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29.11.2010 | 經濟雜飯

我哋馬來西亞其中一種最普遍同經典嘅"美食", 實係非經濟雜飯莫屬啦, 而我好肯定大家都必定喜愛過嘅.. 我有時肚餓飯癮起嘅時候, 就會好想食碟雜飯, 因為菜式多得眼花繚亂, 見到眼前幾十款餸我會好興奮莫名..

講起食雜飯, 我其實有個習慣.. 首先肯定要少啲飯, 跟住撈啲汁, 然之後就例牌三樣(拎得有啲貪心嘅)餸.. 一肉一菜一蛋, 包保營養均衡呀.. 唔知大家食雜飯嘅時候, 又有啲咩規矩咁呢?? :p
one of our most common and classic "delicacies" must be the economy mixed rice (or known locally as chap fan) and i'm sure many of us just love it.. i'm a fans of chap fan especially when hungry and craving for rice, as the variety of dishes you can choose from is just amazingly vast..

when it comes to having chap fan, i tend to have a habit to first ask for less rice, then scoop some gravy on the rice and finally pick three (big piles of) dishes, 1 meat and 1 vege and 1 egg which is rather balanced and healthy yeah?? do you have any particular habit when it comes to eating chap fan?? :p


  1. I like chap fan. They are life-savers when you don't know what to eat. Just grab some rice and a few dishes and voila...you have a complete meal.

  2. me like chap fan too.. nasi suku.. then all the spicy dishes.. curry la.. sambal la.. etc...lol ;p

  3. 查实我好少食杂饭喎!如果有食嘅话,通常都会一份鱼/鸡肉,一份青菜,一份豆类/小菜/鸡蛋等等,睇当日胃口同菜色点样先至决定架。当然,会特别指定要少白饭+捞啲餸汁。全程戒肥肉戒油腻,事关我忌肥!哈哈哈~~~(除此之外,其实我都几抗拒猪肉架!所以我冇食猪肉都唔会饿死!呵呵~~~)

  4. Same here would ask for half rice and three dishes..

  5. The regular stall that I go too has a yoyo price..normal would be RM3.50-RM3.80 but if I go wearing a tie most likely to be charged RM4.00.

  6. Used to joke about going for buffet lunch instead of saying economy rice to buddies. I am speaking the truth where you have more than 30 kinds of dishes just that the ambience is quite different from hotel haha..

  7. i usually cook my own rice and just buy the ready food.

  8. 哈哈,一定要淋汁,要不然干干很难“啃” XD

  9. I normally go for 1 seafood, 1 meat and 1 veg. Then flooded everything with curry! LOL!

  10. love chap fan too~ nice! hehe

  11. i love chap fan too! started to love it after started work! LOL!!

  12. Compare to last time back to college time, i seldom eat chap fan n prefer to eat set meal. :/ expensive i know. :/

  13. only realize how chap fan can be so economical n their rice n dishes a lot!! n extra yums too! ;)

  14. its like rm3.50 then u can get rice + 3 dishes + one soup! the soup u oso can choose! nice! im likey! :D

  15. No really nice ones here...too much msg and oil, everyday the same... Lote of rice and give so little of what you want.

    I would rather go for nasi campur at the Malay shops/stalls - nicer and cheaper some more e.g. fried fish RM1.00-1.50 depending on the size...and at the chap fan places, one RM2.00.

  16. 我通常系二菜一肉囉。。。

  17. 食雜飯要啱時間,遲咗餸凍嗮就唔好食。

  18. 呵呵。。。我通常都是多汁多菜。。。有时菜色太好,会每样都拿一点。。。哈哈。。。。

  19. 我每次買雜飯呀都會說少一點少一點飯,可愛的安蒂現在會說小姐要少很多的飯^0^
    會咩我覺得干干的飯,挺難吞的哈哈哈哈啊哈 =)

  20. 食雜飯都要有規矩?通常來來去去都喺兩菜一肉,但喺我一定唔要汁。

  21. 我还真的很少吃经济饭的,我比较爱面类...呵呵

  22. 少饭

    新加坡这里,他们叫经济饭为 -菜饭

  23. 我也是淋汁和配三样菜,但是肯定不拿鱼的.

  24. Chap fan is always the life saver at the end of the month when i am broke XD

  25. I seldom eat chap fan now but when I was working in Penang, I ate chap fan EVERY lunch! It's cheap and good! I usually pick 1 meat, 1 vege and 1 egg/beancurd! :)

  26. Chap fan nowadays also not that cheap...

  27. haha i call it as buffet meal here in brazil... lol eat all you can... cant get chap fan here ><

  28. there is one establishment near us who sell chap fan and that's Chow king.... we used to go there to taste their authentic Chinese dishes... oh and their yummy "halo Halo too..."

  29. is it also like the "rice in the box" meal but serve in a different way..?

  30. have agreat day Sk and Happy blogging

  31. 其實我不是很喜歡吃雜飯,如果沒有的選擇,那我就只好吃。。。


  32. i like too. but more often than not i find my dishes not enough to satisfy my hunger...

  33. 很久下午没有吃杂饭了,都是早上打包米粉下午吃。

  34. nice an complete meal will surely make a day

  35. we Filipinos have one thing in common our love for rice,a meal wont be complete with out it

  36. 我喜欢啊~以前常常拿3样菜,现在都拿两样了,

  37. i prefer to have plain rice rather that having garlic rice lol
    and i also wants it cold i dont know why but i enjoy eating my meal when its cold

  38. i eat chap fan without the rice! LoL! I just dun like to eat rice.. so i'll go for dishes only.. rice semua let my husband makan :P

  39. 多多少少都会加一个蛋和菜!

  40. when i do not have a proper breakfast in the morning, then a plate of chap farn is very welcoming! yes, like u, i take less rice with more dishes!!

  41. 我食杂饭一定选辣的食物。。

  42. My all-time fav dish is steamed egg with minced pork. I like some of the free soups provided because of the chunky porkrib pieces or chicken feet and various veggies inside boiled over an extended period of time.

    I recently ate at a newly-opened chap fan shop that I would not ever go again! *shudder*

    The dishes looked yummy but the dishes we (friends too) took were just so tasteless, funny-tasting even or perhaps my tastebuds went on leave that day. Oh well..

    From my experience, chap fan is anytime cheaper than the ahneh food. You think?

  43. Hey Thambee! You are really my bradder la. I also ask for less rice and pour graviiiii before scoop dishes!

  44. But Thambee, you supposed to eat our Indian curry rice on banana leaves!!!! How can you eat Chinese mixed rice? Kamala will slap you! Phiak! You always throw away her beriyani rice into longkang izzit?

  45. Thambee you say so fatso now, so better don't eat any rice. Just one grain of rice with lotsa vegetables laaaa! Deh Thamby, take care of your health and eat healthy.

  46. Guess where is the most expensive mixed rice in Klang Valley?

    Food court at Mid Valley. That female boss cut throat one!!

  47. Whenever I am broke I only eat the rice with gravy and no dishes! Next time, I better call Thambee to belanja me okay?

  48. 也是我的最愛,我喜歡吃多多菜的,樹仔菜,鮑魚菇都是我的最愛...


  49. 我在台灣天天都是經濟飯==

  50. I feel all those food are 100 times better compare to food over here.

    Asian people enjoy food, west people enjoy sex?

  51. My family doctor advised that if we need to eat out, chap fan is better because we are in control of the choice of dishes and rice portions. At buffets, God bless our bodies and health!

  52. 换了新工作,

  53. oh yeah, i definitely agree with you how mixed rice is so common and poplular.. in fact there must be 1 mixed rice stall in almost every kopitiam right??

  54. i guess it's because mixed rice can really fulfill your hunger and gives energy that can last for the rest of the day, and somemore it is not too expensive for a lunch..

  55. i also will ask for less rice when having chap fan.. and same like you, 1 meat 1 vege and then 1 egg or beancurd.. have to be balanced right?? LOL~~

  56. but now do you think that chap fan can be quite expensive also?? haiz~~

  57. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, to me chap fan never come as the least preference when i don't know what to eat.. in fact, most of the time, i will think about having chap fan first.. :p

    @ Danny:
    wow, nasi suku only ah?? really eat so little meh?? eh, lately i tried the nasi ayam penyet, not bad woh, and the sambal they give is super super hot!!! guess you must love that sambal very much..

  58. @ edward:
    我都唔係經常食雜飯嘅, 始終我係個鐘意食麵多過食飯嘅人.. 你個口味都同我差不多啦,都係一肉一菜一蛋咁.. 係呀, 其實有時真係睇心情同埋食慾嘅, 有時我會拎四樣菜, 搞豐富碟飯去架~~ :D

    @ Bananazஇ:
    oh you still can have less than RM4?? now even the one outside my house already charging RM4.50, and the one outside ex-office RM5.. now working in MV worse, sure the rice in foodcourt at least RM7-RM8.. but anyway i never eat mixed rice in foodcourt lah, too expensive already as they count by dishes!! hahahaha, it's different from buffet lah, though you have lots of choices, but then you cannot eat-all-you-can with just paying RM4 woh~~ :D

  59. @ wenn:
    oh, that's a good idea also.. your own cooked rice must be more healthy and yummy~~ :)

    @ summer:
    哈哈, 是囉, 每次去外面吃雜飯都一定會淋汁的.. 但是好奇怪, 在家裡反而不會這樣.. :)

  60. @ Pete:
    hahahaha, then yours is more luxury since you got two meat.. and full of curry gravy, hahaha~~ :D

    @ goldflower86﹕
    haha, sometimes depend on my mood whether i like chap fan or not lor.. hehehehe :D

  61. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, that's why mixed rice is also called economy rice mah.. actually i love to be able to choose from more than 30 over kinds of dishes, sometimes very undesicive which 3 to pick and can take me sometime, hahahaha~~ oh, still can get RM3.50?? here at least need RM4.50 already leh.. sad~~

    @ suituapui:
    errr, have to see which stalls you are going.. i normally choose those with lots of choices, at least don't have to repeat eating the same thing so oftenly mah.. errr, but sometimes those malay stalls also can fluctuate the price a lot one.. today maybe RM1 but tomorrow same thing maybe RM2~~ but i guess the worse case would be the Mamak rice, they charge you base on their mood..

  62. @ khengsiong:
    絕對係呀, 最好就12點咁就去, 呢個時候啲餸應該係啱啱新鮮出爐, 而且又唔會太多人嘅時候, best timing呀~~

    @ Casendra:
    其實太多汁也不好的, 因為那些汁都很fattening的, 哈哈!!! :D

  63. @ bluesky:
    哈哈, 現在的雜飯都很喜歡給很多飯的囉, 其實要少一點少一點的大有人在, 我是不覺得出奇啦.. 出奇的是有一次看到一個男人, 一直說要多一點多一點, 結果真的整座山那樣他才滿意, 他真的是吃得完而且他不是肥人囉, 你說幾不公平?? 嘩, 你那麼喜歡淋多多汁啊?? 不如吃粥還好?? 呵呵~~ :D

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    「兩菜一肉,但喺我一定唔要汁」.. 嗱嗱嗱, 你呢啲唔係叫做規矩咁係叫咩啊?? :D

  64. @ bluecloud:
    我其實也是比較愛吃麵類, 但是有時候還是很想吃雜飯的.. 我覺得最大原因是因為有很多菜可以選, 我也是每次都說要少飯, 不過我會拿比較多的菜和肉囉, 其實還不是一樣, 哈哈!! :D

    @ Small Kucing:
    haha, you mean you only need some gravy and that's it?? no need to have any dishes at all?? :D

  65. @ imyuyu:
    和我一樣嘛你的口味, 只是你不要淋汁罷了.. 如果你在新加坡說雜飯, 有沒有人聽得懂呢其實??

    @ Wai Kitt:
    哈哈, 你和我一模一樣!! 其實如果那個魚是魚排之類沒有骨的, 我是會考慮啦.. :p

  66. @ Kelvin:
    hahaha, but sometimes chap fan can be quite expensive also.. wow, so i really curious what you are eating beginning of the month leh..

    @ iamthewitch:
    hey, you same same like me woh.. i also 1 meat 1 vege 1 egg.. hmmm, the chap fan near your office not nice meh?? but i guess now you eat more high class food lor~~ :p

  67. @ TZ:
    yeah, now at least RM4.50 already.. that's why cannot say economy already~~

    @ fufu:
    of course no chap fan outside MY and SG lah i guess.. hmmm, you always have all you can eat lunch in brazil one ah?? so nice one??

  68. @ bluedreamer27:
    oh, you also know what "chap fan" is?? wow, that's very cool.. but then i've not trid halo halo before, if i have the chance to go to philippines, must try!!

    @ venus:
    我中立啦, 不會說喜歡或不喜歡的.. 但是有時真係會癮囉.. 通常都是少飯, 淋汁和三樣菜囉..

  69. @ Medie007:
    hmmm, then not good leh, that means you are not feeding enough yourself.. haha!! ask for more rice lah~ :D

    @ 单身汉:
    嘩, 那麼經濟啊?? 早上打包米粉下午吃?? 其實我以前也有這樣做的, 不過後來懶惰打包, 而且和同事出去吃聯絡感情嘛..

  70. @ poorprince:
    yeah, absolutely true that a complete meal really make a day.. but beware not to eat too much, or else you get sleepy after lunch and cannot concentrate on work, haha!! hmmm, you are a little weird, you love your meals cold?? haha.. hey, i guess rice is the most important food for Asians, right?? :)

    @ -KeO-:
    才兩樣菜那麼少啊?? 其實你可以照樣拿三樣, 但是飯拿少一點囉, 吃多點菜比較有滿足感嘛.. 還是你其實貪心, 全部都拿很多所以吃不完?? :D

  71. @ Merryn:
    last time i also eat chap fan without the rice, because i was trying to loose weight and must cut off carbs.. but now, cannot lah, chap fan must have rice only nice mah, right?? haha~~

    @ 发白日梦^^:
    哈哈, 你說"加"?? 表示你拿了基本的三樣菜之後, 再要加蛋?? 嘩, 夠豐富哦~~ :p

  72. @ reanaclaire:
    oh yes, chap fan definitely can satisfy your hungry stomach.. because rice are filling and can provide you with enough energy to survive through the whole afternoon..

    @ Grass:
    我其實不太可以吃辣, 所以儘量避免比較好, 要不然肚子會有麻煩哦~~ :)

  73. @ HappySurfer:
    hmmm, i like both steam egg and minced pork, but then i prefer them to be separated.. that's why you see i choose minced pork and steam egg, hahahaha.. oh, when i take the soup, i only take the soup but not the vege/ pork ribs/ chicken feet, i don't eat all those.. oh yeah you are right!!! chap fan though can be expensive now, but are still more economical than those aneneh rice.. the aneneh really don't have a standard in charging how much, always depend on their mood only..

    @ Twilight:
    yeah, give me five Arumugam!! we love less rice and rice with gravy!! aiyah, Arumugam you know or not?? indian banana leaf rice is very expensive leh, one meal can cost you at least RM7-RM8, Thambee cannot afford leh, so better go for the chinese mixed rice at half the price lor, and yet so delicious and fulfilling.. yeah, i am now seriously considering to have chap fan without rice, because rice = carbo = fat!!! oh, i never will have chap fan in foodcourt lah, easily cost you RM7-RM8 one, so expensive i rather go outside for the chap fan stalls lor..

  74. @ eleven:
    呵呵, 你是吃素的嗎?? 沒有看見你說喜歡吃肉的?? :p

    哈哈, 台灣的不叫經濟飯吧?? 但是我知道他們台灣的便當, 賣得很大份又很便宜的, 是嗎??

  75. @ CH Voon:
    haha, of course lah, you are in russia sure will miss the food back here mah.. you also never heard of any nice russian cuisine right?? haha.. :D

    @ Autumn Belle @ KDP:
    oh really?? but sometimes when the dishes are nice, i will get uncontrolled and will eat more than i should.. haha!! anyway, that is not often, and having buffet is even rare.. :)

  76. @ Ashley:
    沒有囉, 剛上班我覺得還是和同事一齊出去吃比較好, 要交際一下聯絡感情嘛.. 看看吧, 可能以後會自己準備午餐, 因為每天在MV吃, 消費真的蠻大的.. 其實我每次都要少飯, 但是我好像覺得自己會那比一般人比較多的菜和肉囉.. 所以你說呢?? 也是一樣吧?? 呵呵~~ :D

    @ victor:
    yes you are right, when i have chap fan for lunch, sure i won't feel hungry anymore for the rest of the day.. guess this is why chap fan has become so popular especially for the working class yeah?? haha.. i definitely see what you see, i guess it has to be like RM4.50-RM5 for a plate of chap fan with three dishes now.. i really miss those days in college where i only pay RM2.20 for the same.. :p

  77. 就是咯,可是很多人(尤其是女人)會用很奇怪的眼神看著我(好像準備和我說吃將少好心不如不要吃>.<")

  78. Yes, yes, yes I love chap fan too! Cos it's quite economical and there are lots of variety!

  79. Haha, like you, I always request for less rice. No point eating so much white rice, better eat more meat and vegetables! LOL

  80. I also like chap fan as I can choose the variety of meat and vegetables ensuring a more balanced meal in nutritional terms.

  81. Oh yes, I must have eggs!! Yum!! One meat (either chicken, pork or fish), one vegetables (sometimes 2) and one egg. Delicious!!

  82. I feel like eating chap fan now! : D

  83. i'm a big eater - i always insist on more rice, and i like a lot of gravy too (hates dry rice) else it'd be very hard to swallow! :P

  84. @ bluesky:
    哈哈, 那些女人肯定是妒忌你吃那麼少囉.. 哎呀, 下次你厲害一點, 索性只是吃菜不要吃飯, 更上一層樓嘛, 哈哈!! 那個auntie肯定對你沒齒難忘的, 肯定給你更多discount的, 這樣好喎~~ :D

    @ foongpc:
    but now i think chap fan is no more economical as it can be quite expensive also, especially when you are having chap fan in foodcourt, it can be cuthroat!! yeah, you same same like me hor?? 1 vege 1 meat 1 egg, balanced and nice right?? hmmm, i guess tomorrow lunch i'll be having chap fan~~ :p

    @ kyh:
    hehe, actually i'm not small eater also.. i ask for less rice, but i think i have bigger portion of the dishes, so it's the same right?? hehe~~ :p

  85. bigger portion of dishes more expensive ma. :P

  86. 这也是的,新来报道就自己躲在角落吃面包,
    有一段时间我每天在Pavilion 的 food court 吃杂饭,只敢拿一样菜而已!>_<'

  87. @ kyh:
    i think not much difference.. actually not white rice also not cheap eh.. i think sometimes they see you less rice but more dishes, they open one eye close one eye~~

    @ Ashley:
    對呀, 新來報道就是要儘量和同事們打好關係, 自己一個在角落吃麵包, 好像很小家哩.. 是啊, 在MV吃東西, 平均都要十多塊錢一餐, 其實一個月下來那個消費真的不少.. 不過沒有辦法, 除非自己帶便當囉..
