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06.10.2008 | 經典劇集

幾得好細個嘅時候, 應該係小學生時代, 當時香港無記開拍金傭暢銷小說《射雕英雄傳》, 一拍就係鐵血丹心+東邪西毒+華山論劍三部曲, 之後打蛇隨棍上, 再開拍有密切關係嘅《神雕俠侶》.. 當時呢四套劇簡直係風靡一時啦, 就連我呢個細路仔(當然仲有我啲朋友仔)都咁捧場..

嗰時候冇衛星電視可以同香港一齊同播, 冇互聯網可以下載收藏觀賞, 有嘅只係金星機構(聽講好似係好姨前夫所有)代理嘅錄影帶(video cassette啊, 而家小朋友可能未見過喇).. 當時要追劇集真係好痛苦架, 睇完一餅兩集, 就要苦苦等待數日, 收到消息仲要第一時間趕去租帶, 因為帶數有限驚畀人租晒, 哈哈!!

除咗劇中靖哥哥與蓉兒, 姑姑與過兒, 高潮迭起嘅劇情, 令人屏息嘅打鬥場面, 最令人難忘嘅梗係仲有當時炙手可熱四大巨星(顧家輝曲, 黃霑詞, 蘿記拍甄妮合唱)聯手嘅主題曲啦.. 成廿幾年之後我可能忘記某些劇情, 不過講到主題曲, 事到今日仍然會喺K度同朋友合唱架喎, 夠晒勁爆啊~~i still remember when i was a kid, during early elementary school if not mistaken, HKTVB produced the famous drama series "Return of The Condor Heroes" adapted from Jin Yong's best-selling novel, and then immediately followed up with the related "The Condor Heroes" after the trilogy.. they were simply a hit, even little kids like me (and of course some of my friends too) were loyal followers..

there was no satelite live broadcasting nor any internet for downloading during those old days, what we had back then were video cassettes from Golden Star Enterprise, the sole distributor for HKTVB here.. i still remember we couldn't really have a good "marathon" for the series, after two episodes in a cassette, most of the time we would have to wait for another couple of days to continue, and when we got news for the new episodes release, we just gotta rush to the shop to rent the limited number of cassettes, haha..

other than the casts, the impressive storyline, the "wowable" fighting scenes, what left me a good memory were the jaw dropping theme songs - superb composition, excellent lyrics and perfect duet from Roman Tam and Jenny.. it was more than 20 years ago, i might have not remember some of the scene from these classic series, but till now i will still duet the theme songs with friends in karaoke, bombastic~~


  1. I am one of the drama series follower too. :)

  2. 現在看回那只‘雕‘,間直笑死人。懷念小時候的天真。

  3. classic all time fav! i have the box set with me (and another contemporary all time fav: big era!) which i hope my children will inherit ha ha ha...

  4. lifebook:
    hehehe, they are really classic yeah??

    哈哈, 現在看回很多東西都覺得很好笑, 不過當時已經覺得很厲害了, 一出掌就可以隔山打牛殺死一個人..

    haha, those box sets were your 嫁妝?? i didn't know you have them boh, bought in HK last time??

  5. 係呀係呀。。我都係咁架以前。。仲係去排隊搶先租新一集添噃。。哈哈哈


  6. 嘩, 乜怡保興排隊咩?? 駛唔駛排晒隊咁誇張啊?? 不過auntie而家就巴閉啦, 有AOD睇~~
