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2015.06.26 | 黃色旋風
2015.06.24 | 售滊水機
[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2033B] |
Drinks from Vending Machines, Part 2 of 2 : Malaysia |
你正在睇緊呢篇二合一貼文嘅第二部份.. 就喺呢一日, 我非常之口渴, 所以決定幫襯輕快鐵站口呢部滊水售賣機.. 我(有啲遲疑地)放入兩張RM1紙後, 就拜(點解要拜?? 因為馬來西亞好多售賣機係入咗錢之後即壞嘅)我支如圖所見嘅500毫升膠樽出現.. 大家估下最後乜嘢落咗入個提取箱度?? 請點擊繼續..係個325毫升鋁罐裝!! 係個要RM2嘅325毫升f**king鋁罐裝!! 係個要RM2而同所見嘅不同嘅325毫升f**king鋁罐裝!! 呢一種售賣機以往都係RM2俾你支500毫升膠樽裝㗎, 幾時開始已經唔係所見即所得嘅估仔呀??!! 另一款售賣機同樣嘅325毫升鋁罐裝都係RM1咋噃, 我真係嚇到呆咗喺度囉.. @.@" |
you are now reading the second part of this 2-in-1 post.. and that was this day, i was so thirsty and decided to get something from this machine at the LRT station.. i (hesitantly) inserted two pieces of RM1 and was praying (why pray?? because many machines in Malaysia go out of order after you insert your money) for my 500ml bottle as seen on the machine.. guess what dropped down into the collection box?? please click to read on..a 325ml can!! a f**king 325ml can for RM2!! a f**king 325ml can for RM2 that is not what is seen!! this type of machine used to give a 500ml bottle for RM2, since when this is no longer the WYSIWYG story??!! another type of machine is vending the same 325ml can at just RM1, i was totally dumbfounded.. @.@" |
2015.06.22 | 自助大䬸
2015.06.18 | 生日之後
2015.06.15 | 閉翳包裝
2015.06.11 | 多國語言
[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2029] |
I Am A Multilinguist Wannabe |
發白日夢自己能夠通曉多國語言?? 係呀, 我絕對係有興趣學多幾種其他語言㗎.. 依家假假哋都叫做識得中文, 英文及馬來西亞文(雖然冇樣叻, 但係都出得下場面嘅), 而我想要學嘅語言名單上, 頭兩個就係日文同法文.. 個人覺得呢兩和種語文好正, 日文聽落就文質彬彬, 法文聽落就風情萬種, 哈哈!! 最近下載咗個免費嘅手機程式叫做Duolingo, 我正在通過呢個程式學緊法文哦!! 呢個程式好互動同啟發性, 學習因此更生動有趣.. 唔似得好多其他嘅教材咁, 一味跟住發音但係從來唔知自己噏緊乜.. 通過Duolingo學習, 感覺就似上緊堂咁, 課程以不同模式與級數進階, 通過各種不同活動(例如聆聽, 發音, 理解及翻譯等)進行.. 法文確實唔係易學嘅語文呀, 譬如話一個單字會因為唔同人, 性別, 時間及數量等而有各別嘅變化.. 當然我學嘅只係雞毛蒜皮, 絕不能夠靠佢在法蘭西生存囉, 哇哈哈哈!! 睇睇我至今學到啲乜嘢?? :D 以下各別句子轉換中文或法文: J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait? 我正在學緊法文, 請多多指正.. J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait. 我有隻馬騮, 佢喜歡食香蕉同飲奶.. Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt. 你好嗎? 再見, 希望好快再見面.. 注: 呢篇唔係贊助貼(大家都知冇贊助商會搵上我啦), 只係覺得呢個免費手機程式頗不錯, 所以在此與讀者分享.. :) |
multilinguist wannbe?? yeah, i am certainly very fond of learning some other languages.. i now know Chinese, English and Malay (all of elementary levels but good enough lah), and in my list of other languages i am interested to learn, the top ones are Japanese and French.. i find these two languages beautiful, Japanese sounds so polite and French sounds so sexy, muahahaha!! i've recently downloaded a free apps called Duolingo and am learning French through it now!! this is an interactive and intuitive apps that makes learning so much fun and enjoyable, unlike many others that you only follow the demonstrator to read through sentences but do not understand what you are doing.. learning through Duolingo is like going to a class, learning though a variety of activities like listening, speaking, understanding and translating, and progressing through different modules and levels.. certainly not a simple language to learn, for instance, every word has many forms depending on the subject, gender, tense and quantity of the context.. of course, all are just basics and i don't think i can survive in France after learning, muahahaha!! see below what i've learned so far.. :D each sentence below to switch between French and English: J'apprends le français. Peux-tu me corriger, s'il vous plait? I am learning French. Will you correct me please? J'ai un singe. Il aime manger des bananes et boire du lait. I have a monkey. He likes to eat bananas and drink milk. Bonjour, comment ça va? Au revoir et à bientôt. Hello, how are you? Goodbye and see you soon. NOTE: this is not a sponsored post (you know no sponsors will engage me mah), i just like this free apps and thought of sharing with my readers here.. :) |
2015.06.08 | 辦公室餐
2015.06.04 | 巴巴嗱嗱
2015.06.02 | 新留言網
[Volume 10 Issue 6, #2026] |
The Comment Webpage: New Look, New Features |
我很好奇大家仲記唔記得我有一個專屬網頁, 係俾大家任何時間任何地點查看所有留言榜嘅呢?? 其實我知大家好耐之前都已經俾返晒我㗎喇, 哈哈!! 不過唔緊要, 為咗refresh各位嘅記憶, 本人要在此隆重宣佈, 該專屬網頁現已被提升, 有全新面貌, 附加功能, 而且更容易操作 - 但係網址保持不變, 請放心..今日有個小小嘅slideshow呈現俾大家, 只需按下面三個操作按扭(依據你所選擇嘅相隔時間)嚟個全自動播放.. 又或者可以另行按圖片下嘅個別號碼按鈕, 嚟個手作瀏覽.. 喺度要恭喜所有榜上有名嘅朋友, 你們都是最好的!! [注意]
i wonder if you still remember that i have a dedicated webpage for everyone to check out all the comment charts, anytime anywhere?? okay, i know you have already "given it back to me" since many moons ago, haha!! no problem at all, to refresh your memory about this webpage, i hereby proudly announce that the webpage is now updated with a new look, added with new features and enhanced to be more user-friendly - but the URL remains the same, no worries.. i have today a little slideshow to introduce the changes and enhancements, simply click on the three operating buttons below for an autoplay (with your preferred timing), or click on the individual numbered buttons under the images should you prefer manual viewing.. congratulations to and well done, all chart-toppers!! NOTE: the slideshow today could be a little lengthy, please take your time for interval breaks.. when you come back, the slideshow is intelligent enough to remember where you last stopped and will continue from there onwards, you don't have to start all over again :) |
每隔 Autoplay for 秒鐘自動播放下接圖片 seconds for each slide |
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