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22.10.2010 | 車立人憎

首先為大家解釋標題個車立係咩意思.. 其實[車立]應該睇作一個字, 讀作lip, 即係大家平時上樓落樓所搭嘅乘客昇降機咁解..

相信大家每日都會搭[車立]啦係嘛?? 以下呢幾種乘客係我覺得好鬼[車立]人憎嘅, 唔知大家可有同感??
  1. 大大件頂住個門口, 禮貌嗌佢讓路都仍然係企定定, 係咁意側個膊算數嘅朋友.. 唔該死開啦, 阻住條路~~
  2. [車立]內已經逼爆人毫無郁動空間, 係都要自己㩒字, 粗身粗勢整親人嘅朋友.. 唔該開下把口叫人幫手㩒啦, 呢種人情唔駛還喎~~
  3. 慢條斯理蓮步姍姍行入嚟等門閂嘅朋友.. 成[車立]人趕時間, 唔該你最後一個入嚟, 就順手㩒埋個閂門掣, 慳返大家3秒鐘時間啦~~

before i start, i'd like to explain what is meant by 車立 in the title.. it should actually be seen as one word [車立], pronounced as "lip" (mis-pronunciation of lift actually) which means elevator in cantonese..

i believe everyone of us take elevator to office or to home everyday.. among the different passengers, i found the following very annoying, do you also agree with me??
  1. those who block the door, even if you politely seek for excuse, still standing there like a steady rock without giving way (maybe just slightly move the shoulder to response).. oh please f**k off will you?? you're blocking the way~~
  2. those who insist pressing the button (not knowing they actually clumsily bump other passengers) even if the elevator is packed with no extra inch to move.. come on, just speak up and get someone to help you press the button, you don't have to repay for this~~
  3. those who take their own sweet time entering the elevator and then waiting for the door to close.. i mean, the whole lot of passengers (who are also in a rush to work) are waiting, can't you just do us good by pressing the "close" button to save everyone a 3-second time??


  1. Encountered this almost daily.

    And there's those who insist on pushing the button even though someone pressed the floor he/she is going or the close/open button already.

    Happy Friday, SK!

  2. yikes.. missed the chop haha

  3. to be honest... i was able to ride on an elevator twice hehe.. In office, we used stairs since it is just a three story building.....

  4. in school, we also used stairs since it only has 2 stories

  5. the picture reminds me of the film "The Devil hehe

  6. they're like sardines... what you think? haha that is why a single can bump other passengers at the back so easily...

  7. I still prefer stairs... but not if you are referring to a building having 30 and above floors LOL

  8. have a great day buddy... will post a new top five later

  9. Alamak! never take elevator at here. oh well, u noe KK here. hehe

  10. i guess it happened not just in elevator, but also in buses. :/

  11. i dnt like when d bus conductor kept on asking those passengers come in while he noe its packed no more space available! :S just like the same in ur picture here.

  12. u everyday having this prob ah?? like so cham only one. :/

  13. I din encountered this as I drive to work 

  14. 我就沒有這個麻煩, 公司只有樓梯!

  15. I don't like to enter packed lift..i prefer to wait for the next one.

  16. 通常我遇到咁嘅情況,都會選擇搭下一部。反正唔洗打卡,早嗰3秒同遲3秒冇乜分別。

  17. Hey Thambee, this is city la and not Chennai. People here often forget to bring their brains to work and jostle in the 'lip'...

  18. I so hate them who push or block ways. I normally stood 2 inches to their face and say ~ EXCUUUUUUUUZZE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE??... Kaneeneh, the fatso moved aside instantly!

  19. I think people inside a packed sardine elevator will have breathing problems.

  20. Short fellas may smell tall fella's armpits.

    Tall fellas will smell shortie's dandruff hair!

  21. During my 1st trip to the West, I was actually shocked to see polite people in San Francisco. They all waited for every single fellas to walk out of the elevator before they all moved in. Such good manners was good enough to shock Arumugam! LOL

  22. I blame the culture for different way of doing things. There is NO RIGHT & NO WRONGS! Just boleh tahan or tak boleh tahan only.

  23. Hey Thambee, in our Chennai kampung, the cows roam the streets and cars have to give them the priority! So they have cow lanes!

  24. SK Thamby, wanna loose weight, climb the stairs la!

  25. Happy Friday and Wknd to you and Kamala!

  26. That's why they say it's best to marry a life attendant or a bus conductor: they'll keep shouting...masuk...masuk dalam lagi...dalam lagi.... Muahahahaha!!!!

  27. Saw a very familiar word car車. WhyAskWhy got to do with car車? haha..

  28. 乜原來有咁o既字o架?依家先知。。。

  29. I lup the lip with so many 'nice' people in it..

  30. 我至驚啲人kam住個開門摯等朋友入。

  31. 重有啲人一層樓都懶惰行,甘願搭lip。

  32. When taking lip is concerned macam macam people exist. Usually when I go to a place below 3 floors would take the stairs.

  33. 好心運動下,一層樓o既話爬樓梯啦。。。

  34. erm... thank goodness i do not have to take the elevator on a daily basis! :D

  35. Yes my office is equipped with elavator...but usually I will climb up the steps. :D

  36. I also hate the three situations mentioned in your blog. This also remind the last time i used to took LRT to work same situations too!

  37. That's why I don't like to take elevator in my office. :D

  38. Ohh....encountered such peoples in the lift many times. I always hope the lift will be empty and I'm all alone inside. But always pray for the lift will not break down. haha... so far, no experience of that yet. *touch wood*

  39. i went to a hospital last wednesday where there's 6 elevators
    but unfortunately there were operating just 2
    and the cycle of up and downs was so slow
    i actually used stairs instead of it

    its tiring because our room was on sixth flo0r

    but i have no choice there's an emergency happening on my best friend that time

  40. i just hope it will be fixed soon
    because in a hospital
    almost everything must be rushed

  41. and woe to those whose "lift partner" let go of "gas" LOL

  42. 呢啲咪系冇搭車立嘅文化咯:P

  43. sentral plaze lift is really really SUCK...+ FCUK @#%$^

    i hate to it slow.. sometime rosak.... especially on morning.... sometime i wanna hit the lift door, but i CANT, coz got cctv

  44. I can't stand the following:-

    1. Those who don't bother to hold the door lift door open for you even when they know you're about to enter the lift and door's about to close.

    2. Those who are standing near the lift door and yet don't bother to lift their fingers to close the door and just stand and wait and wait.

  45. hahaha, you really can describe those people so accurately huh!! i like that.. :D

  46. very true, i hate people who are not considerate and smart enough.. because when we are all in the lift, we do expect to help each another right??

  47. besides the ones you mentioned, and the one Mei Teng mentiond.. you know there's another kind of people that i hate, guess which type??

  48. those that just go up or down for merely ONE SINGLE FLOOR, and still taking the lift!! gosh, can they just take the stairs please?? @_@

  49. @ lina:
    haha, i guess those are people who are always feeling insecure that they always want to confirm things twice?? hmmm, that would be a bit paranoid right?? :p

    @ bluedreamer27:
    my office is on the 5th floor, so i will always take the lift to go up.. but sometimes when it's peak hours and there are always lots of people taking lift, i will prefer to take the stairs instead.. but taking stairs is only for going down and not going up, haha!! hmmm, my longest staircase walk is my previous company, when we have to walk down 23 floors during the fire drill.. :D

  50. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    oh, so you only take stairs to your office?? but i'm sure there are tall buildings in KK also mah.. hmmm, long time never take bus already, but i think the same happens here in the trains!! really so packed and everybody just pushing you to go in further, nightmare!! no lah, not everyday, lah, just met this kind of people once in a while only..

    @ TZ:
    errr, you drive your car inside the elevator to office ah?? hahahaha!! BTW, the photo you saw is a lift and not train, and my post is writing about lift and not train~~

  51. @ 单身汉:
    其實走樓梯也好的, 不用等lift那麼麻煩.. 但是如果拿很多東西的話, 就不是那麼方便囉..

    @ wenn:
    yeah, of course if the lift is packed i'd rather wait for another one.. the problem is, when i'm the first few to get in and a lot of people cramping in~~ :D

  52. @ uLi.佑莉:
    errr, you mean you try to avoid yourself behaving like those people?? haha..

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實好多時候係你先入咗去, 跟住就有一大棚人繼續入.. 所以你係冇得選擇架喎.. 人多就求神拜佛唔好有異味囉.. :p

  53. @ Twilight:
    hahaha, Arumugam i like that!! next time i'll always move my face 2 inches away from their face and shout excuse me!! hooo, that will be very cool, i like that!! hahaha, luckily i am average height lah, so the probability of kissing someother people's face is higher than smelling other people's head or armpit lor, hahaha~ errr, i think still OK in my office, people will wait for others to get out before getting in lah.. hey, sometimes i also take the stairs you know, when really waited too long but lift not coming.. but then only going down lah, going up sure cannot take stairs lah, will faint!! hahahaha.. oh, happy weekend to Arumugam and Letchumi also~~ :D

    @ suituapui:
    hahahahaha, so you sure like that masuk masuk masuk lagi right?? hahahaha.. :D

  54. @ Bananazஇ:
    errr, because elevator is considered a kind of car right?? just like a train coach.. oh yeah, i like you, because i really hate those people who take the lift to go up or down for just one floor!! i feel like scolding them, can you please take the staircase to save our time?? :D

    @ khengsiong:
    係啊, 係有呢個字架, 我打得出嚟但係電腦顯示唔到, 所以唯有打[車立]囉.. 係啊係啊, 嗰啲上落一層樓都要搭lift嘅人, 我好討厭, 唔該行樓梯仲快多搭lift啦..

  55. @ Merryn:
    haiz, then so happy for you, you don't have to be annoyed by those weird people.. so you take stairs everyday??

    @ Tekkaus:
    but we are talking about how many floors you are going up woh.. my office is on the 5th floor, taking stairs down still ok lah, but taking stairs up sure cannot tahan lor, haha~~ :D

  56. @ Wai Kitt:
    haiz, i take LRT to work everyday and then gotta take lifts to get into office also.. so you can really see how annoyed i sometimes am with those kind of people.. @_@

    @ mNhL:
    hahaha, i think not necessarily good when you're alone in the lift, it could be scary sometimes especially at night, haha!! maybe a few people where we stand loosely will do lah.. :p

  57. @ poorprince:
    oh yeah, there are 6 lifts in my office block also, but two are only for going down the basement.. and sometimes 2 of the remaining 4 are shut down for maintenance, that really cause trouble for us, having to wait for more than 10 minutes.. and the only 2 lifts will stop at every single floor, that's really a challenge to our patience..

    @ smallkucing:
    hahaha, but then these kind of thing really cannot control sometimes.. though i hate that, but i will forgive them cause i know they didn't intend to do that also~~ :p

  58. @ 路人㊣:
    唉, 冇辦法啦, 我除咗板起塊面之外, 都唔可以做得啲咩啦, 唔通大聲鬧人咩係咪??

    @ Wois:
    oh?? you working in Plaza Sentral also meh?? which unit you are in?? me in 3B-5-7, never see you before one?? haha, stupid question also, since i don't even know how you look like, haha!! yeah, sometimes i get really frustrated waiting for the lift in the morning and during lunch time lor..

  59. @ Mei Teng:
    oh yes oh yes, i hate Type #2 that you mentioned also.. if you are not going to do that, then please don't stand near the buttons.. if i am the one nearest to the buttons, i will for sure press the close door button to save time waiting.. :)

    @ victor:
    haha, actually not really, i've spent quite sometime writing those behavior also :D yah, you are right, i agree with you, need to have the good "elevator" ettique hor?? haha, give me five!! sometimes i feel the urge of asking those 1-floor passengers to just take the stairs as this would be faster, and not wasting other passengers' time~~

  60. 我这个星期就见过有个很"寸"的年轻人,在巴士故意坐中间位,霸两个座位不肯让别人坐,结果被一个很有muscle的uncle打了几拳但不敢还手。我坐在旁边看了暗爽,心想活该。其实我真的很讨厌那些不守秩序但又没有功德心的乘客。

  61. All sorts of people and behavior in the elevator! LOL!

  62. 哈哈哈~~~夹沙丁鱼事少,最怕有人噚晚嗒咗榴莲,今朝放粒原子弹过你叹!哈哈哈~~~~问你话死未?嘻嘻嘻~~~

  63. These people are like prima donnas - they think the world revolves about themselves.

    I meet such people everyday, but I gotten used to it, so I don't care liao. Haha. =p

  64. i m in 3B-15 :D
    i rather to wait if lift rosak...

  65. Big Big size block ppl road those paling hate!!!!! >.<

  66. I find 1 and 2 annoying (sometimes) but not the third one because I feel the door will close eventually, seconds later, so how much time will be saved there?! People should sometimes let things ride a little if the action will not bring down the house or end the world. No?

  67. this year i have used a lift just once.. yesterday ..to attend a wedding. different place different lifestylss

  68. oops sorry jus remembered i use a lift to go to the gym every time :)

  69. i don't use lifts nowadays..before I used to encounter that

  70. 电梯真的是伟大发明

  71. @ 古小玉:
    哈哈, 我會為那個muscle uncle鼓掌表示支持, 感謝他為大家伸張正義!! 那個年輕小伙子肯定是無地自容了吧, 真的活該, 我如果看到這種情況, 肯定是心涼了, 呵呵..

    @ Pete:
    oh yeah, especially when you are in a rush, you will even get more annoyed by this kind of people..

  72. @ edward:
    嘩, 好核突囉, 我諗到都想作嘔囉!! 不過又唔可以怪人嘅其實, 話到尾呢樣嘢確係控制唔到架嘛, 我覺得佢如果忍到都唔會故意放嘅係咪?? :D

    @ Shingo T:
    wow, you meet such kind of people everyday?? that's very unlucky of you, haha.. anyway, i guess you are right, the only thing you can do is to make yourself get used to it, or else life would be too miserable for you.. haha!!

  73. @ Wois:
    oooh, same block!! so have you actually seen me before in office?? hey, if the life in 3B is too slow, i normally go over to 3A, the lifts there are a lot more efficient..

    @ -KeO-:
    yalor, and they never ever think they are big big size and thought there is still a lot of space there for others to walk lor.. haiz @_@

  74. @ HappySurfer:
    hmmm, i get impatient quite easily.. and especially in a packed elevator when it stops each and every floor, i suppose you will think that those few seconds will be wasting you a lot of time already, hahaha!! anyway, this is not always the case.. :)

    @ Bengbeng:
    haha, that's why i think nowadays lift is just so common.. unless it's a small building where there is only staircase for you to take.. :p

  75. @ Ayie:
    oh, you don't have to use lifts already?? how nice, so it's staircase for you everyday?? even when you were pregnant?? :p

    @ 小雪:
    哈哈, 電梯已經是現在生活上不可缺少的一樣東西了.. 想一下你現在三兩層樓都覺得需要搭電梯了, 呵呵!! 其實有時搭電梯會有害怕感的, 但是不要去想那些不好的東西就好了 :p

  76. you should go to japan...even worse!

  77. 搭lip的时候 最讨厌的是 到了某一楼 然后同lip的人要出又不要出那样 搞得我不知我先出好还是让他出好 @@

  78. There's one more thing I hate about people who take elevators - they just won't let you go out first! Excuse me, they should have the logic and sense to know that if they won't let us out, there won't be room for them to enter the lift. Kiasuism really!

  79. SK, next time, say this 'press the close button please!!!!' hahahahahaha

  80. 大马的特色和文化之一!哈哈~

  81. wow 23 floors haha.. that's a good exercise ... i wonder how much calories you've burn

  82. @ fufu:
    have never been to japan lah.. but i thot japanese are very polite and shouldn't have problem with this??

    @ 安东尼:
    哎唷, 很簡單嘛, 如果給我遇到這樣的人呵, 我會把自己的臉貼到他們面前兩吋, 然後說一聲EXCUSE ME就好了嘛.. 很管用哦這一招, 哈哈!! :D

  83. @ iamthewitch:
    oh yeah, definitely hate this kind of people.. but lift still ok, i've met this kind of people when taking the KTM.. so what i did was, i push that guy out of the train while i forcefully get out.. hahahaha!! he can't do anything because he's not prepared for that push from me, and also he might feel guilty also lah.. :D

    @ Casendra:
    i will give a very sharp stare at them and then say "press the F**KING button will ya??!!" hahahaha.. :D

  84. @ 发白日梦^^:
    其實我覺得應該不只是大馬的喇, 很多國家應該都會有這樣的人的.. :p

    @ bluedreamer27:
    hahaha, i have no idea how much calories that i've burnt, but it was like a relax stroll down the stairs, for it's just a fire drill and we were all chit chatting while going down.. haha!!

  85. Hahahaha...thats cool! :P

  86. 对!我最讨厌这种人了!

  87. I seldom have this experience.
    Not working in a tall building.
    If the passenger is fat guy, I cannot image how people inside? Pizza hut?

  88. @ Casendra:
    haha, and instead of staring sharp, maybe you can walk over and put your face just 2 inches infront of his face, then say the words.. hahahahahaha!! :D

    @ Ashley:
    對對對, 那些要進去時就緊緊張張推人, 一進到去就慢條斯理的找位子, 完全不管後面的人, 我覺得很自私囉, 也真的很討厭的..

    @ CH Voon:
    hahaha, actually still the same lah if there's a very huge person inside, the lift still big enough to have more people lah.. so you always take stairs one ah??

  89. yes, i always take stairs ... exercise to reduce weight

  90. @ CH Voon:
    hmmm, actually that's a good exercise.. but i avoid that cos it will make me sweat and very embarrassing when get into office lor..
