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02.08.2008 | 人山腦海

一年一度嘅電腦促銷展PC Fair又嚟喇.. 雖然我係IT人, 但係我其實唔係個科技產品迷(英文叫做gadget geek), 所以從來都唔為呢個年度促銷展而感到興奮.. 今日係閒來無事, 咁啱去銀行辦完啲事, 身在該處所以就既管去湊吓熱鬧.. 因為聽聞呢個促銷會能夠以比平時平啲嘅價錢執到筍嘢, 而且新產品都會喺呢度率先登場, 不妨去睇睇吖..

促銷展喺城中城會展中心舉行, 數百參展單位包晒所有展覽聽, 確實係大陣仗.. 仲未去到現場, 已經見到三五成群嘅各階層人仕朝著會展方向前進.. 由於人流眾多, 主辦單位預先劃定單向出入路線, 所以一入到會展, 見到洶湧人潮, 我已經萌生退堂, 因為我一向都係個容易屈服於人群嘅人.. 不過已經冇回頭路喇, 唯有一路向前, 用手機拍攝當時墟撼情景同埋部份參展單位.. 經自己評論後SONY個攤位最正, 搭起一個小小樓閣畀有意購買產品嘅顧客, 頗有新意就畀個冠軍佢啦..

其實我只不過係一路向前行, 如果有停落嚟都係影相嘅時候, 就係因為得一個入口一個出口, 所以被迫要穿梭所有展覽聽, 擠迫於洶湧人潮中, 姍姍蓮步超過40分鐘之後, 最後終於喺第九個展覽聽搵到出口.. 嘩, 阿彌陀佛大慈大悲, 終於甩難喇!! the annual PC Fair is back again, though i’m in IT line, however i don’t consider myself as a gadget geek, and hence i have never been excited about the PC Fair at all.. today is a coincidence whereby i was there after some business with the bank in the morning.. since just few steps away from the PC Fair, i thought why not just have a look since i have time to spare.. and heard that one can always get cheaper price and perhaps the latest gadgets from the Fair..

the PC Fair is held in the KLCC Convention Centre, hundreds of exhibitor fully occupied all the exhibition halls, was a real gigantic event.. before reaching the convention center, already saw crowds walking towards the venue.. because of the overwhelming crowds, the authority has drawn one-way-only passage ways in and out from the exhibition halls, and when I entered the venue, i was a bit dizzy to see the blasting exhibition-enthusiasts, always disgracefully possessing the so-called crowd phobia, i really felt like turning back but due to the event planning, there is only ONE SINGLE entrance and ONE SINGLE exit.. no choice, i would have to participate in this big march into the halls.. rather to feel the dread, i took out my mobile phone to start taking photo of the crowd and exhibitor.. i personally think SONY should be given the two thumbs up, for being the best exhibitor stall - the two-storey setup definitely is the most unique and eye-popping of all..

well, i actually just keep walking ahead (the only time i stopped by was just to take photo), and it took me more than 40 minutes to fight through the crowd and finally at the 9th (yes, because of the single in single out thing) i finally found the exit to the outsider world!! thank god, that was just a relief for me..


  1. 我都好像睇啊,但是基于塞车,哎呀,算啦!

  2. I dreaded the PC Fair... Too many people.

  3. The Chinese Book Fair is much better organized compared to this PIKOM.

  4. 在我这里也刚好有个电脑展,有点远,没有车 + 冇帮襯。所以没去。。。好遗憾

  5. Bilingual posts! Coolness!

  6. fookong:
    好似唔係塞車咁簡單, 你塞完車之後仲要繼續塞人囉..

    yeah, i really wonder where do the crowd come from?? dreaded and dreaded still..

    perhaps it's because book readers are more organised that computer geeks?? hahahaha..

    唉呀, 錯過了, 你這份新工應該很適合到那電腦展見識以下吧??

    haha, thanks for visiting dude..

  7. wow, the last time i went to the pc fair was like... 6 years ago??? dont quite remember, and... well, still that crowded... anything good?

  8. hmmm, 6 years ago it was still in PWTC, but now it is in KLCC.. well, i didn't cruise around for any gadgets though, but i supposed there are sure good things because i can see people leaving with bags of goodies.. hehe
