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28.10.2008 | 小病是福

俗語有雲「小病是福」, 福指嘅係身邊有個人照顧, 發一場小病總好過病入膏肓, 病好之後有一定嘅免疫力提昇等等.. 咁樣嚟到解釋呢句嘢是幾啱, 不過就覺得要睇吓當時個情況囉..

記得以前嘅求學期, 最怕就係病, 因為一請病假就某種程度上會影響學業進度.. 我間學校出晒名課業繁重, 一日冇返學就要用雙倍努力追返上, 而且有個好鬼賤格嘅制度, 就係請病假都要扣分(唔知邊位訂下嘅條規, 真係見你死踩多你一腳囉)!! 所以話「小病是福」真係一啲都唔貼切, 恨不得病痛遠離我添啦..

出嚟做嘢之後, 雖然話長命功夫長命做, 而且每位員工享有一定日數嘅有薪病假, 當然亦都冇嗰扣分制度, 不過又唔係話病就可以告假, 因為好多時候要睇工作進度究竟允許唔允許你病.. 曾經試過幾次, 工作忙到連病都係喺工作麻醉之下痊癒, 都幾坎坷.. 不過當然都有休息嘅機會, 好似今日咁, 就發病告假一日喇..there's a saying "little sickness is a bliss", the bliss here mean there's somebody taking care of you, a little sickness is much more fortunate than any awful diseases, after recovered you gain a certain boost of the immunity.. it's quite true when explained in this way, but to me it still depends on the situation though..

still remember those days as a student, one of the things worried most is falling sick, as it will affect the progress of studies if you call in sick.. my school is so well-known (or notorious i say) for the heavy study burden on us, and hence one day off means we have to spend double the effort to cope up with the progress.. and what more? the was a don't-know-who-set-the-rule to deduct marks for sick leave you have taken, as if throwing you shit when you're fallen into the mud pool.. that is why, i don't think the saying "little sickness is a bliss" is applicable here..

those were the days and now i'm in the working life.. though there's always things queueing to be done, and each employee enjoys a certain number of days of paid sick leave, and of course there is no mark deduction rules, sometimes it just depend on what timing you fall sick and whether the work progress allows you to fall sick.. have experienced few times when the sickness just recovered unnoticeably while rushing for deadlines under work pressure, that is pathetic huh?? but still there are "lucky" times where i could really gain a good rest, just like today, i am on sick leave..


  1. Have a good rest....

    Dont go shopping o... hahaha

  2. get well soon lo... the weather nowadays is just killing me...;(

  3. william h:
    yeah, had a good rest yesterday and back to work now.. didn't shop till i fell sick laa, haha!!

    already recovered and recharged after a good rest yesterday.. yeah, it was due to the weather doctor told me..

  4. haha....

    are you sure is the weather?
    or must be too many activities at night!!! haha...

  5. you have recovered but i think mine is starting soooon.... got a flu rite after i went out for lunch on a blazing sun & my toungue is some sort having some pains.. argh... no one will take care of me lei if i sick wor....

  6. william h:
    of course it's the weather, please trust what the doctor says ok?? my activity at night is just sleeping lor.. :p

    am still recovering laa, hope tomorrow will be all fit, haha!! yeah, you must caught a cold because of the weather change, just take a good rest tonight laa.. get well soon :)

  7. Haha...i would like to describe that the afternoon nap for sick leave is something like the taste stay with you for memorable delicious meal u had before.

  8. yeah, maybe it's true that a sick leave is a precious day for you to rest well and recharge yourself from work :p
