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01.10.2008 | 開齋節日

回教徒守齋一個月之後, 今日為開齋之日, 喺度祝各界人士開齋節快樂!! 其實呢個節日對我嚟講, 除咗有兩日公假咁大把之外, 應該都冇乜重要性架喇.. 一如過往, 凡係遇著呢啲喜慶日子, 我覺得有兩件事係值得開心嘅..

第一, 通常好多人都趁機攞假, 尤其而家年尾就更多人需要清假啦, 所以工作上可以話係冷清期.. 好似今年咁, 好多project都冇乜進度, 其中有個客就索性成個星期都唔駛返工, 有咩事留返下星期先講啦..

第二, 佳節期間, 城中游子十之八九都一定會回鄉.. 上個禮拜六開始就陸續有人離開城市返回鄉下同家人齊慶佳節.. 最peak應該係噚日同買跟住落嚟嘅禮拜五, 所以呢幾日搭輕鐵返工會好快捷, 因為冇乜人同你爭, 馬路上都交通順暢兼車影少見, 商場內更係比平時少咗幾成人.. 我最鐘呢段時間嘅意吉隆坡, 因為實在係冇晒平時嘅壓迫感囉..after fasting for one whole month, the muslims celebrates the fasting break today, eid ul-fitr.. would like to wish everyone a happy eid mubarak over here!! to me there is nothing really more important than having a luxurious two days break, and as the past, there are always two things that i have been very happy about..

firstly, a lot of people will take the golden opportunity to take leave to enjoy the holiday, and because it's year end now hence people are trying to clear their annual leaves as well, work wise i would call this a cool period.. this year for example, most of the projects are quiet with minimum activities, and one of my customers even declare an entire week of operations closure.. anything please leave it till after the festive next week, haha..

secondly, during the festive season, the non-locals working in the city will definitely have to go back to hometown to celebrate the festive with their families.. the peak shall be tuesday and friday i would predict, thus it would be quiet in the city area.. taking the LRT will be less of an effort as there are not many other competing passengers, cars are less on the road and traffic hence becomes fairly smooth, crowds in shopping malls are reduced a few folds.. i always love KL during the festive seasons, because it is just so relax as compared to the hectic normal days..


  1. oh really? just two? haha what about the yummy kuih muih after buka puasa?

  2. no laa, those delicious kuih muih is BEFORE raya maa, those only during the fasting month from bazaar ramadhan, hari raya they don't do that anymore ga la..

  3. ohh .. but i thought it turns less crowded just before Raya too, esp the LRT, typically the week is not crowded at all?

  4. oh yes ar, i think people are starting to head back to hometowns from last weekend onwards, many of them are taking a whole week off.. so tomorrow shall be a quiet working day i supposed..
