噚日同位多年老友MSN, 不知何解忽然間講到小時候作文科, 每一年來來去去都係嗰幾個題目, 其中印象最深刻嘅有以下呢兩個..
《我的志願》: 呢個係眾多老師必定嘅作文題目, 我仲記得小學六年內, 每一年都要寫一次.. 啊, 唔係喎, 計埋中英巫三語, 六三一十八, 小學時期係足足寫咗18篇我的志願咁多喎!! 如果冇記錯, 好似每一年都係唔同志願, 曾經寫過要做醫生/教師/工程師/律師/作家/科學家等等(好有打志架, 呵呵), 不過而家我做IT呢一行, 命中率係零囉!! 哈哈..
《我的愛好》: 其實至今為止, 我仍然唔係好鐘意有人有嘢冇嘢就問我平時鐘意做乜, 因為我真係唔識得回答呢個問題, 老實講, 我係冇咩特別愛好囉.. 我諗以前應該係先睇隔離同學寫咩, 跟住我就寫咩, 什麼閱讀/集郵/繪畫/寫作等等, 其實當時都係跟風啫, 談何是愛好呢家嘢呢, 我承認當時真係為咗交功課囉.. 查實我想問, 愛好係點樣定義架??
was MSN-ing with an old friend yesterday, and out of a sudden (i can't remember why) we chatted about the compositions we used to write while we were kids in elementary school.. i remember there were always a limited variation of titles that the teachers would get us to write about, the two below are amongst the more popular ones i could remember..
"My Ambition": this should be the compulsory title every teacher had on their syllabus, and within the six years in the elementary school, we would have to write once every year.. ah, correct me, english chinese malay three languages each year, hence 6 by 3 and we have written a total of 18 "My Ambition" in elementary school!! if i could still remember properly, i had different ambition every year, doctor/ teacher/ engineer/ lawyer/ writer/ scientist etc etc were what i had written about, but i am now an IT professional, an absolute zero probability i'd say, haha!!
"My Hobby": till now i still find it a little irritating that people ask me what i like to do during leisure, because i can never find myself a good answer for that, for i frankly do not have anything particular in mind or in my life at all.. i think i must have referred to the classmates sitting beside me before deciding on what to write about, it could be reading or collecting stamps or drawing or writing etc etc, but for god's sake i was just writing them so that i can hand-in the work to my teacher, they are really not any hobby of mine.. by the way, how do you define a "hobby" i'm curious..
is like that 1......when we small we small parent maysay o become doctor lal, teacher lal......didnt they say become a cleaner????So this makes us put our ambition as goctor etc..
ReplyDeleteWhere got 18 essays on ambition??
ReplyDeleteI don't remember Mrs Nalaini telling us to write "My Ambition" worr.
我的志願 and Cita-cita Saya onlylah, my friend.
your all time hobby mai jao hai eating good food lorr ... right?
ReplyDeletewell, i dont remember what my ambition was, but i know my ambition now is to become a billionaire hahahaha and my hobbies??? definitely a lot :D
ReplyDeleteyou are right, of course all parents wish their kids to grow up with high achievements right?? this is an eternal principle..
mh poon:
my friend, don't forget we have morning and afternoon sessions, so we have two english and two malay teachers every year.. Madam Nalaini might not get us write that, but sure Miss Kong did.. haha!!
and both of us mai jao hai sharing the same all time hobby lor?? hahaha..
hmmm, that is indeed a very ambitious ambition, but no sweat, if you think you can do it, you just can!! and i thot your hobby is reading?? hehe..