原本想大掃除, 結果停晒手自己慢慢喺度睇返以前啲嘢.. 紀念冊啲文字寫得好感性, 其實而家睇返覺得好搞笑.. 練習簿啲習題, 我已經冇一題識得做, 原來以前我咁勁, 次次自己做完就借畀同學抄.. 仲有其他林審嘢, 我以前啲毛筆字寫得好靚, 設計一大堆美術小冊子都好正, 而家好似冇晒呢啲天份咗咁嘅?? anyway, 成個下晝坐住喺度翻, 的確勾起好多回憶, 我會盡全力繼續保留呢啲咁珍貴嘅物品.. :)

the spring cleaning ended up with myself sitting in the room looking back at all these books.. the way the autographs were written were so sentimental, kind of funny to read them now though.. questions on the exercise books, i don't even know how to answer a single one anymore, that was really incredible of me to finish them up and everytime loan to other classmates to copy my work.. other miscellaneous little stuffs, i could see how good i was in chinese caligraphy back then, and those heaps of brochures i designed and handmade, but where have all my talents gone now?? anyway, was spending my afternoon flipping through those stuffs, really bring back lots of memories during the good old days, will do my best to keep them for as long as they can last.. :)
我仲keep著你以前送給我d杰作, 以前display在宿舍房間,羨煞旁人喲 :)
ReplyDeleteWhat did 狂野 have to do with Prefectorial Board Activity????
ReplyDeletePMH, 你有所不知啦,中華獨中學長團真的是'狂野’的!別以為他們每一個都很nerdy 喔...
Your talent must have washed away by time. It's time to polish it back dude.
ReplyDeletethe pic on bottom right.... looks so familiar ( maybe the most popular autograph design )... oh, we are from the same era...hahaha
ReplyDelete咁勁?? 成廿年你仲有keep住?? 仲未蛀蟲咩?? 哈哈!! 我上次搬屋同埋大裝修, 好多嘢都唔見晒.. :(
狂野 is just a theme for the activity we had.. we have been very serious and nerdy as a prefect (in front of teachers and students), so gotta be wild (behind them) a little to balance out.. hahaha!!
沒錯沒錯!! 果然了解我們.. 我們其實是人前人後不同形像的, 月亮初一十五都不一樣啦, 何況是人?? 你們華中學長也是一樣吧?? 哈哈..
ReplyDelete有些東西真係很有紀念價值, 怎麼樣都還是捨不得丟掉.. 我其實過濾了很多輪, 儘量不收那麼多東西, 但是很多東西還是想要留著, 房間都已經不夠儲藏了.. 哈哈!!
errmm, i won't force myself actually.. i might not be able to do what i did, but maybe my talent has gone to another level now, who knows?? haha..
haha, last time very 興 this style one maa.. but my autograph was designed very classy and elegant one, really proud of myself even i look back.. of course we are same era laa, i'm just 3 months older than you uncle.. :p
Your stuff looks so artistic. Are you writing or drawing?
ReplyDeletei saw that equation solving for your calculus tutorials.. that was eye-popping really!! so many figures and symbols, hahaha, LOL!!
ReplyDeleteerr, precisely writing and drawing in one, haha!! well, that was the good old days anyway..
yeah i was pretty impressed at my ability to solve all those equations!! haha.. and furthermore my work was always pre-book by other classmates too :p
哈羅啊, 我們是華初學生理事,不是華中(男校來的), 不是學長喲,我們不用管理學生紀律的~~~只負責學生福利&康樂, 哈哈所以我們‘狂野’是必然的you know ~~~
ReplyDeleteoh 係咩?? i always thot you were in 華中 and were the 學長團團長 tim.. so how 狂野 were you that time?? the only thing i could remember was the "pillaring" during birthdays lor.. haha!!
i was my secondary school head prefect, but in hwa chong i was vice president of the student council, ming mm ming?
ReplyDeletehwa chong is not your secondary school meh?? what is the difference?? i mmm ming wor..
ReplyDelete收東西會花很多時間嗎?? 只是把他們收好放一邊吧?? 我出門都沒有摸來摸去喇.. 令到我慢的最大可能是--件件衣服穿起來都覺得自己很胖, 找不到衣服穿出門!!! "p
hwa chong junior college 華中初級學院 offered A levels, my secondary school is Dunman High School 德明,ring a bell? last time SG was 4 yrs (O Levels)+ 2 years (A levels) de ...
ReplyDeleteoh and junior colleges do not have prefects de ... they have student councils de ... then horr in hwa chong the student councillors were elected by students de, so i had to run a campaign de just like american presidential election de, then horr got inauguration de, it was a school event and very 威水的喲!:p
ReplyDeleteooh, dunman high school and hwa choong junior college.. that rings a bell already, hehe!! wah, you so bah pao one meh?? how come never told us before about your election campaign de??
我最艰也是要搬屋了,哎,搬来搬去的都换了好多地方了,虽然每次搬運东西都把我累个半死,这次准备请一家搬屋公司,要那种可以按件数计费的搬運公司啊··小件我可以自己搬,或者是找配额帮忙,有没有好的House moving?