呢間銀行我不嬲都有用開佢嘅online banking, 而且仲覺得非常唔錯, 有咗佢, 我好輕易咁完全操控我嘅財產.. 最近學人搞大躍進, 用最新科技將成個系統改頭換面, 仲要高調向眾人宣傳新界面有幾咁好幾咁快添..
不過最終嘅效果卻係事與願違囉.. 某日我要login見到好靚嘅新界面, 賞心悅目, 不過load個login page都要等成分鐘幾(第一次仲係唔成功添!!)咁耐, 跟住要check個balance又要click幾個link先有, 每個link要等分幾兩分鐘時間, 前前後後要check balance咁小事竟然用咗我超過5分鐘!!
幾日後, 應該係接到太多投訴, 噚日我再度戰戰兢兢光臨嘅時候, 竟然換返舊界面喎!! [請注意login page嘅交待訊息, 好搞笑] 用舊界面check balance, 好似唔駛一分鐘囉.. 真係唔好意思講嗰句都講埋出嚟喇, 無啦啦點解搞埋咁嘅嘢啫?? 新不如舊, 如果係咁差, 就不如不變啦..
have been using the online banking system from this bank for quite some time, and think it is actually very good indeed, i can manage my finance on my finger-tips.. recently there was a revamp of the system using the latest technology available, and announces the launch of the new system so high-profilely, saying how good how secure and how fast it will be..
but but but (yes, 3 buts) the outcome has been totally unexpected.. i tried logging in one time, surprise to see the nice new interface, but i have to wait more than a minute to load the page (and the first time was failed even!), and then i need to click on few links before i could check my account balance.. in average more than a minute for each link to load, and in total i gotta spend more than five minutes just to check my balance - it's that simple and yet took me so long!!
few days later, i tried to login again, and shocked to find out that we are being directed back to the old system, perhaps they have received too much complaints than they can ever cope.. see the explanation message on the login page and i supposed you will catch a laugh.. checking account balance using the old system takes less than a minute, i just gotta say, why suddenly replace something good with something that is so not performing?? if the new one is not as good, then why bother to change??
i hate the new site... not user friendly at all ;(
ReplyDelete新的,都OK啊!只不过今日要缴付车期时出现CODE REJECTED的问题,去到总行问,原来SYSTEMDOWN噢!
yes yes yes! i had the same experience as yours! it was like taking me ages to load a page! luckily they switch it back to the old one.
ReplyDeleteCan only say their IT department should be sacked. Or whichever company who designed the new website.
ReplyDeletenot user friendly is because you're not used to it, but that is not the main problem.. the critical issue here is the response time - SUPER SLOW!!
我也是這樣認為, 管他是新是舊, 是好看還是醜樣, 我們要的是能夠高效率處理交易的系統啊!!
haha, and i guess you were as frustrated as i was??
i think they sub to other company to do this.. so interested to know who did that actually?? and how did they pass the QA test before launching??
ya lor, I prefer the old one. Initial 2 days after they change to new site was really slow... but these few days ok a bit already...
ReplyDeleteI guess you all haven't tried T/T money from Maybank to other banks rite? It is just trigering my anger vain... You can't even tranfer out any money la!!!! I had to go down all the way to the bank to do the transactions.... aarrgghh!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyes, i think they received too many complaints from the user, and then switch it back to the old one.. i wonder what they gonna do with the new one leh??
hmm, i've not tried the inter-bank TT anyway.. but i've always pay movie tickets and bills using M2U, was very good - of course the old one i mean..