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2014.10.28 | 低消費力
[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1959] |
Weak Purchasing Power: High Price or Low Income?? |
我可以話係見到日本有眾多KitKat口味而大開眼界.. 前幾日, 終於俾我喺呢度某超市見到個比較特別嘅KitKat口味, 「烘烤KitKat」, 當然係入口貨啦.. 無可厚非, 我當時係非常興奮, 不過最終都係冇買到, 因為我寧願買便宜好多又可以喂飽我六餐嘅お茶漬け啦, 哈哈!! 老實講啦, RM17.90一包確實唔係平囉, 大家是否同意?? 我曾經同某位友人傾偈得到一個結論, 我哋冇KiKat口味選擇嘅原因, 係因為國人消費能力低.. 再諗深一層, 我就覺得未必係因為嘢賣得貴, 更有說服力嘅反而係因為我哋好高嘅入口稅同埋好低嘅個人收入.. 做一條簡單數學題啦, 假設一個日本人每月平均賺¥200,000, 以¥500購買都只不過係收入嘅0.25%.. 而一個馬來西亞人每月平均賺RM2000(我哋唔好否定呢個事實), 就需要嘔出RM18, 即係收入嘅0.9%購買.. 以上只不過係本人一個小小的想法, 並非可能反映真實情況.. :) |
i have to say i'm utterly impressed by the many flavors of KitKat i've seen in Japan.. the other day, i finally saw a more creative KitKat flavor in a local supermarket, the "Baked KitKat", imported of course.. no doubt i was very excited, but then i did not buy that because i rather buy the ochazuke which is way cheaper yet can feed me six meals, haha!! frankly, RM17.90 for this packet is not cheap at all, agree?? i once was talking with a friend and we concluded that the reason we do not have choices for KitKat flavors is the generally low purchasing power of the people.. second thought, i guess it may not be due to the selling price but more convincingly, the high import tax and low personal income we are earning.. just a simple math, let's say a Japanese with an average ¥200,000 income can get this at ¥500 which is just 0.25% of his salary, but a Malaysian with an average RM2000 income (let's not deny this fact) has to fork out RM18 which is 0.9% of his pay to buy this.. just my humble opinion and this may not reflect the true case.. :) |
2014.10.24 | お茶漬け
2014.10.21 | 飲飲食食
2014.10.17 | 免費贈品
2014.10.16 | 咖啡香味
2014.10.15 | 網瀏覽器
2014.10.14 | 冇晒胃口
[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1953] |
When What You Get Is Not What You See |
所看見的 | what you see 所得到的 | what you get 點擊按鈕比較照片 | Click buttons to compare |
係, 我哋接受宣傳相片只供參考用, 我哋明白只賣區區RM2.95, 我哋知道你哋用足材料準備呢個包.. 不過可唔可以將你哋啲kitchen crew訓練成熱愛工作以及顯示專業嘅職員, 至少將食物整得似返個樣, 以反映貴公司嘅形象?? 所謂色香味, 顧客滿意程度除咗食物嘅香同味之外, 都應該注重色囉.. 唔該!! 大家比較完上面所見到的以及所得到的之後, 都應該明白呢一篇唔係paid post囉.. |
yes, we accept that the promotional image used is for illustration purposely only, we understand that it's just RM2.95 and we know that you have used all the right ingredients.. but can you please train your kitchen crew to love their job and to show professionalism, at least prepare food that look just a little more presentable to go with the image of your company?? it's the appetite as much as the right taste you are seeking for in your customers' satisfactions.. thank you!! you will understand that this is surely not a paid post if you compare what you see and what you get photos above.. |
2014.10.13 | 務必沖廁
2014.10.10 | 週末愉快
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2014.10.08 | 誰人得獎
[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1950] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hokkaidō Trip Summer 2014: Who Got the Prize?? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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唔好嚇親, 今日唔係在整多篇遊記大家嘆, 而係要公佈上個星期有獎問答得獎者名單啫.. 好嘅, 隔咗咁耐大家可能已經唔記得, 又或者已經冇晒興致.. 不過唔緊要, 至少藉此我可以為呢一系列嘅遊記作一個正式嘅總結.. 各位有份參加嘅讀者, 非常感謝你哋嘅支持!! 大家究竟答中咗幾條問題呢?? 你又是否係其中一位得獎者?? 馬上探個究竟.. (皆為統一英文版本) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
don't panic, this is not another travelogue post but just to announce the winners of the giveaway contest last week.. okay, i know it's too long ago and you probably have forgotten or left no more excitement about it.. no problem, at least this is for me to officially draw the curtain and wrap up the entire series.. to all who have submitted their entries, thank you so much for your kind support!! so, have you answered the questions correctly?? are you one of the winners?? check it out.. |
2014.10.03 | 季三戰績
[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1949] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quarter 3 Commenting Results | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
點擊我做乜嘢?? 點擊下面嘅按鈕嘛~~ :D Click me for what?? Click the button below mah~~ :D
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昨日為大家揭曉咗九月份嘅留言排行榜, 今日當然不能忘記第三季嘅總成績啦.. 多謝大家一路以來的支持, 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友!! 不過非常之抱歉, 呢一季很不幸地搵唔到贊助商, 所以冇獎品派給大家哦, 呵呵!! 最後我想講嘅, 呢啲所謂嘅留言排行榜, 只不過係我為答謝讀者而作出嘅小小appreciation動作, 大家請勿因為排名或分數而傷了和氣呀!! 最終最重要嘅係, 大家享受讀我嘅post, 當喺度以留言方式結識各方博客朋友, 交流交流, 大家愛大家, 博客世界將會很和平哦~~ :) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
we had the commenter chart for september yesterday, and of course we are not going to forget about the commenting results for quarter three of the year today!! thank you everyone for you support all the while and congratulations to all who made it to the chart!! but so sorry that i can't get any sponsors, hence there is no prize for the chart toppers for this quarter, hehe!! lastly, what i wanted to say is, all these charts you are seeing are just some act of appreciation i have for my readers, please do not be too bothered about the placing and scores till there is hurt of feelings.. what's most important is that, everyone enjoys reading my posts, making friends and interacting with other bloggers through comments.. everyone loves everyone and there shall be peace in this blogsphere~~ :) |
2014.10.02 | 九月金榜
[Volume 9 Issue 10, #1948] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monthly Commenter Chart: SEPTEMBER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
大家好, 轉眼間已是十月天喇.. 首先多謝大家過去兩個月內嘅耐心支持, 我哋終於撐過了14篇日本北海道遊記嘅煎熬!! 由此, 我已觀察到眾多讀者反應, 同埋聽取大家(直接或間接)嘅意見.. 今後嘅posts, 我會儘量長話短說, 大家開心我就開心!! 今日循例為大家揭曉上一個月嘅讀者留言排行榜, 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 再次多謝大家嘅支持!! 我愛大家~~ :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
hello folks, it's october now.. first of all, thank you so much for your patience and support over the past two months, we finally made it through the "grilling" by my 14 Hokkaido travelogue posts!! as such, i have been observing responses from readers, as well as taken in (direct and indirect) feedbacks from you.. hence from today onwards, i shall do my best to keep all posts short and sweet, i'm happy when everyone's happy!! as usual, i'm announcing the commenters chart for the previous month today, congratulations to all who made it into the chart, and once again thank you everyone for your kind support!! i love you all~~ :p | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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