我記得事發當時係晏晝三點半, 一直想辦法止血, 但係始終要行路架嘛, 一行起路個腳趾公又再度鮮血暗涌.. 果真唔係小事囉, 最後決定去睇醫生, 護士替我包紮之後都仲係繼續流血.. 之後去食晚餐(係福建炒啊, 民以食為天吖嘛), 跟住去藥房買紗布之類嘅嘢, 返到屋企, 個包紮已經一片血紅.. 拆開之後, 其實裡頭已經開始止血喇, 自己清理之後再包靚佢.. 腳趾公而家就冇乜事喇, 不過第二同第三腳趾已經瘀腫到豬頭咁, 開始有啲痛囉!! 而家行路種要跛吓跛吓咁, 陰公!!
唉, 真係當黑!! 不過算啦, 都係小事, 應該係之前去拜過神, 所以有神庇祐, 將血光之災縮小係隻腳趾公上囉, 一切已經逢凶化吉喇, 惜福惜福!! 啊, 仲有多謝友人JY今日一路喺身邊照顧, 好感動好感激好鬼愛你啊朋友, 嘿嘿~~ :p

i still remember it was 3:30pm, was trying all means to try to stop the toe from bleeding.. but still i need to walk to leave the place, and once i tried to walk it started to bleed again.. started to think it's quite serious and finally went to a clinic to get help.. the nurse bandaged my toes but it still bleed.. went for hokkien mee for dinner later (haha, still need to eat anyhow right??), then to the pharmacy to get some bandage and anticeptics.. went home had a shower, and unwrap the toe, bandaged has already soaked with blood.. anyway the toe has started to heal and stop bleeding, i clean the wound and bandaged it myself, feel cleaner now.. anyway, big toe seems ok now, but the second and third toes are now hugely swollen with clogged blood i could see, feeling a bit painful somemore!! have to walk like a limp now, OMG!!
that's really bad luck of me!! anyway, just small matter, perhaps because i've prayed at the buddha few days ago, and buddha has transferred something supposed to be seriously big onto my little toe here?? so, now it has happened and that's all, it's over and end!! last but not least, millions of thanks to JY for being there to help and care so selflessly, fetching me to clinic pharmacy and home, i really appreciate that a lot, love you million heaps buddy, hehe :p
kesian nye tengok jari kaki u~ get well soon!
ReplyDeleteI have goose bump when see your bleeding toes ... must be very very painful... Take care and get well soon... btw, which gym you are going ???
ReplyDelete哎育... 十指痛歸心呀, 一定要吃多几餐"補"翻算
ReplyDeletetake care of yourself.
ReplyDeletepity u...bleeding on d 2nd day of 2009...
ReplyDeleteim sure gd luck may at ur back now...
ReplyDeleteget well soon....:)
OMG 好痛啊!总有淤血添!
ReplyDeleteDid any staff of the gym center help?
Please take care
Awwwwwww! Yenggeh Poreng Ngeh! Thamby Sk saw ugly Kamala issit and dropped a dumb bell? I also dropped a brick onto my toes during primary school and my toe nail came out instantly. It was sooooo fucking painful dei. I'm veli soli now yer kena this. Aiyo-yo my heart ached car kena banged and now Thamby toe ached. LOL
ReplyDeleteStay home and blog more! GET WELL THAMBY SK!
blood! *phengsan :P 20kg? U wanabe male super model ah? hehe... bcareful lar next time. :)
ReplyDeletePoor you!! you take care.. *hug
ReplyDeletetake some gd rest at home loh.. remember to get some comfort slipper to wear..
ReplyDeleteomg~ u have to be more creful next time ...
ReplyDeleteMy god! You see red! It's going to be good this year!
so pitty...rest more...
ReplyDeletegetting better today, thanks for the concern :)
frankly not painful at all, because they were all numb, hehe.. was in california fitness MV.. thanks for the concern, getting better today :)
其實唔痛, 係痺晒囉.. 食幾餐補返?? 等我再次行得跳得先啦~~
thanks, i will.. it's getting better today anyway :)
yeah, after today i think i will be very good in luck.. hehe!!
ReplyDelete呵呵, 謝謝你的紅到發紫, 為了取個好意頭, 我把這entry的title也換了.. 2009我會鴻運當頭~~ :p
yeah, immediately saw 瘀血 on the spot.. yupe, there's a guy call Vijaya came to help initiatively, actually i didn't shout and be loud laa.. so appreciate he saw me and offer help :)
Twilight Zone:
haiz, didn't know what happened i slip the plate off my hand.. tell you what?? when i was a kid, i kena the gas tank on my left toe, and yesterday weight plate on my right toe.. your brick is small case laa, haha!! anyway, i think after all these accident, we both will be very good luck in 2009 already :p
hmmm, luckily it's 20kg and not more, hahaha!! thanks for the concern, getting better now.. :)
thanks dude for the concern and hugs, am getting better now..
ReplyDeletehmmm, i just worry that i need to wear slippers (in my smart working attire) to work on Monday, yaaakkss!! that is so ugly, and so not me~~ :p
yeah for sure i have a phobia towards those weight plate already.. 500% more cafeful next time :)
yeah, i saw red and purple, that mean this year i will be very very lucky already :p 紅到發紫 leh~~
哈哈, 沒有喇, 都是一班blogger朋友.. 對啊, 2009開年就見紅, 還要是紅到發紫, 今年一定行大運囉, 呵呵~~
ReplyDeleteoh my, you poor thing!! that must be very painful.. so that's the end of bad luck for your new year, coming are all good ones.. :) get well soon!!
ReplyDeleteaiyor ... how is your toe now a? hmmm, you 'open light' already for the year so must have a lot of good luck coming ....
ReplyDelete不疼, 是已經痲痺了, 現在好多了, 至少走起路來比昨天來得容易.. 再多兩三天應該會好吧~~
yeah, really hope that's like what you mentioned.. bad luck all over, what coming ahead are all good ones!! hehe :)
now getting better lu, but big toe still bandaged, 2nd and 3rd toe still swollen with clogged blood.. should take me few more days to recover fully.. and seng lei gwai yin laa, bad luck all over, all good luck ahead.. hehe :p
this is definitely not good ... can feel the pain here
ReplyDeleteThat's scary man!! Ouchhhhh!!
ReplyDeleteJohnny Ong:
ReplyDeletehaha, thanks for sharing my pain there!! anyway, getting better now :)
so you must learn this lesson from me, be extra careful in the gym.. hehe :p
Hey, sorry for being late. Hope you are getting better by now. Take care ya.
ReplyDeletemmmm, late must punish punish, i don't care!! hahaha :p anyway, getting much better now lor, at least can walk more conveniently.. thanks for caring :)
ReplyDelete還是有圖為證比較好, 要不然大家不相信我的.. 而且還要圖文並茂, 這樣才可以引發大家的注意, 同情同情我一下嘛~~ 做任何東西都是有那個動機的, 哈哈!!
Looks and sounds serious. Should have a more thorough checkup especially if prolonged numbness and bleeding.
ReplyDeleteyeah, pretty serious actually.. no more numb and bleeding now.. am walking in a more normal manner, and waiting for the swell to slowly go off.. thanks for the care!! :)