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2015.06.30 | 生日那天

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2035]
On My Birthday
首先同大家聲明, 今日并非我生日, 只係今日想同大家分享下六月十七嗰日有咩搞啫.. 下面個表基本上當日嘅流程, 時間當然係大概啦.. 係簡單到冇朋友, 不過我生日真係過得如此簡單噃!! 年紀唔細啦, 冇乜花臣搞啦.. :)
let me first clarify that today is not my birthday, just that i am sharing what i did on 17th June.. the table below is basically a rundown of events on the day, the time of course are just approximate.. super-duper simple but those were really all i did on my birthday!! not young anymore lah, just keep things simple will do.. :)
Click/tap photo to enlarge or resize to original state
一頓豐盛嘅早餐為是日作一個美好開始, 近年來好似已成為我生日嘅指定動作.. 呢一類早餐我無任歡迎, 多謝友人請客!! :)
starting a beautiful day with a big breakfast, and this has been like my birthday "tradition" for the recent years.. my kind of breakfast, thanks to my friend for the scrumptious treat!! :)
友人提議去新開嘅三井Outlet Park, 去到發覺唔係幾多嘢睇, 因為好多店都仲未開.. 大家見到下面嘅標價, 大概知道(大部份)啲嘢其實平唔到去邊啦, 包括(我認為應該免費嘅)泊車費.. 去過, 見識過, 空手而歸.. :D
friend suggested going to the newly opened Mitsui Outlet Park and so we went, but not much to see as many are still not opened.. look at the price tag below and you will realized (most of the) things are not cheap at all, including (i thought should be free) parking.. been there, seen it and back with empty hands.. :D
逗留兩個鍾度啦, 之後就返回市區食個平常晏, 之後去gym流身汗, 下午返公司做啲濕星嘢.. 同時間意意思思食個蛋糕仔咁啦, 今年有朋友送咗好靚嘅生日蛋糕俾我呀, 另一篇貼再俾大家欣賞.. :)
stayed for about two hours before going back to KL, had a normal lunch and then to the gym to sweat out a bit, and then back to office in the late afternoon to settle some minor stuffs.. at the same time had a little cake that was given by a friend, a set of very beautiful cupcakes which i shall show you in another post.. :)
我知大家最期待係咩嘢.. 是日晚餐食日本嘢-份壽司係掃描某條碼後餐厅送嘅, 其他係我叫嘅定食之中啲嘢食嚟.. 好好味, 好滿足, 再次感謝友人請客!! :)
okay, i know what you are waiting for.. dinner was japanese - the sushi was on the house after we scanned some barcode, and the rest were from the bento i ordered.. very nice and burps, satisfying too, thank you to my friend for the birthday treat!! :)
喺屋企, 我哋其實冇慶祝生日嘅習慣.. 不過我家姐就烚咗兩隻「紅」雞蛋俾我, 你話邊有紅?? 其實佢唔記得染紅兩隻蛋, 後尾先一個意思搽咗喲紅粉上去, 所以先有兩隻「藝術蛋」啦.. 都幾特別嘛, 哈哈!!
back home, we don't really celebrate birthdays.. but my sister made me two "red" eggs, and "red??" you wonder.. forgotten to dye the eggs while cooking, she quickly spread some red dye on the eggs with her fingers later, hence this "artistic" eggs with abstract "paintings".. kind of special, hahaha!!

2015.06.26 | 黃色旋風

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2034]
The McD Minions Figurines Collection
過去嘅四個星期係頻頻幫襯麥當勞嘅一個月, 每個禮拜四早晨都會風雨無阻地去麥當勞買(幾份)開心套餐, 為嘅就係要佢嘅Minions玩偶.. 大家仲記唔記得兩年前, 麥當勞啲Minions喺短短兩三個鐘內被搶購一空, 仲有人為咗爭買而動粗添!! 開心嘅係, 吸取上次嘅經驗, 呢一次麥當勞準備咗足夠玩具應對需求, 唔駛排餐死都可以買到.. 感恩囉, 等我可以輕輕鬆鬆咁就收集齊一整套十隻, 每個仲有服裝添!! 正呀~~ :)
it was a month of heavy McD'ing for the past four weeks, where i went to McD every Thursday morning without failed, grabbed (some sets of) Happy Meals in order to get the Minions figurines that comes with it.. do you still remember two years ago, all McD Minions were already sold out within a couple of hours and people even fought for the toys?? the happy thing is that McD learned from that past experience and stocked enough toys to face the demand, no need to queue like crazy but one can get the toys without much hassle.. good for me, i can easily collect one whole set of these Minions figurines in costumes!! cool~~ :)
Click thumbnails below to view individual photos
McDonald's Happy Meal Minions Toys CollectionMcDonald's Happy Meal Minions Toys CollectionMcDonald's Happy Meal Minions Toys CollectionMcDonald's Happy Meal Minions Toys Collection

2015.06.24 | 售滊水機

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2033A]
Drinks from Vending Machines, Part 1 of 2 : Japan
Drinks from Vending Machines in Japan, Lots of Varieties
當我在日本嘅時候, 每日有件事係我好期待嘅, 就係去搵售賣機買嘢飲.. 補充水份係當然㗎啦, 其實真正原因係因為售賣機在日本實在係太過普遍喇.. 雖然係普遍, 但係周圍都係, 對我呢個鄉下仔嚟講就係奇觀.. 雖然係普遍, 但係所售賣嘅飲品種類繁多, 可有花多眼亂嘅感覺.. 好嘅, 以人類可以明白嘅語言再講多㳄, 就係普遍但不普通, 哈哈!! 所以每日都有呢個小小嘅「行程」去發掘未試過嘅嘢飲, 我樂在其中㗎, 同一樣嘢飲, 可能同一條街所有售賣機都唔會再有㗎.. 上面張相嗰啲只係小部份, 睇下啲包裝幾精彩~~

返到嚟馬來西亞, 就悶好多喇.. 售賣機唔普遍, 選擇又少, 賣嚟賣去都係嗰幾個品牌.. 我好少有興趣, 除非真係渴到一定要飲嘢, 而且要就腳囉..
when i was in Japan, one thing that i looked forward to everyday was buying drinks from vending machines.. of course replenishing fluid was one thing, but the real reason was because vending machines are ubiquitous in Japan.. though ubiquitous, the ubiquity was in fact impressive to a kampung boy like me, and though ubiquitous, the splendid varieties of drinks sold in the machines did not make a single brand seems omnipresent.. okay, in human understandable words, ubiquitous but not ordinary, haha!! hence, i enjoy buying new types of drinks everyday and this was one exciting little "itinerary" to explore new ones to try, one that may not be available again in the other machines down the same street.. those in the photo above are just a handful, look at the beautiful packaging..

back in Malaysia, i guess it is so much more boring.. not only vending machines are scarce, choices are so little and even the products sold are almost identical.. i rarely got the interest but of course at times when i really need something to drink, i still get one from the machines if it is convenient..

2015.06.22 | 自助大䬸

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2032]
BUFFET: History, Like & Dislike
Buffet Food and Varieties
你喜歡食自助餐嗎?? 我絕對係個自助餐粉絲, 因為我鍾意唔同嘢每樣都食啲, 換句話說講, 係貪心, 呵呵!!
仲記得我嘅第一次自助餐體驗係小學畢業嗰一日.. 我哋幾個最好嘅朋友, 喺其中一位即興建議下, 去咗學校附近嘅Forliday Inn, 以RM7(當時12歲及以下兒童價)食咗一頓豐盛嘅自助下午茶.. 就得我哋幾個, 係冇大人帶㗎, 幾大膽!! 之但係當年吉隆坡嘅治安狀況, 幾個小朋友周圍逛, 其實都唔係大問題嘅..
do you like buffet?? i am certainly a big fans of buffet, because i am one who love varieties and a little bit of everything.. in other words, i am greedy, hehe!! :p
Like & Dislike
Real Case
Wrap Up
i still remember my first buffet experience was on the graduation day of primary school.. a few of us close friends, with the impromptu suggestion from one of us, went to the Forliday Inn nearby our school and paid RM7 (price then for children 12 and below) for an afternoon tea buffet.. just us and no adults bringing, how daring!! but of course, KL back then was so much safer for kids to wander around the city..

2015.06.18 | 生日之後

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2031]
A Post-Birthday Rant
Doraemon cupcakes for birthday
係嘅, 噚日係小弟生日(之所以呢個博叫做[SK/0617]囉), 不過大家唔須要祝我belated happy birthday(親愛的, 記住係belated happy birthday唔係happy belated birthday, 我個birthday冇late到, 係你個祝賀late啫, 哈哈!!), 認真嘅.. 如果你有跟我呢個博, 應該都知我往年都一定會寫篇貼文同大家「宣布」當天是我生日, 呵呵!! 但係今年我就決定唔咁樣做喇, 而且我又喺Facelook上設定不顯示自己嘅生日.. 因為所以, 同往年比較, 今年生日只有約二成人祝我生日快樂.. 好明顯地, 我的確冇乜真正有心嘅朋友, 哇哈哈哈!!

千真萬確, 證實我哋大家已經十分依靠提示功能「提醒」我哋各種事項日子.. 之後就非常方便地打幾個字, 甚至㩒一個button就可以全自動送出生日祝賀俾朋友.. 最後得返壽星一個Like, 整個祝賀過程就此完滿結束.. 唔好誤會, 我唔係要喺度投訴啲乜嘢, 都一把年紀, 實在冇咁好氣去在乎.. 都唔好因為你錯過咗我嘅生日而覺得不是, 傻啦, 我都一樣錯過好多囉, 大家都明白其實係現時個趨勢啫.. 點都好, 仲有人記得我生日, 祝我生日快樂, 甚至買禮物俾我, 我其實已受寵若驚.. 多謝晒你哋呢班有心人, 我仲感動緊哚, 你哋嘅心意我非常珍惜.. :)
okay, it WAS my birthday yesterday (hence this blog is named [SK/0617]), but you don't have to wish me a belated happy birthday (and please, it is belated happy birthday and NOT happy belated birthday my dear, my birthday never late, only your birthday wish, hehe!!) here, seriously.. if you have been following my blog, you know i used to be very high profile (and thick-face) to write a special post to "announce" publicly that it was my birthday that day, hahaha!! this year, i've decided not to do so, and in fact i have also change the setting on my Facelook to not show my birthday.. as a result of this, i have like only 20% birthday wishes compared to previous years.. that shows how little friends i truly have, muahahaha!!

it is so true that we are all now so used to be "reminded" of events and birthdays by notifications, after which we can just conveniently type something or even just click a button to automate birthday greetings to our friends, whether genuinely or just out of courtesy, and finally gain a "LIKE" by the birthday boy/girl - the whole process completes.. don't mistaken me for complaining here, at this age, i really will not care too much.. and don't feel bad you missed my birthday, i've missed many too, we all understand this is just the trend now.. anyway, i was thrilled by those who remembered my birthday, sent me birthday greetings or even bought me presents, i really appreciated that.. thank you so much people, i am still feeling touched, your thoughts and action really meant a lot.. :)

2015.06.15 | 閉翳包裝

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2030]
The *Palm on Sweating Face* Food Packaging
大家見到下面張相嘅時候, 應該唔明我影兩張垃圾做乜.. 其實係好小一件事, 大家都可能不會意, 除了我呢個完美主義者外.. 如下圖兩包餅咁, 左邊係來佬嘢, 開口上咗層食品安全膠水, 不費吹灰之力就可輕易打開, 盡情享用.. 右邊係本地嘢, 為咗減低成本, 唔上多一層膠, 而係用熱壓等開口可以癡埋一齊, 要開就要用盡吃奶之力, 開得到唔手痛唔面紅, 而且又唔整到成手或成身甚至成地都係, 唔閉翳就叫做好彩..
probably you don't understand why i am showing two empty wrappers when you saw the photo below.. it's a petty thing i guess not many will pay attention to, except the perfectionist (wannabe) me.. take for example two chocolate bars below, on the left is an imported, the opening is sealed using some food-safe adhesives, hence tearing it open is way easier than farting.. on the right is a local made, to cut cost, the adhesives is eliminated but the opening is sealed by heat pressing, hence to open it requires some effort, if not getting your hands sore and face red, or even not make a mess of crumbs on your hands, body and floor, you are lucky..
Good food packaging and lousy food packaging
仲係唔明我講乜?? 大家去搵件實物嚟實踐下就會體會到㗎喇, 哈哈!! 好啦, 再多個例子啦.. 下面杯乳酪, 因為杯口同錫紙之間冇好似來佬嘢咁上多層膠, 所以無論你幾細心, 肯定不能一次過完整撕開, 最後要搞到成手癡立立先食得.. 有時候我真係好想喺啲大老板面前, 親手遞份佢自己公司嘅產品, 叫佢哋當面開嚟食, 我超有興趣睇下佢哋大費周章當下嘅狼狽..
can't understand what i am saying?? get one and try it yourself, haha!! okay, one more example below then.. for the cup of yoghurt below, due to the lack of a layer of adhesives between the seal and cup, no matter how careful you are, you will never be able to tear open the foil seal perfectly in one go but end up yoghurt all over both hands before you can savor it.. many times i really feel like meeting up with the CEOs and hand them their own products, get them to open and eat immediately right on the spot, i am just so eager to see that spectacularly awkward moment..
Lousy yoghurt packaging with easily broken seal

2015.06.11 | 多國語言

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2029]
I Am A Multilinguist Wannabe
Learning Basic French Language through Duolingo
發白日夢自己能夠通曉多國語言?? 係呀, 我絕對係有興趣學多幾種其他語言㗎.. 依家假假哋都叫做識得中文, 英文及馬來西亞文(雖然冇樣叻, 但係都出得下場面嘅), 而我想要學嘅語言名單上, 頭兩個就係日文同法文.. 個人覺得呢兩和種語文好正, 日文聽落就文質彬彬, 法文聽落就風情萬種, 哈哈!! 最近下載咗個免費嘅手機程式叫做Duolingo, 我正在通過呢個程式學緊法文哦!! 呢個程式好互動同啟發性, 學習因此更生動有趣.. 唔似得好多其他嘅教材咁, 一味跟住發音但係從來唔知自己噏緊乜.. 通過Duolingo學習, 感覺就似上緊堂咁, 課程以不同模式與級數進階, 通過各種不同活動(例如聆聽, 發音, 理解及翻譯等)進行.. 法文確實唔係易學嘅語文呀, 譬如話一個單字會因為唔同人, 性別, 時間及數量等而有各別嘅變化.. 當然我學嘅只係雞毛蒜皮, 絕不能夠靠佢在法蘭西生存囉, 哇哈哈哈!! 睇睇我至今學到啲乜嘢?? :D

J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait?
我正在學緊法文, 請多多指正..
J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait.
我有隻馬騮, 佢喜歡食香蕉同飲奶..
Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt.
你好嗎? 再見, 希望好快再見面..

注: 呢篇唔係贊助貼(大家都知冇贊助商會搵上我啦), 只係覺得呢個免費手機程式頗不錯, 所以在此與讀者分享.. :)
multilinguist wannbe?? yeah, i am certainly very fond of learning some other languages.. i now know Chinese, English and Malay (all of elementary levels but good enough lah), and in my list of other languages i am interested to learn, the top ones are Japanese and French.. i find these two languages beautiful, Japanese sounds so polite and French sounds so sexy, muahahaha!! i've recently downloaded a free apps called Duolingo and am learning French through it now!! this is an interactive and intuitive apps that makes learning so much fun and enjoyable, unlike many others that you only follow the demonstrator to read through sentences but do not understand what you are doing.. learning through Duolingo is like going to a class, learning though a variety of activities like listening, speaking, understanding and translating, and progressing through different modules and levels.. certainly not a simple language to learn, for instance, every word has many forms depending on the subject, gender, tense and quantity of the context.. of course, all are just basics and i don't think i can survive in France after learning, muahahaha!! see below what i've learned so far.. :D

each sentence below to switch between French and English:
J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait?
I am learning French. Will you correct me please?
J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait.
I have a monkey. He likes to eat bananas and drink milk.
Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt.
Hello, how are you? Goodbye and see you soon.

NOTE: this is not a sponsored post (you know no sponsors will engage me mah), i just like this free apps and thought of sharing with my readers here.. :)

2015.06.08 | 辦公室餐

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2028A]
M.I.T.O: Meals In The Office (Part 1 of 2)
Meals in the office - Grilled cheese sandwich and vegetables salad
最近本人都係留喺公司入面搞掂午餐.. 因為:(1)對附近嘅食肆啲嘢已經開始覺悶, (2)有時候啲嘢係毫無理由咁賣得好貴.. 當然大家不能expect(我)喺公司整炒貴刁或鐵板伊麵呢啲嘢啦, 再加上我係個煮嘢白痴, 所以平時都係簡單嘅沙律或三文治甚至得燕麥.. 例如上面嘅烤芝士蕃茄三文治及菜園沙律, 請見諒我用啲cheap贈品杯碟, 呵呵!! 但係食得呢啲生冷又味寡嘅嘢多, 有時候點都會想食下熱熱哋又有啲味道嘅嘢㗎~~

lately I have been staying in office to get my lunch settled.. that's because (1) I'm getting bored with the eateries around, (2) things are getting unreasonably expensive sometimes.. of course, you can't expect (me) to cook things like Char Koay Teow and Sizzling Yee Mee in the office, and you know I am a dumb in cooking, hence what I usually have are simple things like salads, sandwiches or even just oats.. for example, the grilled cheese and tomato sandwich with garden salad you see above, but pardon me for the cheapo freebies cup and plate i used, hehe!! anyway, with all these cold and bland food, I am sure one would occasionally like to have something savory and hot, agree??

continue with the second part of this 2-in-1 post:  

2015.06.04 | 巴巴嗱嗱

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2027]
Mad with Minions Madness.. BA-NA-NAAAAA!!!
係嘅, 我知大家見到我個blog呢個月黃黚黚嘅主題顏色, 一定掁住對眼鬧緊我.. 盡管戴上你副黑超啦, 之但係我鍾意黃色呀, 一睇就覺得開心, 唔係咩?? 哈哈.. 為了使佢更加劇烈, 今日就等我俾多啲黃色大家睇啦!! 大家慢慢品嚐以下嘅MINIONS MADNESS, 希望帶俾大家愉快的一天.. 歌仔都有得你唱啦, 呵呵.. :p

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you..
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do~~
okay, i know your eyes are sore (and you are cursing me) when you see the bright yellow theme of my blog layout for this month.. go ahead to put on your shades but i like yellow, it's a happy color don't you think?? haha.. and to make this more intense, i am going to show you more yellow today!! enjoy the MINIONS MADNESS and have a happy day ahead, just like the song below, muahahaha.. :p

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you..
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do~~
Click thumbnails below to view individual photos
Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015Despicable Me Minions Madness @ MidValley 2015

2015.06.02 | 新留言網

[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2026]
The Comment Webpage: New Look, New Features
我很好奇大家仲記唔記得我有一個專屬網頁, 係俾大家任何時間任何地點查看所有留言榜嘅呢?? 其實我知大家好耐之前都已經俾返晒我㗎喇, 哈哈!! 不過唔緊要, 為咗refresh各位嘅記憶, 本人要在此隆重宣佈, 該專屬網頁現已被提升, 有全新面貌, 附加功能, 而且更容易操作 - 但係網址保持不變, 請放心..今日有個小小嘅slideshow呈現俾大家, 只需按下面三個操作按扭(依據你所選擇嘅相隔時間)嚟個全自動播放.. 又或者可以另行按圖片下嘅個別號碼按鈕, 嚟個手作瀏覽.. 喺度要恭喜所有榜上有名嘅朋友, 你們都是最好的!!

  • 今日嘅slideshow都頗多嘢講, 大家盡管半途歇息.. 退出後再返嚟, 個slideshow會記住你最後瀏覽嘅頁數, 自動由該處繼續, 唔駛再由頭開始過
  • 今日嘅slideshow因為偏向技術性敘述, 所以只能提供英語版本, 敬請諒解
i wonder if you still remember that i have a dedicated webpage for everyone to check out all the comment charts, anytime anywhere?? okay, i know you have already "given it back to me" since many moons ago, haha!! no problem at all, to refresh your memory about this webpage, i hereby proudly announce that the webpage is now updated with a new look, added with new features and enhanced to be more user-friendly - but the URL remains the same, no worries.. i have today a little slideshow to introduce the changes and enhancements, simply click on the three operating buttons below for an autoplay (with your preferred timing), or click on the individual numbered buttons under the images should you prefer manual viewing.. congratulations to and well done, all chart-toppers!!

the slideshow today could be a little lengthy, please take your time for interval breaks.. when you come back, the slideshow is intelligent enough to remember where you last stopped and will continue from there onwards, you don't have to start all over again :)
Autoplay for
seconds for each slide

[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New Features[SK/0617] Comment Webpage - New Look New FeaturesFing-FIng says Thank You to All