我講得出呢句嘢, 你係唔係覺得我會係個守時嘅人?? 今時今日我會斬釘截鐵話係!! 不過實不相蠻, 以前嘅我的的確確係個令人聞風喪膽嘅遲到大王, 係完全冇時間觀念架.. 每次約咗同學出街, 我冇一次係準時嘅, 我可以喺約咗嗰個時間先出門.. 姍姍來遲仲係扮晒大牌咁, 完全冇一點歉意喎.. 曾經有一次足足遲到兩個幾鐘, 仲氣定神爽咁蓮步姍姍, 好似全世界奉旨要等我咁.. 好清楚記得嗰一次, 冚棚人走晒淨返老友FN犧牲自己留低等我, 真係夠朋友喇, 事隔15年, 再講多次對唔住啦, 哈哈!!
不過人會變, 唔清楚由幾時開始我搣甩咗呢個壞習慣, 我會預早時間準備出門, 準時赴約.. 忽然變成一個守時嘅人之後, 竟然有一個出晒名遲到嘅朋友(呢個係殿堂級人馬, 可以遲幾個鐘添架), 因為某次我畀面色嚴厲單打之後, 從此佢凡係約開我就一定準時, 就算要遲到都第一時間知會我先.. 哈哈, 真係覺得自己有威嚴, 正氣懍懍到可以令人肅然起敬, 嘿嘿!!i really don't like people being late and yet never bother to give prior notifice..
you must think that i'm for sure a punctual person by saying that.. yes, i would now say i am definitely!! but frankly, i confess that i have been a person without any time conciousness, i was always late for appointment, and i can even only left home at the appointment hour.. never arrived on time and yet never felt guilty at all to all the waiting buddies.. there was once i was late for more than two hours but still taking my own sweet time, when everyone has left and only good old friend FN was willing to stay to wait for me.. it was like 15 years ago, and perhaps let me apologise for being so nasty by then, hahaha!!
but i have changed, can't remember when but i've now been quite a puntual person, i will estimate and arrive on time for any appointments.. since then, even one of my friends being notorious for being late (he is a legend for that, at least few hours late everytime), because of being late and i showed great fuss over him, he will always remember to be on time whenever going out with me, even if he shall be late he will always give me a call at the first minute.. haha, seems like i'm quite solemn on this till people started to respect me huh?? hehe..
totally agree with u.. but my superb time management sometimes did annoyed some of my friends..cos too punctual... sigh
ReplyDeletehuh?? why would your punctuality annoyed your friends?? or you are just too pushy to your friends that they should always arrive before you?? hehe..
ReplyDelete我并唔系一个守时嘅人. :p
ReplyDelete喔?? 咁以後約你就要約早一個鐘喇.. :p
ReplyDeletei also dislike ppl who dont respect time :) that's why i try my best loh to be punctured hahahaha
ReplyDeleteyes you are a punctual person, that's why i have no problem with you wor, hahaha!!