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15.10.2010 | 鷸蚌相爭

自從麥當當推出超值午餐大受歡迎之後, 其他快餐連鎖店都不甘人後陸陸續續加入呢個行列, 甚至推出更加平嘅全日超值套餐.. 身為消費者嘅我哋就當然係鼓掌叫好, 坐享漁人之利啦..

呢種薄利多銷嘅手法, 經濟效益上嚟講, 一旦深入民心, 就冇得返轉頭架喇, 除非佢哋想生意即刻跌幾成囉.. 所以我覺得呢種促銷應該係無限期嘅, 大家可以儘管放心食, 除非佢哋聯手還擊啦, 哈哈~~
after McD became the pioneer in value lunch and gained overwhelming response, other fast food chains slowly join in the trend to offer value meals, even cheaper and all-day-long.. of course we being consumers will strongly welcome the competition, as we are apparently the ones who get the advantage..

i actually think this strategy to boost sales with cheaper price is a no-way-back, unless they are fine with immediate drop of sales.. hence, for econimical benefits, these would most probably be indefinite promotions and we can happily enjoy the cheaper price, unless they ally and fight us back, haha~~


  1. With keen & healthy competition the public at large has an advantage. How low can you go? Lower the better haha..

  2. 尼啲嘢食多冇益波。。。

  3. 斗嚟斗去都係为咗掠大家嘅钱,不过,好处係益咗消費者个肚囉。。。咁你仲唔行动?千祈咪执输吖!!!哈哈哈~~~

  4. Subway系得Sub of the Day有減價。

  5. 快餐減價,唐人啲kopitiam就有起冇落。。。

  6. 好耐都冇食快餐囖,亦唔會為咗呢啲優惠而破戒。

  7. 我最喜欢的快餐顺序:
    subway>kfc>burger king>Mcdonalds


  8. 快餐对我而言,just no good lah... actually most of the times, i find fast foods are expensive too.

    Now may be fast foods operators know that comsumers are so savvy and health conscious, that's why they will come up with a lot of sales gimmicks and so called health tips.

    simple foods are more healthy

    hey,have a great weekend and god bless ya

  9. Hey,forgot to tell you this,i have always wanted to leave comments in mandarin in your blog, but my han yi ping yin, very slow, frustrating,,,lah,,,,sorry

  10. 你可別吃太多, 無益的, 又容易胖!

  11. i tried subway once.. not really that nice . :)

  12. should follow, else they will loose their customers.

  13. I haven't eaten those for so long... I really want to eat... But they're not good... Make me fat... But so tasty.......

  14. 连续两篇都是快餐哦?

    午餐都吃快餐咩? :P

  15. which one to choose? If they fight back then...just refrain from makan there lor. Can have home made burgers

  16. Fastfood is not really cheap plus they're not really that healthful either except for Subway sandwiches. I understand that the franchise in Malaysia was first brought in by a group of Doctors. Theirs is supposed to be a better alternative to traditional greasy and fatty fast food. In many countries, their sandwiches are low in fat and under 350 calories. There you have it - definitely a better choice of fastfood. It's cheaper too if you pick from the sandwich of the day menu.

  17. Psst.. good to see some ads in here. With your volume of traffic, you'd be earning your first RM50 in no time and be able to cash out your first Nuffnang cheque! Best wishes, SK..

  18. SK Thamby ~ your post amused Arumugam deh! Nay, you should be working in advertising line too, so pandai deh...

  19. Arumugam loves chapati, tosai and roti kosong with kambing and ayam curri deh... Burger oso veli good. Me love Burger King and Subway...deh

  20. Thambee you worked so long and earned so much but never sent ruppees back to Chennai la. That gila Kamala is screaming now. So you better treat Arumugam eat Subway fast okei?

  21. I like Ham, Cheese and lots bacon piled up in my Subway, nice!

  22. I think the velloo-meals competition is healthy and good deh. They bring down the price and increase the value to attract Thamby SK.. No?

  23. Now talk between economy nasi and velloo-meal burgers, Arumugam prefer nasi kandar best! If want, I can treat SK Thambee eat Kayu Nasi Kandar.

  24. Wah! Don't tell us you eat all four types fast foods for the past few days oh!I haven't try subway before.

  25. Not a fan of such foods...and have you read this?

  26. 我们的确是渔人得利的……哈哈……

  27. 雖然很多優惠,可是最近也戒掉了快餐

  28. 居住和工作都在鄉下的我,是以錢的數額來衡量東西是否便宜的。午餐不超過4塊錢,最多5塊;這些快餐再便宜也做不到我生意,哈。

  29. Oh yea we are the consumers! I'm really glad for these value set meals, not that I eat them often. But it's good to know there's always something to fall back on when you are in an expensive shopping mall with expensive restaurants.

  30. 我还是比较喜欢mcd 的,哈哈

  31. 渔翁得利。。。


  32. i love them! i mean once in a blue moon! LOL!

  33. Cz i dnt really like them! haha! i mean those fast foods. :p

  34. only eat them when am with my younger siblings cz dey love them very much, n thnk god its cheap! if not, am gonna broke. hahaha

  35. It's a dog eat dog world when it comes to business.

  36. lol im a huge fan of fast food chain

    i usually eat there rather than eating on some restaurant

  37. the food safety assurance
    the speed and quality of service
    was just fine and convenient

    and meals are cheaper too

  38. here in the Philippines i was dinning at jolibee(a Filipino fast food chain) rather than mcD

  39. But then...sometimes the others are just not up to the mark compared to McD.

  40. But I still love KFC very much. :D

  41. I don't eat fast food very often so I don't really benefit from all these competition!!

  42. It's good for those who like fast food, and they will probably eat one day at McD, next day at BK, then the next at KFC and then the fourth day at Subway.

  43. Really save a lot of money eating like that for a whole month. But I don't know what will happen to their health as a result!

  44. Maybe they end up with all sort of illnesses that require expensive medications and treatments so final outcome, they lose more $$$!!!

  45. Agree, let them fight, we gain!

  46. Benghui jus cant resist eating at fast food restaurants.. with the 1% increase in service tax i will use it as an excuse not to bring him there anymore :)

  47. 虽然我们得利,还是少吃为宜...

  48. 鹬蚌相争 ,肯定减肥公司得利。

  49. Why Singapore dun have? T T

  50. my kids just love fast food..

  51. very seldom that we would go for any fastfood even if we're practically walking distance from almost all of those you featured here

  52. the $5 footlong in subway is one of the most practical here unless I get coupons for BK I get to buy 1 get 1 of their burgers

  53. @ Bananazஇ:
    yeah, i don't care what type of competition that is, as long as the price is low, then i'd be happy, you agree with me?? haha!! :D

    @ khengsiong:
    咁其實我又唔係經常食快餐嘅, 不過有時係覺得食麥當勞抵過食kopitiam囉.. 最近Subway有買一送一促銷喎, 嗰日朝早返工地鐵站大派固本喎~~

  54. @ edward:
    咁又係, 如果係蝕本都唔會咁做啦, 肯定係薄利多銷之後, 業績唪唪聲咁上啦.. 哈哈, 行動?? 一早就行動啦, 個麥當勞超值午餐好似好耐喇喎, 你唔係唔知係嘛??

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    其實有時後係唔知食乜所以會食快餐囉, 尤其而家啲嘢都好貴, 食份麥當勞午餐, 真係平過你去kopitiam囉~~

  55. @ imyuyu:
    我也蠻喜歡subway的, 不過這裡的subway有點小貴, 常吃負擔不到囉.. 其實你有沒有覺得, 好像馬來西亞的KFC是最好吃的?? 我到過很多國家都有吃那邊的KFC, 但是就好像缺少了些甚麼的..

    @ eugene:
    yeah, given that the price of the normal kopitiams keep increasing, sometimes i think fast food would be cheaper, especially the McD Value Lunch at only RM6.25 (with tax).. anyway, of course not frequently fast food lah, it's just another alternatives when we can't find something else to eat.. but i think this kind of price war is good for the consumers, at least we have choices, right?? hehehe, no need to comment in mandarin if you find it difficult lah, i can read English~~ :p

  56. @ 单身汉:
    沒有常吃喇, 我也知道快餐又肥又多遊又多鹽的.. 只是有時後沒有idea要吃甚麼就會吃這個最後選擇囉.. :)

    @ reanaclaire:
    errr, not nice meh?? i quite like subway woh, everything is just so fresh in the sandwich leh..

  57. @ mNhL:
    yeah, i think many just gotta follow to slash their price, or else they're just going to loose their customers.. :)

    @ Legolas:
    hmmm, once in a while is ok lah.. i always think you shouldn't control yourself that freaking strict lah, give yourself a break once in a while, so that you don't get too "sensitive" on this kind of food.. :p

  58. @ Jeremy O.:
    哈哈, 是剛巧喇, 不代表我每天的午餐都是吃快餐啊.. 其實一個是說玩具, 一個是說價錢, 不同喇~~ :p

    @ smallkucing:
    hmmm, normally i'd go McD because it's the cheapest mah, next would be KFC and then Subway lor.. hmmm, true, if they really fight back, then good lah, we just don't eat fast food lor, better.. healthier right?? haha.. :D

  59. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, of course we know deep in heart that fast food are just not healthy.. high fat high carbo high salt high calories high preservatives!! but can't deny they are very yummy at times right?? hahaha.. yeah, i find Subway sandwiches nice and fresh and healthy, but a bit on the expensive side over here that i can't really afford to eat often.. anyway, i guess everything just increase in price quite drastically over the years right?? haha, thanks for the encouragement but i still do not know when will i be able to make some money from Nuffnang?? cos i think my account is still worth RM0.00 now!! :D

    @ Twilight:
    haha, Arumugam you don't look down at Thambee woh, though Thambee might be from the slum in Thiracirupalli but he is smart Thambee ok?? hmmm, Arumugam must be missing the masala chicken sandwich in motherland right?? so when are you going back to see Kamala again?? so back there, you can invite Kamala to Subway, order your Masala Chicken sandwich, and add on lots of cheese and ham, and bring your own chapatti to wrap the entire sandwich again!! muahahahaha!!! hey, how come Arumugam love nasi kandar so much?? i would thot you like nasi pilau back in motherland the most?? haiz, you forgotten your root already lah?? how sad~~ :(

  60. @ Wai Kitt:
    no lah, i'm not really a fast food fans lah.. just sometimes when can't think of anything to eat, then will go for the fast food lor.. oh?? you have not tried Subway before?? you should try, the sandwiches are made fresh in front of you, very nice.. :)

    @ suituapui:
    oh, i've not read that but i guess this is something that we've always been seeing in FB and YouTube?? eih, no lah, i don't eat McD often lah, just sometimes when can't think of anything to eat only.. :)

  61. @ -KeO-:
    哈哈, 其實也不真的是渔人得利喇, 我們其實也有給錢他們賺哦, 而且這種促銷, 或許讓他們賺得更多呢..

    @ venus:
    對對對, 其實這些快餐真的很不健康哦, 高脂高鹽高卡高碳水化合物.. 要減肥的話, 肯定不可以碰哦..

  62. @ justin.net:
    唉, 是這樣講啦, 午餐儘量吃RM5之內, 不過現在真的樣樣東西都漲價, 平時kopitiam吃一個午餐, 都要整RM6-RM7了.. 所以有時想, 反正快餐都差不多, 多一種選擇吧..

    @ iamthewitch:
    oh yeah, i totally agree with you.. it's good to see the price war, and though we don't really eat them often but they really comes as some good alternatives for the consumers.. hmmm, you don't go to expensive restaurants meh?? i thot you always do that?? haha~~ :p

  63. @ Chi Leong:
    哈哈, 我覺得年輕人通常都會比較喜歡McD的, 可能就是他們marketing得成功吧?? :)

    @ Wois:
    呵呵, 所以我也要自制一下囉, 不可以常吃那些不健康的快餐呀~~ :p

  64. @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    haha, of course we would like them for once in a blue moon.. i also cannot accept eating fast food for each and every meal.. oh gosh, for sure will have high cholesterol for that!! haha, i only will eat McD during lunch times cos it's cheaper, outside the 12-3pm timeframe, i'll never hop it~~ :p

    @ Mei Teng:
    hahahaha, wow, i love how you descrube the business world!! so true and so straight to the point, haha~~ :D

  65. @ poorprince:
    haha, i think the youngsters will love the fast food a lot, cos the food are really their cup of tea, and most importantly the cheaper price and the environment they provide.. but mind you, don't eat them too often as they are really not that healthy.. oh, i heard about jolibee, we don't have it here in Malaysia but i once tried that in Hong Kong, the fried chicken is kind of nice.. :)

    @ Tekkaus:
    oh yeah, i think McD is the most successful amongst the fast food industry in Malaysia.. they have gained the majority sales of the market i supposed.. their McValue Lunch is a great success i'd say.. :)

  66. @ foongpc:
    haha, even though they are offering things at cheaper price, i still think we cannot frequent them too much, afterall the food isn't really healthy at all.. i'd say once in a while, a visit to the fast food restaurant is nice, no doubt the food they serve are actually quite yummy also, hahaha!! but fast food isn't that cheap also lah, for example McD, i'd only go in during the lunch time when they have promo and not any other timeframes, haha~~ :D

    @ Pete:
    haha, yeah, let them fight more dramatically and let the price drop even more drastically!! haha, but quite impossible right?? :p

  67. @ Bengbeng:
    yeah, i think kids would love to eat fast food very much, i really wonder why?? there must be something in the food that attracts them.. oh?? there's a 1% increase in the tax?? when is it going to happen?? i've not read news about that actually..

    @ bluecloud:
    對啦, 雖然是比較便宜, 但是還是身體比較重要, 這些食物本來就不是很健康的.. :)

  68. @ 古小玉:
    哈哈, 所以說現在的減肥中心開得如雨後春筍般.. 但是他們之間也是要鹬蚌相争哦~~ :p

    @ Kelvin:
    haiyoh, fast food is already very cheap in SG lah (i mean dollar to dollar comparison), still want to have cheaper promo meh??

  69. @ wenn:
    yeah, i really think the favourite food for kids are really fast food only, and particularly McD?? hmmm, see how successful they are?? :)

    @ Ayie:
    you're true, it's just not acceptable that you have fast food for each of your meal right?? that would be just too high fat, high salt, high calories for me, haha!! subway would be more healthy due to the fresh vege they have, but it's not cheap here in KL for us to afford having it often.. oh, buy 1 get 1 for free?? hmmm, rarely have this kind of offer in KL..

  70. 哈哈~~~麦记个超值套餐我梗知啦,不过我忌肥,所以做唔到我嘅生意。。。讲到呢啲著数嘢,我肯定比你执输九条街啦!哈哈哈~~~

  71. definitely good for me. i always eat the kfc jom jimat .. hahahaha. um3. miss mc donald too but in this cowboy town no mcdonald. *sob*

  72. 若那些快餐没有那样的优惠,
    我喜欢 Subway 和 KFC 的 Set D! ^^

  73. yeah, i agree with you that we are the ones who are benefited from the price war.. :)

  74. but then still, even if they are cheaper, we cannot eat too much fast food afterall they are not that healthy.. :)

  75. hehe, but sometimes i will crave for fast food though, especially during lunch time when i can't think of anything else to eat, LOL

  76. @ edward:
    梗係啦, 我賺錢又唔夠你多, 所以梗係咩都要好似個師奶仔咁計到足啦.. 你有錢人係唔會食快餐, 淨係食高級餐廳架啦.. 呵呵!! :p

    @ goldflower86:
    yeah, actually the KFC jom jimat is not bad at all, i always order Set A one, actually is quite enough for me when sometimes don't want to eat so heavily.. huh?? your place don't have McD one ah?? hmmm, i cannot imagine woh~~ :p

  77. @ Ashley:
    對啦, 其實便宜也不會便宜到哪裡去喇.. 但是你有沒有覺得, 有時去吃一碗麵都要整RM10, 我真的請願買McD的RM5.95午餐來吃囉.. 呵呵!! 你說的是KFC的Jom Jimat?? 我每次都會點Set A的, 哈哈!!

    @ victor:
    yalah, of course we cannot eat fast food too often, because of the high calories high fat high salt food.. just eat sparingly lor.. but sometimes i will indeed crave for some fast food, hahaha, no choice just gotta get the promo they have, hehe.. don't you think sometimes just grab a set of McD lunch at RM5.95 is a wise choice when you're busy?? :p
