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15.10.2008 | 患得患失

如果講到我嘅小學時代, 好多人都會好驚訝, 因為六年來每日都係朝早7:30返學下晝5:00放學.. 確實係冇搞錯架, 比起一般上班族嘅返工時間仲要長架.. 其實返學分早午兩段, 早上班跟政府規定嘅課程上課, 下晝班算係私立學校模式, 係跟新加坡課程上課..

全日制係當時嘅林校長開發先河, 我其實好慶幸自己當初堅持要上全日制.. 當初堅持唔係因為有遠見, 小朋友識咩叫遠見吖, 咪就係因為同學仔個個都去, 所以自己冇理由撇自己埋一二角架, 係嘛? 因為咁, 所以有機會上到難度高幾班嘅新加坡課程.. 如果淨係上政府因為遷就某些族群而鑒生拉低水準嘅課程, 我覺得我而家唔會咁叻囉, 呵呵..

不過有得就必有失.. 因為成日都喺學校度讀書, 時間都犧牲晒課業上嘅緣故, 少咗好多普通小朋友應該有嘅玩耍時間同樂趣.. anyway, 當時當然唔係咁諗啦, 因為已經習慣同成班同學仔相處, 其實覺得幾開心架都.. 一個小朋友應該有嘅童真, 我不知有否, 嚴格嚟講算係患得患失, 不過絕無遺憾嘅..
if i ever tell someone how much i had gone to school during elementary schooling time, they will sure got a shocked, for we start from 7:30 in the morning and ends at 5:00 in the evening.. no kidding, it's definitely longer hours than a normal working class person out there.. actually it's split into morning and afternoon sessions, morning being the standard syllabus mandated by the government, and the afternoon sessions was something like private school running the syllabus from singapore..

the system was pioneered at our school by the then headmaster mr lim, and i am glad that i had stood firm to pursue, not because i could see my future value, but mainly of all other peers were going and that's why i just couldn't left myself behind.. because of this, i had the opportunity to study the more difficult syllabus from singapore.. thinking back if i did not pursue, then i would be left behind with just the government syllabus that has all the while been purposely downgraded for the certain groups of friends out there, and i will most probably not ended up as smart as i am right now, hehehe!!

anyway, give and take is what i now realise about it.. because of spending the whole day in school, sacrificing all time on studies, i obviously had missed out all the games and fun other children have been enjoying.. but of course back then, this was nothing to me as i was still getting along very well with classmates, i would say i was still a very happy kid then.. just the matter of simple childhood a kid should have, i might not have one, maybe i gained something and lost something, but never have any regrets anyway..


  1. Poor little boys. Last time I was even reluctant to go for tuition.

  2. 抓鱼、抓豹虎(蜘蛛)、抓小蛇、爬树、游泳、炸鞋(用鞋击纸牌)、丢死鸡(往敌方抛篮球)、打goli(弹玻璃/石球) 、野餐、拾橡子、绿豆战(用吸水管吹射)、还有很多很多... :)

  3. legolas:
    no choice, we have to study the whole day, just no more time to spare for tuitions.. hahaha!!

    嘩, 很厲害!! 你小時候一定是boh tak chek的, 哈哈!! 我只有游泳, 弹玻璃, 玩大字.. :(

  4. 哪里有时间tak chek... ;p


  5. 哼, 不要緊, 其實tak chek也是一種樂趣來的.. 考試前還要翻書咩?? 不用的, 哈哈!!

  6. 当然要翻,不然妈妈会骂。十名之内才能任我玩嘛...不过中学时就吃尽苦果。所以呢还是要tak chek 的... ;P

  7. 哈哈, 媽媽從來不用擔心我的學業.. 我是考天才書, 每次都是臨時抱佛腳, 這是我必勝秘訣.. 十名之內"濕濕碎"啦.. ;P

  8. wah... someone show off here... he he

  9. lifebook,
    that guy was actually very humble. He's top 5 (often top 3) material. Top 10 was indeed sap sap soi for him. He probably considered anything less than Top 5 as failure!

  10. lifebook:
    no laa, not showing off here, i am an honest guy, so just telling the truth, haha!!

    mh poon:
    hmmm, that was elementary school laa.. but i did fall out from top 10 in high school loh, so sad.. but certainly top 3 for university, hehehe!!


  11. wah wah wah.. top 3 in the university.. hope not our local university.. :P

  12. ...He probably considered anything less than Top 5 as failure!
    这句话让你以前的同学们,情何以堪啊.. ;)

  13. lifebook:
    no laa, i can't afford to squeeze into local uni.. actually i kind of suspect that i'm the TOP instead lor.. hahaha!!

    哎呀, 知道甚麼叫做"小時了了"嗎?? 都是塵年舊事, 以前比我差的同學, 現在很多都發財還沒輪到我呢, 呵呵..

  14. 我也是临急抱佛脚的人,小学还可以,中学就麻麻地。那有你这样厉害啦!不过我在Fuking U的时候表现也很表青一下的, haha!

  15. 我們中華人已經是練就金剛之軀, 爐火純青的地步了喇.. 所以說, 我們不是驕傲自己的彪青, 只是誠實而已..
