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13.10.2008 | 超級悶蛋

[警告] 再睇返以下所寫嘅嘢, 覺得超悶囉, 唔好意思失禮晒.. 如果唔嫌悶, 歡迎繼續; 如果怕悶, 就唔好格硬喇吓..

又係一個星期一, 又係一個星期要捱, 又係要5-4-3-2-1開始倒數週末來臨.. 不過好彩今日完全冇monday blues, 瞓醒擘大眼返工做嘢放工返屋企, 「雪」一聲咁就過咗一日喇, 不過確實係幾充實, 至少時間過得快啲.. 這就是我工作的一日喇..

一早到公司, 邊食早餐邊check email, 之後開會, 然之後再做吓嘢, 跟住就出去同舊同事食晏.. 邊食邊傾, 佢八吓新公司啲嘢畀我哋知, 我哋又八吓公司啲嘢畀佢知咁囉.. 食完之後就去見客, 個客之前就係畀咗兩個字咁多講晒佢需要嘅嘢, 好鬼general囉大佬.. 所以今日就約埋傾吓偈, 結果要求好簡單, 不過出得個價錢仲簡單添囉..

再返公司做埋今日plan好要做嘅手尾.. 回覆一輪電郵之後, 打個電話畀新加坡老細傾偈, 因為我係technical背景, 所以好多人事上嘅嘢要徵求意見與同意.. 傾過之後, 再搵幾位同事閂埋房門密密斟.. 最後再做埋啲嘢, 為時已過八點鐘, 執嘢鬆人..[warning] read again what i've written below, oh gosh that is so so dull, sorry readers, you may proceed if you don't mind getting bored, else better not continue then, haha..

it's monday again, it's another new week ahead again, it's counting down 5-4-3-2-1 to the weekend again.. but all of a good luck, i didn't suffer from monday blues though, instead the day just elapsed in a blink.. anyway it's not bad at all to have such a fruitful day, at least the time passes by more quickly.. this is the flow of my day..

reached office and had my breakfast while checking emails, had a brief meeting with colleagues before starting off with my work on hand.. went out to have lunch with an ex-colleague later in the afternoon, what else, she gossiped about her new company and new job, we gossiped about the company we once work together with.. went to meet up a customer after lunch, the customer before this told us about their requirements for the system in just TWO WORDS, kind of brief and general man, and hence we met up to understand more about what they are looking for.. in the end, simple requirements, and nevertheless "simple" budgeting as well..

back to office again to finish off what i've planned for the day.. after a round of email replies, called up my boss in singapore for some advices, afterall i'm from a technical background, and when it comes to operations and human resources area, fair enough that i'm a newbie and just need opinions and approvals from the bosses.. after the talk, my turn to have private chat with the individual colleagues one-to-one.. after that finish up things, at it was eight-ish, packed my things, called it a day and left office for home..


  1. haha! you call this dull and boring. anyway, it's a typical day of a working life. so they actually equate? :p

  2. My time is passing by too slow...

  3. wesley:
    well, it just depend on whether you like you job.. if you don't like it, it equates to boredom.. if you like it, it equates to satisfaction.. it's that simple, haha!!

    why is your time passing by so slowly?? because you can't wait to come back to your motherland?? :p
