誰知轉頭立即有個男人坐埋嚟隔離, 問題係佢好肥獅大隻, 5呎7身高但係過100kg體重囉.. 佢一坐低, 龐大身軀同巨躉即刻將鄰居唧去兩邊!! 噢賣葛, 我感到好大擠壓力, 成個人要縮埋一舊, 而且佢一陣十日冇沖涼嘅味道, 好想撼頭埋牆死咗去囉.. 想即刻起身但係逼到郁唔到, 而且咁做又好似會好hurt到佢哦呵?? 唉, 算啦, 我忍, 變成件人肉柿餅我都忍!! 不幸中大幸, 佢早我一站落車, 至少有幾分鐘時間畀我舒活下筋骨囉, 哈哈..
我想強調我並唔係歧視肥人.. 之不過畀著我哩, 我會有自知之明, 個位咁窄明知坐唔落, 就無謂逼埋落去囉, 整親人你話幾咁唔好呢, 啱唔啱??

was enjoying myself when suddenly a huge guy came sitting next to me.. oh my, he was like 5'7" tall but weighs more than 100kg.. he came sat down, his enormous body and big round ass just pushed both his neighbours to the side!! OMG, i really feel the compression from him, squeezing myself to a tiny bit.. furthermore he smelled like he has not been taking shower for 10 days, i really felt like wanted to die.. i wanted to give away that seat immediately, but if i do that will that hurt his feeling?? well, forget it, i'll just withstand that for a while, though i'm almost as flat as a slice of sandwich ham.. luckily he got off a station before me, at least i still have sometime to relax my bones and flesh, haha!!
i wanted to stress that there is no discrimination here.. but if i were him, i will understand that such a narrow seat cannot accommodate my huge body, no point just forcefully sit down and create tough time for the other passengers, right?? :)
ReplyDeleteUmm, why are you worried about being discrimination when you're being sandwiched like that? You can stand up and pretend you're giving up your seat to some pretty lady nearby. HE HE!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Not good to be compressed like that. If I were you, I would stand up and let him have more space. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI know how horrible it felt as I has the same experience before. But thinking from his perspective, it would be nice for him to have seat due to his heavy body weight. Hehe, as Jonzz said..being good by offer your seat to someone else.
ReplyDeletedun u just feel relief when look at those 5'7" height with 100kg weight...? hahahaha
ReplyDeleteoppss...sorry .not discriminating ;)
SK Thamby deh, you would not wanna sit next to me then. Hhmmh!... Anay is 6 feet tall but showers 2-3 times with most scented herbal body shampoo. Vanakam!
ReplyDeletei would behave jus like u. sit there n not hurt any feelings
ReplyDelete哦, 原來你是那麼好人.. 我胖你那麼多, 以後你也要讓位給我囉~~
haha, it's actually quite awkward being in that squeezed sandwich situation.. but then i just sat down and don't feel like standing anymore, wanted my legs to rest a bit..
actually if he sat down first, i will not even want to take that seat.. but so unfortunately that's just the other way round.. haiz!!
i normally won't take the seat and will give them away to other people.. but it just happened that i was the first to enter the train, it's just so reasonable for me to take the seat right?? haha..
ReplyDeletena na na, your mouth cannot be so big huh.. be careful of karma!! i never think of anything whenever i see such person, i only feel pity for them.. :)
你說得對啊, 是天生基因的問題, 所以我也沒有歧視和帶有任何偏見啊!! 不過看了你的經歷之後, 為了大家的安全著想, 還是讓位給他們為上上之策吧.. 你有把當時情況拍了下來嗎?? :p
Twilight Zone:
bulana you are 6ft tall but i don't think you are 100kg heavy right?? oooh, scented body shampoo?? don't tell me it's that traditional JASMINE from your ancestors, hahahaha!! too fragrant is never a good thing too yende..
yes, we should treat them like normal.. no discrimination and no bias, even though we are compressed like sandwiches.. :)
ReplyDelete冇喎, 冇煎冇炸冇煮冇炒冇炆冇燉冇焗喎, 佢仲係好地地一舊喎~~
ReplyDeleteMuahahaha! Kaneeneh leh you made me laugh like cock! Someone just said SAME thing like you about my ancestors and jasmine smell. I can't believe it.
ReplyDeleteTwilight Zone:
ReplyDeleteooh, who told you about the jasmine and your ancestors?? but that is the truth mah.. hope u didn't wear it to the lilian too show and chase everyone away.. :p
哎唷, 真的很可喜!! 如果拍到放在youtube, 肯定變成大紅人了.. 希望那個被壓的人不是你囉, 哈哈!! :p
ReplyDelete我從來沒有把快樂建在別人的痛苦上啊, 別冤枉啊.. 哈哈!! 還好那個被壓的人不是你, 阿彌陀佛~~ :p