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18.10.2008 | 三叉派對

服裝品牌Diesel上個星期舉行其30週年慶典, 於全球17個城市舉行The Diesel xXx Party大事慶祝一番.. XXX呢三個叉, 羅馬數字代表三十, 不過心邪嘅人十之八九都會睇作三級.. 就係咁, 呢個三叉派對嘅宣傳短片, 爭議性地用咗三級橋段合成電腦繪畫, 達到超級視覺享受效果, 十分過癮但係一點都唔覺得猥鎖, 點到即止引人遐想(大家一定會陰陰嘴偷笑)幾搞笑囉, 果然令人敬佩其創意無限嘅超然境界..

the fashion brand Diesel celebrates her 30th anniversary last week, with "The Diesel xXx Party" being held at 17 major cities around the globe for the grand event.. the triple X "XXX" actually means 30 in roman, but most of the people instinctively would link it to porno (ooops!!).. and because of this, the promotional video clip controversially uses some porno excerpts with computer graphics to create that jovial party visual effect.. anyway it doesn't really promote pornography but indeed just end at that point for your imagination (i'm sure you're secretly giggling there already), really salute to the power of creativity of this video clip..

[warning: prohibited for minors under 18 of age!!]


  1. uummm.....i think they are quite 'graphic' loh .. ;) but funny ;)

  2. hmmmm... sk is hamsap.. :P


  3. Uh...la la. A good exercise aid - for the heart, I mean ;) .
    But the exercise routine are a bit too vigorous lah. Heart rate hit the roof. Fortunately survived - but just. Ha,ha,ha :)

  4. love the retro mood... wonder will happen if they use the same concept to do Visit Malaysia video clip..lol

  5. shirls:
    well, in order to bring the R-rated to U-rated, they just gotta use lots of graphics right?? haha..

    huh?? why hamsap?? it's just a party promotion clip woh.. what were you thinking in your mind ah?? :p

    wahahaha, i supposed that gives you lots of "other imaginary" ideas right?? hehehe.. you are so notti..

    yeah, i love the retro plot.. so do you think Visit Malaysia clip will ever apply the same concept?? definitely no no no, it's just a stupid question to ask.. :p
