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07.10.2010 | 閱讀因由

唔揸車嘅朋友, 你哋平時搭巴士/搭的士/搭火車嘅時候, 通常會點樣打發時間呢?? 我最近就係趁搭輕鐵返工放工嘅時候, 爭取時間睇書喇..

其實哩, 我唔係真係咁鐘意閱讀咋.. 學生時代, 為免夜長夢多, 通常都會話「我的嗜好」係琴棋書畫其中一項.. 點解?? 因為如果唔係嘅話, 實畀老師質問, 係屬於身不由己.. 而家點解又會閱讀呢?? 係因為買咗一大堆書擺埋一邊唔睇, 感覺好折墮.. 但係點解又要買一大堆書呢?? 講到底, 咪就係因為可以扣稅囉(呵呵!!), 係屬於逼不得已..
if you don't drive, what do you normally do to kill the time while commuting?? recently i have been filling up the time reading books while commuting to and from work..

but in fact, i don't really think reading is my cup of tea.. when i was a student, i'd claim that my hobby is one of the standard "instruments/ chess/ books/ drawings".. why?? because most teachers will question and challenge you if it doesn't fall into any of the categories, this is called inevitable.. so why do i read now?? it's because i don't feel good leaving the books i bought aside without reading them.. and why do i buy books then?? to the root cause, it's because we can get tax rebate from buying books (haha!!), and this is called unavoidable..


  1. hahaha... reminds me to buy some books this weekend. What book to buy, any suggestion?

  2. 我都係為咗唔益政府要扣稅先至買書來睇咋,其實都係扮下嘢咋咋帝扮有文化咋。

  3. I read, play games on my mobile phone.. look around at random people... fall asleep... haha

    There is so much to do! pfffft.

  4. when i was young, the hobbies that i wrote were usually reading, music and singing.. now i m older, funny though, i still put those as my hobbies though with an addition, ie. blogging.. :)

  5. reading while commuting?? i cant do so! :( will start dizzy!

  6. haha last time i oso love to read books, but story books! hahaha! cz we have to write a review for each book we read every week. :s

  7. hahaha wat la, cz of tax rebate pula! tsk tsk!!

  8. 哈哈哈~~~原来係山人妙计!我以前都諗过买书扣税架。。。不过,长年到晚买买埋埋咁多书,要点去处理先至头痛!!我呢两年忙到连报纸都冇时间睇,与其买书嚟吸尘,不如諗係其他扣税妙计啦!:)

  9. My portion of tax rebate exceeded mid this year lo :p

  10. i dun buy books... so won't feel guilty never touch them lo...hahaha ;p

  11. oh too bad for me, i can't read in moving vehicle. i will feel nauseated. i sleep or at least close my eyes throughout the journey. LOL at your post. hahahah

  12. Me? Reading newspaper to kill time while commuting. :)

  13. Sometimes I read book, magazines, newspaper...well...anything that interest me. If not I will play games on my phone.

  14. Hahaha :D At the end of the day it is all because of tax?

  15. haha.....yalor....can claim income tax. But I won't feel comfortable reading while in the KTM / LRT. I prefer to look at people around and also the scenery while day dreaming. Waste of time hor.

  16. But well...I don't read while commuting anymore..because in Malacca...I ride my black horsy. Don't need to wait for anything. :D

  17. r u kidding? reading while commuting? i'll get motion sickness so bad that i'll puke :(

  18. 我系夜晚失眠既時候睇書。

  19. Whatever the reasons, reading is good and should be promoted.

  20. ha ha ha, can claim tax rebate until the max....but read until pengsan!

  21. I don't like reading as well...
    If i got MP3 i will listen to MP3,
    If I got iPhone/iPad i will play iPhone or online, If i got nothing i will juz look around, and think....or just 发呆there...hahaha

  22. I will read books too when I take the LRT to and from work. Best way to not waste the time commuting.

  23. The end justifies the means, eh? Still, it's a good move and hurts no one. Keep at it!

  24. thaks for ur condolence wishes ...

    books is out of my scope actually ... hahaha....i dun have the patience to read...

  25. Will always keep a small book with me when commuting in LRT. But most of the time would do house keeping to rid of those sms in my hp.

  26. So your purpose of buying books cos of tax wow..for me would buy mostly motivational books need to be charged up and then charge...haha.

  27. Is the pix your very own bookshelf or juz a pix you downloaded? All English books leh you dont buy Chinese books? Wah saw a book "Justice" right in the middle woh. tQ

  28. impressive range of books. nowadays i find books difficult bcos of the small font ( to my eyes ) What do i do while commuting? I call it auto mode - i drop off after a while but i been told i manage to sit straight most of the time even while i am sleeping.

  29. Ehh how come you don't drive ar? I really wonder how people can survive in KL without a car! LOL! As you know, the public transport condition is.. erm.. well enough said!

  30. If I had a choice, I would rather be driven than to drive myself to work everyday. Our traffic's stressful.

  31. i hate reading books hahaha i am quite choosy when it comes to books...

  32. oh i don't like reading books while commuting... i usually just listen to my ipod or play games in my cellphone if i'm commuting...

  33. i prefer reading books while i'm alone and the surrounding is calm and quiet... so that i can focus on what i am reading....

  34. have a great day buddy and happy blogging

  35. gheeh im not really in to reading
    but if the content was good i'll go read it from cover to cover

  36. i want those books that has trivias which amaze me

  37. well i usually read magazines especially those who features a lot of photograph hahaha i find it more exciting than the usual

  38. the first book i read actually was a comic book hahaha
    its a local comic book here

  39. i also read some news papers especially those from school
    actually i find smoe of my trivia posts their

  40. well inspite of the huge evolution of the cyber world books are still the best

  41. 我和它们没什么缘~一看就眼睡!

  42. just said u read HARRY POTTER. sure u can take the challenge. ahaha (JK)

  43. SK Thamby only read Tamil books in Chennai ooo...!

  44. I love to read since I was a kid until now. Like you, I have so many books and magazines waiting for me to flip open.

  45. I have 5 tall book shelves at home, collecting dusts! They will make good charcoal for cremation!

  46. I never enjoyed fiction books, so my favourite books are knowledge and biographies!

  47. 买书来扣税啊!?!
    吃lunch时都是边吃边看的。 ^^

  48. @ TZ:
    haha, you got time for reading meh?? can't suggest any books, but maybe a place that sells books at cheaper price.. BookXcess at 3rd Floor Amcorp Mall.. :)

    @ justin.net:
    哈哈, 原來大家都係一樣喎.. 我請願洗多啲錢揼落鹹水海都唔益政府囉.. 話時話, 乜你覺得睇書係好有文化嘅咩?? :D

  49. @ ladyviral:
    oh yeah definitely a lot to do inside the train huh.. i only read or play games when i can find a seat or somewhere i can lean, else i'd just stand and look around randomly.. :p

    @ reanaclaire:
    hahaha, actually when i comes to hobby i really have no idea what mine would be.. because during school time, you just have to have those few that the teacher will be happy right?? haha.. hmmm, come to think about it, yeah, perhaps blogging~~

  50. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    errr, no problem for me at all.. even last time when taking bus, i will study in the bus also, because got exam and haven't finish studying!! hahaha.. oh, i remember that, need to read books and write a report every week, i really hate doing that actually, haha!! hey, of course, don't want to pay too much tax right?? :D

    @ edward:
    哎呀, 你知我做IT對於呢啲tax嘅嘢係有限公司啦, 邊似得你哋做數嘅, 樣樣都挑通眼眉吖?? 咁斗膽請教, 除咗買書, 有咩係可以扣稅架呢?? 大師請指點迷津~~ :p

  51. @ smallkucing:
    haha, for sure you will exceed lah, you always buy books like nobody's business, and the speed your read is really fast!! haha.. so keep the quota for next year already?? :D

    @ Danny:
    i will make sure i buy, so that i can force myself to read lor.. and thinking about the tax rebate, i gotta even buy more!! :D

  52. @ goldflower86:
    oh really too bad.. but for me i won't have this problem, in fact if i read in the train, the time really passed very quickly, feel like i'm reaching the destination in just a short while..

    @ Tekkaus:
    yeah, it's quite bored sometimes while commuting, so really gotta get something to do to kill the time, so that you feel like reaching home faster, haha.. oh yeah, i can read and i can get tax rebate, not bad at all right?? :D

  53. @ mNhL:
    i didn't choose to read books in the train until quite recently.. actually i feel that i reach the destination a lot faster if i read to kill the time.. the feeling is good actually, you don't think like you're wasting time communting.. :)

    @ Merryn:
    errr, of course i'm not kidding.. i really read in the train leh, and am superbly fine for me, haha!! :D

  54. @ khengsiong:
    哈哈, 有咁嘅事?? 車上睇書我係絕對冇問題架喎.. 可能以前讀書時代訓練出嚟架啦, 每次考試嗰日, 肯定把握時間喺車上刨書架囉..

    @ Grass:
    yeah, i actually think reading is a good hobby, haha!! that's why teachers always say right?? :D

  55. @ Pete:
    aiyah, but i cannot afford to claim till the max lah.. cos i can't even finish that many books also.. but at least rebate a little lah..

    @ -KeO-:
    i found out that if we can do something, besides just looking around, we can really feel that the journey to destination is short and not wasting time at all.. that's why must try to do something to kill the time lor..

  56. @ Legolas:
    oh yeah, that's really a good idea to kill time while commuting, furthermore you'd feel the journey is somehow shortened a lot.. :)

    @ Medie007:
    haha, you can sleep even if you're standing?? wow~~ amazing!! :D

  57. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, kind of like a winning situation eh?? or perhaps that's why the government allows tax rebate for books, they want us to read.. :)

    @ vialentino:
    haha, i know i know.. all your free time will go to eating nice food around the world right?? haha~~ :D

  58. @ Bananazஇ:
    yeah, i didn't read until recently, and i find that's quite ok, so now i'm bringing a book with me whenever i take the LRT.. haha, of course i don't simply spend on books, i do have my own choice on the books i'd like to read.. haha, of course that's not my bookshelf, my collection of books is not even 10% of those, haha!! just simply grab a picture from the web only lah.. errr, i read English books only at the meantime, find dizzy to read Chinese, i don't know why, haha!!

    @ Bengbeng:
    haha, sorry for that mistaken impression.. that is my my bookshelf, it's just a photo that i grab from the web.. haha, you mean you can also sleep when standing?? wow, that's amazing huh?? how can you do that?? :)

  59. @ iamthewitch:
    errr, i really don't drive woh, but i can still survive in KL!! haha.. well, only acceptable with LRT lah, i don't like the bus and KTM also, they are just a mess.. :D

    @ Mei Teng:
    oh of course, haha.. if you are not the one driving, you really got a lot of things you can choose to do.. so i choose to take LRT to work.. haha!!

  60. @ bluedreamer27:
    i actually didn't like reading until recently that i bought quite some books because of the tax rebate.. haha!! errr, i also listen to my iPod but i think reading to kill the commuting time is even more efficient.. you'd feel like you've already reached your destination in split seconds.. :)

    @ poorprince:
    yeah, i actually prefer reading non fictions and facts.. anyway, whatever kind of reading, i would think this is a good habit.. well, during schooldays, we were ask to read books and then submit a report every week, maybe that's the reason why i've stopped reading after school, and only pick up it again recently, hahaha!!

  61. @ Chris Chia:
    哈哈, 其實我也是最近才和它有緣份起來罷了.. 呵呵!! :D

    @ Isley Chang~:
    errr, frankly i've not read Harry Porter at all.. i just go for the movie.. i prefer reading non fictions and facts though.. :)

  62. @ Twilight:
    hmmm, depending on my location i will read different language, haha!! in KL i read English books, back in motherland of course i read Tamil, hahaha!! so how many Tamil Nadi have Arumugam read till date?? haha, you have 5 tall bookshelves, filled up or empty collecting dust?? haiz, maybe just stuffed them up with the bollywood dvd lor.. oh, thamby also don't like fiction, thamby likes non fiction and facts.. :D

    @ Ashley:
    哈哈, 找不到其他途徑可以扣稅了嘛, 所以就買書囉.. 不過我又不是亂買一通那種啦, 我會一次買一兩本, 看完了才又買過那種.. 嘩!! 你連駕著車都可以看小說?? 果然是神乎其技囉!! 哈哈~~ ^_^

  63. Reading? Zzzzzzzz.... Tax rebate kah? I can never remember where I put the receipts...and when outdated already,they would all appear like magic. Tsk! Tsk!

  64. 哗,全部都是"鸡肠"书,SK肯定好有学问。我最喜欢中国文学书譬如西游记,封神榜,看了几十年都不觉得厌。

  65. haha i always observe what is happening outside the window :) lol with my camera ready!! :)

  66. it is simple once one is tired enough. being able to rest even for a few moment to rejuvenate is a refreshing experience. i learned it when Benghui was small n so demanding in terms of my time. I wasted no time in resting whenever i had the opportunity :) who knows when the oppotunity would come again

  67. @ suituapui:
    aiyoh, you don't want all your books receipt?? then you can give them all to me, so that i can get some tax rebate.. you sure very rich that you don't even bother these small amount at all, haha.. :D

    @ 古小玉:
    哈哈, 不是喇, 那個書架不是我的, 我只是從網上隨便找一張post上來的.. 不過是的, 我最近都是看英文書的, 總是覺得看中文字會有點頭暈, 哈哈!! :D

  68. @ fufu:
    well, there's actually nothing interesting from the window of the LRT, it's the track and everything's the same everyday.. so better do something else useful to kill the time, haha~~ :D

    @ Bengbeng:
    haha, quite true also, when the threshold is already hit i think i will also just fall asleep while standing.. but i cannot imagine if i could still stand still, or already about to fall down, hahaha!! oooh, so you are looking at having another kid?? :)

  69. 欠扁啦你。哈哈


  70. 我通常都會拿住粒蘋果睇戲或者聼歌,至於睇書就麻麻,太多字好沉悶。

  71. haha, so this is actually some kind of win-win situation?? you got books to read and at the same time can get tax rebate huh?? :D

  72. actually reading is a good thing to do, maybe that's why the government encourages us to read by allowing the tax rebate?? :)

  73. btw, i remember we need to give teacher 3 hobbies, and one of those was READING definitely, hahaha!! LOL

  74. Next time, you just buy the books. Don't need to read them, just pass them to me! You still enjoy the tax rebate and I enjoy the books! Win win situation! Hahaha!!

  75. If I don't drive and I sit public transportation, I think I won't read. I will be busy tweeting away on my iPhone. LOL!!!

  76. I don't fancy too much reading but i love books with illustrations

  77. @ 董百勤:
    哈哈, 那我會覺得你比我還要欠扁!! 因為我不會一次過買很多書的, 是看完了才買一兩本罷了.. 現在手頭上只有一本還沒看罷了~~ :D

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    我冇蘋果, 所以唯有就用最原始嘅方法消磨時間囉.. 其實睇書真係幾好架, 因為一眨眼就到目的地喇~~ :D

  78. @ victor:
    haha, i guess you are right.. the tax rebate for books is actually to encourage the people to read more.. so i am fully supporting this by buying more books, hahaha!! but i don't over-stock my books though, i just buy a couple after i finished the ones on hand.. :)

    @ foongpc:
    hahaha, ok ok, no problem!! but infact i will read the book first and then only pass it on to you.. i'll make sure they still look brand new, hahahaha!! hmmm, i think even if you are driving, you still tweet via your iPhone right?? that's very addict of you.. hahahahahaha!!! :D

    @ Ayie:
    haha, books with more illustrations are easier to read yeah?? i like that too~~ haha!!
