嚟到2010年最後一日, 好多人都會玩回顧, 我都唔執輸湊下熱鬧啦.. 每個月揀一篇我認為最精彩嘅post出嚟翻讀, 果然帶返起好多回憶.. 如果你都想回顧我過去一年所寫嘅事跡, 隨手點擊個別月份就可以鏈接喇.. :) it's the last day of 2010 and i supposed many people will do a review of the year, i'll follow this trend and select one post i think most interesting for each of the month.. reading these posts again really brings back all the memory, if you'd like to know what i've been writing for this whole year, just feel free to click on the individual month and get linked to the post.. :) |
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2011新年快樂 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 |
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31.12.2010 | 一年回顧
28.12.2010 | 聖誕大餐
好好好~~ 相信大家都渡過咗個開心聖誕啦, 係唔係期待緊新年又一round狂歡呢?? 哈哈!! 其實在下就冇點樣慶祝聖誕喇, 因為我拜觀音(呵呵!!), 最大肆慶祝應該係一個星期前嘅公司聖誕大餐囉.. 同大家分享幾張當晚影嘅相片啦..
hohoho~~ i believe everyone just had a very merry christmas, looking forward to another round of fun during new year?? haha!! well i didn't really celebrate christmas because my family devote to guan yin (hehe!!), the biggest celebration would have to be the company christmas dinner a week ago.. just share a few photos taken that night over here..
hohoho~~ i believe everyone just had a very merry christmas, looking forward to another round of fun during new year?? haha!! well i didn't really celebrate christmas because my family devote to guan yin (hehe!!), the biggest celebration would have to be the company christmas dinner a week ago.. just share a few photos taken that night over here..
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早咗一個星期嘅公司聖誕聚餐, 喺damansara heights一間叫做nero fico嘅意大利餐廳舉行.. an early company christmas party and dinner at trattoria nero fico, damansara heights.. |
25.12.2010 | 聖誕快樂
22.12.2010 | 牙齒髮膚
19.12.2010 | 按摩傳奇
最近見到好多按摩街招, 個個都手法新穎, 簡直令人佩服.. 我個人認為, 如果你用好正直嘅觀念去睇, 肯定一頭霧水.. 但係如果你用邪念去睇, 我覺得應該能夠理解多少箇中奧妙.. 果然係好有趣嘅綽頭呀, 哈哈!! [先此聲明: 本人絕對冇做過呢啲按摩!!]
saw quite some massage service "advertisements" recently, and all are rather creative indeed.. i personally think that, if you see them using honest thoughts then you might most probably be confused.. but if you see them using kinky thoughts then i guess you'd easily read what's between the lines.. don't you think they are interesting?? haha!! [disclaimer: i didn't try any of those massage!!]
saw quite some massage service "advertisements" recently, and all are rather creative indeed.. i personally think that, if you see them using honest thoughts then you might most probably be confused.. but if you see them using kinky thoughts then i guess you'd easily read what's between the lines.. don't you think they are interesting?? haha!! [disclaimer: i didn't try any of those massage!!]
16.12.2010 | 歡迎嫁到
13.12.2010 | 相架與相
仲記唔記得以前收埋收埋一大堆相片嘅菲林年代?? 當時好多人每逢過年過節, 都好鐘意買埋啲相簿相架送禮畀人.. 老實講, 我就最唔鐘意收到呢啲禮物囉, 同樣地我都唔鐘意收到朱古力/曲奇/糖果之類嘅禮物(除非係特別名貴, 又或者當係小小手信), 所以閣下如果要送禮畀我, 留意下喇噃, 哈哈!! :D
話說回頭.. 記得多年前有某某男同學, 喺某某女同學生日嗰日送咗個相架畀佢.. 本應冇咩問題, 直至女同學暗地裡八畀大家知, 男同學竟然放咗自己張個人相喺相架入邊!! 未夠震撼?? 好, 再激爆啲!! 嗰張相哩, 原來係男同學自己影嘅赤裸上身沙龍藝術照!! 嘩, 簡直係"OH!"大嘴囉, 想點唧??
話時話, 閣下有冇試過將自己張相放入相架送畀人咁呢?? 又或者我更好奇嘅係, 假如閣下收到呢啲咁親熱嘅相, 會有咩反應呢??
still remember those days when we still use films and kept lots of physical photos?? well, that was the time when many people like to buy photo albums and frames as present.. BTW i hate receiving those as presents as much as i hate chocolates/cookies/candies (unless branded expensive and delicious, or just as little gifts or souvenirs), so please bear this in mind if you want to buy me a present, haha!! :D
back to photo frames.. i remember one particular classmates of mine, many years ago, bought another classmate a photo frame for her birthday.. nothing's wrong until she showed us what he's put in - a photo of himself!! and to shock you more, a topless photo of himself taken "rather" artistic-salon style.. OMG, we were like jaw-dropped and couldn't understand the rational behind..
have you ever put your own photo in a frame as present to others?? or rather i'm more curious to know, what will you do if you receive such an "intimate" photo as present?? :p
話說回頭.. 記得多年前有某某男同學, 喺某某女同學生日嗰日送咗個相架畀佢.. 本應冇咩問題, 直至女同學暗地裡八畀大家知, 男同學竟然放咗自己張個人相喺相架入邊!! 未夠震撼?? 好, 再激爆啲!! 嗰張相哩, 原來係男同學自己影嘅赤裸上身沙龍藝術照!! 嘩, 簡直係"OH!"大嘴囉, 想點唧??
話時話, 閣下有冇試過將自己張相放入相架送畀人咁呢?? 又或者我更好奇嘅係, 假如閣下收到呢啲咁親熱嘅相, 會有咩反應呢??
still remember those days when we still use films and kept lots of physical photos?? well, that was the time when many people like to buy photo albums and frames as present.. BTW i hate receiving those as presents as much as i hate chocolates/cookies/candies (unless branded expensive and delicious, or just as little gifts or souvenirs), so please bear this in mind if you want to buy me a present, haha!! :D
back to photo frames.. i remember one particular classmates of mine, many years ago, bought another classmate a photo frame for her birthday.. nothing's wrong until she showed us what he's put in - a photo of himself!! and to shock you more, a topless photo of himself taken "rather" artistic-salon style.. OMG, we were like jaw-dropped and couldn't understand the rational behind..
have you ever put your own photo in a frame as present to others?? or rather i'm more curious to know, what will you do if you receive such an "intimate" photo as present?? :p
10.12.2010 | 掠水牙醫
08.12.2010 | 廁所趣事
唔錯, 今日我的而且確係要寫廁所.. 不過放心, 絕對唔係啲核突嘢, 而係我經歷過同廁所有關嘅趣事啫.. 所以你可以好安心繼續睇落去而唔駛鬧我核突噃, 哈哈~~ :p
[趣事 1]
仲好記得我間小學嘅廁所, 因為又黑有污蹧, 所以我非常之抗拒, 可以嘅話請願忍都唔去架喇.. 其二, 以前上廁所一定要得到老師同意, 我又好細膽連問都唔敢問喎.. 所以哩, 一年班嘅時候試過有兩次, 實在係忍唔到, 竟然坐住喺課室裡邊賴屎!! 嘩, 你想像下當時週圍都係"溶漿", 老師措手不及個樣~~ 哈哈!! :D
[趣事 2]
上到中學當然冇再有類發生啦.. 不過假如你上緊課半途上廁所, 稍微耐啲, 實會畀同學(甚至某啲老師)笑你去屙屎.. 非常無聊囉, 不過為咗唔畀人笑到面黃, 我都儘量等到休息時間或者快快完事.. 仲有, 記得以前個清潔女工, 係個不折不扣嘅惡阿嬸, 最好就係避開佢, 千其唔好阻住佢或者整污蹧廁所呀, 如果唔係實畀佢鬧到你狗血淋頭冇鞋挽屐走, 好恐怖架~~ @_@
today i'm writing about toilets again, absolutely nothing disgusting but funny stories i encountered.. so you can read on without having to curse me, hehe~~ :p
i still remember how reluctant i was to use the toilet in my primary school.. it was so dark and filthy that most of the time i choose to skip until i reach home.. secondly, i was quite intimidated to even ask for teacher's permission to go to toilet, as such, there were two times during my first year that i couldn't hold on anymore and straight away "lao sai" on my seat in the classroom!! oh, imagine "chocolate lava" everywhere in the class!! hahaha~~ :D
during high school of course it never happened again lah.. if we went toilet and return after a while, we'd be laughed at by the classmates (or even some naughty teacher) for shitting so long.. that's quite a nonsense but in order not to be laughed at, i always tried to be fast and do it only during break.. also i remember the cleaner was a very stern old lady, try to avoid her or else if you blocked her way or did something wrong (in her opinion), you would undoubtedly be scolded loud enough everyone hears and that's really no joke.. @_@
[趣事 1]
仲好記得我間小學嘅廁所, 因為又黑有污蹧, 所以我非常之抗拒, 可以嘅話請願忍都唔去架喇.. 其二, 以前上廁所一定要得到老師同意, 我又好細膽連問都唔敢問喎.. 所以哩, 一年班嘅時候試過有兩次, 實在係忍唔到, 竟然坐住喺課室裡邊賴屎!! 嘩, 你想像下當時週圍都係"溶漿", 老師措手不及個樣~~ 哈哈!! :D
[趣事 2]
上到中學當然冇再有類發生啦.. 不過假如你上緊課半途上廁所, 稍微耐啲, 實會畀同學(甚至某啲老師)笑你去屙屎.. 非常無聊囉, 不過為咗唔畀人笑到面黃, 我都儘量等到休息時間或者快快完事.. 仲有, 記得以前個清潔女工, 係個不折不扣嘅惡阿嬸, 最好就係避開佢, 千其唔好阻住佢或者整污蹧廁所呀, 如果唔係實畀佢鬧到你狗血淋頭冇鞋挽屐走, 好恐怖架~~ @_@
today i'm writing about toilets again, absolutely nothing disgusting but funny stories i encountered.. so you can read on without having to curse me, hehe~~ :p
i still remember how reluctant i was to use the toilet in my primary school.. it was so dark and filthy that most of the time i choose to skip until i reach home.. secondly, i was quite intimidated to even ask for teacher's permission to go to toilet, as such, there were two times during my first year that i couldn't hold on anymore and straight away "lao sai" on my seat in the classroom!! oh, imagine "chocolate lava" everywhere in the class!! hahaha~~ :D
during high school of course it never happened again lah.. if we went toilet and return after a while, we'd be laughed at by the classmates (or even some naughty teacher) for shitting so long.. that's quite a nonsense but in order not to be laughed at, i always tried to be fast and do it only during break.. also i remember the cleaner was a very stern old lady, try to avoid her or else if you blocked her way or did something wrong (in her opinion), you would undoubtedly be scolded loud enough everyone hears and that's really no joke.. @_@
05.12.2010 | 河內足跡
新工作第二個星期, 去咗一趟河內.. 上一篇都有提到我係第一次去越南, 不過因為工作關係, 三日兩夜其實都冇機會四週圍睇吓.. 下邊啲相都係臨走前一個早上, 喺酒店附近匆匆影低嘅, 至少叫做有見識到啩?? 哈哈..
in my second week of the new job, i went to hanoi for a business trip.. as mentioned in the previous post, this was my first time to vietnam.. but because this is a working trip, i really did not have a chance to go around the place.. the photos below were taken hastily around the hotel on the morning before i left, at least i've seen a little of the city?? haha..
in my second week of the new job, i went to hanoi for a business trip.. as mentioned in the previous post, this was my first time to vietnam.. but because this is a working trip, i really did not have a chance to go around the place.. the photos below were taken hastily around the hotel on the morning before i left, at least i've seen a little of the city?? haha..
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呢個trip有幾個第一次: 第一次去越南, 新工作第一次出國, 新護照第一次蓋印.. there are a few first-times for this trip: first time to vietnam, first business trip for the new company, first two stamps on the new passport.. |
02.12.2010 | 雜談三則
29.11.2010 | 經濟雜飯
27.11.2010 | 全新環境
返新工一個星期喇, 首個星期其實都係orientation所以都無驚無險, 加上我老細又放緊假, 下星期佢返嚟恐怕就會吊頸唞唔到氣喇.. 大致上都幾唔錯, 同事都好友善, 不過需要畀時間自己習慣吓美式管理制度.. 同埋晨早8:30開工哩, 每日(瞓到最後一秒鐘都)晨七就要起身, 真係覺得每日都缺少睡眠, 冇陰公呀~~ 好啦, 下邊影啲相大家睇下啦.. :)
it's one week after i started my new job, the first week is basically orientation hence nothing bad really happened.. furthermore my boss is on vacation, but guess when he comes back next week, there will be lots of things to do already.. generally everything is good and colleagues are friendly too, but guess i need time to get used to the American management style.. also it's really a pain for me to start work at 8:30am as i need to wake up early at (and latest by) 7:00am which make me feel so deprieved of sleep everyday, gosh~~ anyway, have snapped some photo of my new office to share with everyone here.. :)
it's one week after i started my new job, the first week is basically orientation hence nothing bad really happened.. furthermore my boss is on vacation, but guess when he comes back next week, there will be lots of things to do already.. generally everything is good and colleagues are friendly too, but guess i need time to get used to the American management style.. also it's really a pain for me to start work at 8:30am as i need to wake up early at (and latest by) 7:00am which make me feel so deprieved of sleep everyday, gosh~~ anyway, have snapped some photo of my new office to share with everyone here.. :)
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公司入口同埋會客室.. 見唔見角落個水晶風水陣?? 呵呵~~ Office main entrance and meeting rooms.. see the fengshui crystal placed at the corner?? haha.. |
24.11.2010 | 閱前讀後
21.11.2010 | 美食中心
每次路經啲商場嘅美食中心, 都會不經意咁往一往啲人食緊乜嘢, 睇到檯上嘅食物就會一笑置之.. 點解我話一笑置之呢?? 大家有冇發覺到家吓啲所謂嘅美食中心, 其實已經不再美食喇??
家吓啲美食中心都極之商業化, 價錢貴不特止, 而且好多時候都係冇誠意(又或者過份有創作誠意), 成pat嘢畀你咁唔開胃.. 仲有呀, 有冇發現啲嘢都係外籍人士整畀你架?? 雖則話受過訓, 但係大家知我哋唐人通常都唔會傳授真功夫, 肯定有幾分保留架啦.. 就係咁, 你話啲嘢會好得去邊??
就算打出個「布袋食神」嘅面子, 號稱網羅城中所有美食於一屋檐下, 乜都係假.. 我始終覺得回歸最基本, 品嘗應有嘅人情味, 先至係最正宗嘅美食..

whenever i walk passed foodcourt in shopping malls, i will unintentionally look at what the patrons are eating, and most if the time i'll just have a laugh and walk away looking at those so-called delicacies.. why did i say so?? but don't you think the foodcourt now are not really selling nice food at all??
i would say they are all very commercialised, pricey food and worst thing is how not sincere (or perhaps too sincere in "creative fusion") the food are being prepared.. other than that, have you noticed your food are now all prepared by foreign workers, though skilled and trained, but we know us chinese will not teach everything and always reserved some so-called deadly skills.. so tell me, how will the food taste authentically nice under such factors??
sorry to say even with the guarantee from that famous "sling bag gastronome" that all great food brought under the same roof, i still think the best food would be those cooked in the most authentic, most original and heartiest way..
家吓啲美食中心都極之商業化, 價錢貴不特止, 而且好多時候都係冇誠意(又或者過份有創作誠意), 成pat嘢畀你咁唔開胃.. 仲有呀, 有冇發現啲嘢都係外籍人士整畀你架?? 雖則話受過訓, 但係大家知我哋唐人通常都唔會傳授真功夫, 肯定有幾分保留架啦.. 就係咁, 你話啲嘢會好得去邊??
就算打出個「布袋食神」嘅面子, 號稱網羅城中所有美食於一屋檐下, 乜都係假.. 我始終覺得回歸最基本, 品嘗應有嘅人情味, 先至係最正宗嘅美食..

whenever i walk passed foodcourt in shopping malls, i will unintentionally look at what the patrons are eating, and most if the time i'll just have a laugh and walk away looking at those so-called delicacies.. why did i say so?? but don't you think the foodcourt now are not really selling nice food at all??
i would say they are all very commercialised, pricey food and worst thing is how not sincere (or perhaps too sincere in "creative fusion") the food are being prepared.. other than that, have you noticed your food are now all prepared by foreign workers, though skilled and trained, but we know us chinese will not teach everything and always reserved some so-called deadly skills.. so tell me, how will the food taste authentically nice under such factors??
sorry to say even with the guarantee from that famous "sling bag gastronome" that all great food brought under the same roof, i still think the best food would be those cooked in the most authentic, most original and heartiest way..
18.11.2010 | 溝通方式
科技發達, 而家你要同人溝通實在係簡單又方便.. 但係又因為有太多渠道嘅關係, 搞到有啲人往往貪方便用錯車鈕(channel), 而唔係最基本最直接了當嘅方式.. 其實點樣有效溝通, 都係一門學問也~~
the advanced techology nowadays allow us to communicate with others in simple and easy ways.. perhaps there are too many channels available, till some people seem unable to use the most efficient path to communicate.. really, effective communication is one kind of skills to learn~~
- [案例一: SMS] 明明一機在手, 請願你來我往發送幾廿個短訊, 攘咗大半日先搞清楚大家嘅意思.. 都唔明點解唔直接打個電話當場講清楚呢??
- [案例二: MSN] 個同事明明就坐係隔離, 伸個頭埋去就可以講到嘢啦.. 都唔明點解係都要用MSN又或者電郵呢?? 跟住就叮來叮去, 沒完沒了, 幾惱囉~~
- [案例三: FB] 有心約朋友出嚟見面就撥個輪或者發個短訊啦.. 都唔明點解係都要通過面卜event等人回應呢?? 唔係個個人都登入都會睇到架喎..
the advanced techology nowadays allow us to communicate with others in simple and easy ways.. perhaps there are too many channels available, till some people seem unable to use the most efficient path to communicate.. really, effective communication is one kind of skills to learn~~
- [case 1: SMS] the cellphone is on their hands, instead of calling directly to talk and resolve issues on the spot, i can't understand why some just like to send rounds of SMS and only able to sort things out after half a day has passed..
- [case 2: MSN] the colleague is just sitting in the next cubicle and instead of poking your head over and talk, i can't undestand why some just like to use MSN or send emails and then enjoy the frustration of repititive ding-dong's..
- [case 3: FB] having the thought of inviting friends out for a drink, give a call or SMS would be the best channel i supposed.. i can't understand why some just like to use FB event and wait for response?? but not everyone will login often and will notice that invitation right??
15.11.2010 | 百思不解
12.11.2010 | 休業狀態
08.11.2010 | 越大越靚
03.11.2010 | 金睛火眼
01.11.2010 | 叮噹手信
最近有兩位朋友出國旅行, 可能因為之前寫過幾篇多啦A夢, 所以佢哋都不約而同咁帶咗叮噹返嚟畀我做手信.. 好鐘意呀, 多謝晒!! :) two of my friends went vacation overseas recently, and maybe because i've written a few post on Doraemon, they both brought back Doraemon toys for me as souvenirs.. i really like them very much, thanks a bundle!! :) |
![]() blogger bluesky brought me a Doraemon goodies bag from HK, there is a mini perfume, a Disney magic towel and a cute Doraemon keychain in there.. a very thoughtful goodies bag indeed~~ :) |
![]() friend JY brought back from TW, a special edition apple-green Doraemon time pen.. besides the pen function, the special feature lies on the button beside Doraemon's cheek.. when you press that button, the current time will be projected and his nose will lit too!! isn't that amazing?? :p |
29.10.2010 | 我的新腦
其實我從來未擁有過一部屬於我自己嘅電腦, 咁耐以嚟都係用緊公司畀我嘅手提電腦.. 因為最近辭工嘅關係, 所以就覺得係時候要擁有一部真正屬於自己嘅電腦喇!! 本來就想話扮吓高級買部蘋果嘅, 不過左敲右度之後, 充咩唧?? 都係經濟實惠啲好, 於是扑錘買咗以下呢一部喇.. 都非常之無錯架其實, 仲有噃, 你知唔知買電腦係可以扣稅架噃, 哈哈~~ :p |
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i have not really have my very own laptop so far, all the while the ones that i've been using belongs to the company.. due to my recent resignation, i thought it's time for me to have a laptop that is of my genuine ownership.. my initial urge was to go a higher standard to own an apple, but after serious thoughts, well it's just for casual use, so it's rather wiser to get a more economical one, hence i finally decided to pick this one above.. very not bad at all indeed, and do you know, you can also get tax exemption from buying computers?? haha~~ :p |
27.10.2010 | 五年走來
25.10.2010 | 浮上水面
22.10.2010 | 車立人憎
首先為大家解釋標題個車立係咩意思.. 其實[車立]應該睇作一個字, 讀作lip, 即係大家平時上樓落樓所搭嘅乘客昇降機咁解..
相信大家每日都會搭[車立]啦係嘛?? 以下呢幾種乘客係我覺得好鬼[車立]人憎嘅, 唔知大家可有同感??
before i start, i'd like to explain what is meant by 車立 in the title.. it should actually be seen as one word [車立], pronounced as "lip" (mis-pronunciation of lift actually) which means elevator in cantonese..
i believe everyone of us take elevator to office or to home everyday.. among the different passengers, i found the following very annoying, do you also agree with me??
相信大家每日都會搭[車立]啦係嘛?? 以下呢幾種乘客係我覺得好鬼[車立]人憎嘅, 唔知大家可有同感??
- 大大件頂住個門口, 禮貌嗌佢讓路都仍然係企定定, 係咁意側個膊算數嘅朋友.. 唔該死開啦, 阻住條路~~
- [車立]內已經逼爆人毫無郁動空間, 係都要自己㩒字, 粗身粗勢整親人嘅朋友.. 唔該開下把口叫人幫手㩒啦, 呢種人情唔駛還喎~~
- 慢條斯理蓮步姍姍行入嚟等門閂嘅朋友.. 成[車立]人趕時間, 唔該你最後一個入嚟, 就順手㩒埋個閂門掣, 慳返大家3秒鐘時間啦~~
before i start, i'd like to explain what is meant by 車立 in the title.. it should actually be seen as one word [車立], pronounced as "lip" (mis-pronunciation of lift actually) which means elevator in cantonese..
i believe everyone of us take elevator to office or to home everyday.. among the different passengers, i found the following very annoying, do you also agree with me??
- those who block the door, even if you politely seek for excuse, still standing there like a steady rock without giving way (maybe just slightly move the shoulder to response).. oh please f**k off will you?? you're blocking the way~~
- those who insist pressing the button (not knowing they actually clumsily bump other passengers) even if the elevator is packed with no extra inch to move.. come on, just speak up and get someone to help you press the button, you don't have to repay for this~~
- those who take their own sweet time entering the elevator and then waiting for the door to close.. i mean, the whole lot of passengers (who are also in a rush to work) are waiting, can't you just do us good by pressing the "close" button to save everyone a 3-second time??
20.10.2010 | 燙衫精神
18.10.2010 | 蔬菜與我
15.10.2010 | 鷸蚌相爭
13.10.2010 | 兒童套餐
10.10.2010 | 一零故事
07.10.2010 | 閱讀因由
04.10.2010 | 電話語障
28.09.2010 | 立體電影
各位有冇留意到最近啲電影全部都有3D版本咁呢?? 就連《肉蒲團》都要開拍史上第一部III-D三級片添呀!! =.= 唔知囉, 係唔係真實啲呢?? 可能我仲未拍得住呢架3D列車, 通常我都會選擇睇普通2D版囉.. 睇3D要成場戲帶住副紅綠眼睛, 我覺得幾唔舒服囉.. 再加上最近啲所謂3D電影其實一啲都唔3D, 好似係齋為3D而3D咁, 完全係毫無誠意可言嘅隨波逐流.. 又可能係3D已經唔再吸引到我啦, 除非2D完全被淘汰, 否則我都應該會繼續支持睇2D嘅我諗~~ |
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have you noticed recently that many movies come with a 3D version?? even the movie "Sex and Zen" is in the remaking to become the very first 3D porn in history!! =.= i really have no idea or perhaps i'm still not on par with the 3D trend, i still choose to watch the normal 2D versions of the movies.. i think it's quite unenjoyable having to wear that red-and-green-lens glasses throughout the whole 3D movie.. furthermore i think the most of the 3D movies are not 3D enough, as if just hopping on the 3D bandwagon and that's it.. or perhaps 3D is already nothing new and interesting to me, unless 2D gets eliminated, else i think i'll still continue supporting 2D movies in the future.. |
24.09.2010 | 閑情一日
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