撇開禮拜六日吃喝玩樂唔講, 發覺自己嘅每一日原來都係好規律咁渡過.. 日常生活分兩大類, 咪就係返工同埋放工囉, 好悶哦呵?? 再諗諗佢, 原來規律到呢, 每日差唔多同樣時間都係做緊同樣嘅嘢, 好dull哦呵??
[08:10] 瞓醒準備起身返工..
[09:15] 返到公司, 食完早餐check完email開始做嘢..
[12:30] 放飯喇!! 通常都喺公司解決, 趁機寫blog..
[18:45] 如無意外一日就咁完畢, 放工喇!! 會去健身院workout..
[21:30] 返到屋企.. 沖涼, 食晚飯(咁晏食飯可能係致肥原因), 睇電視..
[23:00] 上房上一上網, 通常都係上blog回comment, 睇朋友啲blog
[24:00] 上床睡覺會周公..
** 以上時間±10分鐘
realised i live a very routined life, excluding the weekends, i think i would split my life into two major categories - work and afterwork, hahaha, what else?? and come to think about it, life is so boring that i am even doing similar things everyday at the same time, pretty dull huh??
[08:10] wake up and ready for work
[09:15] reached office.. have breakfast, check email and start to work
[12:30] lunch time!! will normally get it done in office, take the time to update my blog
[18:45] if no hiccups, it's calling off for the day.. will go workout in the gym
[21:30] finally home.. shower, dinner and watch a little bit of tv
[23:00] back to room for some internet thingie, more on reading blogs and commenting anyway
[24:00] turning in for sweet dreams and recharging sleep
** ±10min for the clock above
We're in the same species :)
ReplyDeleteFat?! you are hardly one.
ReplyDeletehehehe, really?? glad to know you then..
yeah, i am FAT FAT FAT, no joke..
For weekdays, it's basically the same, the only difference might be after work. Sometimes even weekends starting to become the same already.
ReplyDeletewell, to me all weekdays are the same and all weekends are the same also.. lucky that my weekends are different from weekdays, haha!!
恭喜你是MEMBER啦依家,享有无穷无尽的会员福利,福利呢,包括懒散无斗志生活、无晒危机意识性格、黄昏海滩5日4夜游、tongkat 一支!哈哈哈!
江兄, 依你所說, 咁我又未有資格入會喎.. hmmm, 我諗你一定係該會嘅白金會員喇!!
ReplyDeletehow exciting life u wanna to have? somehow u will feel tired of all the parties too (if u have too many party in a week). so, be happy of what u have now... learn to have a more quality life and u will not feel dull...
ReplyDeleteerrrr, i just claim that my life is dull, but i never say that i'm bored with it wor.. hahaha!! well, maybe you are the one with too many parties to go..
ReplyDeleteauntie, 有啲返晚9朝5嘅, 咪唔一樣囉, 哈哈!!
ReplyDelete810am just wakeup...ao good...i need to wakeup at 6 something le...
ReplyDeleteok lor, but still wish i could sleep more anyway, hahaha!! why you need to wake up so early??
ReplyDeleteLiving too routine may made us losing the passion to life.
ReplyDeleteHowever, sometimes nothing happen is better than the other though the rountine life sound bored and tasteless.
This is another conflict of human.
ReplyDeleteyou are very true.. we always think that the other side is better, only to find out that the original is the best when you have gone to the other side.. conflict that is!!
我沒有發牢騷啊.. 只不過是覺得自己生活作息很規律, 但是我還沒有覺得厭倦啊..