
  3. [出站情況] 嘿, 好開心啊!! 到站喇.. 六個閘口, 四個入兩個出, 成列火車幾百乘客同一時間蜂擁而出, 兩條長龍迎接零星入站嘅乘客, 大家都好守次序繼續排隊喎.. 幾咁友善吖你話~~
大家話我得獎機會高唔高呢?? 我話實畀人劈埋一邊喇, 好明顯係剃人眼眉喎.. 唉, 電動火車啊電動火車, 明知自己服務一無是處, 仲大言不慚格硬要人影啲開心時光, 係自打嘴巴囉.. 本來無一物, 為何覓塵埃??
i saw this poster at the train station on saturday, it was a photography contest organised by KTM Komuter on "Happy Moments with Us".. immediately i came out with idea on what to capture, and i'm even ready with the captions to put for each of the photos indeed..
  1. [trains arriving] yeah, give me five!! the train has finally arrived!! after waiting for more than 45 minutes, i can stop suffering from the aches on my back and legs as a result of waiting already!! look at the faces of each of the waiting passengers, they are all weeping with happy tears!! :)
  2. [boarding train] yeah, give me five!! look at the boarding passengers, see how coorperating everyone is by pushing each other into the train?? see how much effort everyone is putting in to promote our culture.. and wow, you don't even need to moved but will be pushed forward into the train, how selfless!! :)
  3. [leaving station] yeah, give me five!! finally arrived.. there are as many as 2 gates out of 6 available for the hundreds of passengers exiting at the same time.. two long queues of excited passengers waiting to leave the station while happily welcoming the sporadic incoming passengers, how friendly!! :)
so what are the chances do you think i can win?? well i think my photos are sure to be set aside, because i'm obviously being ironic and cynical.. haiz, komuter oh komuter, don't you know you render us the lousiest service, and still expecting happy moments with you?? oh come on, don't try to contradict things please~~

21.05.2010 | 熱死辣辣

最近頻頻流汗, 但係我又唔係做粗工或劇烈運動喎, 以下呢三個算係靜態嘅活動, 一般都唔應該會流晒大汗啩??
  1. [三級流汗] 淨係喺公司度齋坐都會流汗囉, 熱死辣辣咁, 搞到要另外開風扇散熱.. 我懷疑公司個冷氣系統係跟出邊天氣變化架囉..
  2. [二級流汗] 朝早風和日麗, 行去車站短短三分鐘路程, 我都可以大汗搭小汗.. 畀人見到個靚仔件恤衫一噠噠汗咁, 都幾係狼狽架..
  3. [一級流汗] 最攞命其實係喺公司廁所如廁嘅時候啊.. 完全冇冷氣, 好似桑那室咁.. 完事後一身濕晒返埋位做嘢, 同事仲以為我搞乜嚟, 幾咁尷尬吖你話..
個原因咪就係好簡單之嘛, 咪就係全球氣溫上昇, 搞到天氣炎熱囉.. 其實我都有諗過係唔係自己嘅問題, 因為人肥就容易發熱流汗架嘛~~ :p
have been sweating a lot recently, but i am not doing any kind of strenuous exercise.. the few activities below should be considered quite static, shouldn't cause profuse sweating right??
  1. [3rd degree sweating] i'm sweating by just sitting in my office, so warm that i need to switch on a fan to cool off.. sometimes i really wonder the thermostat of the aircond system goes in proportion with the temperature out there..
  2. [2nd degree sweating] every morning i used to walk to the station, just a mere 3-minute walk could make me sweat.. imagine people staring at a handsome guy whose shirt is patchly wet all over, this is oh-so-embarrassing..
  3. [1st degree sweating] the worst must go to the stall in my company's toilet.. totally aircond-less, as if sitting in the sauna room.. done with my business and i'm almost drenching wet, back to work and colleagues would have wondered what i did, so awkward right??
the reason is very obvious, global warming causing the hot weather.. but i have been wondering could it be my own problem, since FAT people tends to sweat more~~ :p

19.05.2010 | 顯示燃燒

幾日冇更新個部落, 唔係我懶, 而係因為我部電腦壞咗咋.. 前日做做吓嘢, 個螢幕無端端癡咗, 好似以前啲懷舊電視, 因為天線收唔到搞到影像又曲又跳咁!! 跟住直頭咩影都冇, 得返啲顏色線條, 係幾靚, 不過唔好以為係桌面牆紙喎, 真係個螢幕壞咗嘅效果嚟架!!

重新啟動數次之後, 未見好轉反而仲衰添, 個螢幕索性連線條都冇, 烏黑一片!! 即刻打電話去D*LL求救, 好彩部機仲未過保證期, 今朝派位技術人員上門幫我一次過換晒母板, 顯示卡同散热器.. 係完全分文不收嗰隻噃!! 張显示卡燒壞咗, 難道是我太過勤力了?? 呵呵~~ :D

have not been updating my blog for few days, not because i was lazy, but it was because my laptop was dead.. i was working on my laptop while suddenly the screen gone haywire, remember those days when your tv antenna didn't work well?? it's exactly those curvy and edgy screen i see.. and soon later, there's even no image at all but only color stripes!! looks nice yeah, but mind you this is not my desktop wallpaper, it's really the malfunctioned screen itself..

after few restarts, it didn't get better but instead worse, the screen gone totally blankly black!! i quickly called up D*LL, luckily my laptop is still under warranty, this morning they sent a technician to help me replace the motherboard, video card and heat sink all together.. all for FREE!! my video card was burnt, does that mean i have been too hardworking?? hehehe~~ :D

14.05.2010 | 小心碌地

無聊嘅時候, 我會上面卜潛吓水睇吓相睇吓短片.. 除咗主打玩游戲嘅朋友之外, 我發覺其實有幾位朋友係主打post短片嘅.. 我十分鐘意呢幾位朋友, 因為往往都會睇到爆笑非常嘅短片, 笑到碌地笑到飆眼淚架!! 就揀咗幾個自己認為超搞笑嘅同大家分享啦, 祝大家週末愉快!!!

when bored, i'd normally logon to facebook to kill time.. see status updates, see photos, or watch clips posted by friends.. other than those friends who focus on games, i realised there are also few friends who focus on posting clips.. i especially love these friends because most of the time they make me watch clips so funny that i could laugh till rocking on the floor and weeping with happy tears!! i've picked a few and would like to share it here with everyone, happy weekend to all!! :)
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11.05.2010 | 相對論點

最近每日放工返屋企嘅時候, 都會見到《新海峽時報》兩幅純文字冇圖案嘅廣告板, 但係非常槍眼.. 廣告板上各提出一個與相對論有關嘅問題, 我覺得頗有趣嘅, 喺度同大家分享, 係頗值得思考架..

recently on my way home from work, i'll see two billboard from New Straits Times, pure words with no graphics but still very eye-catching.. i personally think the relativity-related quotes are quite interesting actually, let me share with everyone over here as some food for thoughts..
[大減價嘅時候, 你究竟係慳錢定係洗錢呢??]
我覺得要用兩個角度嚟睇囉.. 如果你係買到你需要嘅嘢, 咁咪算係慳錢囉.. 如果你係因為平而買咗你原本唔需要或唔打算買嘅嘢, 咁咪算係洗錢囉.. 其實就係咁簡單, 唔駛乜嘢都將佢複雜化嘅, 係唔係??

[do you save, or do you spend during sales??]
i think we should look at this from two angles.. if you bought something you need, then it's call saving.. if you bought something you don't need or don't expect to have, and just because the item is cheap, then it's call spending.. it's actually that simple, and we really don't have to complicate everthing, don't you agree??

[斑馬其實係白底黑斑紋, 定係黑底白斑紋呢??]
呢個有趣喇, 問題就好似有蛋先定有雞先咁囉.. 雖然直覺上我會覺得係白底黑斑紋, 不過再諗吓反而認為應該係黑底白斑紋喎.. 其實點睇都係一隻斑馬唧, 唔需要鑽牛角尖, 搞到自己模糊咗個焦點囉, 啱唔啱??

[are zebras white with black stripes, or black with white stripes??]
hmm, this is as interesting as the famous chicken-and-egg question.. intuitively i would think it's white with black stripes.. on a second thought, it should be black with white stripes instead.. but afterall it's just a zebra be it black or white, there's no need to drill too deep into details, and then lost from the focus, right??

08.05.2010 | 五月八日

[懊惱] 現時科技進步, 廁所都講求高科技.. 不過自動沖洗馬桶, 我就覺得有啲懊惱.. 有時稍為郁動就沖水, 如廁時候邊可能坐定唔郁架?? 梗會因為本能反應稍為郁動架嘛, 咁就搞到猛沖水, 撞到屁股濕立立, 唔舒服架嘛~~ :p

[annoyance] with the advanced technology now, even toilets are getting high tech.. but i think the auto flush toilets are a bit annoying.. imagine slightly moving your body will make it flush, i mean it's not possible to sit frozen still while doing that business right?? we're sure bound to slight moves due to biological reflex, but those flushes just make it so uncomfortable to continue with wet butt, agree?? :p

[渴望] 今朝喺面卜見到某友人去希臘啲相, 嘩, 真係好鬼靚囉.. 搞到我都想即刻放低晒所有嘢, 放假去旅行囉(唔係希臘).. 都唔可以話係霎時衝動嘅, 其實真係覺得自己應該係時候休息一陣, 好好地咁諗一諗自己現在呢個階段究竟想要啲乜嘢.. :)

[desire] saw photos in FB from a friend taken in greece, gosh, those photos are really fascinating.. they made me have a desire to put aside everything and go on a holiday (not greece though).. this is not really a sudden urge, but i actually do think it's time for me to have a break, and at the same time seriously think about what i am going for at this current stage of life.. :)

[突破] 上一個post竟然有超過一百個留言, 寫咗四年幾blog, 有過百留言真係第一次囉.. 感謝大家嘅畀我嘅支持(尤其要特別鳴謝其中幾位非常用心留言嘅朋友 :p), 呢一個突破真係令到我非常之感動, 係一個全新嘅推動力.. 再一次, 多謝大家!!

[breakthrough] there are more than 100 comments in my previous post, i've been blogging for more than 4 years and this is the very first time i have more than 100 comments.. thanks everyone for the support (especially to those few dedicated spammers :p), this breakthrough is really a good motivation and big encouragement for me.. thank you everyone again!!

04.05.2010 | 雞飛魚游

麥當當最近推出幾款雙層漢堡包, 雙份肉餅打孖上等你過足癮!! 睇落好大份, 不過咁喎, 而家啲漢堡包其實縮水好多喎(較細隻, 肉餅又較薄, 仲有呀, 有冇發覺魚柳包得半片芝士咋??), 一個難滿足但係兩個又太多, 所以呢個雙層對我嚟講就啱啱好(超級巨無霸例外)..

McD's recent promotion, Double Burgers with double portion of patties, double the taste and double the enjoyment (directly from their ads :p).. they might look huge, but mind you, the burgers now have actually shrunk a lot (overall size and the thickness of the patties, and did you notice you only have half piece of cheese in your filet-o-fish??), one is not enough but two is too much, hence these McDoubles are certainly satisfying for myself (excluding the Mega Mac, of course)..

話說上個週末, 同友人一人買咗一隻雙層漢堡包.. 眼見我哋有個魚柳包同個麥香雞, 於是靈機一觸.. 估吓我哋如何處置呢兩個包呢?? 下邊三個數目字, click一click就知我哋有咩搞作喇~~ :p
went McD with another friend last weekend, and each bought a McDoubles Burger.. looking at the Double McChicken and Double Filet-o-Fish we had, we spontaneously had a cool idea.. guess what we did with the burgers?? click on the numbers below, and you'll find out what we had done~~ :p
雙層魚柳包同雙層麥香雞, 可以有啲咩搞作呢??
what can you do with a Double McChicken and a Double Filet-o-Fish??

02.05.2010 | 神明庇祐

上一回提到自己上咗個有考試嘅course, 因為一把年紀, 九百幾年都冇咪過書考過試, 所以鬼咁擔心自己究竟可以唔可以趴士.. 其實好在乎成敗架, 所以時不時就上網查看成績, 搞到有啲過度壓迫自己添.. 十分忐忑捱到第二日傍晚, 成績終於揭曉喇, 究竟個結果係點呢??

in my previous post i talked about taking a course with certification exam, because it's been centuries i've not been studying and taking exams, i was quite worry about how i've done.. i actually care a lot, and thus frequently logon to the website to check for the results, kind of getting myself overpressured i guess.. not easy to wait till evening the next day, that the result was finally out, so what did i get in the end??