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03.01.2009 | 腳傷宅男

因為腳趾受傷之故, 今日做咗一日宅男.. 平時週末我必定顧住去街唔會留喺屋企, 不過因為行動不便, 所以一整日都留喺間房度.. 蘊喺間房可以做乜?? 咪就係上網睇blog, 玩手機游戲同埋瞓覺囉!! 真係超悶, 悶到傍晚時分快發癲, 朋友叫我出去食嘢, 就算行路要gut吓gut吓, 連續三日都係去食碳煮福建麵, 我都照殺無誤!!

大腳趾已經止血喇, 而家係偶爾滲出血水, 冇乜大礙喇, 多謝所有關心嘅朋友.. 反而係第二隻腳趾瘀種到豬頭咁, JY仲要笑我隻腳趾, 哼!! 日望夜望, 嗱嗱聲好返啦, 我唔想星期一要踢住對拖去返工囉, imagine一身醒神OG打扮, 下搭一對九唔搭八嘅拖鞋, 噢賣葛, 係幾咁核突, 幾咁唔似我哩~~because of that hoodoo injury on my toes, i was made an unbelievable homely boy today.. i will always go somewhere and never stay at home during my normal weekends, but due to the inconvenience move, i gotta stay in my room for the whole day - surfing net, reading blogs, play games on mobile phones and sleeping!! that was so pitifully boring, i was so bored until late evening when my friend asked me out for dinner, i accepted without hesitation, even though i still walk like a limp and that will be the third consecutive day of having hokkien mee for dinner!!

thanks for those who showed concern and care, my big toe is getting a lot better, stop bleeding already but occasionally some blood fluid (not blood exactly, but somehow fluid with blood or something like that you know, i do not know the term) being secreted.. anyway the 2nd and 3rd toes are still swollen big with clogged blood, JY even joked that they look like pig head, how dare hng!! i just hope they will recover soonest possible, i just do not want to wear slippers to work on monday.. imagine wearing my smart set of office attire, and down there matching an uncouth pair of flip-flop, that is just so cina, and so not me~~


  1. take it easy...
    no choice mar...
    sometime its good to be an urban "cina" also

  2. take good care...
    o,sitting at home,sure boring 1

  3. Kesian nye Thamby SK! Good time to meditate at home to draw more good luck and wealth for a better 2009. Can ask Anton teach you how! Happy Sunday Thamby!

  4. A rare chance to rediscover your room again.

  5. Haha... Very Cina indeed, but I guess there's no other options.

  6. I stayed @ home the whole day on last Friday too... so bored! Anyway, dude, take care and get well soon... hey why can't you get a MC for Monday... ???

  7. 宅男,今天好多了吗? :)

  8. i think that blood fluid thing is platelet lor~ must be boring cuz cannot go out...

  9. Then-Kiong's:
    even an urban "cina" is also a "cina", no way!! guess will still wear my shoes to work tomorrow..

    guess i need to re-adjust my preference for the time being lor.. tell myself being at home is so nice~~ :p

    Twilight Zone:
    haha, meditate?? if only it can earn me a living then that would be good.. haha :D oh, Anton is a meditation guru??

    errr, i'd rather not re-discover it, at least i would love it more when i'm sleeping at night.. hehe!!

  10. Legolas:
    i bet you've seen a lot in Beijing right?? no way i'm gonna do that tomorrow~~ sob sob!!

    hmmm, and now you could understand how bad it is to stay at home for the whole day huh?? cannot take MC laa, got work to do leh~~

    比起昨天好多了.. 你呢?? 病好了嗎?? 早日康復哦~~ :)

    oh, platelet that is?? so it helps in clotting the blood and stop from bleeding?? i learn a new term, hehe!! yeah, it was so bored staying at home~~ :(

  11. my gym has a lot of glass walls. my worst nightmare is to drop weights on glass windows, mirrors and of coz body parts. iiks! it happened to you. hope you get much better soon. flip flop is ok once you sit behind a desk. nobody will know, is ok

  12. Danny:
    OG = Office Gentleman

    ooh, but how would you ever drop the weights on the glass walls?? strange.. was suey luck for me laa, but it's over and good luck coming to me.. hehe!! yaaa, you got the point, i can bring a pair of slippers in office and change yeah?? hmmm, good good, thanks for reminding!! :)
