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2014.01.29 | 但求實際

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1855]
仲有兩日就農曆新年喇, 大家買咗新衫未?? 雖然我對於新年買新衫冇以前咁在乎, 但係都買一兩件取個意頭啦, 上個星期就去咗個貨倉大減價買咗呢對鞋, 由RM239減至RM99.. 俾著以前嘅我, 可能會覺得個款舊, 又或者倉底貨唔起眼, 冇咁上下名牌我係絕對唔會睇上眼㗎.. 不過今時今日嘅我, 又唔係要行喺潮流尖端(況且都冇咁嘅資格), 可以著得又平又正又舒服先係最重要, 甚麼高尚名牌甚麼最潮款式, 算吧啦, 我已經過咗嗰仲年齡.. 其實我覺得依家啲衣褲鞋襪全部都超貴兼唔襟, 普普通通一件嘢要幾百蚊, 而且著冇兩下就爛, 違反經濟效益, 真係唔值得洗咁多錢去買.. 大家見貨倉大減價可以減到咁平, 就知平時以原價買入係何等被搵笨啦!! 仲有, 俾幾百蚊買件心口有個大大隻品牌logo嘅衫, 驚死人家唔知你著咩牌子咩?? 我覺得應該係佢要倒貼我幾百蚊做打廣告費用囉, 哈哈!! anyway, 以上純屬個人想法, 著咩衫始終係個人喜好與眼光, 最緊要係自己開心!! :)
it's two more days to CNY, have you bought your new clothes already?? although not as particular as i used to be, but i still buy something new for the sake of CNY, like this pair of shoes i bought from a warehouse sales last weekend, from RM239 to now RM99.. if i were still me back then, i probably find the design outdated, not interested with "leftover" and may not even take a look if it's not reasonably branded.. but to the now me, i am not a fashion icon wannabe (i do not have what it takes to be either), being able to wear something nice and cheap and comfortable is most important.. forget anything about brands or latest fashions, i have way passed the age to put these factors into strict considerations.. i actually find clothes nowadays super expensive yet not long-lasting, something so common but costs you a few hundred yet gone after just a few wear, is so not economical and hence i do not think they are worth for me to spend on.. look at how low the price can be at warehouse sales, and you know you have been such a big philanthropist for paying the regular price!! and what's more, paying a few hundred to buy something with a huge logo on you, worrying that nobody knows which brand you are wearing?? i think they should pay me a few hundred as advertising fees instead, haha!! anyway, just my very personal views but how a person dress up is totally his or her preference and fashion sense, i'll say as long as you are happy!! :)

2014.01.27 | 我愛贈品

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1854]
一眼望去我張檯, 就好易見到好多件買日常用品所附送嘅贈品.. 呢個就係我喜歡逛超市嘅其中一個原因, 就算我冇特定嘢要買, 就咁逛下都有可能俾我發現到好正嘅贈品喎, 哈哈!! 而我就可以uncle到為咗贈品而買該件物品, 因為好多時候啲贈品係非常之實用, 雖然係要俾多少少錢(聽落係好滑稽, 不過喺馬來西亞係見怪不怪, 就算話明係免費贈品, 同冇贈品嘅比較價錢起嚟, 有贈品肯定係貴啲㗎!!), 不過又何妨?? 我通常都抗拒不了囉, 呵呵!! 我其實都好喜歡啲免費靚靚容器呀, 杯碟碗呀, 玩具呀, 文具呀之類嘅贈品㗎, 我覺得俾多少少錢係值得嘅, 畢竟呢啲贈品係冇得賣㗎嘛, 就算有都唔會咁平啦.. 咁我又唔會因為人哋見我用贈品而覺得羞恥嘅, 我反而覺得呢啲贈品係有錢都買唔到, 好特別囉, 哈哈!! 這個就是我uncle嘅一面喇, 不過講到唔駛錢嘅嘢, 邊個會唔喜歡?? :p
one quick glance at my desk and i can easily spot a lot of freebies that come with my sundries and groceries.. that is one of the reasons why i always like to browse around in supermarkets, even though i do not have anything specific to buy, simply browsing and perhaps there could be surprises for me to spot nice freebies, haha!! and i can be so uncle that i will buy the items for the freebies, because there are always things i find useful and they come free with the things i buy, though we gotta pay slightly more for that (sounds absurd but that's a norm in Malaysia, though mentioned FREE but when you compare it with the usual one without freebies, the one that comes with freebies is slightly more expensive!!), but why not?? i usually can't resist, hehe!! anyway, i love all kinds of free nice containers, bowls, plates, mugs, toys, stationery etc and i think they are worth for that little extra money, afterall you may not get them sold separately or, even so, at that low price.. and nah, i don't feel embarrass if one sees a huge brand printed on my stuffs, i find them uniquely money-cannot-buy instead, haha!! so, this is the uncle side of me, but who doesn't like freebies may i ask?? :p

2014.01.24 | 食得很飽

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1853]
上個星期公共假期連連, 本來係好事嚟嘅, 可以乘機休息.. 不過似乎休息過度搞到成個人都懶埋, 而且仲因為假期而食多咗, 搞到呢幾日硬係覺得個肚漲漲地, 食落去嘅嘢久久未能消清咁.. 上個星期三就食咗一頓歷時2½鐘, 7+3道菜(因為叫多咗, 所以其中3道要食兩輪)嘅仿懷石晚餐.. 跟住隔日又同幾位朋友聚會, 去咗食日本嘢(下面最後一張相).. 星期六又因為去咗轉夜市場, 見到無數街頭美食而忍不住買咗好多(冇影相).. 嘩嘩嘩!! 諗返起真係覺得好唔掂呀, 真係要開始節食喇!! 不過唔食啲好嘢, 又點會有相俾大家睇呢?? :p
there were public holidays one after another last week, it was supposed to be nice since we can rest more, but instead maybe because we rest more and get even lazier?? and because of that, i kind of ate more than usual, until i felt like my stomach is so bloated as if the food i ate have not been digested and cleared away at all.. last wednesday, it was a 2½-hour 7+3-course (because there were extra portions, 3 of the courses were repeated) faux-kaiseki dinner.. the next day meeting up with a few friends, we went for japanese (the last photo below).. and on saturday i went to pasar malam and again bougt a lot of street snacks because i couldn't resist (no photo taken though).. wow wow wow!! thinking back i really think i have been eating too much, must start to go on diet again!! but without those food, there will not be photos to share with you right?? :p
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2014.01.22 | 咪當我笨

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1852]
數日前收到一封電郵, 聲稱係銀行電郵嚟叫各位顧客更新戶口資料.. 我咁精靈就當然冇上當啦, 因為一打開封電郵一睇, 就知道係龍與鳳, 咪當我老襯啦, 好簡單嘅四個邏輯性理由..
  1. 銀行係唔會發電郵叫你更新資料, 如果真係有任何需要, 銀行係會洗錢寄封公函同大家聯絡嘅..
  2. 電郵地址都唔係銀行地址, 況且銀行肯定唔會用簡稱做名囉..
  3. 內容超級簡單/欠缺公式化/文法有錯, 堂堂一間銀行點會容許呢種錯誤發生?? 長篇大論到你根本唔明佢講乜先係銀行嘅風格嘛!!
  4. 我未用呢個電郵向銀行登記過, 銀行絕對唔知我呢個專門用嚟登記垃圾網站嘅電郵..
本來我收到類似電郵, 都會即刻刪除, 不過當時我就覆咗呢封電郵, 俾咗個中指佢, 呵呵!! 姑且勿論對方收唔收到又或者會唔會睇, 至少我係將我內心要表達嘅給予行動, 其實張圖又真係精準地表達咗我當時個想法喎, 哈哈!! 最後奉勸各位讀者, 如果收到類似電郵, 你可以唔學我咁俾隻中指人(雖然會係幾好玩), 但係大可置之不理, 如果不能辨認真假, 就記得要先打個電話俾銀行確認, 千其唔好俾啲衰人有機可乘呀!! :)
i received an email few days ago, stating that it was from the bank requesting customers to update their account details.. being smart (ahem!!) of course i was not trapped, as i read the email, i already know it was a scam, thought i'm a dumb huh?? it's all four very simple but logical reasons..
  1. banks will never send you email to ask for details, even if they need to do so, they will spend money to send you an official letter for the correspondence..
  2. the email address was not from the bank's domain, and banks will probably not use abbreviations as their names..
  3. the content of the email was super simple, not official and even has grammatical error, how could a bank allow that to happen?? being long-winded and playing with words until you cannot understand what they are trying to say is the bank's style
  4. i've never registered with the bank using this email account, they will never know this email i used specifically for junk websites..
i would usually just delete such emails if i receive any, but that day i replied to that email showing a middle finger, hahaha!! care not if they will receive and read or not, at least i expressed what i wanted to say in heart, i actually find this photo above truly describe my thoughts at that moment, hehe!! lastly i would like to advise my readers, if you receive such email, you may not want to reply my way (but would be fun to do so), but please just ignore them.. if you are unsure of the authenticity then make a call to the bank to verify, do not ever let the bad guys have any chance!! :)

2014.01.20 | 遲來祝福

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1851]
唔係, 當然唔係我生日啦, 我生日係六月十七, 大家睇下呢個blog個名[SK/0617]可知一二啦(暗示暗示, 呵呵!!).. 只不過係經常見到facebook上有好多人都喜歡祝賀朋友"happy belated birthday", 因此而有感而發啫.. 我成日都覺得咁樣講係唔啱嘅, 雖然呢一句賀詞係已經俾廣泛接受.. 生日係定咗嗰一日, 唔會遲㗎嘛, 更加冇可能係應為我哋遲來的祝福而被延遲㗎嘛.. 對我嚟講, "happy belated birthday"嘅意思係, 我哋因為朋友嘅生日來得遲(??)而感到非常之開心, 勁搞笑呀, 哈哈!! 所以我會講"belated happy birthday"囉, 因為係我嘅祝福遲而唔係個生日嘛, 不過如果堅持belated同birthday不可分開, 大可以講"belated birthday greeting"吖, 如果有錯, 有冇英文權威可以糾正我呀?? 不過話是話, 點解係都要強調belated呢?? 驚死你位朋友唔知道你冇心肝, 忘記佢生日咩?? 簡簡單單一句"happy birthday"咪好囉, 我覺得朋友唔會介意你係早咗祝福, 當日祝福還是遲咗祝福囉, 說到底誠意先係最重要嘛, 同意否?? :)
nope, it's not my birthday, my birthday is on 17th June as you can see from the name of this blog [SK/0617] (hint hint, hehe!!).. just that i've seen many people wishing their friends "happy belated birthday" on facebook and thought of writing about my view on this.. i always find this not the correct way to say it though it's widely accepted.. birthdays are fixed and will not be late, so why is that even possible that our friends "postponed" their birthdays just because our greeting is late?? "happy belated birthday" to me means we are happy that our friend's birthday comes late (??), how funny, hahaha!! instead, i would say "belated happy birthday" since my greeting comes late, else if one insists that belated cannot be separated from birthday, then say "belated birthday greeting", any English experts to correct me if i'm wrong?? come to a second thought, why would we need to stress the word "belated" and remind our friends how forgetful of us to have missed their birthdays?? just say "happy birthday" and i don't think our friends would mind at all be it earlier, on the dot or late but the thought that counts, agree?? :)

2014.01.16 | 辨認真身

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1850]
我絕對唔似係其他博客咁又識得煮又識得整蛋糕, 所以我去街市嘅機率, 可以話係接近零.. 我去街市嘅次數一隻手可以數得完, 就舊年而論, 我一共去過兩次, 而且係以遊客身份, 一次喺東京一次喺大阪, 換言之我係完全冇去過本地街市嘅, 呵呵!! 第一, 我非常之唔鍾意又濕又污糟又臭嘅環境.. 第二, 我覺得自己喺街市內會係個白痴, 因為我係一個唔曉得分辨各樣蔬菜同魚類嘅人.. 尤其係有莖有葉嘅蔬菜, 甚麼菠菜, 芥蘭, 菜心以及(最近成為國人熱爆話題嘅)通菜, 對我而講全部都係同一個樣子, 實在分辨唔出.. 如果我要買芥蘭, 而老闆又俾錯菜心我, 我都會覺得自己係買咗芥蘭.. 講到街市幾十種嘅魚類, 更加唔懂得分辨啦, 咪就係魚一條囉.. 我只係認得艙魚, 因為佢係呈菱形嘅.. 如果所有魚都切開, 我只會係認得三文魚, 因為佢係橙色嘅.. 當然如此時間唔會喺超市發生啦, 因為全部都有標籤嘛, 不過如果標籤係唔啱嘅, 我都唔會知道佢係錯.. 講呢一範, 我就係如此可悲喇, 所以解析得到我永遠唔會係個出色嘅廚師, 哈哈!! :D
i don't cook and i don't bake like many bloggers out there do, and because of that, chances that i go to a market is nearly zero.. the number of times i go to a market is countable, and for your information two times (as a tourist) last year, once in Tokyo and once in Osaka, which means i've not been to our market at all last year, geez!! first, i dislike our always dirty, stinky and wet markets.. second, i think i am a dumb inside markets, because i am one that cannot differentiate the varieties of vegetables or fishes.. on the leafy ones, sawi or kailan or spinach or (the lately the people's hot topic) kangkung etc, they all look the same to me.. i would have thought myself given spinach if i asked for it but when the stall owner gave me kangkung instead.. and on fishes, they all are just fish to me.. i can only differentiate pomfret from others because of the shape, and when they are cut into pieces, i can only tell it's salmon and not others because of the orange color.. of course this won't happen in supermarkets because they are always labeled, but if the labels are wrong, i would have thought i bought the correct ones.. that's how pathetic i am, and explains i am surely not gifted to work in a kitchen, haha!! :D

2014.01.13 | 留言分析

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1849]
好多人見到我啲留言榜, 都以為我係逐個逐個留言去計.. 咪傻啦, 計到天光都計唔晒啦!! 家下科技時代, 我梗係自己寫個小小的program, 隨時隨地只要我㩒個button, 佢就會幫我自動計算, 自動整份完整報告我啦, 容不易唧?? 當然大家個blog都有讀者統計俾大家睇, 但係我會比較注重有留言嘅讀者, 因為你唔留言我唔知你係邊個, 你留言我就會認識你, 呢個blog界內大家都儘量做朋友啫.. 所以我有自己一份詳細嘅留言統計, 從中就可以更加了解各位讀者留言嘅方式, 以下同大家分享四個留言統計分析..
after seeing all my comment charts, a lot of people thought i did very tedious manual work to calculate the comments one by one.. holy, do that and it can't be completed even after the sun rises!! it's the technology era peeps, of course i wrote my little program, anytime and anywhere when i click on a button, it will do the calculation, build the statistics and generate a detailed report for me, easy?? of course your blog host would have already provided you with some readership stats, but i am more concern on the comments, because i won't know you if you don't comment, i only get to know you if you left a comment, we all try to become virtual friends when it comes to blogging right?? hence with my very own detailed commenting statistics, i can understand the commenters more - their habit and style.. i am sharing with you today four analysis below..
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2014.01.08 | 手製心意

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1848]
放慢 | Slower [-]        [+] Faster | 加快
大家睇咗幾日都係排行榜, 係唔係覺得個年度大賞都不過如是?? 哈哈, 寫多一篇同年度大賞有關嘅post, 保證係最後一篇!! 同往年一樣, 十大讀者同埋個別獎項優勝者都會得到個人音樂CD一張, 本人不鼓吹貴重禮物, 今日率先喺度同大家分享今年嘅得獎者將會得到嘅CD.. 由割紙(割到手指痲痺), 折紙, 美術設計, 燒錄CD到將所有材料砌成最後完成品, 全部本人家庭式一手包辦!! 犀利呀呢?? 呵呵, 其實自己都有少少自豪咁嘅, 而且送得俾人, 自己更加開心.. 今年以簡潔為主, 唔似往年咁色彩繽紛, 希望各位仍然會喜歡.. :)
seeing charts for days and finding that this blogger awards thingy is nothing but just charts?? haha, i am writing one more post related to this awards thingy, i promise this will be the last one!! similar to previous years, the top 10 commenters and category winners will be entitled to a personalized music CD (i do not encourage expensive gifts).. today, i am sharing with you the music CD that the winners will be receiving.. from cutting the papers (till my fingers got numb), folding the papers, artwork and design, burning CDs to putting all materials together for the finalized product, i've got them all done by my skillful hands alone!! amazing huh?? hehehe, well let me brag that i am proud of myself, but more importantly is that i feel happy to give them to others.. the CDs this year go on a simplicity theme, unlike the colorful and loud theme of the previous years, so i hope the winners will still like it.. :)

2014.01.06 | 年度大賞

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1847]
[SK/0617]年度博客大賞 MMXIII
本部落格年度盛事, 今日為大家揭曉各方讀者一年嚟,勞苦功高為我留言嘅戰績.. 首先大家睇到下面張圖, 有齊晒廿位博客朋友張相(當然好多都仍然唔願意露面), 大家猜唔猜得到呢廿位朋友係邊個?? 多謝各位朋友嘅支持, 2013年有大家嘅留言, 令到我個blog存在得更加有意思.. 所以年度大賞會有年度廿大排行榜, 以及個別獎項嘅優勝者.. 同往年一樣, 第一至第十位嘅讀者及組別優勝者都將會得到本人精心手製嘅音樂CD一張, 以表示我小小嘅心意.. 恭喜所有得獎者, 更加要再一次多謝大家嘅支持!! 期待2014年嘅博客大賞, 大家繼續努力, 多多加油喇~~ :)
the most significant event of the year for this blog, today let me announce the results of the relentless effort readers from all over the places put to comment in my blog over the year.. first look at the picture below, it's a collage of the profile pictures of 20 bloggers (of course many still are not willing to expose their face), can you tell the name of each one of them?? i wish to thank everyone for your support, all your comments in year 2013 have made this blog to exist and be more meaningful.. hence, the annual Blogger Awards shall have a top 20 commenters chart as well as categories winners.. similar to the previous years, top 10 and category winners are entitled to an all-handmade personalized music CD, as a token of appreciation from the blog owner.. congratulations to all the winners, and most importantly thank you everyone again for your support!! looking forward to the blogger award for year 2014, everyone please continue to spam more okay?? :)

2014.01.03 | 皆大贏家

[Volume 9 Issue 1, #1846]
2014年第一個post, 首先同大家講聲新年快樂.. 開始寫我啲post之前, 呢一兩日要為大家揭曉三個金榜, 好X多榜呀, 所以今日二合一先揭曉舊年十二月同埋第四季嘅金榜, 下個星期一先簡單而隆重地為大家揭曉年度大賞金榜.. 一籮籮金榜, 代表我又大派禮物俾大贏家喇, 大家係唔係好期待, 好興奮呢?? 恭喜所有大贏家, 恭喜所有榜上題名嘅朋友, 最緊要係多謝大家落力支持.. 其實我想講, 大家辛苦咗一成年, 全部都係贏家!! :)
the very first post for year 2014, i'll like to wish everyone a happy new year.. and before i actually start any other posts, there are three charts that i need to reveal these couple of days, so f**king many charts, hence i'm doing a 2-in-1 today for the charts of december and quarter four for last year, and finally the annual chart on next monday.. a bunch of charts that means i'll be giving away lots of prizes, aren't you looking forward to and aren't you excited?? congratulations to the winners and all who made it to the chart, but most importantly thank-you's to everyone who has been supporting this blog.. all i wanted to say is, we have been working hard for the past year, so everyone is said to be a winner!! :)