記得小學每一年都要寫《我的志願》, 記得有一年寫咗將來大個要做個動畫家.. 我覺得好特別噃, 當大家重複又重複咁每年都寫醫生律師工程師嘅時候, 我就嚟個前衛啲嘅.. 動畫家畫卡通, 比作家更犀利, 因為識得畫公仔; 比畫家更厲害, 因為識得作古仔; 比漫畫家更全面, 因為識得做動作效果.. 當然呢個志願當時係好另類, 所以得唔到傳統老師嘅歡心, 未有得貼堂, 哈哈..
我個年代都有好多卡通角色架, 不過事隔已久, 阿伯我好多都唔記得晒喇.. 以下呢啲算係比較經典嘅, 諗咗好耐先記得返嚟.. 你嗌得出佢哋叫咩名嗎?? 而你最favourite嘅又係邊一隻呢?? 唔怕煩再搭多條問題, 唔知而家啲細路識唔識得佢哋呢?? :)

i still remember we have to write a composition on "my ambition" every year during elementary school, and there was once i wrote about being a cartoonist when i grow up.. i think that was quite unique actually, while everyone was repeatedly writing about doctor lawyer engineer every year, i came out with something different.. a cartoonist, slightly more talented than a writer because i can draw, slightly more capable than a paintist because i can create stories, slightly more well-rounded than a comic writer because i am putting in animation and effects.. anyway this was of course quite an alternative ambition back then, not really bought-in by the conventional teachers, so didn't score high like i expected actually..
quite a lot of cartoons during my good old childhood days, but it has been too long ago, and
uncle (that is, me!!) has already forgottem most of them already.. some of the more classic and popular ones i could think of was shown above, how many of them can you name?? and which one of them was (or is still) your favourite?? one more final question if you can still take it, wonder if kids nowadays know any one of them?? :)
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I dunno what cartoons are those beside Hello Kitty. I wanted to be a pilot but ended up tafeikei. I took up advertising because my parents told me to. They said I drew all the walls before I could talk. Yennga Poreng Ngeh!...SK Thamby deh!
ReplyDeleteI used to love thundercats, he-man, Voltron, Smuff, Little Pony and Friends....haha..a lot. And get you can guess my age from those cartoon that I loved.
ReplyDeletei like the orange layout better ;)
ReplyDeleteeih uncle, mcmug is not your era la ha ha ... my favourites were 'my pony & friends'; 'smurfs'; 'jam & the holograms'; 'ding dong' ..and i remember those cartoons translated into bahasa ... ha ha .. but i prefer 'adult cartons' lor -- simpsons & mcdou/ mcmug are my all time favourites ..hee
ReplyDeleter u sure all the cartoon character above belongs to ur generation? i dun think so lo~ the piggy one is not even my generation liao lo~dun try to bluff arr....:p
Twilight Zone:
OMG, you fancy Hello Kitty?? muahahaha!! so were your parents very true on predicting what you can do best in your career now?? you can be a pilot laa, "fly aeroplane" those type lor..
oh, he-man voltron smurfs!! i know them as well.. but no idea on little pony and friends woh.. hmmm, i think we are almost same age, maybe i'm just many many many many DAYS older than you.. keke :p
JD Cole:
haha, time for a change.. i do change my blog color theme regularly.. you love the orange one because of paul smith banner?? :p
ReplyDeletehuh?? you don't know 麥兜 the pig, and 小雲 from IQ博士??
hahaha, i know i know, but at least he is there while i'm still alive maa :p errrmmm, never heard of 'my pony & friends' and 'jam & the holograms' woh, who are they?? and you love southpark characters too maa, right?? :p
hmmm, like that also you noticed and wanted to 篤爆 me.. but hey, i know Ben 10, one of the hottest cartoons for kids nowadays, do you?? heheh.. :D
凡人館長《志強 cHeeKeOng》:
還好喇, 沒有說沉迷那種, 只是有時後覺得他們非常可愛囉.. 現在年紀大了, 緬懷一下童真嘛~~ :p
Many many days older than me? Hehe, you wouldn't know. I'm compare IC next time. Hehe.
ReplyDeletei dunknw lo~ coz i grow up liao ma...dun wanna watch kids' stuff lo~ right uncle SK???
ReplyDeleteI used to read 小叮当 or nowadays more known as Doraemon & 老夫子 comic in the past, during my childhood days :D
ReplyDeletesure i'm older than you laa, no need to compare IC already.. oh, Danny called you up to date you already laa?? :p
when you are at uncle SK's age later, you'll have kids all around you, and that's the time you go and watch cartoons again, together with them.. :)
i actually prefer 小叮噹 more than Doraemon, i find the old name more adorable actually.. i have been crazy for 小叮噹 and 老夫子 those old days too..
i likes tom n jerry,doremon,papai,n sinchan.....
ReplyDeletelong time didint watch cartoon adi...
ReplyDelete好卦住小云塊"糞" 哈哈....
i m not a southpark fan worr ... haa not all adult cartoons are nice de .. to me la i mean ... pony n friends & jem & the holograms are very nice ah ... i still remember they were aired on sun or sat morning ha ha .. before i was 10 years old .. geng lerr
ReplyDeletehmmm, looks like we have the same taste huh?? and oooh, does that mean we are about the same age?? hahahaha!!!
咦~~ 乜你鐘意埋啲咁嘅嘢架?? 不過舊屎又的確幾得意嘅~~ :p
哈哈!! 你很搞笑哩~~ 給夠你五籠, 等你慢慢吃, 倒時真的變麥兜啦!! 呵呵~~ :p
if not you, then must be debra who likes southpark lor, haha!! hmmm, never watch those before lor.. saturday need to go to school and sunday maybe i'm still sleeping, maybe i just missed those.. :)
I was having a conversation with my colleague not too long ago about cartoons in our era (meaning your era too :p) ...
ReplyDeleteSo, I can say you left out some other significant cartoons like Smurf, Care Bears, He-Man, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, The Road Runners, Mighty Mouse ...
ReplyDeleteyeah, i missed all those really.. and i have been watching them on tv!! haha.. so which one was (or still is) your favourite?? :)
eih i had to go to schools on saturdays too .. you just reminded me, then it must be sundays that they were aired ... ya i am not a huge southpark fan ... some episodes are ok but kenny always got killed .. a bit bored of that lor .. eih i m still waiting to get my mcmug series ... when you go to HKG, don't forget to get for me worr ha ha
ReplyDeleteOoh, I love Care-Bears ... maybe I like the fact that they need to line up in one line and transmit whatever power they have (some bears have sun, love, rain... etc) to beat against enemies or overcome difficulties... so cute ...
ReplyDeleteOthers, would be The Road Runner, though silly because of the non-stop chasing 'routine' but yet don't know why kids are kids ... I just love it ...
Lastly will be the Smurf ... remember how those little people sing ... 'la, la, la ....'
ReplyDeleteaiyoh, how can you forget?? we studied full day from mon-fri, then saturday is half day of 課外活動, remember?? i thought you already have the McDull series?? you didn't ask MNG to buy for you when he was there meh?? i also have no idea when i will go to HK boh..
hmmm, Care Bears, i remember each of them have different patterns on their stomach, and with different power too.. i love smurfs too, the blue things in white, haha!! i remember collecting their stickers back then, haha.. :)
eih ... mcdull & mcmug are different you know, they are cousins ha ha .. well mcmug series are the 經典劇集, mcdull are the 電影series, i have the mcdull but i really want to get mcmug ... hard to find lorr ..
ReplyDeleteoh hai meh?? haha, i really not sook with the Mc Family maa, you are their neighbours sure know more details lor.. haha!! that day i check for you in TST and CWB, don't think i saw McMug also, all McDull boh..