近呢兩三年, 城中幾個主要大型百貨公司, 好似喺度鬥減價咁.. 購物嘉年華同過年過節例牌之外, 分明就係搵一大堆籍口, 咩週年紀念啦, 年中大拋售啦, 會員回饋啦.. 搞到好似隔冇幾耐又聽到某某公司大減價喇, 呢個減價嗰個當然唔執輸啦, 結果全城又嚟陷入一個大減價旋渦之中..
有鑒於此, 我對於大減價抱著兩種對立(又帶點矛盾)嘅觀點.. 第一, 我開始對大減價冇晒感覺, 因為知道多幾日必定又會捲土重來, 好似係好必然嘅事, 毫不矜貴, 真係無需太過振奮.. 第二, 因為知道頻頻有大減價, 所以見到想買嘅嘢會耐心等待, 大減價開始頭幾日, 一定衝鋒陷陣去湊熱鬧, 睇吓有咩筍嘢益街坊..
就係因為大減價得太頻密, 以致每次嘅貨品都係大同小異, 冇啲新鮮感.. 最近啲大減價, 好少搵到心頭好, 不過又覺得兩手空空好悲哀, 所以通常都係狂掃超市啲零食嚟滿足一下自己, 哈哈!!the few major departmental stores in town have in the recent couple of years set up a trend of "competitive sales".. other than mega-sales carnival and festive sales, there could just be any reason that a departmental store would take (as an excuse??) to put the sales on show - anniversary sales, seasonal sales, members privilege sales - you name it they got it.. as a result of this, there are always sales after sales within very short timeframe, one got it up and the others follow to set up their own, and the result of this? the town is in another brand new sales celebration again!!
in view of this, i have two thoughts in contrary to each other.. firstly, i start to have zero feelings towards sales out there, as i know it's gonna come back again in short future, as if they are being taken for granted, not any appreciable really and hence no point to fall head over feet on it.. secondly, because knowing there'll soon be another sales round the corner, i'm gonna wait patiently should i spotted anything to my wish list, and when the day comes, i will definitely go and see if i could get any good deals..
since sales have been too frequent, the deals and promotions are hence all about the same, nothing exciting i would say.. for the recent few sales, i just hardly get myself anything right and fancy, knowing that i would feel ashamed if i go home empty handed, i just went to the supermarket and grabbed myself handfuls of snacks and nibblers (fat, fat!!) to make myself feel better, hahahaha!!
ReplyDeletebad economy is affecting everywhere... even here... *sigh*... and yet good thing is there is a lot of sales... but not here *sigh*
ReplyDeletei don't like to shop during SALE. Not that i'm rich, but i just hate to shop when it's crowded..;(
ReplyDelete嗯。。。 又大减价? 唔好引我啦。。
ReplyDeletewow...until when the sales???
ReplyDeleteSales is good. The more the better. But still have to control and not buy everything.
ReplyDeleteTruth be told, no two sales are the same... different stock... but these days, a little boring la.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the sales..
ReplyDeleteIn one day I had bought..
1. A new shirt.
2. A new working bag.
3. SE bluetooth..
Total Cost
RM _ _ _
can't resist..
But broke
ReplyDelete江兄, 乜你咁謙啊?? 你養得起新屋, 再加埋瘋狂shopping都綽綽有餘啦..
well, i really don't see how the bad economy has affected the people here.. there're sales everywhere and there're people buying things everywhere..
yes, you are right.. i used to hate sales and get stranded in the enthusiatic crowd, but now i've changed.. i'll only buy things during sales, afterall to save money is more important.. haha!!
細佬, 你可以帶伯母去shopping, 買嘢孝敬佢老人家啊..
ReplyDeletehmmm, i think still another week to go.. but no worries, the mega sales is coming soon though.. :p
sometimes i think sales are the gimmicks of the departmental store to get you spend more.. because you just don't realise how much you actually have spent on all those things you thought are cheaper..
haha, that's the problem with having sales too frequent.. you see almost the same things everytime.. :p
wow, congratulations you bought something!! haha.. anyway, that is not a lot though.. sales is still on, you can continue to grab more great deals, hahaha!!