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19.10.2008 | 手機雜談

現今社會應該幾乎每人手上都會有一部手機, 流動通訊嘅發達, 將人與人之間嘅距離大大縮短.. 不過呢幾日, 竟然畀我遭遇到兩單因為手機所帶嚟嘅不便..

星期五下晝收到個短訊, 邀請我下星期六去佢BB嘅滿月派對, 而且仲要當日回覆.. 不過phonebook冇呢個冧把記錄, 所以唔知來者何人?? 估咗一輪都冇頭緒, 於是就(好客氣兼尷尬地)問吓佢係邊位, 不過到而家都未有回覆.. 我覺得如果係發呢啲性質嘅短訊, 最好臨尾擺返自己個名囉, 因為唔可以take for granted人家實知你係邊位架嘛.. 可能你換冧把冇通知人, 又或者人家手機畀人偷咗冇埋你個冧把呢?? 呢位朋友如果讀到呢篇, 唔該反應下啦..

噚日為咗搵某位朋友, 又打電話又發短訊, 爭在未電話留言(其實我向來唔鐘意電話留言, 因為覺對住個冷機器錄音好怪, 都係得三口六面好啲), 佢都叫極唔應, 真係有啲好鬼扯火囉(有啲好鬼?? 哈哈, 好難明呵?? 辭窮, 你大概get到個meaning就得啦).. 結果幾個小時之後, 終於收到佢短訊話瞓緊覺, 之後又話同親友一齊唔方便講嘢所以唔接電話.. 係完全冇任何歉意, 連一句搵我有咩事都冇囉.. 咩理由啊?? 真係扯火扯到火焰山頂囉我~~
almost everyone is holding a mobile phone (or whatever term you call it) nowadays, the techology in mobile communications has since then shorten the distance between people.. but i was so unlucky the past few days that these mobile communicates actually created me some little inconveniences..

[who's there by the way??]
received an sms invitation to a full moon party to be held next week, and the sender asked for a reply on the same day.. i don't have the number registered in my phonebook, and hence i do not know who the sender was.. kept guessing and no more clue at all, i sms and asked (politely and embarrassingly) who's there, but till now i do not have a reply.. to me, i think it's always wise to just sign-off with your name for all these kind of sms, do not take for granted that your intended recipients would know who you are.. it could be after you've changed your number and have not inform them, or your friend's phone got stolen and lost your contact.. hi YOU out there, if you ever read this, please give me a response, ok??

[why is there no answer??]
was trying to reach a friend yesterday, have been calling and sending sms for the whole day, (have not left any voice message though, because i always think talking to a cold machine is rather weird, and i usually would like to talk in person) and yet there was no answer at all, feel a little frustrated actually.. few hours later, got a brief sms reply saying that he was asleep, then not convenient and choosed not to pick up the call as he was with his family, and yet not even feel guilty and asked why have i been calling at all.. what kind of reason was that?? and i can tell my level of frustration just went as close as a volcano eruption!!


  1. 临尾摆返自己个名,是非常好的idea。

  2. I have received the sms about full moon party too. I guess that is Michelle.

  3. yee:
    對啊, 凡是這種邀請, 我是覺得在最後放自己的名字下去, 萬無一失嘛.. 哈哈!! 叫極不應, 會扯火, 會火滾, 會撞火!!

    oh really?? hmmm, that is her new number or her husband's number?? actually i asked around, there's only michelle amongst our friends who just gave birth..

  4. 大佬,我终于返嚟啦。

  5. 大佬, you forget to call me leh!!

  6. chris:
    細佬, 好咯好咯, 終於都jon loi lor, jon loi lor.. :p

    大佬, you also didn't remember to call me leh~~

  7. I agree with Chloe and guess the message is from Michell. The sms that we received is from her husband. it is started with "you are invited to....."

  8. btw, we don't have each other phone number.. hehe contact via email? lifebook98@gmail.com.

    When come out for drink. :)

  9. 慧沁:
    hmmm, my sms starts with "hi, want to invite you to.." then i think this one must be sent by michelle herself lorr..

    wah, you put your email here so 明目張膽?? not scared other people trouble you ah?? hehe..

  10. Errr... my blog also have my email address mah.. :P

  11. err.. pai seh.. didn't notice that because that is very subtle and not obvious at all :p
