其實我從來未擁有過一部屬於我自己嘅電腦, 咁耐以嚟都係用緊公司畀我嘅手提電腦.. 因為最近辭工嘅關係, 所以就覺得係時候要擁有一部真正屬於自己嘅電腦喇!! 本來就想話扮吓高級買部蘋果嘅, 不過左敲右度之後, 充咩唧?? 都係經濟實惠啲好, 於是扑錘買咗以下呢一部喇.. 都非常之無錯架其實, 仲有噃, 你知唔知買電腦係可以扣稅架噃, 哈哈~~ :p |
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i have not really have my very own laptop so far, all the while the ones that i've been using belongs to the company.. due to my recent resignation, i thought it's time for me to have a laptop that is of my genuine ownership.. my initial urge was to go a higher standard to own an apple, but after serious thoughts, well it's just for casual use, so it's rather wiser to get a more economical one, hence i finally decided to pick this one above.. very not bad at all indeed, and do you know, you can also get tax exemption from buying computers?? haha~~ :p |
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29.10.2010 | 我的新腦
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wow...cool stuff! you resigned to join another company? :)
ReplyDeletehaha. Apple too much hassle lah. :P
ReplyDeleteWhy not Macbook?
ReplyDeleteTechnology upgrade very fast. In 3 years time, will fed up with old laptop, and will feel the urge to buy a new one. I think an economical one is better. Dell is actually not very cheap. hehehe
What bro? You got fired? I mean resigned. :p What happened?
ReplyDeleteYeah! If you don't really need an apple. Don't need to buy one. :D Even don't buy a laptop. My wife gave me hers.
ReplyDeleteHubi also have DELL
ReplyDeleteHuh? U resigned? Wait....let me read that post!
ReplyDeleteWah! Nice spanking new laptop! How much?
ReplyDeleteSure can get tax rebate lah! Enjoy the rebate! haha
ReplyDeleteBut I'm surprised u didn't get a Mac! It's more expensive but way cooler and less likely to get virus attack.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, enjoy your new laptop! : )
ReplyDeletewow! new laptop! Dell quite nice! :D
ReplyDeletey dnt wan MAC?? if ime, i wil go for dat! heee no need antivirus! :p n way cooler as panda said!
ReplyDeletehaha yeap got tax redemption!
ReplyDeleteIf can claim tax rebate, why didn't get a Mac? But then again, if it's for casual use this one suits the purpose perfectly. Besides, in your new job if it's still IT line, you'd get a company laptop again. All the same, Congrats on your new toy!
不過我們這裡要修理或SERVICE DELL很麻煩, 沒有CENTRE.
wow~~ new lappy ^.^
ReplyDeleteDell is enough for us to normal use, Apple too expensive la !
take good care of your new Lappy ya !!
Dell is good. I'm also using Dell..... but Vista sucks. Maybe should change / upgrade to another one. hehe ....*excuse to change*
ReplyDeleteThe tax exemption only once in 3 years.....
輕便的真好... 我的筆電Giant 到!!!!! 友人粉賤的說你沒帶你的大番薯出來咩..... 吼~~~~~~
mine is Dell too!
ReplyDeleteI lup Dell too..
ReplyDeleteWish you all the best in the new company!
ReplyDeleteYou get a tax relief of RM3k for the purchase of personal computer.
the new macbook air is absolute beauty at 3K :P
ReplyDeletewhy u resign? u have find another new company?
ReplyDeleteNice laptop u have!
ReplyDeletegheeeh i would also want to have a laptop of my own
ReplyDeletecongrats sk
nice laptop i love it
ReplyDeletehappy halloween my friend
ReplyDeletehave a great day
a nice one ya :) i thought you would get yourself an apple =p
ReplyDelete@ Gabriel:
ReplyDeleteyeah, resigning to join another company, that's why need a laptop during the career break.. :)
@ Medie007:
Apple too much hassle?? errr, not really ah, in fact it's quite nice but just that a little expensive for me..
@ Legolas:
ReplyDeletei wanted to get a Macbook Pro but then after some thoughts, better go for a more economical Dell lor.. :)
@ Ghosty Nana:
yeah you are right, there are new models and new technology coming up almost every month, so i think don't have to really spend so much on a laptop since you'll feel like changing a new one few years later..
@ 十六:
ReplyDelete其實你如果覺得你學業上是需要用到的, 我覺得可以買呀.. 其實Mac也是很不錯的, 只是我考慮到經濟效益才捨棄罷了.. Mac也可以裝Office然後用pps吧??
@ Tekkaus:
haha, yeah, i fired my boss lah, you don't know meh?? haha.. what happened?? well, i thot you've read my previous post when u commented?? haha, yeah, i think laptop is like phones, they don't really last long~~ :p
@ suituapui:
ReplyDeletehehe, thanks!! :p
@ smallkucing:
yeah, i think many people are using Dell especially offices.. quite worth the money and services are good..
@ foongpc:
ReplyDeleteyeah, i just left the company couple of days ago, so you read about it in my previous post already?? hehe.. haha, of course will keep the receipt for tax rebate lah, this is the whole purpose right?? haha.. i actually wanted to get a Macbook Pro initially, but then after comparison and some thoughts, i decided to pick Dell lor.. anyway, just a laptop for casual use lah..
@ Caroline Ng May Ling:
i wanted to get a Macbook Pro initially, but then after comparing the price and features, better to get the more economical Dell lor.. yeah, i know no need antivirus for Mac, but then i don't care lah, already bought my Dell and not going to think too much now..
@ HappySurfer:
ReplyDeletewell, tax rebate is not the primary reason, i still need to see my own budget lah, you think i really that rich?? haha.. of course i would very like to have a Mac but then after some serious considerations, better get a more economical Dell lah, afterall you'd change a new one after few years mah.. and like you say, i'll also get a laptop from my new company, so this one is just for the sake of casual use during this career break..
@ 单身汉:
現在很少人用desktop了, laptop比較方便而且也不會比desktop貴很多啊, 我的是RM28XX囉, 還不錯喇.. 哦, 那你要看哦, service也是蠻重要的..
@ Matthew Gan:
ReplyDeleteyeah, that's what i thought also.. for just casual use i think a Dell is enough lah, so i gave up my initial thought of getting a Mac.. :)
@ mNhL:
actually i think Dell laptops are not bad at all, and they also give very good services.. haha, yeah, Vista sucks but now i am using Win7, slightly better but still need to get used to it.. haha, nvm, i think i will not buy another laptop within the next 3 years lah..
@ bluesky:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 我就是選了很久才選中這個的, 還很輕很薄的哦.. 哈哈, 你不如就考慮一下換過一部小的啦, 每次拿著一塊蕃薯, 就算不辛苦也不襯那麼可愛的你囉, 哈哈!! :D
@ Wai Kitt:
對呀, 本來我是想要面子買Mac的, 不過後來比較一下, 反正我也是普通用, 不需要買那麼貴的喇..
@ -KeO-:
ReplyDelete我還是做回老本行喇, 都一把年紀了嘛, 哈哈!! 不錯喇真的, 雖然比不上Mac但是其實我也蠻喜歡的~~ :)
@ lina:
haha, yeah, thanks!! :)
@ wenn:
ReplyDeletehaha, so do we all love Dell?? i think it's worth the money and good service too.. :)
@ Bananazஇ:
yeah, give me five!! so far i've always been using Dell and really quite satisfy with it also.. :)
@ 路人㊣:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 係啊係啊, 以前個腦係屬於公司嘅.. 而家就真真正正屬於返個有腦之人喇~~ :D
@ Pete:
thank you very much, hope your statement will really come true, haha.. :)
@ Rebecca Kheng:
ReplyDelete係啊, 其實一路以來都係用慣Dell架喇, 其實都覺得佢好唔錯架喎.. 我鐘意佢一點係service好囉.. asus其實我都有考慮過, 但係用生不如用熟咁解囉..
@ Chris Chia:
對呀, 其實是比較了幾個model, 考慮了幾天最後才決定買這個的.. :)
@ Mei Teng:
ReplyDeleteyeah i know that very well.. it's up to a maximum of RM3000 every 3 years.. :)
@ bluecloud:
哈哈, 不過這是我的個人電腦, 新公司會另外給我一部喇, 所以這部私人的肯定不會用來工作的~~ :)
@ blue:
ReplyDeletewell, but a 3K Macbook compared to a 3K Dell, there are a few areas that are not so up to par, anyhow Dell is still more economical lah..
@ CH Voon:
yeah, i found another job that's why resigned already.. i just left couple of days ago.. :)
@ edward:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 舊嘅當然要忘記啦, 因為都唔係屬於我嘅, 係公司架嘛.. 呢部新電腦啱啱到手三日, 當然係新屎坑三日香啦~~ :D
@ Jenn:
hehe, thank you, i like it too.. :)
@ poorprince:
ReplyDeleteyeah, after working for 10 years i don't really have my own laptop, so i guess this is the right time for me to own my very personal one.. happy halloween to you too, enjoy your holiday~~ :)
@ fufu:
yeah, i thought i would be getting an apple initially too.. haha, but after some thoughts, dell is more economical lah.. :p
Dude, I still thunk it's worth to own an apple computer as the entertainment computer... I love my apple so much.
ReplyDeletei wonder how much price difference apple n dell.. i will check it out. i am in the market for one too
ReplyDeletewow, looks cool.. so after you resigned it's new job and new laptop huh?? haha, i like that~~ :p
ReplyDeletei agree with you, it's how comfortable you are with the gadget, not necessarily need to get high-end ones but really how suitable and how sufficient they are to you :)
ReplyDeletei have been using Dell all the while, though i also wish to have a MacBook, but Dell is actually not bad at all!! :)
ReplyDeleteHeh! Heh! I cannot believe it...
ReplyDeleteThambee and Arumugam had similar fate to carry Mac Book... After resign, podek!
ReplyDeleteNow I have to use 2 desktops at home! Cheh!
ReplyDeleteI was also undecided whether to buy Mac or Notebook... How Thambee, which one?? Deh!
ReplyDeleteif i have money i would buy a new laptop. notebook is too slow. huhuhu
ReplyDelete@ TZ:
ReplyDeletenah, it's not merely for entertainment lah, i am also looking at the specs of the laptop.. comparing the same size and same specs, Dell is a lot cheaper!!
@ Bengbeng:
actually if you buy just from the shelf the price is not much different, but then if you are comparing on upgrading to same specs, then maybe there will be a lot of difference..
@ bluesky:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 今年年頭已經差不多一年了, 現在的科技很快的, 幾個月前的東西很快就會淘汰囉, 呵呵!! :p
@ victor:
haha, yeah, because i'm taking a career break so i need to have my own laptop so that i can continue blogging mah, haha!! yeah, i think just sufficient will do, i don't really need to go for those high-ends apple, though would be nice to have one instead lah, haha.. :p
@ khengsiong:
ReplyDelete嘩, 六年架喇?? 都真係好舊囉, 都係時候架喇.. 你打算買個蘋果係嘛?? 舊嘅你睇下邊個要囉, 一唔係睇下可以唔可以trade-in??
@ Twilight:
no woh, i didn't have a MacBook, i decided to drop that idea and get a more economical Dell woh.. but then Arumugam so rich, go for MacBook Air lah, very nice leh~~
@ 海市蜃樓:
ReplyDelete哈哈, 蘋果靚仔嗎, 而且感覺上係高級啲架喎, 如果有得揀, 我會揀蘋果啦更係~~ :p
@ goldflower86﹕
errr, laptop and notebook not the same to you meh?? hahaha, to me they are the same thing woh.. or you mean you want a desktop?? :p
ok thanks. actually for my case the laptop is still ok. but the monitor i giving me a headache really.. all sorts of hues
ReplyDeleteoh, so you have not started working in your new company yet?? when are you starting then??
ReplyDeletei think it's good to have a small break in between switching job.. cos you'll not have the luxury once you started in the new company.. hehe!!
ReplyDeleteyeah, i agree with you, just sufficient enough to use will do, as technology advances real fast, couple of years later you'd need to change a new laptop again, so why waste the money?? :)
ReplyDeleteat least now you have your own and I agree on the practical choice
@ Bengbeng:
ReplyDeletehmmm, the monitor is giving you problem?? might actually be the display card or mother board problem.. did you try to connect to another monitor to see if it's still working?? if it doesn't means display card problem, if it does means it's time to change your laptop (cos cannot change the laptop monitor alone)~~
@ victor:
yeah, that's why i took a three week break, will be starting new job on 22nd Nov.. haha, i agree with you, after couple of years i think i'll be attracted by the more advanced technology and better spec.. hahaha!! :D
@ Ayie:
ReplyDeleteyeah, it really feels better to have a laptop of my own, haha.. :p
@ Ashley:
哈哈, 原來你那麼了解我的!! 真的有點paiseh, 原來我在你心目中是那麼的"市儈"的, 哈哈!! 不過說真的, 請願自己開, 也不要給人白賺囉~ :D