[1] 四歲嗰年某日, 喺屋企跑跑跳跳, 不知何解成隻腳板踩落舊鐵片上.. 呢, 以前啲大象嘜旋轉綠色蚊香, 有舊鐵片拗上嚟有個尖尖地方畀你插蚊香嘅.. 咪就係一嘢踩咗落去囉, 當時太細唔係幾記得喇, 淨係記得大喊一輪, 去屋企後邊間醫院包紮傷口..
[2] 幼稚院嗰年學校假期, 同表姐弟喺屋企玩.. 好厲害啊我, 擒上張碌架床扮超人, 一嘢跳落嚟企唔穩, 右腳成個膝頭捍落地.. 即刻一額汗一臉青, 之後大喊一輪.. 最記得家姐下下都要孭我去睇醫生睇鐵打.. 碎咗啲骨, 足足搞咗成個月幾啊, 陰公!! 不過我家姐仲陰公啦呵? :p
[3] 小學三年班, 屋企廚房係用煤氣嘅, 當時一個煤氣桶有3尺幾高15公斤重.. 記得當時懶叻幫手換桶, 結果搬運嘅時候成個桶擲落我左邊腳趾公, 痛得夭心夭肺.. 同最近呢次好雷同, 成只腳趾公瘀腫晒, 之後成塊腳甲仲脫埋出嚟添..
[4] 去到中四喇, 某日放學同個同學玩, 唔記得玩咩, 不過記得係推嚟推去嘅游戲(?!).. 推推下佢一用力(我以前仲係好瘦架, 推得倒架:p), 將我成個人推出幾米外.. 企唔穩一叉錯腳, 右腳即刻拗柴!! 結果跛下跛下自己搭巴士返屋企, 腳腕隨即腫到似豬頭, 阿媽被逼的我去睇鐵打.. 我仲記得呢位同學係林Fing-Fing(化名)架!!
[5] 舊年嘅事, 發生喺同一間gym內.. 落踩步機嘅時候, 唔小心畀個stepper刮親, 脛骨冇乜肉嗰邊啊.. 刮得都幾深架, 起咗成塊肉出嚟, 梗係鮮血直流啦.. 嗱嗱聲沖完涼之後去藥房買膠布嚟貼.. 第一塊貼冇五分鐘已經幫唔到手, 要貼第二塊, 然之後搵個地方坐低提高隻腳, 大概五分鐘後先搞掂.. 到而家個傷印都仲喺度唔散囉..
[6] 就係上個星期嗰次, 畀舊20kg重嘅鐵捍落腳趾度, 詳細故事請閱舊貼.. 而家腳趾公仲係包紮緊, 第二同第三隻腳趾正在消腫緊, 不過行路已經冇問題喇, 多謝大家關心.. :)
希望唔會再有受傷喇, 怕怕.. 今年開年見血, 衰運全止, 鴻運接踵而來啊!! 哈哈~~

[1] at age of 4, was hopping and running around the house, have no idea why i stepped onto a piece of sharp metal.. recall those days when we used that elephant brand spiral green mosquito repeller?? that always come with a metal where you flip for a sharp portion to hold the repeller?? that was what i stepped onto.. was just a kid then, i just remember i cried loud and was sent to the hospital behind my house, bandaged and went home..
[2] during a break in the kindergarten year, was playing with cousins at home.. i was so brave to climb up the double-decker bed, trying to fly like Superman.. there i jumped from the top, not able to land stably, my right knee just stomped hard onto the floor.. cold sweat and pale face, i cried loud again.. still remember my sis had to carry me to see doctor and the chinese orthopedics all the time.. a little fracture on the knees, i think took me more than a month to recover, poor thing i was!! but even poorer was my sis i supposed? :p
[3] one fine day in grade 3, we were using gas in the kitchen, back then the gas tanks were about 3ft tall and 15kg heavy.. i remember helping (geh poh) to replace the empty tank with new one, when suddenly the whole tank stomped onto my left big toe, that was really painful.. very similar to the recent incident actually, the toe just bleed and got swollen immediately, the whole piece of nail even came off few days later..
[4] all the way to high school, one fine day after classes in year 4.. was fooling around with a classmate, can't remember what we did but it was with some intentional pushes.. a few pushes and he suddenly pushed me quite forcefully (i was pretty slim back then, no surprise he can push me so effortlessly :p), and there i was pushed away few metres away, didn't stand steadily and landed with my right ankle twisted!! poor me gotta get home by bus alone, dragging the sprained ankle.. back home and the whole thing went swollen and puffy, only to get mum to bring me to the chinese orthopedics.. i still remember clearly who the classmate was, Mr Lim Fing-Fing he is (nickname intended)!!
[5] one day last year, it happend in the same gym.. was getting off the walking machine, and my right leg was hit by the stepper at the shinbone part with little flesh.. cut quite deeply and a little piece of flesh was ripped off.. bleeding of course, quickly showered and walked to the pharmacy to get some plaster.. first piece was not able to stop the blood for even 5 minutes, not until i changed a fresh piece and tilted my leg slight up and stay there for another 5 minutes.. the mark is still seen on my legs, wonder why it hasn't gone away??
[6] happened just last week, right toes were hit by the 20kg weight plate, see the older post for detailed story.. still have the big toe bandaged, 2nd and 3rd toes slowly recovering from swell.. anyway able to walk more elegantly now, no more limp.. thanks for all those who showed care!! :)
hopefully these are all the injuries, i have phobia for another more.. see blood in the beginning of the year, symbolises all bad luck stop and only good ones coming, haha :p
ReplyDeleteSK Thamby dei....walau eh your injuries are so many! What a cry baby, ha ha! I think I also got plenty of scars on my body like a Head To Toe thing.. but I never cried once. Should I blog it too? Vanakam!
ReplyDeleteTwilight Zone so funny. :)
ReplyDeleteSK,衰衰全都过去了,好的就会来了... :p
I think you should invest in a pair of steel boot, like the type knights wear in medieval age.
ReplyDeleteno need to think too much..
ReplyDeletejust focus on your last sentence :)
Poor SK... be careful and take care ... get well soon eh! ...
ReplyDeletehahaha!! like you wished, after the see-blood incident, all bad luck stop and all good luck coming to you :)
ReplyDelete凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》:
ReplyDelete那些都是陳年往事喇.. 今年開年就弄傷, 之後好事就自然來了 :P
Twilight Zone:
to cry is a very natural response maa, how come you never cry?? maybe you feel guilty of what you did, dare not cry and scared to be scolded lor.. hahaha!!
對對對, 好運接踵而來, 承你貴言啦!! :)
hmmm, that is not a bad idea huh!! can protect my legs, while training them to be stronger with the weight of the steel boots huh?? :p
ReplyDeleteyes, at one point, i was thinking not to include all those 6 incidents.. just the opening and the ending paragraphs, haha!! good luck come to me~~
天將降大任於人, 必先利其器, 「傷」起筋骨.. 你說對不?? 我好運陸續來囉, 哈哈!!
yeah i will take good care, thanks for caring ya!! have you had your coffee today?? :p
hopefully and finger crossed!! you should pray for good luck keep coming to me, haha :p
大佬嘅天残脚? 俾如来神掌所伤?
ReplyDelete細佬, 我呢對係金剛腿啊!! 你個鐵頭功呢?? 勁啊~~ :D