tap on to a HK colleague to help me bring back something while she's back in KL for holiday, finally met up with her and collected my goodies.. everytime i heard about any HK colleagues coming to KL, i will never miss the chance to get them to buy me music CDs.. first of all, i might not be able to find them here, furthermore price is cheaper and packaging is a lot better if i bought them from HK directly.. come to think about it, my personal CD collection has already gone more than 200 pieces, just couldn't explain why i have such obsession on CDs..

同事噚日畀咗個大袋我, 原來裡邊有同事兼好友JC送我嘅聖誕禮物.. 之前臨時臨急畀張清單佢, 要佢左仆右仆幫我買嘢, 已經非常之感激啦.. 估唔到佢狡猾啊, 事先話我知我要嘅嘢冇貨, 原來係自己靜雞雞買落做禮物送畀我, 多謝晒JC!! 一下買咗咁多(呢3支再加其他2支), 我塊面都應該有排可以好好呵護咯.. 不過好可惜, 我生成唔係屬於水噹噹肌膚囉, 唉!!
the colleague passed me a big bag yesterday, only to find out there's a present from JC (my HK colleague and good friend) in it.. was kind of rush when i gave JC my shopping list, made her running errands for me in the last minutes was really a great appreciate from me.. and she was cunning, she told me the product i wanted was out of stock, didn't know that she actually bought it and gave it to me as present, million thanks to JC!! got a sudden surge of supply (this 3 pieces and another 2 pieces), guess my face is gonna be pampered for quite some time.. but sadly, i don't have radiant smooth delicate skin type..

SK Thamby deh....so yer face look like Roti Chanai? Muahahaha...! Just kidding, no hard feelingsss! Wow, you got many CDs. Any piece you wanna give away, tell me.
ReplyDelete噫~~你既CD數量同我屋企既有得比咯, 不過你既系"精選", 我屋企既好多都系二打六 ;p
ReplyDeletewah... banyaknyer barang...
ReplyDelete200张CD以上,喔~ 好多啊
ReplyDeleteI am using the same product.. :)
ReplyDelete哗!还听 CD ? 很落后 leh... ;)
ReplyDelete在马来西亚 iPod, MP3 不流行吗?在外国,年轻人都是听 iPod, MP3 的!
我家收藏的歌有至少三千多首。我常飞来飞去,MP3 对我来说比较方便。
ReplyDeletebut i have totally no idea on how to take care of my face...maybe can give me some tips ah?
how much is one of those CDs then?
ReplyDeletegood lah u..got hk colleague to bring cd for u.. i got to buy online.. expensive leh..
ReplyDeleteTwilight Zone:
ReplyDeletenot exactly roti canai, but precisely mata kerbau, because my face is oily, hahaha!! hmmm, do you give away items in your personal collections?? :p
嗯, 係啊, 我唔係咩二打六都買架.. 除非我中意我欣賞我就每張專輯都買, 一般上都只係買精選就夠喇.. 咁咩二打六都買, 應該多過我至係喎~~
mana ada banyak?? sedikit sahaja laa dik..
凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》:
這不算貴喇, 況且我這個年紀, 真的需要花多一倍的錢去補救了~~
還好喇, 都是那麼多年來的珍藏啊~~ :)
ReplyDeletereally?? that's my pleasure to be using the same product as Lifebook the everything-also-branded-stuffs.. hehe :)
我買來珍藏, 很少聽的.. 我也是用mp3來聽歌啊, 要數mp3那何止你的三千首?? 只是覺得mp3沒有那種實在感, 所以如果覺得喜歡的話, 還是會買CD來收藏囉.. 明白嗎?? 不要以為我們馬來西亞這麼落後~~
問題是我又醜又肥又懶, 唉!!
tips for better skincare?? i think moisture, sleep, water are the some of the more important things lor..
我也覺得不論你是乾性還是油性皮膚, 保濕是很重要的.. 哈哈, 不用眼紅啊, 你也有對你體貼的朋友啊 :)
Johnny Ong:
i think around HK$80-HK$100, but if i'm gonna get the same one (imported) it cost like RM60-RM70.. see the difference??
i never bought online before anyway.. always think that online is the most expensive of all..
Hins, Shirley Kwan...Nice choice man. I love them too.
ReplyDeleteSkin Care? Biotherm? Is it cheaper in HK? Nice choice also. Hehe.
all the artists definately like people like you....hehehe....
ReplyDeletehaha, you praise me until paiseh already leh.. so i can say great minds think alike, great taste choose the same.. hahaha :p
Grace Lee:
of course!! i am one of their 米飯班主 you know?? hehe :p
i'm patiently waiting for my collection ....
ReplyDeletegot everything ready here, will send it to you this weekend laa, then you shall receive them by next week de la.. :)
heee you also wait for my 'collection' la ... will send early next weke lorr ... by the way you burned the 'hei tip gai' for me or not? sooo hong lately ... can be a K song in time for my return in march ha ha
ReplyDeleteaiyoh, this time i didn't do chappalang compilation leh, only do artist best collection.. just now i already post the CDs lor, should receive that next week lor.. you got b**n what collection for me jek?? the one we talked about in MSN that day, you downloaded some software to do that leh?? hehe.. :)
you wait and see la, if not surprises i wont be csws lor, ha ha ha ...
ReplyDeletewah, really?? if really a surprise for me then you shouldn't have informed me here lor.. hehehe!! i shall wait and see lor then~~
ReplyDelete鐵拿兄你就好啦, 有人送.. 叫佢叫人送多份畀我啦不如~~ :p