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20.01.2008 | 卡+用戶名稱+密碼

友人小年講得好啱啊, 而家啲人真係擁有好多不同種類嘅卡.. 其實我話現代人有三多, 就係卡多, 用戶名稱多, 密碼多..
  • 卡多: 信用卡, 提款卡, 保健卡, 身份證, 會員卡, 泊車位月票卡, 一觸通卡, 折扣卡, access卡..
  • 用戶名稱多: 公司網絡登入, 各種application登入, 電郵戶口, 網誌戶口, 網上相簿戶口, 網上理財戶口, 網上購物戶口, 網上會員戶口登入..
  • 密碼多: 以上多種卡同埋用戶名稱, 都必定有個配對嘅密碼..

其實真係太多喇, 有時真係會唔記得自己個用戶名稱同埋個密碼架.. 以前係咁立亂create, 攪到而家七國鬼咁亂.. 而家開始學精喇, 但凡有咩新嘅用戶名稱同埋個密碼, 一定要用返平時用開嗰幾個, 費事到時自己亂啊.. 其實最好一個用戶名稱一個密碼走天涯啦, 但係因為各戶口有唔同security policy, 所以又好難可以顧全嘅, 唯有靠自己個腦可以裝多啲啦..


  1. i m ok wif having lots of password, however i still feel troublesome for some website, which require you to change password frequently, and somemore, you can't use the last 5 passwords that you used before.

  2. security is a troublesome issue to users :D well, i know this because i sort of studied this, hell, my work somehow also based on this... anyway... one card/password for all is not going to happen (soon), so somehow we just have to suffer from all this...

  3. dreamer: yes, that's the problem.. every application and website has their own user id and password policy.. the users are the victim of policies!!

    傑士: because you are a security guy!! hahaha..
