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15.11.2010 | 百思不解

上星期去移民局總部更新護照, 啲服務有幾快捷有效大家心知肚明啦, 我無謂嘥口水多講.. 今日個重點係, 我張相被拒收, 理由係唔可以用返同樣嘅相更新護照!!

大家睇睇下邊兩張相(如果我副尊容嚇親你, 唔好意思:p), 左邊係護照上五年前影嘅, 右邊係前一日啱啱影嘅.. 明顯睇得出肥咗又老咗啦係嘛?? 但個職員話: 樣差唔多, 件衫又一樣, *為咗安全理由*, 唔可以接受..

大家幫手評下理喇.. 我都三張幾啦, 個樣仲可以點變呀?? 件衫五年後仲keep得住著係好事喎.. 有咩理由唔畀用呢張「睇落一樣嘅」相先??!! 嘩, 真係百思不得其解囉, 佢惡晒得啦咁~~
went renew my passport at the immigration HQ last week.. no, i'm not blogging about how "efficient" their services are (since everybody would have already known) but about my photo being rejected, reason being not allowed to use the same photo for renewal..

look at the two photos above (sorry if my look give you a nightmare :p), on the left was taken 5 years ago and used for my passport, on the right was taken just a day ago.. you'll obviously see that i'm older and fatter right?? but the staff just said, "same look and same clothes, *for security reason*, we cannot allow that in your new passport"..

everybody just speak a word for me.. i'm already over 30 and to what extent does she expect me to change?? and having able to wear the same clothes after 5 years is a good thing too.. why must this (look the same) photo be rejected??!! i really don't understand, she just didn't give any room~~


  1. LOL! like that also can? why is she so observant for the wrong reason?she could just look at you on the spot and know it's the same what... LOL.

  2. LMAO!!! Muahahahahaha! Kekekekeke!!!

  3. 又好似冇乜分別噢.

  4. OMG.. such ridiculous reason!! Aih I don't know what to say..

  5. Oh my SK Thambee, so cute. No wonder Kamala head over heels..

  6. I agree that if can wear same shirt after 5 years is BONUS. You ate so much tosai and murtabak but still maintain hah! Good deh.

  7. I also kena rejected before cos gold hair colour!

  8. Thambee so you please wear your turban and white doti instead. Sure approve leh.

  9. 哈哈哈~~~官字两把口,真係有佢讲冇你讲,吹涨!


  10. Actually your latest photo look slimmer but almost same. Why not keep long hair? Sure hansem lagi.

  11. Feee weeet! You actually LOOK the SAME five years laters!!!!!!!!! How I wish I can DO that!!!!!! :D

  12. then just put a rose on your ear... or a scarf :P

  13. i think maybe they tot u PS-ed ur pic! :p

  14. 照咁話:去移民局影相會唔會好啲呢?

  15. 當場影,證明唔系呃人。。。

  16. how come u wanna wear same shirt for this passport pic leh? u oso dnt realize it is it?? :D

  17. 不過我都上星期映咗。。。

  18. so now how?? have tot re-take pic?? then go there again???

  19. 打算聽日去做返新既。。。

  20. 噗噗..~~~ 那位小姐也說的米有錯啦..你也很難想像厚,現在有人會把一件衣服穿個5-6年的..我穿過小學的短裙,現在還能穿(你看我的身材有幾神奇>.<" 還有收垃圾的能力^^)

  21. someone asked me how come you have no kening one AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...recently KL got thunderstorm meh..I recommend Maybelline water resistance one

  22. hey... first time i heard cannot use same pic.. yes, after all we already reached puberty long ago.. looks will be almost the same .. 5 years wont add too much wrinkles.. :p
    but then yours is recently taken..
    hey, take her comment as a compliment, that shows u didnt change much during the last 5 years!~

  23. got changes leh... =.=
    5 years later leng zai a bit.. ahahahahaha...

  24. tsk tsk tsk... manglish so rude one..
    always laugh at ppl's photo one... =..=

  25. No rule saying can't wear the same cloth for photo! Aiyoh,she thought you are 1 year old grown up to 5 years old meh?!, sure not much change ma!

  26. 好想问那个官员,有无搞错啊?

  27. Don't blame her, she doesn't have the ability to think out of the box.

  28. Oh gosh, doesn't she see the difference? If it's any consolation, I think you look better now, SK.

    Good to know that wearing the same clothes won't do in this case. Thanks for sharing. Sorry about you having to make a second trip. Did you go to the office near your place?

  29. LOL.... but so sorry for you as you need to return to the Immigration dept again.

  30. didnt see much changes lor. really. :D

  31. 哈哈~有这条condition讲不能用会同样的照片咩?!大马护照局真的很强咯!哈哈!不过,你真的没变过咧!和五年前的样子一样,难怪他会怀疑你!哈!

  32. U shud ask them,
    "I only like wear this polo shirt and keep this hairstyle, takkan u want me go do plastic surgery change my look?"
    what a weird thing lar...

  33. it is a compliment actually. u havent aged at all in the past 5 years

  34. Agree with Bengbeng its a real compliment. They expect you to have wrinkles all over your face, grey hair, double chin or something..hahaha

  35. What I gather Immigrasi dept thought you used the 'same' pix 5 years ago. Had the same experience before but not with passport but for the application of visa as the photo is the same as passport and that country wanted a recent pix. So I used a photo more that 5 years ago and its OK I got through.

  36. I really dislike official photos used in IC and passports. They're the worst looking photos of people.

    How I wish they would allow casual photos that I take of myself. So much nicer...:)

  37. It's the same photo lah! Why didn't you go and take a new one? Don't want people to see that you have grown older kah? LOL!!!

  38. Wah, 5 years still look young....maybe the gurl at the counter had an eye on you.....ha ha ha!

  39. Lesson learnt... Don't wear the same color shirt. Btw, there's not much different between two photos.

  40. 可能他们羡慕你keep的好,故意刁难你呢!呵呵...

  41. u look the same..i thought it was the same pic too.

  42. I am here.So boring.Teacher not teaching.Three more days.Holidays.



  43. hahaha i have problem because of the pictures of my passport, IC and student card...all very different... when people check my IC together with my passport >< duh!!!

  44. 五年的岁月竟然嘸係你身上留下痕迹哦!!真係一样样咧~连件衫都一样,哈哈!厉害厉害!

  45. You look much younger in the 2010 photo. Lucky it wasn't rejected because of that reason. LOL

  46. 證明你青春常駐,天生童姥!哈哈哈哈哈

  47. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....你‘点解’穿一样的衣服啦??哈哈哈。。。不过讲真的,还真的有点‘一模一样’,只是,一模一样对我来讲不是问题叻,官员们很作怪!

  48. If i were you, i would've taken it as an unintended compliment. Obviously, the ageing process hasn't had much impact on you since! Mind sharing the secret recipe?

  49. for what kind of security reasons i wonder...anyway havent aged a day in 5 years is good news! Do it again after 5 years, except with different colour shirt ! LOL..

  50. no actually you're not fatter and it seems you lose weight... look at the jaw part....

  51. i do not have passposrt until now... i want to travel someday... someday when i become a billionaire so freaing bad ♫♫♫ smiling next to oprah and the queen♫♫♫♫
    hahah LSS

  52. maybe because other may susfect it falsified
    you know... seeing the same photo of you after five years is quite suspicious haha...

  53. 不過你真係好攪野, 仲咩係都要樣樣都同5年前果張一樣呢?? 你玩野呀? XDDDD

    不過HK 係唔會理你係唔係用近照架, 最緊要係同而家個樣差唔多就OK架喇! 你地國家真係巴閉~~ XDDDDD

  54. 嘩 ~ 你好勁呀 ~ 你好應該將你既駐顏之術同各位女士&男士分享下啦XD 唔好咁自私先得架XD

  55. 我知道,你一定常用SKII。大家说是不是?哈哈......借来用,可以吗?

  56. 件衫好重要,你返去PS一下,改成红色衫,一定得!唔好nao啦,证明你5年如一日啦,应该开心先系!

  57. 只是一張新照片看上去沒什麼變,麻煩是要拍過相,哈哈 不過內心卻在暗笑吧...
    ps: 讓我很妒忌又羨慕... 現在的我和五年前相比真是漲了一倍 哈哈...

  58. EH actually you looked older 5 years ago! LOL!!

  59. OK I guess the old photo looks old Haha!

  60. So you took another photo? Gosh! That means must use a different photo to renew. I'm going to renew my passport and thought I can use my old photos! Damn!

  61. Well, if you can't change your looks, change your shirt and maybe put on a wig for a different hair style! Hahaha!!

  62. Btw, congrats! You won the First Commenter Contest in my blog! Will mail you the souvenir soon. Same address? If not, please advise : )

  63. Contests #3 and #4 are still open. For Contest #4 (Answer Questions), no one managed to answer all 5 questions correctly. You got 4 out of 5 correct! So now it's a race to see who can get all 5 questions answered correctly : )

  64. 虾!??
    如果在西方国家,相信这件事可以搞大去控诉他们了! >_<'

  65. @ Gabriel:
    haiz, i also have nothing to say.. she's just sitting back-office and get her staff to tell me to go and take another photo..

    @ iamthewitch:
    yalar, really ridiculous!! she don't even bother to take a look at me and see how "the same" i look as in that photo..

  66. @ justin net:
    有分別, 你睇真啲係有分別架..

    @ Twilight:
    hahaha, kena rejected because you blond you hair?? hahaha, then how?? you go to dye your hair back to black and took another photo ah?? haiz, i also dunno what to say lah, next time i must remember not to wear the same color to renew the passport lor.. so cannot wear that turban and white doti also.. must change the color you know??!! haha, keep long hair?? don't want lah, i am too tired of wearing turban already~~ :D

  67. @ edward:
    咪就係, 真係越諗就越唔憤氣囉.. 張相明明就係我嚟架嘛, 真係唔明白咩理由囉.. 哎, 下次我要記得唔可以著返同樣一件衫, 同樣顏色都唔得添喎..

    @ Merryn:
    haiz, but look the same doesn't do me any good leh.. next time must remember to wear different clothes and different color, comb different hairstyle for the passport renewal!!

  68. @ L²:
    yalor, everytime must put different props while taking the photo lor.. one time rose, one time orchid, one time chrysanthemum, one time lily, one time tulip lor~~ :D

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    yalah, so ridiculous you know?? really don't understand why cannot look the same 5 years later meh?? so have to go down take the photo and then give them on the spot to change lor.. luckily no need go another time..

  69. @ khengsiong:
    你點樣證明係當場影又係一個問題喎.. 其實最好就係好似做IC咁, 由佢哋幫我哋即影即用, 唔駛咁多gii-gat!!! 點啊, 你renew成點?? 快嘛??

    @ bluesky:
    其實是人家肥, 所以特地穿黑色衣服一心想要遮肥嘛.. 怎麼知道他們不給人家穿同樣一件衣服拍照喎?? 真的很沒有理由呵?? 不過看照片也可以看到那個人有不同嘛, 唉, 不知道講什麼好, 他們官字兩個口, 沒話好說..

  70. @ manglish:
    yalah.. i have very thin eyebrow one.. that's my signature look mah you dunno meh??

    @ reanaclaire:
    yalah, really ridiculous, and somemore that is not the same photo lor ok?? then really gotta wear different color, comb a diffetrent hairstyle next time for safe lor, or else they will give the same excuse not to allow the photo again.. haiz!!

  71. @ Donna:
    yalah, that's why he don't even dare to show his photo in his blog lor, scared people will laugh at him.. really karma that time lor, hahahahaha :D

    @ Wai Kitt:
    haiz, that day i just don't want to argue with that officer and quickly go down take new set of photo and submit for them to change.. because the staff is quite polite also lah.. if my mood is not good, sure i'll want to talk to that officer lor..

  72. @ imyuyu:
    我真的很想問囉, 但是她做在back-office望也不要望過來.. 算啦, 其實counter那個女子還蠻有禮貌的..

    @ Kelvin:
    yeah, i think she don't even bring her brain to work that day.. must have left it at home ready for the weekend..

  73. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, there are just a lot of differences between that two photos, i don't understand why she still says they look the same.. so next time, be sure to wear a different clothes with different color, and have a different hairstyle.. oh no, didn't make a second trip, just go down took another set of photo and then hand it over to them.. still get the passport within that evening.. i went to the one at Damansara, if i knew this would happen, i'd rather go to Wangsa Maju branch..

    @ mNhL:
    oh, not really.. they just ask me to go down and take a new set of photo and then bring it back to the same counter.. i got the passport on the same afternoon actually..

  74. @ Medie007:
    haiz, see carefully and you actually can find the differences..

    @ 发白日梦^^:
    其實不能用回同樣一張照片也make sense的, 但是我的確是一張新的照片, 而且還是前一天才拍的, 怎麼說是5年前的照片呢?? 以後記得要穿不同顏色的衣服, 而且髮型也要不同, 要不然會惹麻煩喇..

  75. @ -KeO-:
    yalor, if my mood is not good then sure i will talk to them like this lor.. but then it's the officer problem lah, the girl at the counter very polite so i don't want to make any trouble for her lah..

    @ Bengbeng:
    well, don't know if this is something good or something not good.. but certainly it's not good for passport renewal.. must at least wear different color and have a different hairstyle i guess..

  76. @ Bananazஇ:
    well, i understand the rational not to allow reuse of old photos, and i really accept that policy.. but then my photo is really not the same one, infact just taken a day ago!! just look carefully and you certainly can find differences, i really wonder she did not bring her brain to work that day.. so next time, at least make yourself different if you don't change at all.. wear different color, and have a different hairstyle, draw some wrinkles if necessary~~ :p

    @ 单身汉:
    保養?? 還是老了兼肥了嘛..

  77. @ Mei Teng:
    yeah, i actually have that slightly nicer looking photo but they just rejected because of that lame reason.. and i was forced to take an instant photo which look so ugly, my double chin seen and my face got rounder!! haiz.. so sad!!

    @ suituapui:
    hahahaha, same photo?? i think you need to wear a better spectacles to look carefully lah.. hahahahaha!! or you ate too much till all your energy goes to your digestion and not your brain?? :D

  78. @ Pete:
    if like that giving trouble, i rather not lor.. hahahaha!! it's realy a different photo lah..

    @ 路人㊣:
    你話我張相似蕃薯?? 好hurt呀~~

  79. @ Chris Chia:
    唉, 就是囉, 去那邊給300塊換一本護照, 還要看他們那些懶惰的官員臉色, 真的很不公平囉..

    @ TZ:
    yes, a very valuable lesson learnt!! wear a different color clothes, if not at least have a different hairstyle, if not then draw some fake wrinkles on your forehead.. do whatever to make yourself different..

  80. @ bluecloud:
    我是覺得他們根本沒有帶腦袋去上班喇, 看清楚一點, 其實根本就是兩張不同的照片嘛, 是他們懶惰罷了囉..

    @ wenn:
    hmmmm, maybe initially you might think it's the same, but look carefully, they are actually different ones..

  81. @ Benghui:
    so it's holiday now already?? wow, so jealous you can have a long break.. i want a long holiday too~~

    @ fufu:
    hahahaha!! actually i think you can use back the same photo for all those different IDs.. but for renewals, make sure you use a different photo.. don't have to be recent, but at least different, that's what i learnt from this incident..

  82. @ nons:
    其實都未必係好事, 就好似呢鑊咁, 竟然以為我用返同一張相!! 下次真係記得要著唔同顏色嘅衫, 同埋要梳唔同髮型囉..

    @ lina:
    hahaha, if they can see i'm younger then at least there's a difference right?? the problem is, they can't even see any difference between the two photos!! haiz~~

  83. @ 海市蜃樓:
    哈哈, 天生童姥?? 好, 我鐘意!! 不過個immigration唔鐘意至敝~~

    @ Casendra:
    哎呀, 不小心穿到一樣的衣服罷了嘛, 什麼law不給人家穿一樣衣服?? 對啦, 就算是同樣, 最重要是照片相我現在的樣子就好嘛, 真不明白有什麼問題??

  84. @ IcyFire99:
    well, at that very moment you won't think anything about compliment.. all you can respond is being shocked about that reason why your photo is being rejected.. haha, seriously, i've aged quite a fair bit over the years.. :)

    @ blue:
    yes!! i totally have no idea what kind of security reasons!! the important thing is, as long as i look the same in the photo, then what's the problem?? yeah, for sure need to change a different color next time.. and a different hairstyle too!!

  85. @ bluedreamer27:
    haha, i think it's the angle of the photos, i actually am fatter now.. hmm, you don't have to be a billionaire to travel right?? just save up some money, and go to some places nearby, and that's still consider travel right?? :) hmmm, i swear, those photos are really not the same..

    @ JC:
    係唔覺意情況之下, 著咗同一件衫去影相之嘛, 鬼知原來唔畀咩?? 不過個security purpose理由都好牽強囉, 張相新定舊, 係唔係一樣都唔重要啦, 最重要係張相似我依家個樣咪得囉.. 真係好荒謬囉..

  86. @ Aiko:
    駐顏之術?? 食得瞓得玩得癲得喪得, 呢啲算唔算係呢?? 哈哈~~ :D

    @ wkw:
    哈哈, 我可以肯定告訴你, 我完全沒有用SKII的!! 哈哈, SK0617我就每天會用啦~~ :p

  87. @ Rebecca Kheng:
    哎呀, 仲駛鬼PS咩?? 當場落去影番另外一張跟住交畀佢哋啦.. 好彩冇叫我第日再去咋.. lesson learnt: 千其要著唔同顏色嘅衫呀下次..

    @ Lexi Map:
    沒有時間去暗爽囉, 幸好他們叫我下去拍過照片然後拿上去給他們, 不用好像以前那樣叫你明天再排過隊.. 其實我也有漲了, 可能照片角度看不到罷了..

  88. @ foongpc:
    haha, i think it's the angle and the quality of the scanned photo lah.. i really am older and fatter now leh.. yes, of course cannot use the same old photo, you must use a new photo ok?? and lesson learnt here, to be safe, make sure you wear different color, and better still have a different hairstyle.. haha!! aiyah, i think jam has repost his answers already.. i really thot you didn't pay for the trip leh, i tried to read on but you didn't say you paid finally woh..

    @ Ashley:
    就是不知道什麼理由囉, 那麼牽強.. 其實新舊照片, 同樣不同樣重要嗎?? 最重要的應該是照片相不相我現在的樣子呀, 對沒有?? 我真的要投訴呀, 你知道什麼管道嗎?? 如果是張天賜就不用了, 呵呵~~ :D

  89. nice i was planning to fix my own soon

  90. new picture was better nice one buddy

  91. Hahaha… I don’t think it is same photos right.

  92. Why she not allow you to renew? First time, I heard this kind of rejection.
    Next time, better don’t wear the same clothes.

    hahaha i am 100th!!!!

  93. @ Ayie:
    haha, yeah.. maybe the same hairstyle and the same shirt?? :D

    @ poorprince:
    so you are going to travel soon?? sure new one is nice, as the old one's quality is bad - that's a low resolution scan into the passport.. :)

    @ CH Voon:
    it's definitely not the same photo.. one taken 5 years ago and another one just taken recently.. yalah, really ridiculous reason lor, but what to do?? hehe, long time never got more than 100 comments already.. :D
