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02.06.2010 | 試飲試食

我係個鐘意逛超市嘅人, 見到咁大嘅空間全部都係食物, 我會好開心.. 有時仲會格吓價「嘩!! 呢間貴嗰間成五毫咁多喎!!」過吓師奶仔癮, 都幾好玩架.. :p
超市通常都有試飲試食, 尤其週末人流多嘅時候, 可以話係百花齊放.. 我通常都會(懶)清高, 不屑一顧, 尤其係啲hardsell auntie, 我更係藐一眼就行開嗰隻..

又之不過, 我偶然間癡咗條筋嘅時候, 又會大開殺戒, 成個試食鬼見愁咁喎.. 記唔記得谷中城某間土產店, 開大門任人入去試食架?? 有時覺口淡淡, 入去轉個圈, 就可以兩手空空非常滿足行出嚟, 呵呵!!

人哋話雙子座有雙重性格, 難道我對於試飲試食嘅清高同癲喪, 係人格分裂症??!! -_-"
i consider myself one who likes supermarkets, as i'll feel very happy to see such a big space all filled up with food.. sometimes i will even compare prices, "oh, it's 50-sen more expensive here than there!!", just like a thrity housewife, but it's fun~~ :p
you know there are always food sampling booths setup in supermarket, especially during weekends you find even more of them.. normally i'll (act) high-class and never bother to try any, especially to those hardselling aunties, my eyes will just sweep and i walk away with a contempt..

however, i do sometimes get crazy over those food samples, try whatever i could stuff in without feeling embarrassed.. remember that shop in MV selling tidbits, welcoming you to sample anything you like?? for "some" reasons, i'll just get in and then come out empty handed, but contented, haha!!

we heard about the dual-personality of a gemini, so do i call my two extreme attitude towards food sampling, a kind of dissociative personality disorder??!! -_-"


  1. nobody harassed you saying how come you ate all those samples without buying? ;)

  2. 我不试的。除了在外国。。。

  3. Oh you have dual personality eh? Interesting! What other dual personalities do you have? :P

  4. i used to be very shy to try leh but now hor if no try har rugi man hahahaahhahaa

  5. i normally won't ty one.. if im interested in the product, i'll just buy..;)
    good place for free meal huh? ;p

  6. i remember there is fast food advertisement related food fampling. i think it pizza hut..

  7. 通常試食都切到好鬼細塊,肯本試唔出味道。整片嚟嘛!不過我好少試食,試按摩椅嘅經驗就大把,哈哈哈...

  8. 我最喜歡就是"試吃"ice cream,雖然那些ice cream吃過無數次。


  9. 我想你应该是吧。。。哈哈!

  10. [SK] very *chim* deep no understand "dissociative personality disorder??" but I know you may have the same problem like me, Bananaz split personality..

  11. About the aunties or lang luis at the sampling booth I wouldnt wan't to go near thinking if I dont like and dont buy *paiseh*. My sister-in-law told me that we are actually helping them when we take the sampling as she is answerable coz end of the day she need to clear the samples and her bozz would query her thinking she is not doing her job. So eat or drink all you can mindfully but not like that *greedy* mummy with her bad parenting teaching wrong bad habit to the Ah Boy to take 3, that's too much..ish ish ish..tQ

  12. you will definitely enjoy this and fill you stomach in Japan... There provide more food sample and bigger portion in Japan :p

  13. hahaha!! no wrong to do so la. but i neevr try any of it yet. my lil bro often n love to try it! especially those milk product!

  14. okay i got same question as witch! :p

  15. I am scared of taking the food sample coz would feel obliged to buy .

  16. i seldom try the food coz i dont plan to buy

  17. 免费的当然容易吸引人,不过我不买就不会试。

  18. I too avoid them because paiseh not buying. I hear weekends are great if one wants to sample food and drinks. Great time would be around 3, can treat them like snacks for teatime, mah. Unfortunately, my timing is always bad.

    Bananaz, your SIL is so wise. That makes sense.

  19. I will try if a lot of ppl is trying, if not so embarrass to try alone XD

  20. 我也是双子座,可以用你的借口了!嘻! ;D
    最近很多 virus 病传播,

  21. haha! I just got cracked up!!! I really do love freebies!

  22. Got a niece studying in UTAR and working part time during weekends as promoter in shampoo and moisturizer products in supermarkets to earn extra income. Her job is to approach anybody that walks down her lane letting customer smell or apply the moisturizer. She will not get any sen from the sales as she is paid a fixed amount per day. End of the day her boss will gauge her performance by the amount of samples used (besides hiding at corners peeping and using *remote* eyes to check her performance). If everybody starts shying away from her she may have a problem of not getting the weekend job next week. So if you can try a little kindness do help out those needy by eating, sniffing or drinking the samples. They dont need to hassle you to buy coz you pay at the check out counter which is a little different from those booths operating outside the supermarkets where the promoters may receive comm as payment is made on the spot in their booth itself.

  23. I was in Ca***f**r once and there was this coffee sampling inside the supermarket selling their very own brand with various combination. Got white cofee, 3 in 1 etc. Tested both of them not quite like the taste and gave the promoter some feedback. He happy, I happy everybody happy haha Cool..

  24. I'll let you know if ever a Klang bakuteh stall gives out free sampling ok? wakakakaka

  25. ohhhhh... i never paiseh go take de wor..

  26. =.="
    sometimes take 2, 1 for me, 1 for tobby.. =.=

  27. or if there is other friends around, take all for them also.

  28. and no, i never buy one.. AHAHAHAHAHHAHA...

  29. ok lah.. sometimes if i wish to buy something, got free test food, then i will also try first.. =.=

  30. dapat makan jangan buang.. AHAHAHAHHAHA..

  31. but sometimes very paiseh also lah.. especially there are a lot of kids around one..

  32. cis cis cis... it's like rampas food with kids like that

  33. so i will skip for that round.. =.="
    but not all things i will try la...
    like those yogurt, juice, milo only i will try...

  34. maggie, roti and other craps wont try.. XD

  35. coz too cheap, i can buy myself.. =.=

  36. oh, if expensive maggie, then i will try la.. =.=

  37. bluedreamer27:

    Mei Teng:
    errr, of course they don't dare to say, because in a way i am helping them to clear the stock and they can go home earlier, hahaha!!

    errr, 在這裡試和在外國試有甚麼分別呢??

  38. iamthewitch:
    hmmm, i think i might have this.. but i am not gonna tell you, this is my secret!! hahahaha~~ :p

    haha yalor, if nice one don't be shy to try.. actually we are helping them also, if not the promoter cannot go home early, hahaha!! BTW, heard that the food sampling in Japan is more generous and more quality woh, right??

  39. Danny:
    haha, you high class people mah, i also expect you won't do this kind of things geh.. but sometimes if can try, why not?? sekali bought already not nice then very sad one woh..

    Isley Chang~:
    oh?? is it?? i didn't know there's such advertisement, must be very funny to show the ugly faces of malaysians!! hahahaha~~ :D

  40. 海市蜃樓:
    其實我有個疑問囉.. 究竟係(1)因為細舊, 所以我哋先要貪心拎多幾舊試真啲, 定(2)因為全部都貪心, 所以先整細舊畀人試食呢?? 嘩, 其實我冇試過按摩椅喎.. 哈哈, 你呀, 試到過晒癮, 結果咪上咗車, 買咗部反去?? 哈哈~~

    呵呵, 其實ice cream的話, 我會看拍子的.. 那些看來很普通很cheap的牌子我就沒有興趣囉, 那些貴價的牌子, 我立刻去囉!! 很現實吧, 哈哈!! 又沒有那麼誇張喇, 試吃哪裡能夠飽的?? :p

  41. uLi.佑莉:
    呵呵, 雖然你沒有見過我, 不過都謝謝你的肯定囉.. :p

    very chim meh?? i thought you already comprehend by mentioning about split personality?? haha.. why you feel shy to go, they pray for you to go and try actually.. like your sister-in-law said, you are actually helping the promoters to go home earlier!! hahaha.. you don't have to buy, but at least help them finish the samples, then they can go home already.. this is indeed a good deed boy~~ hahahaha, don't be surprise about that greedy mummy ok, i'm very sure there are such person, and i think i've met a few too.. she saw me looking at her, and quickly bring her son walked away embarrassedly.. hahahaha!!! :D

  42. TZ:
    hmmm, but i still have not been to Japan yet.. ok ok, let me plan for my Japan trip, and then i'll save money with all those food sampling in supermarkets, hahahaha!! :p

    Caroline Ng May Ling:
    of course no wrong doing so lah, because they are giving out for free, and we are helping them by being their guinea pigs, hehehehe!! hmmm, asking the same question?? well, then the same answer - my secret, not going to tell you.. bleh~~~ :p

  43. smallkucing:
    hahaha, next time, go and get the samples, walk far away before you try them.. then at least you'll be reluctant to go back and buy them.. nice idea eh??

    so you're also like that?? hehehe~~

    nobody is forcing you to buy after you tried right?? you just help the promoter to go home earlier, haha!!

  44. Chris Chia:
    呵呵, 這個當然啦.. 不過我不是每次都這樣的, 我很多時候都不會去試的, 只是偶而會失心瘋罷了, 哈哈!! :D

    errr, actually we shouldn't think that way.. they offer us the free samples, and if we think we don't like it, we have every rights not to buy any, without having to feel paiseh at all.. haha, yeah, go to carrefour or jusco on a sunday, and you sure can find lots of aunties there promoting the food sampling.. i also agree with Bananazஇ's SIL, we actually help the promoters to go home earlier, it's a good deed.. so remember, next time eat as much as you can!! haha~~

  45. Kelvin:
    haha, so you'll secretly drive your hands through the crowd and grab the samples, so that the promoter didn't notice you and won't bug you to buy the products?? hehehehe, good one!!! :D

    呵呵, 其實如果你有大片道理, 也不用特地套用雙子座喇, 哈哈!! 我平時也很少試的, 尤其看到一堆人圍著, 我會更加的不喜歡囉.. 其實衛生也是很重要喇, 那些攤在那邊等人吃的就必要囉.. 要吃就吃那些"新鮮出爐"的, 哈哈!! :p

  46. dblchin:
    haha, of course everyone likes freebies right?? this is very common with us all, hehehehe~~ :p

    hahaha, yeah, of course i understand your point.. the promoters actually want the customers to try their products so badly, the best is to finish the samples as early as possible, so that they can go home earlier!! but one thing is that i can't stand those hardselling aunties, they know nothing about the product and needs of customers.. once i was buying my usual brand of facial wash, and there comes an auntie, telling me how good her product is over the one i've been using.. eih, hello, of course i know her gimmicks, i just smile and walked away.. hmmm, so you are doing good favours for the promoters huh?? sure they like you very much, hahaha.. but more importantly, let the boss know your feedback.. :)

  47. Gratitude:
    errr, if BKT is going to have free sampling, i think there will be a big crowd!! and normally i won't go in such a situation.. BTW, i think if Yuen's going to give away freebies, sure you're the 1st to go there, hahahahaha!! :D

    haha, then those promoter sure love you very much one.. because you are helping them to finish those samples, and then they can go home earlier.. haha, next time if i feel paiseh to go and squeeze with the crowd, i ask you to go and grab for me lah.. hahahaha!!! yalah, if can try is better, because if not nice then bought home already, very sad one mah.. errr, i also lah, i won't try to cooking one, i just try those snacks sampling.. those auntie cooking, looks not hygienic lor, also dunno what she used de.. for snacks, they just give you a small pack, then ok mah, very hygienic mah right??

  48. maybe not getting food samples la.. but then sometimes on the street there will be people distributing the free cokes and cadburies, and that is a must for me to grab and go, not that im approaching them but they are XD

  49. they r 饿鬼?

  50. I'm back after chopping...LOL
    i saw your updates earlier this morning. so decided to chop before going to work LOL

  51. and now.. it's time to read the post... woot woot

  52. oh.. freebies ahaha i am a big fan you know.. i never missed ay food sampling whenever i go to supermarket..

  53. It's free so why not take advantage to it right

  54. haha when once i got the freebie... i'll just walk around and shop then i'll fall in line again and get another one wuhahaha besides there's no rules saying that i should only get one

  55. coause if there's such that rule.. the i'll not buy their products (hahaha what a black mail)

  56. hi SK, i've sent a message to you in facebook..

  57. 话明免费试吃,家阵唔係事必要你试咗之后要出钱买,使乜喺度扮晒“矜持”啫?我每次遇到咁嘅场面,都会好高姿态咁打番两转架!哈哈哈~~~

  58. 导游带我们去某些商店买食品,或我们这边没有的卖,我才会试吃。

  59. malaysia spirit, malaysia boleh

  60. Hahaha :D One WHOLE family!

  61. hahaha those family scared the promoter? hehehe

  62. sometimes, i am lazy to try if i am not thinking to buy the product from them.

  63. one day, my wife let my daughter try the vintage one. After that day, everytimes we go to hypermarket, she will always ask me go to counter ask for one.

  64. As a guy, i think we are more paiseh go to "tipu" makan lo but kids will never think about it.

  65. what they think is eat, drink or etc to fullfill what they want....

  66. no ar... here quite ok wor.. those auntie would wear sarung one, then use the "kiap" to cook one,

  67. unless they didn't wash that la..
    nvm... don't tell me could be possible they din wash anything.. shit shit shit!!

  68. ok, no more maggies.. cis...

  69. ya lah.. by eating those samples, they can balik kampung earlier, u get to try

  70. win-win situation ok!!!

  71. oh.. nvm one wor.. i always take for tobby and my friends one..
    tsk tsk tsk.. they all so ego one..

  72. only take when ppl die die "FORCE" them.. =.=

  73. coz sometimes auntie very kind one.. will tell ppl, nvm one, just try only, no need buy..
    lai.. try some pls..

  74. tsk tsk tsk... i am different la.. =.=
    no need ppl offer/force also i pandai pandai sendiri go take some already..

  75. 有啲真係切到好細舊,根本試唔到味。不過十居其九都係貪心!


  76. My kids love these food sampling counters.....LOL!

  77. I miss those days where there are many sample food to taste. It is not common in my hometown. When I was in Jb, I used to go shopping and when thirsty or hungry, I just go look for free food at supermarket. hehehe

  78. 安东尼:
    errr, true also lah, if those packaged samples i think i will get lor.. but those auntie cooking maggie mee, cooking curry, cooking rice then give you one small plate those type, i won't want to try them lor.. :)

    哈哈, 我相信他們一定是秉持著"可以吃就不要浪費嘛"的做人宗旨吧.. :p

  79. bluedreamer27:
    haha, i've already expected that, congrats for another time then!! yeah, if they are giving out for free, then why not we just grab that.. in a sense we are helping them to finish distributing the samples and they can go home earlier.. haha, so you always have more than one helpings?? am sure you walk out of the shop with a stuffed stomach.. yeah, i replied you in FB already.. :)

    係就係試咗唔一定要買.. 但係如果你睇到有一堆人圍著, 幾家大細有老有嫩, 我覺得我唔會湊埋過去囉, 感覺上真係唔夠高貴喎你諗吓喇.. 下次我唔好意思, 咁叫你代勞啦, 哈哈!! :D

  80. 单身汉:
    呵呵, 原來你那麼清高的.. 那麼你吃了過後, 會不會買回去做扳手禮呢?? :p

    errr, i guess not only malaysian lah.. this is somehow very common among Asians, hahahaha!! :D

  81. Tekkaus:
    yeah, that's a very normal situation.. one WHOLE family!! hehehehe.. :D

    CH Voon:
    haha, i think inexperienced promoter will sure scared off lor, but those aunties always very experienced one, so i think not a problem for them lor.. aiyah, i also see what they offer and whether got a lot of people around or not lor.. if no people then i ok lah, go and try lor, help the promoter a bit so that can go home earlier mah, hahahaha!! of course children don't care lah, the more freebies the more happy they are.. so next time if you shy, just ask Vanessa to go and get for you, hahahaha!!

  82. Donna:
    yalah, those cooking demo and sampling, very dirty one, they cook and cook and cook, never wash the things one lah.. and then somemore the oil dunno use how many times to fry things already.. so normally this type i never try one.. those already pack nice nice, one people one pack those leh, i will go and take lor.. yalah, win-win situation mah, they give away freebies, we want freebies, and they can balik kampung earlier, why not right?? haha, ok ok, so if got chance must follow you go to supermarket, then can save up the money no need to go eat anything outside liao.. hahahaha!! :D

    其實我都係一舊起兩舊止架喇, 不過通常就食咗就走人嗰種囉.. 就算買, 我都唔會當場買架, 因為好驚啲promoter多多聲又繼續promote.. 唉~~

  83. Pete:
    hahaha, then i can imagine when you bring all your kids over, it will look like the photo i posted, hahaha!! :D

    Ghosty Nana:
    hahaha, but i don't think you can stop the hunger by just tasting those food samples right?? i mean those portion are always pathetically small, not enough for me at all.. hmmm, so now you don't do that anymore?? :p

  84. i love food sampling one...hehehe...free ler...somemore can taste the food...

  85. 不要講你雙子座

  86. 通常呢啲场面混吉多过白撞,你放心啦,我会代表你食多啲架喇!哈哈哈~~~

  87. hahah you're right... that's the only reason why i love to shop... freebies hahaha

  88. thanks for your approval my friend... will send them soon..

  89. 对!我也是只吃‘新鲜出炉’的,
    除非是像'正餐'那么大份啦! ;D

  90. for me, it has to depend on what type of food sampling.. for those drinks, noodles, sausages served exposed in the air, i won't normally want to try.. but for those already nicely packed, i will feel more comfortable as they are more hygienic..

  91. vialentino:
    errr, i will see what kind of food lor, not every kind of food also want to try (although free) lah.. :p

    呵呵, 是咩?? 獅子座也是雙重性格的咩?? 那麼可能這都和星座沒有關係, 我們可能就是天生的人格分裂, 哈哈哈哈!!

    哈哈, 咁又唔係架, 都有人試到鐘意就買架.. 我要你代表我去攞返嚟畀我食喎, 唔係要你代表我去食喎, 哈哈!! :D

  92. bluedreamer27:
    so there are also lots of freebies in supermarket in philippines?? so how much have you saved up with all those freebies?? hahahaha.. yeah, anxiously waiting for your questions.. you have a good day too!! :)

    不過呵, 那些"新鮮出爐"的, 我又擔心他們處理過程, 可能那個烹煮器具重來沒有洗過, 或者那些油用了幾十次, 你懂啦, 超市不方便洗刷和換油的嘛.. 可是如果人多, 我肯定是不會湊過去的囉, 人少少我才意思意思去試一下喇..

    oh yeah, definitely!! i think those cooking-on-the-spot samples might not be hygenic, you know it's rather inconvenient to wash up in the supermarket right?? that's why, better get those ready packed stuffs, hahaha~~ :p

  93. I've done that too - tried all the tidbits in the shop and came out without buying anything! Haha! Felt a bit guilty but there is no rules that say you must buy after trying all the samples right? Haha!

  94. To answer your question, I think you have a split personality disorder of some kind, not sure what, but you definitely have it! LOL!

  95. If there are many food sample to eat, it is enough to for a tea break. No free tasting in Miri. so... waiting for you to open a shop which give free food tasting in Miri!!

  96. ask my daughter go to get ar... hehehe she will finish first before pass to me for sure hehehe.

  97. hahaha i am the 100th commentor! woo hooohooo

  98. foongpc:
    hahaha, really?? hmmm, maybe one day i will bump into you in that shop.. i will go in there and observe anyone just loitter around trying free samples and then just walk away, hahahaha!! hmmmm, yeah, i think i have the dissosiative personality disorder, so are you scared of me?? kekekeke~~ :p

    Ghosty Nana:
    oh, really cannot believe that?? no free food sampling in Miri?? hmm, i guess you should suggest the shops to do that, as this is a very efficient marketing tactic.. when people try, and they like it, sure they will buy.. hahaha, you want to wait for me ah?? errr, maybe 30 years later when i retire?? :p

    CH Voon:
    haha, congratulations woh!! see, i purposely don't want to reply the comments first and give you the chance to become the 100th commenter!! haha.. you must tell Vanessa: "go and get one for yourself, and then two for papa, but you can only eat one ok??".. must have prior communication first mah, correct?? :p
