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20.10.2010 | 燙衫精神

曾經聽好多精明家庭主婦話過, 平時燙衫點樣可以慳電慳時慳精力..
  • 如果你係有攝衫嘅話, 咁你可以唔駛燙件衫下半截
  • 如果你係習慣將衣袖捲起嘅話, 咁你可以唔駛燙衫袖
  • 如果你係會著住件褸嘅話, 咁你可以唔駛燙衫袖同背面

以上方法係就係幾精明, 但係我就覺得好搞笑囉.. 我雖然唔係咩專業人士, 但係由中學開始到而家都係自己燙衫囉.. 我覺得將件衫完完整整咁燙到直一直係理所應當喎, 燙啲唔燙啲感覺好怪囉.. 可能我屬於腳踏實地型, 又或者因為我係個完美主意者??
heard quite a number of ways you can actually save electricity, save effort and save time while ironing your clothes..
  • if you tuck-in your shirt, then you can leave the bottom half of your shirt not ironed
  • if you used to roll-up your sleeves, then you can leave both sleeves of your shirt not ironed
  • if you are wearing a coat, then you can leave boths sleeaves and the back of your shirt not ironed

the methods might seem very smart, but to me they are a bit funny.. though i'm not any professionals, i already started to do my own ironing since high school and still doing that till now.. i would think it's a "should" to completely iron your shirt, leaving parts not ironed somehow just doesn't seem right.. or maybe it's just because i'm a perfectionist??


  1. woot?! iron clothes? err err me iron sure burn one! mwahahaha

  2. hahha! cannot save much electric oso ma if dnt iron those parts! :D

  3. My mom always iron the whole shirt and pants, never see ppl iron half half ler.

  4. 我每個星期都會把衣服燙的滑溜溜.要整齊啊.

  5. 隨便把燙斗在衫上遊走一下就好了,哈哈。

  6. 你呢個所謂慳電慳時慳精力嘅燙衫理論似乎喺懶多啲喔。


  7. 帮老公烫衣的时候(是,我是好老婆,虽然久久才烫一次)

  8. 食飯時捲起衫袖,食完放返落o黎...

  9. haha..not a bad idea..

  10. 冷氣室披褸,出去除落o黎...

  11. Haven't heard about those tips before but I probably won't follow anyway. You never know what you want to do, maybe today I roll up the sleeve, the next time I don't. So still need to iron the whole shirt.

  12. 说起烫衣,我最懒了,

  13. Haha...this is so efficient wor :D

  14. i hate ironing. Hence I buy baju that does not need a lot of ironing :p. Orang malas lo

  15. I don't iron my clothes...because I don't have too. :D

  16. Muahahaha! SK Thambeee! You gilar!

  17. In Chennai we save more money - cos we wore no shirts but banana leaves!

  18. Wanna save water, try to pee into your sink and later brush your teeth before using the same water to flush your urine and mouth's foam. Good idea?

  19. I sent all laundry to wash and iron cos I wasted more water, electricity and TIME doing them!

  20. My friend has no internet services at home cos he managed to hack and steal lines from all neighbour's homes!

  21. 烫衣我还是会把每一个部分都烫直的...不知道何时每次折上的袖子,因冷而需放下呢...所以反正都烫了还是全烫吧!

  22. Haven't heard those tips but at first glance, they seem to make sense but... For me, I'd want to do a good job so every part of the shirt has to be ironed. Only thing is, I send my clothes out for ironing. Ironing is tedious work. Oops!

  23. since schooling time i already very hate of ironing clothes,thus i seldom iron my husband clothes.
    Not a good wife loh!

  24. 我也是上了中學就開始自己燙衣服了:) 雖然那幾點tips聽起來蠻管用,但是我也仍然覺得燙衣服本來就應該完整地完成全部step啊~要不然為什麼要花時間在做這件事XD

  25. hahaha....reminds me of my cousin. She used to iron only 30% of her daughter's school uniform. Only ironed the shirt's sleeves and collar since she will be wearing a pinafor over the shirt. Her daughter is now working already. LOL.

  26. lol... this is soooo farney... lazy man's guide lah this... :P

  27. 我比较懒,只会烫袜咋。

  28. OMG I really never thought of doing 'selective ironing' but the idea is brilliant! Now I don't have to iron the bottom of the shirt and the sleeves for Saucer. LOL!

  29. 你叫我唔燙衫著住件皱掹掹嘅衫出街,我接受唔到囉!人靠衣装嘛,点都要烫到件衫企企理理,冇理由著件咸菜出嚟见人架嘛!係唔係吖?

  30. LOL!!! Saving that little bit of electricity... Bet you'll be rich in no time at all. Muahahahahaha!!!

  31. 简直“完美主义”者咯!

  32. At a glance thinking what the heck is 'FORCED TOIRON'..Oops o.O

  33. Gimme a 5!!!Same here. Would leave out the bottom part since it gonna be tucked in save time and electricity..

  34. The only time to iron is during heavy rain with thunderous lightning. Firstly its cool, second my internet will be offline just in case the lighting finds a zapping spot to strike..

  35. Been doing my own ironing for donkey years already, very 'yim chim' person so no choice but DIY..haha ~;)

  36. Would always leave the hanker chief last after switching off the iron, maximize on the heat mah haha.

  37. Oh today is Happy Two Jilo Wan Jilo Two Jilo Wan Jilo:)

  38. Guess the hot number 2010 would be sold out in all gaming centers..

  39. I don't like ironing. I only iron when I need to wear that piece of clothing. Otherwise I just let it sit in my wardrobe.

    I prefer wearing clothing made from materials that one does not need to iron.

  40. must iron until neat neat

  41. illogical. but i like! hahaha.

  42. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haiyoh, like that then you must learn to iron clothes already, cannot always let your mum do that.. if not later after you become a mum, who's going to iron for your husband and kids?? ooopsss, can hire a maid to do that hor?? hehehehe~~ :D

    @ 单身汉:
    我也是, 每個週末肯定要燙衣服的, 而且是一次過把下個星期要穿的衣服全部燙好, 燙得筆直筆直.. :)

  43. @ justin.net:
    哎呀, 不是這樣說的, 隨便燙那不如不要燙更好?? :p

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    簡直就係精明為理由, 實在就係懶人做事作風囉, 哈哈!! 係啊, 我真係會每一個細節都儘量燙好佢架, 其實燙衫之嘛, 有幾難喎?? 要燙就燙好啲嚟囉係咪??

  44. @ imyuyu:
    哈哈, 幫老公燙衣服, 果然是一個好老婆囉.. 對囉, 雖然有時會想要偷雞一下, 但是最後還是過不了自己那關喇, 衣服燙過後還皺皺的怎樣都看不過眼吧?? 要燙就一定要燙好來囉.. 男士們穿上筆直的襯衫, 很有型的~~ :p

    @ khengsiong:
    哈哈, 乜你真係諗住要用呢啲方法去燙衫架?? 哈哈, 算吧啦, 疊埋心水燙好件衫好過啦.. :D

  45. @ wenn:
    haha, don't tell me you are going to do that, and then ask your husband to wear a coat to cover the wrinkles.. haha!!

    @ Legolas:
    yeah, those tips are actually the way of lazy people doing ironing lah, haha!! for me, definitely not going to do things half-way, i want things to be perfect if i really do it hands-on..

  46. @ Ashley:
    嘩, 你真的好命哦, 老公會自己燙衣服不用你來操勞.. 通常我都是聽說老婆要為老公燙衣服的, 要不然就要自己請工人做了, 哈哈!! 如果你用那些方法幫你大少爺燙, 我覺得他請願自己來囉, 哈哈!!

    @ uLi.佑莉:
    wah, you really want to try that ah?? oh, poor 肥肥~~ :D

  47. @ smallkucing:
    haha, but then later when smallkucing goes to school, i think you anyhow need to iron the uniforms for him one woh.. so better get used to it now lor.. haha!!

    @ Tekkaus:
    oh, how nice!! you mean you wear t-shirts and jeans to work?? for me, only on fridays lor..

  48. @ Twilight:
    oh Arumugam you so sexy only wear banana leaves?? maybe that was your time lah, during my time we at least wearing a cloth to cover the body lor, hahaha!! aiyoh, you so gross, brushing your teeth with your urine ah?? aiyoh, no need lah, there are tap water Arumugam, it's KL not your hometown already ok?? lazy people and rich people of course send all clothes to the laundry shop lor.. Thambee poor people mah, so everything gotta do by his own hands..

    @ bluecloud:
    其實我也是有把袖子捲起來的, 但是我還是會把整件衣服給燙完的.. 就是覺得燙一點不燙一點那樣, 感覺不自在囉, 哈哈!!

  49. @ HappySurfer:
    haha, yeah, you are right!! it sounds like something nice but then really doesn't make any sense to me.. for me, if i do the ironing i will make sure all parts are straight and smooth and nice.. hmmm, you send all your clothes to laundry for ironing?? haha, next time pay me RM5 per piece and i'll do for you, haha!! :D

    @ Wai Kitt:
    haha, i iron my own uniforms everyday when i was in school, and then after that i am still doing my own ironing for my working shirts.. nobody doing that for me leh.. haha!! you are a good wife if you hire a maid to iron for your husband lah~~ :D

  50. @ summer:
    小學的校服我是沒有燙的, 後來上了高中, 愛美嘛, 媽媽沒有幫我燙我就自己來囉.. 就這樣一直到現在都是自己燙自己的衣服的.. 對啦, 那些tips聽起來很管用, 不過燙一點不燙一點的, 我還是覺得有點不妥當囉..

    @ mNhL:
    haha, really there are these kind of people one ah?? that's very funny leh, i really salute those who can make that happen, haha!! well, i hope the daughter will not learn from her mom~~ :D

  51. @ Merryn:
    actually it's really for lazy people, but then rephrasing those into energy saving tips, they actually make sense also right?? haha..

    @ 古小玉:
    哈哈, 襪子你都要燙?? 那不是叫懶惰囉, 是叫多餘, 呵呵!! :D

  52. @ iamthewitch:
    aiyoh, if saucer ask you who taught you those tricks, you better don't say it's me ok?? hahahaha, please lah, the half-ironed shirt will look very ugly leh..

    @ edward:
    唔係叫你唔燙衫, 而係別人睇唔到嘅地方你唔駛燙啫.. 人哋睇得到嘅地方你照樣燙到直一直, 其實都work架, 又慳電又慳時又慳精力, 你話係唔係?? :D

  53. @ suituapui:
    hahaha, saving little bit at a time, and in a long term that will be a significant amount ok?? so start saving your electricity now, muahahahaha~~ :D

    @ 发白日梦^^:
    嘩, 我不可以囉, 要我穿件鹹菜出去肯定沒有這個可能.. 人靠衣裝嘛, 穿一件筆直的襯衫其實是對自己的一種要求, 對別人的一種禮貌哦.. 你還是要勤力一點燙衣服喇.. :)

  54. @ Bananazஇ:
    hahaha, you really don't iron the shirt completely?? so lazy lah you.. for me, i just cannot take it, half-iron shirt is just so ugly to me, i will make sure every little part of it will be ironed nicely lor.. oh, very true!! i always sweat so profusely whenever i do my ironing, because i'll iron one whole weeks supply of clothes.. so the best time is to do it in the morning while the weather is still not hot.. errr, i don't use hankerchief anymore, so no need to iron.. but likewise, i'll switch off the iron and use the remaining heat the iron the remaining half of the last shirt..

    @ Mei Teng:
    well for guys there's no choice, i just need to iron my shirt for work.. and i do it every weekend, once for all shirts i need for the week.. hate to do that, but no choice.. :(

  55. @ Willian:
    yeah, definitely will want to see my shirt neat and smooth.. :)

    @ Medie007:
    not really illogical, but those tips really make sense don't you think so?? but then still, i'll iron the shirt completely lah..

  56. 我习惯咗別人睇到同唔到嘅地方都燙到直直。。。呢啲迷叫原则囉!哈哈哈~~~~

  57. 我最近买了烘干机,为了避免衣服常被偷。

  58. I absolutely hate ironing!!!

  59. It's the worst household chore! I prefer mopping the floor, cleaning the dishes, wiping the windows. Anything is better than ironing!!

  60. So you must be a pro at ironing eh? Can you iron my shirts for me? : D

  61. Haha! Those tips cannot save much electricity but sure save a lot of work!! Two thumbs up!!

  62. SO you are a perfectionist? Haha! Me too but not when it comes to ironing!

  63. Actually I iron the whole shirt, but I will not bother too much if the part that don't show like the bottom half of the shirt and also the sleeves are not properly ironed. Cos I tuck in my shirt and roll up my sleeves, so I really don't see why I should spend time ironing those parts!! Haha

  64. But the best is wear shirts that do not require ironing! That's be bliss! : D

  65. hahaha!! this is very funny!! i can't imagine someone really figure out all those ideas huh?? :D

  66. but then come to think about it, it won't save you a lot of electricity only.. i think this is just some lazy people only lah.. LOL!!

  67. i also iron my shirts myself, but i think i won't do that lah, will sure iron the whole shirt completely.. :)

  68. The best way: Find a wife to iron for u.

  69. I find that if clothes ironed once, it get wrinkled easily. If it was never ironed, make sure it is straightened and hung nicely when it is wet and dried. It won't have that much wrinkle

  70. dont be that lazy!!! lol

  71. well ironing was i guess the most energy consumable among all appliances i guess

  72. saving energy does not mean compromising your self too much but
    using energy wisely
    it wasn't necessary not to iron some parts of your shirt or what

  73. @ edward:
    係啊, 我都係要成件衫燙到直一直我先覺得舒服架, 求其燙啲唔燙啲成何體統呢你話??

    @ Chris Chia:
    但是烘了之後也可能還是皺皺的, 也是需要燙啊?? 哈哈, 你的家有人偷衣服?? 不如乾脆涼在屋裡面, 用Tops就不會有臭味了.. 烘衣機很吃電哦..

  74. @ foongpc:
    hahaha, i also don't like ironing, but then no choice, there's nobody doing that for me and i need to wear shirt to work everyday.. yalah, i actually don't mind "spending" more time and electricity to get the shirt completely ironed lor, left some parts not ironed is just unacceptable for me, haha!! haha, so you are also a perfectionist?? hmmm, maybe~~ but then you are thinking of trying those methods?? :D

    @ victor:
    haha, i think it's really some tricks from those lazy people lor, just that they make the methods sounded so energy saving only, haha!! yeah, though those tricks sound nice, but still i will completely iron my shirts lah.. :)

  75. @ Kelvin:
    well, not necessarily wife.. to me, anyone who will iron for me for free will do.. hahaha!! :D

    @ Ghosty Nana:
    errr, ironed once and gets wrinkled easily?? hmmm, so you normally iron three times?? well, i think after you've iron, you need to hang the shirt properly.. but of course when you dry your clothes properly that will make a difference..

  76. @ fufu:
    well, i never get lazy when it comes to ironing.. i always get the thing done completely.. :D

    @ poorprince:
    errr yeah, besides oven heater etc i think the next one that consumes electricity will be iron.. but still i need to iron my shirts every week, else i have nothing to wear to work, haha!!

  77. 如果烘了马上吊起就不会皱皱,虽然很吃电不过方便很多。而且家没有这么多位子凉衣。

  78. i press clothes when it requires to but the spin dryer here gets the job done with some clothes already

  79. I feel that you are perfectionist guy.
    Good to be like this, if you are happy.

  80. @ Chris Chia:
    以前在外國的laundry洗衣服都會用烘衣機的, 很喜歡那種拿出來暖暖的感覺.. 以前學生當然就沒有燙衣服的啦, 不過現在就不同了, 衣服皺皺這樣, 穿上感覺不舒服哦.. :)

    @ Ayie:
    yeah, but i guess you can't stuffed a lot of clothes to be dried together, or else they will get wrinkled also.. anyway, ironing has been part of my life now, haha~~ :D

    @ CH Voon:
    errr, still ok lah, but i think it's weird you do things a little and left a little not done right?? :D
