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18.11.2010 | 溝通方式

科技發達, 而家你要同人溝通實在係簡單又方便.. 但係又因為有太多渠道嘅關係, 搞到有啲人往往貪方便用錯車鈕(channel), 而唔係最基本最直接了當嘅方式.. 其實點樣有效溝通, 都係一門學問也~~

  • [案例一: SMS] 明明一機在手, 請願你來我往發送幾廿個短訊, 攘咗大半日先搞清楚大家嘅意思.. 都唔明點解唔直接打個電話當場講清楚呢??
  • [案例二: MSN] 個同事明明就坐係隔離, 伸個頭埋去就可以講到嘢啦.. 都唔明點解係都要用MSN又或者電郵呢?? 跟住就叮來叮去, 沒完沒了, 幾惱囉~~
  • [案例三: FB] 有心約朋友出嚟見面就撥個輪或者發個短訊啦.. 都唔明點解係都要通過面卜event等人回應呢?? 唔係個個人都登入都會睇到架喎..

the advanced techology nowadays allow us to communicate with others in simple and easy ways.. perhaps there are too many channels available, till some people seem unable to use the most efficient path to communicate.. really, effective communication is one kind of skills to learn~~
  • [case 1: SMS] the cellphone is on their hands, instead of calling directly to talk and resolve issues on the spot, i can't understand why some just like to send rounds of SMS and only able to sort things out after half a day has passed..
  • [case 2: MSN] the colleague is just sitting in the next cubicle and instead of poking your head over and talk, i can't undestand why some just like to use MSN or send emails and then enjoy the frustration of repititive ding-dong's..
  • [case 3: FB] having the thought of inviting friends out for a drink, give a call or SMS would be the best channel i supposed.. i can't understand why some just like to use FB event and wait for response?? but not everyone will login often and will notice that invitation right??


  1. 打電話驚你開緊會,所以咪SMS囉。。。

  2. 同隔離既同事講話又驚第三者聽到,所以咪用MSN囉。。。

  3. 約朋友出黎用電話或SMS太過2008啦,要用FB Event先追得上時代架!

  4. i think khengsiong above answered all your questions. LOL. but for facebook, sometimes people will ask "who else going?", so the best is to use the facebook event to invite and let them see for themselves who are going. :)

  5. 1) I prefer to call instead of SMS. I;m impatient and wanted to have the answer on the spot. hehe

    2) Ha ha...i prefer MSN. Sometimes, typing is quite fun.

    3) If using the FB event, all can see each other response ma. But have to wait la...and ya lor...i'm a sleeping user of FB. Seldom log in. hehe

  6. i prefer call than sms! i only prefer sms if it is jz a short reminder. :)

  7. wats d point of typing long long sms right if u can jz call? :p

  8. for case 2, i prefer jz use msn la~ hehe cz i sit at the corner n the last row. u noe they always put acc department at d last row? :/ very hard for me to talk to them.

  9. haha fb now can use mobile dy ma! dats y when dey invite in fb too, ppl can rcv it thru sms. :) but still i will much prefer to call! :D

  10. case (a) coz sometimes, worry the other fella is busy lo. Sms so that he/she can reply when she/she is free.

    Case (b) so that the boss wont see the two chatting. Nanti kena potong gaji :p

    case (c) haiyo ..some ppl logon FB 24/7. Hp also never answer leh

  11. very da correct!!!! I'm guilty with the sms part.. but the msn n FB part... NOT GUILTY :P Heheheheh..

  12. It depends on how urgent the case is... usually I prefer text messaging to call if it's not important, as I know some people don't like to be disturbed. But if it's something short and urgent, a call is a definite must!

  13. 我觉得 SMS 较省钱,除非是急事。
    MSN 就不用付那么多责任,不用看对方脸色。
    FB 邀请就可以给对方较大的空间做选择,

  14. nowaday all to depend on IT already...
    wat a sad thing...lol

  15. SK Thambee, congrats for winning FoongPC's prize!

  16. Your Arumugam also won a prize for guessing the right hotel nia. Just like kena Magnum 4D for spot on guess!

  17. Thambee can celebrate with me yeah. We both should sing and dance around the trees okei!!! Kamala and letchumi so happy for us! They will garland you with flowers and smear pink cow dung on your forehead! LOL kekekekeke

  18. U know what? When I drive bullock cart, letchumi even send sms to me when she just sat next to me!!!!

  19. My friend divorced her husband by sending sms to him that she sooooooooo fed up with his womanizing and wanna divorce.

  20. My ex-colleague sent sms to my boss and said he resigned 24 hours! My boss replied his sms - I have asked our lawyer to sue you for breach contract.

  21. My friend sent FB message to invite friends to her wedding on January 1st. Only confirmed attendees will receive invitation cards. So stupid and impolite.

  22. sms is sweeter.. some ppl even prefer miss call. miss....

  23. cannot let boss see that they are gossiping. hehehhe

  24. That Fb invitation is just for fun geh.

  25. 人与人之间相处的方式受到科技的考验??呵呵...

  26. I also agreed with smallkucing.I prefer to sms rather than calling the person straight away if not urgent. However FB not suitable for me as i usually not sign in frequently.

  27. 用SMS同MSN溝通,其實喺唔想同對方講話,甚至見面都可免則免。

  28. Canggih bah...hi-tech not like old dinosaur like me. Hehehehehe!!!!

  29. I totally agreed with case 1, its not like that the company doesn't allow us to talk lol~

  30. SMS-ing can be quite a hassle when you have loads to share. Better to talk it over the phone than sms-ing back and forth.

  31. 有时候没听到电话响,就没看到sms,

  32. i agree... the land line industry loses now the lime light.... the advantage of SMS; portable, inexpensive and no static signals

  33. not really into chatting but most of my friends are addicted to it...
    oh FB of course... even business nowadays uses FB not just for communication but also for advertising purposes

  34. Send sms to resolve issue.....thumb also can become bengkak lorrr! ha ha ha

  35. 哈哈哈~~~依你话斋,怕且第日我地有乜事都要同你兜口兜面讲清楚囉!係唔係先?嘻嘻嘻~~~~

  36. What about a husband sending sms to wife who is sleeping next to him asking "how about tonight?" kakaka..

  37. When wife not in the mood sms back "wrong number"...

  38. Actually this scenario is true in one advertisement that I seen when husband and wife kept sending smses to each other in the living room where their children were watching TV together. So after a few smses both went upstairs..

  39. 哈哈.. 大佬, 呢几件事我同你一样, 都系好有同感..

  40. digital world make us has less human connections...

  41. I guess it depends on the kind of relationship btwn the sender and recipient ~ whether they are a couple, lovers, friends, acquaintances, mere colleagues or almost strangers (dejavu :) ). A message in writing gives the recipient more discretion and time before replying. With biz/work related communications, it prevents future disputes down the road. Whereas in a social setting, it affords the message sender to make an exit without losing too much face; esp. when invitations or attempts at breaking-the-ice are not reciprocated in kind.

  42. Have a nice weekend SK :D

  43. right, i still prefer to either call or sms.

  44. yes you are right!! sometimes i hate SMS flying in after SMS, if things are really urgent, then please make a call..

  45. haha, but then if inside the office.. i think MSN is necessary right?? so that your boss will think that you are busy, and your conversation with colleagues is not known by your boss!! LOL

  46. haha, yes, i think the best way to invite is to call up or maybe just SMS or send an email.. many still not used to FB event yet, and not all people will login to FB too..

  47. @ khengsiong:
    #1: 開會還開會, 如果你開緊會都仲咁有閑情同我玩SMS, 我肯定會即刻打電話畀你囉, 費事我手指痛啊..
    #2: MSN, 當然係傾密偈嘅時候最好途徑啦..
    #3: 好, 以後我如果要約會你, 就搞個facebook event算啦~~

    @ Gabriel:
    hahaha, i guess i'm still outdated maybe.. don't think FB is a good channel to send out invitations though.. because not all friends will have a FB account, and if so not everyone will be logging in often.. even if logged in, might not be able to notice that event too..

  48. @ mNhL:
    #1: depends on what situation lah, if one or two SMS can settle then of course i'd prefer SMS.. but after a few SMS and if there's no conclusion, i'd make the call instead..
    #2: hehe, yeah.. of course MSN is very useful when you are talking secret or gossiping~ :p
    #3: yalah, i think those are good only for big events you are planning for like months later.. for immediate meetup, better just call or SMS lor..

    @ Caroline Ng May Ling:
    #1: yalah, if really small matter and can settle by couple of sms then of course use SMS better lor.. or else, i always think make a call and settle things on the spot is the best..
    #2: hehehe, yalah, MSN is very useful especially you want to gossip and talk secret with your colleague and don't want your boss to know~~ :p
    #3: hehehe, pai seh lah, i still using old style mobile phone mah.. so i must go home then only can see my FB mah~~ :D

  49. @ smallkucing:
    #1: yeah right.. actually i always start with SMS first, if really take too long then i'd switch to call directly and confirm everything on the spot lor..
    #2: haha, yes!! chit chatting MSN, the boss will thought you are busy doing something also right?? :D
    #3: haha, who are those people?? FB more important than handphone pulak?? haha, OMG~~

    @ Merryn:
    haha, why you feel so guilty about the SMS part?? you always do that because you have 1000 free SMS every month to spare?? haha.. actually MSN is also a good choice lah, especially in office~~

  50. @ iamthewitch:
    yes true lah, have to depend on what kind of situation also.. for me, i always start off with SMS lor, and if too many SMS flying around i'd be impatient and make the call already as my thumb is getting painful.. haha~~

    @ Ashley:
    #1: 如果是一兩通的SMS當然可以啦, 不過如果飛來飛去幾十個SMS我請願不要浪費時間和金錢, 打個電話直接了當不是更好嗎??
    #2: 其實有時MSN也很容易造成誤會的.. 因為看不到表情聽不到語氣, 往往會錯意哦~~
    #3: FB邀請比較適合那些幾個月後的事情啦.. 如果你說後天約會見面, SMS最好喇我覺得..

  51. @ Kit Yoke:
    yeah, less and less interactive already lor.. everything is going so virtual already..

    @ Twilight:
    eih, like that i think you are more stelly leh.. FC very easy only, but you able to guess the correct hotel out from dunno how many hundred hotels, then really is genius lor.. Arumugam i salute you, give you one chappati to celebrate!! hahaha.. hey, i'm not surprise.. i think nowadays people are getting more virtual and less interactive already.. so SMS to break up and to divorce is really nothing new already leh.. but then SMS to resign, really funny lor, use email lah haiyoh.. work must be more formal and official one mah, SMS is still not acceptable.. eih, and my friend also sent me FB message to ask if i would like to go to his wedding.. and of course, i didn't log in and missed the event lor..

  52. @ Ghosty Nana:
    #1: yalah, of course SMS is sweeter, but if too many SMS flying around, it become irritating already lor..
    #2: haha, true lah.. must use MSN in office so that you can pretend to be busy right?? :D
    #3: errr, not really ah.. i've received a lot of FB invitation to go gatherings woh.. but only for those event plan for few months later lah..

    @ bluecloud:
    其實是囉, 感覺上好像少了那些比較人性化的溝通, 多的是那些文字的虛擬溝通, 哈哈!!

  53. @ Wai Kitt:
    haha, of course only for not urgent cases lah.. if really need things urgently, then better just pick up the phone and settle things on the spot.. yeah, that's why i said: not everyone will login to FB often, and not everyone will notice even if logged in right?? :)

    @ 海市蜃樓:
    哈哈, 你呢個理由, 令到我諗起而家啲人係用SMS或者MSN嚟同人分手囉, 其實幾好用架, 哈哈!! :D

  54. @ suituapui:
    hahaha, so how old dinosaur are you?? still having your little phone booklet, and dial the number on your handphone looking at the number written on that booklet?? hahahahaha~~ :D

    @ Kelvin:
    hey, but some company really have a very strict policy that doesn't allow talking over handphones during office hour.. don't be surprise.. :p

  55. @ Mei Teng:
    haha, exactly what i meant!! instead of hurting your thumbs, why not just press one button and make the call and then get things done in 2 minutes?? :p

    @ 单身汉:
    所以說, 如果是重要事的話, 直接打個電話過去就好了嘛.. SMS可能人家沒有收到, 收到也未必立刻看到呀..

  56. @ bluedreamer27:
    yeah, SMS really is a very nice convenience.. haha, i am ok with online chatting, but provided that the party is also a nice person to chat with.. oh, FB is of course one of the most successful creation, it really is something that connects many of us together.. :)

    @ Pete:
    haha yalor.. rather to hurt my thumb i guess i would prefer to just press a button to call and get things sorted out on the spot lor.. :D

  57. @ edward:
    咁又唔駛, 如果唔係重要事我都樂意奉陪.. 但係如果事情重要, 就唔好嘥時間SMS來SMS去啦, 你話係唔係喇??

    @ Bananazஇ:
    hahahaha, in that case that would more be some kind of flirting and seducing lor, hahaha!!! i like that, but that can only be done with your closest when you want to do something notty lor, in mandarin we call that 情趣 (qing2 qu:4) hehehehehe~~ :p

  58. @ Chris:
    係囉, 有咩事咪嗱嗱聲三口六面講清楚囉, 唔好嘥我時間~~

    @ L²:
    yes, exactly!!! there is connection but then more virtual than with interaction.. sad eih??

  59. @ IcyFire99:
    yeah, very much agree with your points.. it has to depend on the urgency, the case, and also the party.. of course when it comes to business, formal emails will be the best communication channel.. for casual getting in touch with friends, of course an SMS is sometimes sweet.. but one thing that will make me irritate if rounds and rounds of SMS flying around, as my thumb get painful already, hahaha~~ :D

    @ Merryn:
    you have a great and enjoyable weekend too.. :)

  60. @ wenn:
    yeah, of course call or SMS is a lot nicer than a FB invitation right?? haha~~ :D

    @ victor:
    #1: yeah, exactly!! i guess SMS is only for not urgent cases.. if urgent cases, better to call directly already..
    #2: haha, very true!! keep on chatting in MSN so that your boss will think that you are very busy doing your work, haha!!
    #3: yeah, say me outdated but i think a call or SMS is so much better than FB event.. :)

  61. I find SMS a little too impersonal and tedious if back and forth a few times. Like you said, make the call and close the case. No doubt SMS is a lot cheaper. No?

  62. Case 3: FB, I felt the same. haih.. wonder if anyone care to ask about other's personal email address and contact no.....

  63. 哈哈~ SMS最直接吧~虽然要花几分钱啦~

  64. I do skype my colleagu who is just sitting next to me, but it's mainly because we are talking about something that should not be disclosed publicly, or we are in the middle of a mass conversation with other colleagues. =p

    But gotta admit such communication tools are a time waster, I wanna concentrate on my task at hand and leave for home on the dot!

  65. @ HappySurfer:
    yeah, it would be a hassle rather to have the SMS sent back and froth, and accummulating all the SMS and i guess they would cost more than a phone call, not mentioning about the time wasted..

    @ Casendra:
    yeah, i think to be more sincere, a personal invitation would be nicer.. those FB invitation would most probably be more suitable for big gathering events.. :p

  66. @ Malaysia E-Commerce Blog :
    也是要看什麼情況喇, 有時SMS最恰當, 有時直接大電話最適合, 所以就是要看你的溝通修養有多高囉, 呵呵~~ :p

    @ Shingo T:
    haha, we always use MSN in office and that's quite convenient especially with colleagues in other countries.. and of course MSN is not that efficient if you need to make decisions.. so still, need to depend on situation on which communication mode to use.. yeah, i agree, sometimes instant messaging can be very distracting that you cannot concentrate on work.. :)

  67. 很少用sms,懒惰type.

  68. Haha!! I am that kind of person who prefer to sms rather than call!! Unless I have a lot of things to discuss then of course calling is more feasible.

  69. I used to sms a lot last time and racked up a huge bill but nowadays with a lot of people owning smartphones and going on Twitter, I normally message my friends via Twitter. Or I use the numerous apps on iPhone to communicate with my friends. It's all free so no need to pay for sms. Haha!

  70. hehehe i text more than make calls

  71. well i prefer to use sms messaging rather than calling i dont know why but i was just feeling uncomfortable talking on phones

  72. social networks emails sms really helps connecting people
    barvo for the creators and inventors who did this things and
    thanks god for this

  73. Maybe, those people feel very bored?
    Or maybe, they are plenty of time.
    Or maybe, it is not so urgent.

  74. @ imyuyu:
    對啦, 一個半個SMS我還可以接受喇, 如果十幾個SMS還要談不妥的, 我手指會很生氣囉, 乾脆講電話把事情弄妥當啦, 省時間嘛..

    @ foongpc:
    yeah, unless you really like SMS but then to me, too many SMS gets too irritated and i rather to just talk over the phone to get things settled on the spot.. don't you find your finger numb already after too much of SMS?? hahaha.. but then Twitter, still not all will logon all the time, there's still a lag of time sometimes.. so if things are urgent, go for phone call is the best.. for casual chatting, of course can do SMS or instant messaging lor.. :)

  75. @ Ayie:
    haha, accummulatively maybe, but if you want me to send lots of text to the same person at one time, i'd rather make the call.. :p

    @ poorprince:
    it really depends on the occasion, sometimes i prefer just SMS and sometimes i'd prefer to give a direct phone call.. yeah, i really think the internet and all the social networking are really one of the greatest inventions of mankind, kudos to those who invented them yeah?? :)

    @ CH Voon:
    haha, i think if urgent also won't keep on SMS lor?? most probably just for fun only..
