我天生唔係游戲高手, 記得讀書時候, 同學仔唔係屋企有機打, 就會約埋一班落機鋪打幾.. 當時自己反應超遲鈍, 好快就game over, 反而同學仔入五毫子就可以玩足成日.. 仲有仲有, 唔怕醜講句, 我淨係識玩啲超簡單超白癡超cutie嘅游戲, 呢度跳吓嗰度閃吓, 食生果錢幣蘑菇等等得分之類嘅游戲.. 如果要我又郁joystick又摁掣去控制, 呢呢呢, 街頭霸王嗰啲暴力打交游戲啊, 我實喺三秒中內畀對手打死..
我就係玩呢啲老少咸宜嘅游戲架喇, 你睇得出我係個善良+溫和+斯文+內斂嘅人嗎?? 哈哈..

i was never gifted with the talent in playing all these animation games.. still remember during school days, classmates if not having their own set of machines, would then go to arcades for games.. i joined them couple of times, was so not skillful till i almost immediately game over everytime, while classmates can sit there and play for the whole day by only feeding the machine 50 sen!! and paiseh to tell, i can only play those simple and dumb and cutie games, jump here a bit avoid there a bit, run through fruits/mushrooms/coins to earn points kind of games.. if you want me to control both the joystick and buttons, you know, those street fighter kind of violent fighting games, i will for sure KO within 3 seconds..
so those are the type of games i'm into, looking at them perhaps you can already see how a kind hearted + soft spoken + subtle + witty kind of person i am?? haha~~
Me too... I'm good in playing game especially those actions... I like to play Simcity4... I like to build my dream city and become mayor myself.
ReplyDeleteSo, how's your toes now... hopefully you feel better today... :)
ReplyDeletejust too dumb to play those games...
Listen to relaxing music will make you recover sooner le..
ReplyDeleteplay less games la..
GET well SOON!!!!!:)
last time i used to play games,bt now no already....
ReplyDeleteur toes okie adi?
I was addicted to arcade games 10 years ago and could stay inside for 5 hours! Now I would opt for the new types that you find at Sunway Pyramid. Sick of games, then go wanking lah Thamby! LOL
ReplyDeletein those days, it was only 20 sen per game.
ReplyDeleteI always find cheat codes when I play PC games. I just want to know how the story goes.
ReplyDeleteerrrmmm, i don't think you can see one's personality from what type of games he/she plays wor.. :p
ReplyDeleteoh yes, i love SimCity too, as long as it's not violence and fighting and needs too much control of joystick and buttons would be fine for me.. toes getting better today, thanks for the concern :)
errrmm, 難道你唔識玩跳舞機?? 你教跳舞喎, 冇可能!!!
errmm, but that is my toe injury woh.. no need to rest that much right?? hehe~~ anyway thanks for the concern :)
switching from playing games to reading books huh?? haha, good boy you~~ my toes are getting better, thanks for the concern :)
Twilight Zone:
ReplyDeletewow, so you are an arcade expert, and blacklisted for spending 5 hours with only 20sen?? what are those new types you are addicted to now?? waking arcade?? muaahahaha :p
oh is it 20sen only?? see, i catch you going to arcades, shall let your mum know.. hahaha!! :p
wow, you discovered cheat codes?? then you are GOD man!! sure you win all the games you played~~
errmm, you are right also laa.. i got a classmates last time who went to arcades for the whole day, and yet he rank top 3 academically in class.. whoooh!!
I was so into gaming when I was younger. But not more nowadays, blame it on aging..hehe
ReplyDeletepoor you!
ReplyDeletehope the toe's alright now. ;)
ReplyDeleteerrr, you were into gaming when you were young.. now you switch your interest into camwhoring mah, didn't you realise that?? yes, aging is the problem, you try to capture more shots while you are still young.. hohoho :p
thanks for caring, it's getting a lot better now.. any express way to get it recover soonest possible?? :)
I'm like you - sucks at those action games! I seldom play games online or on my handphone anyway - no luxury of time!
ReplyDeletehaha, then i think i'm slightly better than you.. at least i still play games online and on my handphone.. you really that busy?? :)
I find you damn cute too then you give those games you play "Cutie Games". But kind hearted + soft spoken + subtle + witty kind..... erm... i believe you also have those street fighter kinda games emotions in you too bah when comes to danger... heheee... these angry + brave personality will out bring you when it comes to protecting someone u love...
ReplyDeleteHehe, if you say capturing more shots while I'm still young, then I shall throw my camera away de as I'm not young anymore.
ReplyDeletehaha, actually i am cute lor, it's a truth, don't you think so?? haha :p well, i seldom angry and seldom be brave woh, haha, guess i should learn to play more street fighter lu..
huh?? no laa, don't throw away your camera, you are still young and handsome, show us more of your photos leh, we want more~~ hehe :p