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08.10.2008 | 四曲纏身

最近有四首影視歌曲交替地喺我腦海中旋轉, 時不時就因為佢哋浮現腦袋, 於是好自然咁會隨口跟住哼上兩句, 尤其係沖涼嗰陣, 哈哈.. 唔講歌名, 係咁意畀幾句歌詞, 睇下你又識唔識唱啦..
  • 放手, 豁出所有, 還有這個好友已經, 已經足夠.. 最近狂追家好月圓, 每逢管家仔+于素秋出現一幕必播嘅插曲..
  • 在最壞時候必須卑鄙, 在決裂時候彼此妒忌, 無非人生道理, 原本無心害你.. 最近狂追家好月圓, 莎姨擔旗主題曲冇理由唔識..
  • you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life.. 一首好開心兼可以令人問曲起舞嘅歌, 因為一齣電影令我重新鐘意呢首歌..
  • mamma mia, here i go again, my my, how can i resist you.. 唔駛提啦, 大家都知係乜歌啦, 近排睇過最開心最enjoy嘅電影..
four theme songs, two each from a series and a movie, kept playing in my mind recently.. and as they spin around in my mind, i will instinctively follow the rythm and sing along, especially during shower time, hehehe..
  • "Love, No Regret" from the series "Moonlight Resonance".. this sad song, sung by Hou, is played whenever Hou and Chau gotta get apart their relationship..
  • "Not Intending to Hurt" from the series "Moonlight Resonance".. the theme song, sung by Auntie Sa, played every opening and ending of each episode, hence at least 80 times after the whole series..
  • "Dancing Queen" from the movie "Mamma Mia!".. because of the movie, i re-love this song, happy and makes people wanna dance..
  • "Mamma Mia!" from the movie "Mamma Mia!".. the theme song from the most enjoyable and most likeable from all movies i've watched recently..


  1. 哈哈。。曲迷心窮。。

  2. The fav songs of a person acurately mirrors the person's inner feelings. Based on the melodies and lyrics of the first two songs, you must be a romantic diehard :) .

  3. mynicole:
    咦.. 乜auntie咁嚟講人架?? 你都係好鐘意愛不疚啫, 係嘛?? 哈哈..

    hehe, perhaps you are right.. but all four songs are of different genre, do you think i'm a combination of all kind?? hahaha..

  4. Me think you are predominantly in the 1st genre. Can also be accurately inferred from your blogs. Here's for you - 男人KTV [esp. Cantonese version by Justin] ;)

  5. oh really?? hehe.. maybe i'm just someone who don't understand myself well enough.. thanks for the song, i love it actually, haha..
