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05.08.2008 | 密碼網絡

科技與網絡嘅進步, 驅使今時今日多種快捷簡易嘅網上查詢於交易.. 由於呢個緣故, 最基本嘅私隱安全就係要你擁有個用戶名稱夾埋個密碼.. 所以去親呢啲網站, 一定要你輸入用戶名稱同密碼, 確定準確登陸後先可以執行任務.. 暫且勿論呢啲用戶名稱+密碼組合有幾安全(呢個最基本嘅方法其實都好vulnerable), 單係要記得晒你所有嘅用戶名稱與密碼, 就已經係一件苦差啦.. 唔好以為可以統一用埋一個用戶名稱同密碼, 因為唔同網站有唔同要求, 有啲要求純數字, 有啲要求純字母, 有啲要求字母加數字(等等等等組合), 所以真好難如願..

所以話, 唔單止係咔多, 呢樣嘢都一樣係咁多, 而且比較上來更加係難搞.. 頭先求其一諗, 就已經可以迅速列出以下15個經常會登陸嘅網站.. 人老喇, 好多時候都會唔記得自己個用戶名稱同埋密碼, 於是數日前, 落手落腳整咗個excel記錄低所有嘅用戶名稱+密碼組合.. 記於忘了前, 如有一日醒唔起, 呢個excel會係天賜嘅恩物喇..due to the ever advancing technology and internet world, we can now do basically anything online over the internet.. and as a result to this, security issues has pushed us to possess username and passwords for access verifications.. not considering whether the username+password combination is strongly secured (i think it's rather vulnerable actually), the effort to remember all the combination you possess is actually sky high.. never expect you can standardize all your username and password across, because different entities have their own unique requirements (numeric, alphabet, alphanumeric etc etc), that is pretty impossible..

so i would say, besides plastic cards, username and password is another towering "assets", and it got even more troublesome.. just a quick flash, and i can easily list down the 15 more frequently logged-on websites above.. admit getting older, and there are times where i could not even remember anyway.. hence, few days ago, i open an excel file and started to record down all the username and password pairs, just in case one day i forget, this would really save my world..


  1. Hmmm. Maybe I should list them down too.

  2. ...and all I have to do now is to break into your house, and steal your computer

  3. 我对你 Maybank, Hongleong Bank 的户头密码比较有兴趣。

    MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, Maxis, Blogger, TGV 等等等的就不要啦。。

  4. legolas:
    yeah, i think there's a need to do so.. it's rather impossible for you to remember them all..

    mh poon:
    well, do you think it is just as easy as breaking into my house and steal away my computer?? hahaha, you are quite naive lor, DOCTOR..

    哦, 我還有一個Citibank喎, 你沒有發現到嗎?? 不過你要也沒用喇, 浪費你的時間罷了, 哈哈..

  5. yiee i like the 'paul smith' banner on the top but the background too ang la uncle ...
    tukar tukar

  6. hehe, very ang meh auntie?? "paul smith" theme maa, so i go bright and bold and colorful lorr.. hehe..

  7. paul smith's bold is not this type of ang la .. it's 'one fine line'

  8. thumb print scanner should help a lot.

  9. csws:
    hehe, whatever laa, i change the banner almost everyday.. u saw it, and now you don't.. hahaha!!

    hmmm, come to think of it.. i still need to key in my ID before the thumprint horr??

  10. Is your excel file is password protected for security concern ?

    Then where you record the password protected ?

    Will you forget the password to access the spreasheet contain all your ID and password if this is not recorded ?

    Will you forget where you record if this is recorded ?

  11. of course this file is password protected!! well well well, no matter how old i'm getting, i think i'm still able to remember at least 1 file and 1 password lorr.. hehehe!!
