與友人道別後, 就自己去gym跟住shopping(呢啲咪就係一支公可以做到嘅嘢囉, 寂寞, 哈哈!!).. 做完gym之後鬼咁肚餓, 忽然間流晒口水想食咖喱麵, 於是就醒起KLCC頂樓個foodcourt, 以前喺KLCC做嘢都不時會幫襯架.. 覺得佢好香濃好惹味, 啱晒我口味, 一碗落肚, 即刻覺得滿足感十分.. 一碗RM5.80同街邊比係貴啲啲, 不過同頭先嗰餐晏比, 我係畀得一萬個心甘情願囉..
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04.05.2008 | 一日兩餐.. [麵]
與友人道別後, 就自己去gym跟住shopping(呢啲咪就係一支公可以做到嘅嘢囉, 寂寞, 哈哈!!).. 做完gym之後鬼咁肚餓, 忽然間流晒口水想食咖喱麵, 於是就醒起KLCC頂樓個foodcourt, 以前喺KLCC做嘢都不時會幫襯架.. 覺得佢好香濃好惹味, 啱晒我口味, 一碗落肚, 即刻覺得滿足感十分.. 一碗RM5.80同街邊比係貴啲啲, 不過同頭先嗰餐晏比, 我係畀得一萬個心甘情願囉..
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ReplyDelete係啊係啊.. 都話咗我係Lonely Club嘅VIP會員啦, 哈哈~~
ReplyDeleteWell...your food introduction in the blog has not been stopped.
ReplyDeletehahaha, well.. food is an important part of life.. don't you agree??
ReplyDelete所謂民以食為天吖嘛, 梗係食極都食唔晒啦..
ReplyDeletenowadays everything is expensive... really... i wonder how i am going to live on... with now i am getting poorer every single day :)
ReplyDeletethe fried noodles near your place is still selling at RMB4 for a GIGANTIC portion and you enjoy eating that right??
ReplyDelete嘩。。佢哋兩者都係住喺高尚購物廣場入邊﹐但係 Pavilion 竟然貴過 KLCC﹐慘囉﹐咁 KLCC 咪好冇面。。哈哈哈
ReplyDeleteauntie, 咁我又覺得Pavilion高檔過KLCC囉..