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2014.05.29 | 面卜雜錦

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1899]
今日有點懶(係, 我老實承認係純粹懶, 而唔係以忙作籍口), 所以唔去諗咁多嘢嚟寫喇, 就將最近幾個面卜updates搬過嚟砌起呢個post啦!! 當然我又唔會齋copy & paste嘅, 話晒係個完美主義者, 我點都會用啲scripting執返下嘅, 呵呵.. 如果你係我面卜上嘅朋友(而冇剔走我)嘅話, 你應該察覺到我其實唔係好活躍, 就好似我個blog咁, 我唔係乜叉都post一輪㗎嘛, 我通常會度過先post, 所以有嘢post對我嚟講係「大事」嚟呀.. 當然仲有唔希望朋友因為我洗版而討厭我啦, 哈哈!! 好喇, 以下係本人最近在面卜嘅updates, 先前有冇睇過都好, 希望大家enjoy!! :)
feeling lazy today (yes, purely lazy and not giving excuse that i am busy), so i am not going to think of new stuffs to write, but this cool idea to "compile" some of my facebook updates and make them into this post!! of course i don't just copy & paste blindly, being me, there's always scriptings that i love to put in my post, right?? kekeke.. well, if you are my friend on facebook (and has not unfollowed me) you shall notice that i am not quite active, because like my blog, i don't just post everything, i contemplate before posting and if i post something it's "big thing" to me.. also, i don't want friends to hate me if i flood their page, hehe.. okay, here are some of my facebook updates, enjoy regardless you've seen it before or not.. :)

2014.05.27 | 電影週末

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1898]
自超過一年前, 我張信用卡每個星期都有免費戲飛贈送[備註], 所以我好多個週末都會去戲院睇戲.. 如果冇呢個優惠我係絕對唔會咁經常睇電影囉, 不過點解我又好似冇乜寫電影咁嘅?? 可能我應該比較主流, 寫多啲做過乜食過乜嘅題材?? 至少唔駛成日絞盡腦汁要寫咩(唔好誤會, 我唔係話寫做過乜食過乜好易, 只不過有咗呢個題材, 我就唔駛去諗其他題材咁啫), 呵呵.. 好喇, 以下就係我上個週末睇咗嘅兩部電影..
[備註] 每宗網上購票交易可獲免費一張, 每位卡主最多可得兩張, 每星期限1000張免費戲飛, 先購先得.. [鏈接]
my credit card offers free movie tickets weekly[NB] since more than a year ago, hence i often go watch movies in the cinema during weekends.. i wouldn't have watched movies so often if there is no promotion, but why have i not blogged about movies more often?? guess i should be more mainstream and blog more about what i do and what i eat huh?? at least i don't need to scratch my head too much (don't get me wrong, i don't mean writing about what you do or what you eat is easy, but at least that's a ready topic for me so i don't have to think about something else), hehe.. okay, here are two movies i watched last weekend..
[NB] one free ticket for every transaction of online ticket purchase, up to two free tickets per cardholder and limited to 1000 free tickets a week for grabs.. [link]

2014.05.23 | 琳琅滿目

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1897]
我覺得自己係個歡迎創意, 而且很多時候係樂于嘗試新事物嘅人.. 今日係星期五, 我哋唔好討論太過嚴肅嘅大事以致大家感到壓力, 就輕描淡寫討論芝麻小事俾大家輕鬆下啦.. 好喇, 就講朱古力啦, 甜甜地大家都開心嘛, 啱唔啱?? 對於買開嘅品牌啲朱古力, 我一向來都好樂衷於嘗試新口味㗎, 我絕對唔會樂于獨孤一味守住安全地帶囉.. 有個朋友曾經買過一啲好創新口味嘅朱古力俾我, 有辣椒口味, 檸檬胡椒粒口味, marmite口味.. 好多人或者會直接問「吓?? 食得㗎??」, 不過我絕對會話「嘩!! 好特別, 我要試!!」.. 我在日本玩嘅時候, 就見到好多不同口味嘅KitKat, 精神為之一振.. 唔似得我哋呢度嚟嚟去去都係得一個最基本嘅牛奶朱古力口味, 超悶.. 剛剛上網摷一摷, 輕而易舉就搵到好多令人叱叱稱奇嘅特別口味, 很想全部一試!! 以下係其中一部分..
我比較新穎開通, 就以自動播放形式, 俾我睇下啲相片啦..
我比較傳統保守, 就將相片全部顯示, 讓我自己以鼠標滾動..
我比較沒有興趣, 請把所有相片隱藏..
i consider myself one who welcome creativity and am happy to try out new things most of the time.. it's friday today, so let us not talk about big issues and get everyone stressed up, but mundane little topic so that everyone feels relax.. okay, chocolates perhaps since sweetness makes people happy?? i am always excited to try out new and special chocloates of brands i have been buying, and i do not stay in my comfort zone with just that flavor i am used to.. a friend once bought me some very innovative artisan choclates - chili flavor, lemon & peppercorn flavor, marmite flavor.. some may just say "yierr, nice meh??" but to me definitely i would say "yoh!! exotic, i wanna try!!".. and when i was in japan, i found they have many interesting flavors of KitKat which got me so excited, but sadly it is so boring in Malaysia we only have that one and only original milk chocolate flavor.. searching through internet just now, i came across many that impressed me and feel like trying so badly, here are some of them..
I am new style, show me photos one by one in an automated slideshow..
I am old school, show me photos all at once and i will manually scroll..
No, thank you. I am not interested, please hide all the images..
Slower [-]        [+] Faster

2014.05.21 | 開樽限期

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1896]
記唔記得上個月我去某貨艙大減價買咗啲護膚品同香水, 之後大家就討論呢啲產品嘅有效期限?? 每個讀者都有唔同嘅意見, 所以我就上網google下, 意外的是, 搵唔到有人話生產之後嘅有效限期(因為大多都至少可以保存30個月以上), 反而係比較多人提及開嚟用過之後, 呢啲產品可以繼續用幾耐.. 好喇, 如果你尚不知道(我其實都係最近先知咋), 你應該可以見到你啲化妝品容器上印有個「開樽符號」.. 就以上圖為例, 「樽」上印有12M, 18M, 24M等字樣, M字代表月, 而數目字代表幾多個單位, 所以呢啲所謂嘅「開樽符號」, 就係話俾你知, 化妝品開過嚟用之後, 最後就在12, 18或24個月(視標籤內容而定)之內用完.. 我啲大部份都係寫住24M, 所以我係絕對安全嘅, 事關本人面大身體肥, 用得實快過人啦, 唔駛24個月就已經將佢搞掂啦, 呵呵!! :D
如果你仲係用緊你當年男友或女友送俾你嘅第一支香水, 唔該你喇朋友, 好將佢掟囉鹹水海啦~~ :p
remember last month after i bought some skincare and fragrance from a warehouse sales, we discussed about the expiry of these products?? well, different readers gave different opinions and that got me went googling about it.. surprisingly, none i found actually talk about the expiry after the products are manufactured (because their lifetimes are at least 30 months) but rather on how long they can last after opened for use and before they turn bad.. okay, so this is it if you didn't know (and i just knew about it), you would likely see an "open-jar symbol" on the container of your skincare products and fragrances.. as shown in the photo above for example, there are labels like 12M, 18M, 24M etc printed on the "jar", the M denotes months and the number indicates how many units, thus the label means after your cosmetic has been opened for use for the first time, you are advised to finished using it within 12, 18 or 24 months depending on what's indicated on the label.. most of mine carry the 24M label, so i would say i'm very safe, since i have a big face and fat body so i use them fast, need no 24 months and i'm done with them, haha!! :D
if you are still using that perfume your then-boyfriend or then-girlfriend gave you as your first present, aiyoh, can throw that away already~~ :p

2014.05.19 | 留言的事

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1895]
各位朋友大家好!! 又係一個全新的星期喇, 希望大家今日不受Monday Blues困擾啦.. 不過最近我就有啲困擾喇, 大家可能有留意到呢一個月來, 我有好多post都冇回覆大家嘅留言!! 對唔住呀, 好似覺得好懶好提不起勁囉(係呀, 坦白講我唔係冇時間), 不過大家放心, 我依然非常熱誠於到訪大家嘅blog兼且誠心留言喔!! 雖然懶惰回覆留言, 不過我要強調, 大家嘅每一個留言我都有睇㗎, 如果唔係, 我又點會知大家嘅feedback呢?? 所以大家請繼續留言, 你嘅支持係會永遠被珍惜的, 呵呵!! 又多謝大家嘅feedback, 我個blog最近添咗幾樣新元素, 大家是否留意到?? 希望大家會喜歡~~ :)
hello folks!! it's a brand new week again, and i hope you are not affected by the notorious Monday Blues today.. but i have been quite affected lately, maybe you can notice since this month, i have many posts which i did not reply to your comments!! so sorry about that, i am just kind of lazy and not motivated to do so (yeah, i am being frank and won't blame of having no time), but no worries as i still drop by your blogs like a shrine and spam comments everyday!! though not replying to comments, i want to stress that i read every single comment from you, else how would i know some have given me feedback?? so, please continue to spam, and all comments are appreciated, hehe!! lastly, thank you for some of your feedbacks, i have got some new elements in this blog, wonder if you noticed them?? hope you will like them~~ :)

2014.05.16 | 標誌游戲

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1894]
好喇, 又係星期五, 又到游戲時間喇, 呵呵!! 上個月同大家玩個首都及國旗游戲, 好多朋友都話好難, 今日就同大家玩個易啲㗎啦.. 猜品牌標誌游戲, 夠晒老少咸宜啩?? 呢個游戲係我自己寫嘅, 唔好以為我去邊度抄返嚟噃!! 用老鼠drag and drop(或click)就玩得, 至於點玩, 就請大家自己睇下游戲指示啦.. 係咁!! 祝大家有個開心又愉快嘅週末~~ :)
BTW, 為了增添挑戰性樂趣(先冇咁悶嘛), 標誌係經隨意挑選同埋隨意修剪嘅, 如果你不能由圖片中看見任何線索, 唔好鬧我, 因為係scripting玩嘢唔係我, 呵呵!! :p
okay, it's friday again, and it's game time again, hehe!! many readers complained the capital & flag game we played last month was tough, so let's play something easy this time.. guess the brand's logo, i think this is popular enough?? okay i wrote this game myself, no need to suspect where i copied and pasted it here!! just use your mouse to drag & drop (or click) to play, and how to play?? read the instructions here folks!! that's it for today, have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :)
BTW, to ensure more dynamic challenge (thus less boring), the sets of logo are randomly picked and randomly cropped for every new game loaded, it's not me but the scripts, so don't scold me if you see no clue at all from the logo, haha!! :p

2014.05.14 | 今昔師長

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1893]
同某朋友傾偈時, 得知佢姪女依家喺我N年前間中學返學, 於是我哋嘅談話就圍繞住今日同昔日嘅老師.. 其實都相當有趣㗎, 以下係整理我哋談話內容之後得出嚟嘅結果, 唔知各位可否認同?? :)
學生唔聽話, 只要老師覺得學生唔啱, 都可以處罰學生學生唔聽話, 就算係學生唔啱, 老師要考慮到家長會投訴, 「骨」一聲吞咗啖氣
家長怕見老師, 見面時對老師恭恭敬敬老師怕面對家長, 見面時對家長恭恭敬敬
放學後, 老師會主動幫學生補習放學後, 老師會收費幫學生補習
上堂時, 老師會將畢生所懂嘅知識, 全部傳授於學生上堂時, 老師會將一半知識傳授於學生, 剩下一半於收費補習班上告知
教師節照常上課, 冇乜大不了教師節大肆慶祝, 仲要學生送禮物
對小朋友嚟講, 老師一句勝于家長十句對小朋友嚟講, 老師一句勝于家長十句
was talking to a friend and got to know his niece was studying in the same high school i went N-years ago, and thus our conversation surrounded the topic of teachers from the past and present.. it was actually an interesting conversation, and after processing what we talked about, this is what i can summarize, wonder how much do you agree with us?? :)
teaching is an esteemed jobteaching is a low-income job
as long as teachers find students wrong, they can punish the studentseven if the students are wrong, teachers consider likely complaints from parents and give in
parents are afraid to see teachers, when both meet up, parents are always politeteachers are afraid to face parents, when both meet up, teachers have to be polite
after school, teachers stay back to give free tuition to studentsafter school, teachers stay back to give paid tuition to students
while teaching in class, teachers teach everything they know to the students, unreservedwhile teaching in class, teaches teach only half they know, reserving the rest to be taught in paid tuition class
teachers' day is just another normal day, classes run as usualteachers' day is a big day for celebration and students have to buy presents for their teachers
to the kids, one word from teachers is way more effective than ten advices from parentsto the kids, one word from teachers is way more effective than ten advices from parents

2014.05.12 | 愛心便當

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1892]
其實我唔係諗住炫耀我呢一包(朋友由日本帶返嚟俾我嘅)多啦A夢零食, 我只不過係想借題發揮講一講便當呢樣嘢啫.. 當然上面個便當係個mock-up嚟, 一個容器內裝有食物咪就係便當囉?? 哈哈.. 大家應該都經常喺網上見到其他人啲便當, 色彩斑斕種類繁多, 見到都食指大動, 有啲甚至有可愛到爆嘅卡通人物, 係靚到呢, 唔捨得擺入口.. 你知唔知呀?? 我以前其實係一位非常渴望有便當可以帶返學嘅小朋友, 不過每日都只有零用錢, 去學校食堂解決一日三餐(因為我返學時間係7:45am至5:30pm, 所係早/午/下午茶三餐).. 我係很羨慕其他同學自己帶便當, 跟住又可以同其他同學一齊分享㗎.. 有個便當俾我, 就算係自己準備嘅, 裡面得幾塊爛鬼餅乾或零食, 我都會覺得沾沾自喜㗎.. 依家啲小朋友就幸福得多喇, 好多都有父母為佢哋準備愛心便當, 仲要叮囑佢哋記得帶返學, 雖然我知道好多小朋友都唔係太珍惜.. 好多時候驗證咗一句說話, 擁有嘅時候不懂得珍惜, 失去嘅時候先嚟後悔..
okay, i am actually not bragging about my Doraemon snacks (bought for me from Japan by a friend), but i just want to talk about lunchbox.. yes lah, this is a mock-up of course, a container containing food is a lunchbox right?? haha.. i guess we often see people posting photos of very nicely done lunchboxes, the combination of colors and the variety of food makes it so wholesome and delicious, some even come with cartoon characters so cute you are not even willing to eat.. you know what?? i was a kid who wanted to bring lunchboxes to school so badly, yet i was just given pocket money everyday to get my three meals (breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea as my school time was from 7:45am till 5:30pm) settled at school canteen.. i always envied classmates who brought nice lunchboxes to school and shared with each other.. i feel contented to bring my own lunchboxes, even if i were to prepared them myself, be that just a few pieces of cheap biscuits or junk snacks.. kids nowadays are surely lucky to have their loving parents prepare lunchboxes for them to bring to school, though i suppose many may not even appreciate.. many times it is so true that, when we have something we don't care to treasure, but only regret when we have lost something..

2014.05.09 | 精明消費

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1891]
語言選擇 | Language : 中文 English
喺我上一篇貼文中, 我哋討論過某快餐廳嘅汽水添飲, 同埋我很少好似「師奶」咁去搵佢著數.. 不過呢, 我始終係「大叔」一名(呵呵!!), 所以我對價錢好敏感, 成日都會左計右計點樣以最少買到最多.. 我諗大家去快餐店嘅時候, 都係會慣常地叫套餐, 因為價錢同單點相若不過有多杯嘢飲同薯條之類.. 呢個當然係對的第一步, 不過眾多套餐當中, 大家又有否動諗下其他配搭, 邊樣更加值得呢?? 請點擊上面各份套餐, 睇下本人有何發現啦.. 預祝大家有個愉快的週末, 呢個週末大家係唔係會去KFC或McD咁呀?? 哈哈~~ :p
in my previous post, we talked about drinks refills at a fast food chain and that i don't often act like an "uncle" to take advantage of that.. however i am, "uncle" as always (haha!!), very price-sensitive and calculate what best stretches my money.. i guess most of us, when patronizing fast food chain, would naturally look at the combo or set meals available, because a-la carte can be just around the price but without drinks and sides.. okay, that's the first correct step, and within the many different combo or sets offered, have you ever thought of other combinations so that you get the maximum from what you spend?? please click on each of the two set meals above and see what i have discovered.. a happy weekend ahead to everyone, and are you heading down to KFC or McD coming weekend?? hehe~~ :p

2014.05.07 | 不再免費

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1890]
或者我係後知後覺, 不過我係早幾日先知道原來麥當當已經唔再俾大家免費添汽水喇, 每添一次就承惠五毫子.. 其實對我而論都冇咩大不了, 因為我真係好少可添飲嘅.. 或者對習慣搵著數嘅朋友就係一個噩耗, 因為好多人都買一杯(不停添)飲一成日, 或者收埋隻杯等下一次再去就有免費汽水飲.. 我個人其實唔反對麥當當咁做喎, 因為很多「精明」人都只係識得搵著數, 而最終變成侵犯權益.. 不過可能突然間改變好多人接受唔到, 不如就免費添飲一次, 之後喺隻紙杯上做返個(不能消滅的)記號?? 本人一個小小建議.. 不過我更加希望見到同樣嘅行動用于茄汁辣椒醬上囉.. 或者俾大家兩包免費嘅, 如果再要多啲就每包一毫子售出.. 事關實在見得太多被免費醬汁縱壞晒嘅顧客, 刻意浪費不特止, 仲要不屑一切.. 請學習茄汁辣椒醬點薯條, 唔係薯條送茄汁辣椒醬, 如果可以喜愛食物原有味道就更加好啦, 唔係食乜叉都要點辣椒醬嘛!! 有免費嘢大家就理所當然駛到盡, 要俾錢先識得節省同珍惜.. 人呀, 馬來西亞人!!
maybe i'm slow but i just realized couple of days ago that there is no more free refill for carbonated drinks at MacRonald, instead you pay 50-sen for every refill.. okay, not a big deal to me as i don't usually go for refills.. probably a frustrating news for people who always take advantage of the free refill, they buy a small cup and stay in there for one whole day, or keep the cup for free drinks on their next visits.. i am not against this act from MacRonald, because i find many "smart" people take advantage of their privileges and end up abusing the rights.. but perhaps such an abrupt change is unacceptable to pampered customers, how about something like one free refill and then have an untempered-able indication on the cup?? just my humble suggestion.. but seriously, i would like to see the same thing applied to ketchup and chili sauce, maybe 10-sen per sachet after the first two free sachets?? i have seen too many customers pampered with free sauce, who always create deliberate wastage yet not cared at all.. learn to just dip your fries with sauce and not soak them in as if you need fries to go with (drinking) your sauce, or better still love food on their own tastes, you do not need chili sauce for everything lah!! when given for free, things are often taken for granted but if asked to pay, things are surely appreciated.. humans, Malaysians!!

2014.05.05 | 四月金榜

[Volume 9 Issue 5, #1889]
大家好呀, 五月份嘅第一個post, 當然循例為大家公佈上一個月嘅留言成績榜啦.. 睇嚟四月份都應該相當之精彩噃, 成個榜好似大洗牌一樣, 不過依然係女士們霸佔住前五強位置, 男士們應該要加倍努力喇!! 點都好, 恭喜晒所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 請大家俾掌聲佢哋!! 當然過去一個月都辛苦晒大家俾面支持同留言, 多謝你哋每一位對我嘅愛戴, 我係真心珍惜的!! :)
自四月一日起, 有一項新法則加入留言成績計算運行, 此法則基於留言長度以及與博文題材嘅相關度來判斷留言效率, 大家可以見到詳細名單上有一項"Comm Eff"嘅新數據..
hello everyone, the first post for the month of may, and of course i am announcing the comments chart for the previous month as usual.. looks like we had an amazing month of april and there is a massive reshuffle on the chart, but still we have the ladies who took up the top five positions, gentlemen must work double harder!! anyway, congratulations to all who are in the chart and please give them a big applause!! it has of course been an entire month of hardwork for everyone's support and spamming, thank you so much to everyone of you who, i really appreciate all that!! :)
a new algorithm has been placed into the computation starting 1st April to determine the effectiveness of comments based on the length and the relevance with respect to the topic of the post, for which you will be able to see a new column "Comm Eff" in the detailed list..
■ 請按標題查看排行榜 | Click title to view chart ■
四月份留言排行榜 Comment Chart for APRIL
#(#)博客 Blogger得分
1(2)  Small Kucing @ SMALL KUCING34.512/12263-
2(5)  Hayley @ Hayley and Herself33.012/12225-
3(1)  LouizYee @ Breathe a little Slow down31.512/122252
4(3)  angeline @ Angeline's Side of Story31.412/12246-
5(4)  小影 @ As An Unrest Life23.212/121877
6(14)ChrisAu @ times of refreshing
★★ 最大躍進!! Biggest Leap!!
7(9)wenn @ Experiences16.112/12551
8(6)Twilight Man @ TWILIGHT ZONE15.712/1263-
9(8)lina @ Life In My Own Backyard15.312/1256-
10(7)suituapui @ Still Crazy All The Years14.212/12551
11(10)Somewhere in SG @ Somewhere in SG Blog13.312/12401
12(19)Yannie @ Blog with Yan12.911/1222-
13(12)Phong Hong @ Phong Hong Bakes12.711/1221-
14(17)Libby @ My Blog, My World, My Memories12.610/1251-
15(13)海市蜃樓 @ 海市蜃樓12.012/1214-
您的得分是如何計算的呢?? 請點擊 這裡 查看得分系統..
How is your score calculated?? See the scoring system here..