今日gym完之後友人話想食物日本嘢, 於是就揀咗呢間「すし善」, 叫咗好簡單嘅炸雞扒便當同埋咖哩雞扒飯.. 食物OK不過服務就認真麻麻囉.. 叫咗凍綠茶, 結果落錯單寫熱綠茶, 仲要等到啲飯食到一半, 提醒侍應先慢條斯理端來.. 仲有叫咗個手卷遲遲未送上, 埋單話要cancel, 個侍應竟然連眼都唔眨就話廚房整緊!! 我頂, 我理得你, 我唔要就唔要啦.. 又唔係多人, 都唔明點解搞成咁, 而且侍應呆呆咁又唔follow-up.. 已經對呢間嘢大減30分..
went for lunch after gym with friend and he said he feel like eating japanese, we choosed this Sushi-Zen and ordered chicken katsu bento and curry chicken katsu rice.. food was OK but the service was totally disappointing.. ordered iced green tea but hot one was taken instead, and not until we have finished half of our rice the waitress slowly bring us our drinks after we reminded her.. we also ordered ebiko maki but that did not appear in the end, asked for the bill and to cancel this item, the waiter without hesitation responded (as if i did not know he is lying) that it's on the way.. well, i don't care, i do not want it now since i am done with my lunch!! just don't understand why the service was damn slow, there wasn't much customers, and the waiters did not even follow-up on the items.. i have already deducted 30 marks for this restaurant..
食完之後直飛戲院睇呢齣《They Wait》, 外國人用中國人橋段拍嘅一齣恐怖片.. 諸如鬼上身, 農曆七月鬼節, 厲鬼含冤尋仇, 鬼聲低吟做背景音樂, 高人指點破解, 都可以喺呢齣戲見到.. 我覺得拍得幾OK喎, 啲演員都演得唔錯(尤其個小朋友更是可見潛質), 不過略嫌就唔夠恐怖唔夠刺激.. 裡頭有幾個面孔熟悉嘅華人演員, 不過講到鬼片, 我始終覺得如果有羅蘭姐會更加完美囉, 哈哈~~
straight to the cinema after lunch to catch the movie "They Wait", a westerner directed horror film based on chinese supernatural believes.. plots common in chinese horror films like spirit attached to human body, seeing ghosts with raw eyes, the ghost month, spirit with hatred trying to search for revenge, eerie spirit humming as background music etc are all seen in the movie.. i personally think this was not bad at all, all acted quite well (and especially see big potential in the kid), however i think it's not as thrilled and as scary as i've expected.. quite some familiar chinese actors in the movie, but when it comes to this genre of movie, i always think it will only be perfect with the appearance of Lo Lan, the veteran HK actress, haha~~
SK Thamby, seems that Japanese outlets are giving bad service these days since LeuMas freaked out. I better avoid them & eat Indian food, cheap & poor service is ok. This Lor Lan has over-acted in so many spooky tales until become Nua-Lan! LOL....
ReplyDeleteSome restaurants and shops become very LC after they become popular. Minus 90 points la, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteLo Lan, didn't know that many ppl know her. HA HA
ReplyDeleteservices r generally good in US since 15% tips is implied to be included. it sucks when the servies are bad but i still hav to pay the 15% which could be about 10-20 usd.
i also got bad services frm sunwy sushi king :(
ReplyDeletemaybe they should consider to recruit "lo lan" into holliwood
生活都几写意woh! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe Japanese restaurant business seems to grow very well here in KL. Lots new restaurant found in town, which offering more choices and varieties. Hehe, I won't go there lor since the verdict given is so bad. And Horror Movie, I hate watching it at cinema. Damn scary, but I don't mind watching it with good companies around. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteoh, i love 羅蘭 too, she really rocks!! haha :p
ReplyDelete你臨尾句「恐怖」, 好似話中有話喎, 係讚美羅蘭姐定係踩低佢呢?? :p
Twilight Zone:
the problem is that the japanese restaurant chains are operated by our so-called dear "bumiputera" friends.. see?? anyway i still like 羅蘭 in all those ghost movies lor, haha :p
err, they are not LC but indeed quite friendly, just that they are incapable of giving up to standard service.. well, don't be surprise veteran actors sometimes are more popular than those young ones.. especially now that they are getting hot in HK TVB dramas.. :)
yes, 羅蘭 rocks!! well, you get good service for that 15% paid, so you are happy.. but we get nothing from that 10% forcefully charged to our bills.. see the difference?? haiz~~
ReplyDeletei have not been to sushi king since 10 years ago.. you know what the problem is?? because they are operated by incapable management.. hmmm, i agree, if 羅蘭 was to be casted into the movie, it will add credits!!
Bob Goh:
寫甚麼意啦?? 吃飯看戲很普通吧?? 你天天游山玩水, 欣賞大自然景色, 呼吸大自然空氣, 不是更加寫意嗎?? 哈哈..
well, i agree there's lots of choices, but then when comes to standard and quality, how many good ones are left?? this is something to be thought of, not quantity but quality :) anyway, you just try and see whether they give good service?? perhaps i was unlucky yesterday?? haha, you so kiasi meh, dare not watch horror movie alone?? get somebody brave and strong to accompany you laa, hehe :p
oh yeah, i definitely gotta agree with you.. she is one of the best veteran HK actress i've ever known!! also one of my favourite too, haha!!
Yalah, I'm quite kiasi 1 ler. Will keep on imagining will driving back home. Yaya, gonna find a brave 1
ReplyDeletehehe, then if i go watch horror movie with you together, i must be extra careful, so that you won't grab the wrong thing!! hahahaha :p
羅蘭姐 - 我都係咁話
ReplyDelete究竟係套西片定係 。。。。。。
ReplyDelete羅蘭姐冇喺齣戲出現.. 係齣西片, 不過有好多中國人對於鬼魂嘅習俗同迷信元素.. 而且成齣係全部華人演員, 得一個鬼婆..