小學時期我絕對係學內風頭躉一名, 學業同埋校內外啲學術同運動比賽, 我都有相當標秉嘅成績.. 學術排名通常都係前五名, 六年來應該都冇失過手.. 而且往往被老師派去參加啲作文/演講/數學等競賽活動, 曾經試過同一日上台五次領獎, 真係莫名嘅興奮囉.. 再嚟身為學校田徑隊隊長, 校內比賽當然無敵, 校外比賽都率領校隊贏個總冠軍返嚟.. 風頭一時無兩, 連續兩屆成為全校模範生..
去到中學即刻鋒芒盡退, 各方人才濟濟齊集, 除咗學業仍然穩守崗位之外, 都冇印象參加過咩大型競賽, 有嘅都只不過係一兩單冇乜人知嘅比賽仔.. 不過去到中六嗰一年, 就好似臨尾畀我搏到鋪咁, 竟然撼抵校內多名猛將, 高調贏得某個數學比賽嘅全國冠軍, 校內即刻滿地數學老師們嘅眼鏡碎..
去到大學, 就更加冇嘢好講喇, 真係平凡得不可再平凡嘅學生一個囉.. 就係咁死慳死抵讀完個學士學位, 乜嘢大學生應該享受嘅大學活動都冇.. 諗返起其實都有啲遺憾, 不過算啦, 可以拎到個一等學士文憑, 乜都值嘅..
去到而家, 唔駛講, 我就只算得係一個隨街都係嘅打工族一名囉, 呵呵:pi think i was a hero during primary school days, academic and competition results were excellent.. academically, i was usually in the top 5 list, and never failed for the entire 6 years.. and repetitively being selected to participate in competitions, internal or external, and there was once i ran up to the stage for 5 times to get my prizes in just a morning, that was crazy.. and sports wise, i was the leader for the school's athletic team, internally of course i was the winner, and externally i still lead the team to win the overall champion for the school.. just got too famous with my repertoire, and hence being selected as the role model of the year for consecutive two years..
up to high school and i can say all glamor went down to ground level, because there were many more capable students than i could compete.. other than academic results that were still up to the hill, i don't remember participating in any competitions at all, maybe if those would be too little to remember.. anyway, did something that shocked all the maths teachers in form 6, was selected to participate in a mathematic competition (without any expectation of course) and in the end surprisingly beat all expected heroes and won the national championship..
to the university, and i was just drowned in studies, a more ordinary than ordinary student you could see (a geek that was).. no activity that a happy uni student should have, kind of regret i didn't go a little wilder then though.. anyway, successfully obtaining a first class bachelor degree just worth everything..
and now, needless to say, i am just one of the guys easily found in the street that only work hard for the job, that's it i am, hehe :p
You are much better than this.. at least you are a successful blog writer. :P
ReplyDeletehey :D dont look down on yourself... you are one of those managers! :)
ReplyDeletenah, i'm just a little blogger than grumbles in my own little small world.. thanks for your support anyway, hehe :p
yeah, you are very true.. i am actually a very responsible PM - Pantry Manager!! hahaha..
life after school works differently. schools are keen to give away prizes, pick the star students and keep them busy with exams and contests. class monitors are always the same bunch of people (wished the teachers could be more creative).
ReplyDeletehey, 不要那么悲观!
ReplyDelete知道什麼叫做小時了了嗎?? 那些咸豐年前的事, 偶而回想一下也挺開心的.. 我沒有怨恨現在什麼啊, 就只是回憶一下以前罷了囉..
well, it's not because that the teachers were not creative, but remember we were too lazy to nominate for class leaders, that we just assume the one from previous years.. haha!! i can still remember nobody wanted to take up this role in our high school right?? hehe :p
huh?? 原來我這篇寫得讓你覺得悲觀嗎?? 其實不是的, 我只是覺得現在平平凡凡, 拿一些小時候的威水史出來懷念一下罷了, 哈哈.. 我的design, 好久沒用了, 可能會有點生鏽哩.. 你不介意我可以幫忙你想idea的~~
Well, I think you have not used your creative side to the max.
ReplyDeleteactually, what is the dream job you imagine your self doing if given a chance?
ReplyDeletemaybe it's true, because i have never expect myself to end up with the career today, haha!! i wanted advertising or architectural job last time, just didn't make it.. anyway i'm still happy as for now though..
william h:
我這個進化論名字叫做「小時了了」, 哈哈!!
This is because you have known too many talented and capable friends.
ReplyDeleteIF not, you will always feel tht u are the best instead of "getting worse".
Heroes have to toil too...
ReplyDeletenope, i think it's because the teachers have known more talented peers than me, and under comparison, i am just a little chicken.. haha!!
yeah, you are right.. that's why i'm declaring a respite from the toils of heroism.. :p